HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-03, Page 4t BUSINESSlf^l “i 1 CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (REVISED May 1. W CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each Insertion if not paid within 10 day* of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 5Oo DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices 1 FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 ✓ ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT • i 5 ROOM and 7 ROOM HOUSE for rent, Phone 482^9512. 31b HOUSE FOR RENT in Bruce­ field. Available now... Phone 482- 3368. 31tfb 2 BEDROOM apartment, fur­ nished or unfurnished, 130 King Street. Phone 527-0504. 30tfb LAKEFRONT family cottage for rent, 1 mile north <rf Bay- field Golf Course. Phone 482- 3393. 23tfb 4 ROOM APARTMENT, with 3- piece bath, modern kitchen, storage room, gas heat, unfurn- >hed. Phone 482-9649. . 24ptfb LOWER DUPLEX in Bruce-, field, 3 bedrooms, oil heated, new stove and refrigerator, ad­ ults or with small baby pre- ferred. Phone 262-5047, 30tfb ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment, upstairs, livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, heated, suit- " able for couple. Apply Mc­ Ewan’s Store, 28tfb EXP0 — House trailer on lot near Expo, all conveniences, sleeps 4, 3 day minimum, Sep­ tember and. October, evenings phone 237-3654 or write Gerrnd Martene, Dashwood. 31,3,4b SMALL 3 BEDROOM cottage, 98 Rattenbury St., available Sept. 1, suitable for small fam­ ily desiring cheap accommoda­ tion. Phone 482-9310, 1 p,m. to 8 p.m. 31tfb ROOMS FOR EXPO — Can accommodate family of 8, $6 for one person, $2 each additional person. Mrs. J. Bosse, 249 Hugues Pommier, Boucherville, P.Q. 6558216, for further infor­ mation phone 527-0598, Sea- forth. . 31b ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANT TO RENT 2 or 3 bed. room house in good condition. Phone 527-0803._________30-lp ARTICLES FOR SALE 2 39” CONTINENTAL BEDS. ' Phone 482-7092. 31b MODERN CHINA' CABINET for sale. Mrs. Ross Feagan. Phone 482-9207 Clinton. 31b EDISON cylinder record play­ er, Cylinder record storage cab­ inet, plus approx. 200 cylinders. Apply 126 Huron St., Clinton. 31p 19’ USED TRAVEL TRAILER, new three burner propane stove and ice box. Priced for quick sale. Immediate possession. Phone evenings 482-9202, 31p. GOING OVERSEAS — Deluxe deep freeze, $150; 9.8 Merc out­ board $225; Elgin boat trailer $100; boat $100; piano $100; snow tires, 650x13, $20: electric lawnmower $50; deluxe swing set $20. 29 Edmonton, Adastral Park, phone 482-9739. 31-2-3b 9 PIECE WALNUT dihing room suite, two grey tone on' tone 9-10 tugs and pads; wal­ nut Student’s desk; Melodeon ■desk; cenient laundry tubs on stand; Grolier’s encyclopedia and Brittanica Junior set; web nut highboy; library table; half gallon, quatt and pint sealers, etc. Gorden Elliott, Btucefield, phone 482-7165. 31b’ 7 VACUUM CLEANERS 8»Im and Servloe Repair*, hrae* and tiagjk for ell makes of vacdum deanem and * poMshenw. Reconditioned mach- Inea of all makea for aale. BOB FECK, Varna Phono Hanrell 252-5850 , tfb EGGS FOR SALE 45c doxen year round Contact Mrs. Charles Haughton CLINTON PHONE 4|24434 WE DELIVER __ 30tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE GESTETNER duplicating ma­ chine, hand operated, good con­ dition, Phone 482-7025. 30-lb .-' -■yr J..,, l .. j i::; :i .i/.,. GOING ’TO EXPO? You need luggage, 20% off Dominion Luggage. Anstett Jewellers ■Limited. 27tfb CUSTOM WORK WATCH REPAIR i» » Job for emerta. Qur ww oeBurae your Mrtlsfa0tion. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron dounta’D Oldcet &ta- bliahed JeweMry Store. tfb LOST AND FOUND REAL ESTATE LOST — 6 month old black kitten, child’s pet, answers to “Sooty". Ken Krafft, 72 Albert St, Clinton. 31p TRAVEL SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE at Anstett Jewellers Limited -r- Portable Typewriters and Adding Mach­ ines. $5 down, $5 a month. 27ffb SIMPLICITY Washers now a- valtable at T. A. Dutton Appli­ ance*, Brucefield. Open even- ii«s. 38tfb CURTAINS - Draperies - Win­ dow Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drap­ ery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. 5tfo ALUMINUM — Awnings, win­ dows, doors, shutters, failings' and columns, siding, eaves- troughs. Phone or write for free estimates. Phone 527-0777 or 527-0032. Holmes and.MacLean, Seaforth. 28-37b FOR ALL row |K*ne remodel­ ling, pajntmg and .decorating, 482-7109. Steve Kember Gora^kction, RR 2, Seaforth. Also roofing, bara cement work and apray painting. 19tfb SIFTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment ured. AU work guaranteed. LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, BrutMll Phon* 442W9, Bruarel* _______________ 16-35p We Specialize In . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavest roughing CHUTER Plumbing. Heating, Electric SALES a SERVICE 48 King Street Phono 482-7852 MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea­ sonable nates. M<<IEES, Gdde- rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery Hke new. Diamond rings renewed and stonre safely seoired--fdon,t talto chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and peart re- stringing. W. N. Counter. .tfb LAKEFRONT lot, 80 X 300’, drilled water system, north of Bayfield, pr|ce $3,^50; 3 bed­ room cottage, 3 years old, with every convenience, beautifully furnished, insulated, private drilled well; Hueston Height# 3 bedroom cottage, newly decor­ ated, good location. Lauckner Real Estate, Adam Flowers, phone 565-2813. . 24tfb REAL ESTATE WANTED I AM INTERESTED in buying 3 to 5 acres land on highway in Clinton area. Write Box 310 Clinton News-Record. 31-2b BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE Wall to Wall Inatallrtlon* or Area Carpets. Samples shown In your homo. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Installation* There’s a Celanese Carpet for every room In the horns. 'Quality you can trust' From' ’ . BALL & MUTCH LTD, CREST Hardware and Furniture Phone 482-9505 Clinton 2311b ARTICLES FOR RENT WHEEL CHAIRS — The C. P. & T. Fund of Olnton Odd- fdtows Lodge have wheel chains avaUabte far loan tree. Oontact Harold Tyndall 482-7409, after 6:00 pm. or James Cox, 482- 7093. ARTICLES WANTED SADDLE WANTED. Phone 482-3273.. 31b BABY’S CRIB WANTED, in good condition. Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Brucefield, phone 482- 9155.__________________ 31b WANTED —13 cow stanchions. Apply. Tony DeBoer, RR 3 Blyth, phone 523-9277. 31b AUTOS FOR SALE 1962 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, 2 door, excellent condition. Phone 482-7624. _________ 31b 1962 PONTIAC sedan, 6 auto­ matic, good condition. Phone 527-0458 Seaforth. 31-2b 1962 BLACK FALCON, auto­ matic, 2 door, Al condition. Make an offer. Phone 482-7111. 31-26 CUSTOM WORK REMODELUNG, rettovatiom, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. AM odd job* around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNatat 52tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot As at 55 Albert Street at Amstogs Store. Henk’s Shoe Rreair, 71 Hamilton St, Gode­ rich. . 38ttb JACK’S FURNITURE RE­ PAIR: Furniture repaired and refinished at REAR of 84 Al­ bert Street. John Plumtree, Phone 482-9695. lOtfb CALL REG. SMITH SIGNS for track lettering, farm signs, sale banners, highway bulletins, plastic signs, gold leaf. All work guaranteed. Corner East and High, Clinton. Phone 482- 2“Z. 42tft9TO3.. EXCAVATING TRACTOR* BACKHOE, Dump Truck FRANK POSTILL RR 3, Clinton Phone 402-0101 E. & o. CONSTRUCTION BAYFIELD BACKHOE — GRADING SANt> and GRAVEL Phone 565-2734 ,30-35b Weed Cuffing, Houghing or Cultivating Call taarga MoGaa at Clinton Cab 482-7011 ..................... tfb SCPT1C TANKS CLSANtD Madam SoutaOMtit WWk CkMurnntoed Write or phone Hataty Dale, Seaforth Phene S27-1404 MMb PET STOCK SERVICES STAN BLDWES TRAVEL Ste* vire. 32 Wellington StTsSSr ford. For MI airpnre steEn- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tour*. Low bank rates on tixpo Dsymente. Frepalds arranged ter relatives visiting fropi bver- eeas. Call 271-5710; i Notice To Creditors In the Estate of > JOHN HARVEY TAYLOR All persons: having claims against the Estate of John Hto> vey Taylor, late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Hurpn, Farmer, deceased, who died pn the 16th day of June, 1967, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of August, 1967, after which date the as­ sets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re­ ceived. Dated at Seaforth, this 24th day of July, 1967. McConnell & stewart, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 30,1,2b ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Harold Lobb, 113 On­ tario St, Clinton is entertain­ ing' at her home on Saturday, August 5 from 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. at a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter1 Phyllis who will be married on Saturday, August 12, Friends and relatives are Invited to attend. 31b BLUE POINT SIAMESE kit­ tens for sale. Phone 482-7868. 31-3b REAL ESTATE SMALL HOUSE on James St. for sale, 3 bedrooms, gas heat­ ed. Phone 482.7160. 30-lp EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABYSITTER desires infants or small child in her own home while parents attend Expo. Mrs. Earl Gass, phone Hensali 262- 2546. . 27,31,36,40 3 BEDROOM tri-level home, 39’x37’, 3 year old brick veneer, natural gas heating, carport, large rec room, 37’xl6* (not completed) lot 75’xl50’, West William St., Seaforth, Ontario. Contact R. ,L. Whitelaw, RR 5 Parkhill, phone 294-6128, , 30,31b EXTRA garbage and junk pick­ up service. Phone evenings 482- 7318 or 482-9134.________19tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St, Goderich, 18tfb SHARPEN UP WITH E. R. Doucette 168 Queen Street Clinton 1 Block East of Hospital Saws, Skates, Knives, Planes, Scissors, Snips, Shears, etc. 31tfb FOR SALE OR RENT DALE'S Sunoco, Exeter — Tent trailers, hud or salt top. Sales — Rentals. Open evenings and weekends atea Phone 235-1710. 19tfb HOUSE FOR SAL&—Situated on paved street one block from .downtown, a two storey white ' brick house on 82’xl60’ lot, re­ cently built garage and beauti­ fully landscaped. Complete al­ uminum storms and screens, unit type forced air furnace and water softener. Upstairs — , 4 bedrooms,, roomy closets, 3 piece bath with, coloured fix­ tures and stair carpet. Down­ stairs — living room, panelled den with built in book shelves, large family type kitchen plus two piece bath, spacious dining room with door opening to out­ side veranda. Ceilings lowered throughout, nicely decorated. Downstairs hall has large vesti­ bule plus, winding staircase. Terms available. Apply Box 302, Clinton News-Record. 30tfb ' - HELP WANTED FEMALE Bedroom Brick Bungalow C. H. HAWTHORNE 351 Matilda Street ’ Phone 482-7688 after Aug. 1 _________________28-31P NEWLY BUILT Z 3 bedroom house, gas heated, beautiful kit­ chen and bathroom, full base­ ment, extra high. William M. Hart, salesman, Seaforth. Day­ time 527-0870. George R. John­ ston Real Estate Ltd., Broker. 31-2b 3 Dr. M. W. RAITHBY BAA.. D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding Phone 524-8573 GODERICH, ONTARIO ■■ 9tfb Notice To Creditors In the Estate of IRENE Mc- CULLOUGH, late of the Town­ ship of Goderich in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named, who died on the 3rd day of June 1967, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be­ fore the 17th day of August, 1967, after which date the as­ sets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of July, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 31,2,3b BIRTHS BOYCE In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, July 30, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Boyce, RR Varna, a son, BROOKS In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, July 26, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ win Brooks, Windsor, a sop. CAPTIEN ~ Jn Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, July 29, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Lex Captien, RR 2 Clinton, a son. HOY — In Clinton Public Hos­ pital on Sunday, July 3Q, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. James Hoy, Clinton, a daughter. LOVE — In Madison General Hospital, Madison, Wise, on Tuesday, July 25, 1967 to , Professor Robert F. and Mrs. Love, a daughter, SNIEDER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, July 30, 1967 to, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Snieder, Clinton, a daughter. DEATHS TENDERS WANTED 1 ACRE OF LAND with house and barn. House, 7 rooms, 3 pc. bath, heated with almost new oil furnace. Barn, 52’x56', has concrete stabling with never-ceasing water supply, plus attached shed 36’x38’ and silo 14’x35’, up 4 years. Good grounds and lots of trees. This property suitable to hog opera­ tion. For further particulars call Gordon Elliott, phone 482- 7572 or 482-7165 or Wilf Webb Ltd., 432-2623, 719 Dundas St., London. 31b ATTENTION Village of Hensail Sealed Tenders will be re­ ceived up to 12 o’clock noon, Saturday, August 5, 1967, for the laying of Cement Side­ walk on Wellington Street be­ tween King and Queen streets, two widths of 42 inch side­ walk approximately 260 feet long, 4 inches thick. Contrac­ tor to supply all material and labour, price to be submitted by the foot for 42 inch walk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information ap­ ply at the Clerk’s Office. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk, Hensali, Ontario. 30,1b Use Classified Ads. FULL TIME permanent posi­ tion for laundry work. No school girls, please. Apply in person to Huron Laundry, 154 Beech. St., Clinton. 31b auction; sale OF SCHOOLS AND CONTENTS in Stanley Township, on Saturday August. 5 At i:oo P.M. Parcel No. 1 — At 1 p.m., School house SS No. 6 Stanley Twp. at Varna, white brick, oil furnace, water supplied by Varna water works. Teacher’s desk, pupils’ desks, tower bell, small chairs, slate blackboards, step ladder, globe of world. Parcel No. 2 — At 2:30 p.m. School house SS No. 3, 2 miles east of Bayfield, red brick, stok­ er furnace, water system. Wall maps, antique, clock, 2 captain chairs, cupboards, globe of world, tower bell, slate black­ boards. Parcel No. 8 — At 4 p.m., Bayfield Public School and property, brick, oil furnace, water system. 2 sets encyclo­ pedia, library books, pupils’ desks, pictures, clocks, piano, drapes. Terms — Cash For further particulars contact VERN ALDERDICE, ; RR 2, Kippen, Ontario U Phone Hensali 262-5494 Chairman of Huron County School Area No. 1 HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, Clerk 30,31b CORNISH — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, July 26, 1967 Ewart Leslie Cornish in his 62nd year. Funeral from Ball Funeral Home on Saturday, July 29 with inter­ ment in Clinton Cemetery. McPHEE — In Alexandra Mar­ ine and General Hospital, Goderich on Friday, July 28, 1967 Merle Ross McPhee, RR 3 Auburn, in his, 69th year. Funeral service from Arthur Funeral Home on Monday, July 31 with' interment in Colborne Cemetery. McVTTTIE — In Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital on Sunday, July 30, 1967 Mrs. Gertrude Mc- Vittie, Londesboro, widow of the late George McVittie, in her 77th year. Funeral ser­ vice from Ball Funeral Home on Tuesday, August 1 with interment in Clinton Ceme- tery. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to extend my apprecia­ tion to those who remembered me so kindly while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Spec­ ial thanks to Dr. Oakes, and nurses on first floor. ANSON COLEMAN. ' •MRS. 31b I wish to express special thanks to my many friends, neighbours 1 and relatives who remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts and to those who visited me during my; staya in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don. —LORNA MILLER. 31b FOR SALE LADIES: Without previous ex­ perience you can earn $2.00 or more per hour in your spare time. Avon trains you. Phone collect, or write Mrs. M. Mill- son, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Lon- don, 451-0541.__________31,34b DRY SHELLED CORN, Gordon Hill, phone 482-3307. 31b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE The Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board invites written applications for the position of a FULL-TIME FEMALE CUSTODIAN with. duties to commence as soon as possible. Duties will consist of light housekeeping. Sick leave and holiday plans in effect. Medical plan avail­ able. Excellent working condi­ tions. Applications showing exper­ ience, references and salary ex­ pected to be received by the undersigned not later than 17 August 1967. Any application not neces­ sarily, accepted. L. R. MALONEY, Business Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board, ' Box 550, Clinton. ' 31-2b 2,000 BALES HAY.* Henry Bouman, RR 2 Bayfield, phone 482-7203.________ 31b A QUANTITY OF BALED wheat straw for sale. Apply William Jenkins, phone 482- 3290. 31p 1949 Ford Tractor with side mounted mower. May be seen at Goderich Town­ ship Garage. Tenders to be in by August 5. ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk. . 31b WE HAVE A good supply of grass seed and Pfister com, George Wraith and Co., High­ way 8, 1% miles south of God­ erich. Phone 524-6511. IStfb FARMWAY bam cleaners — have your bam measured now for spring installation. Hallman Sites * place order early. For the best silo unloaders and bulk feeders, see Van Date. Versatile swathens and grain augers. Geo­ rge Wraith and Co., Highway 8, 1% miles south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511, ___ IStfb HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED married man for general farm work, beef and apples, no dairy. Free bungalow, hydro, oil. . Phone Stewart Middleton, RR 3 Clin­ ton, 482-7525. Triple A Farms. 31b bet- REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Sales have never been ter. We ate looking for full time salesmen who can work hard and long hours, and who want ah income of $10,000 a year. In oMer to make this execu­ tive income, We will do the fol­ lowing' to help you: provide you with hundreds! of listings; catalogue advertising: irtO limit oh newspaper advertising; pay long distance phone calls; pro* Vide . office space, secretarial .assistance, listing wanted mat­ erial, personal assistance from the president, and drawing ac- . count. ,, Interested? Then please con­ tact Don Holst, our President, In Owen Sound. Phone 376-3466. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR Owen Sound, Ont. wRiirti Ontario Specialist*” 29-30-Slh CUSTOM WORK CUStOM SWATHING with new 10’ swather. Tom Airdrie, Londesboro, phone 523-4469. 31-2-3b CUSTOM swathing in Londes- boro area. New 10' self-propel­ led with pickup reels. Phone 523-4409,____________ 31,2b WANTED 26 7 WEEK OLD PIGS. Ray­ mond Scotchmer, Bayfield, phone 565-2464, 31b PYATT’S PONDEROSA — 13 weaner pigs, 11-weeks old; 13 10-weeks old and 9 8-weeks old. Landrace and York cross. Phone Bruce Pyatt, 482-9898,_____31b EXTRA QUALITY Landrace boars, service age, eligible for registration. Also gilts, wean­ ing age to market, in pure York or Landrace-York cross-breds. Repeat orders from satisfied customers is our best advertise­ ment. For full particulars call Mac Thonipson, dial 262-5417, herdsman for Gordon L. Hill & Son, Hilholm Farms, Varna, Ont. 31-2-3b AUCTION SALE Of the Estate of Everlyn G. Hall from her residence at 172 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, on Saturday, August 12 at 1:30 p.m., the following: 3-piece chesterfield suite; studio couch; 2 upholstered arm chairs; oak buffet, china cab­ inet and 6 chairs; walnut din­ ing room table; walnut tea wag­ on; Westinghouse 21” TV; Mar­ coni combination radio ahd record player; records; tele­ phone chair; several small tables; magazine table; large desk style table; modern floor lamp; 3 sectional oak bookcase; a large quantity of books; tri­ light; 2 dressers; oak hi-boy; 2 brass beds, springs and mat­ tresses; metal single bed, sp­ rings and mattress; 3 wicker chairs; oak rocking chair; nursing rocking chair; mahog­ any swing mirror; vanity and bench; 5-drawer modern chest; cedar blanket chest; small cab­ inet; mantel radio;, foot stool; table lamps; clothes hamper; bathroom scales; 6 pair of drap­ es; hall rack; sewing machine; utility table;; kitchen table; pine jam cupboard; Westing­ house electric range (like new); refrigerator; electric kettle; electric frying pan; electric toaster; Axminster rug, 9’xl0’; power lawn , mower; step lad­ der; trunks; some dishes and glassware. Terms: Cash G. E. HALL, R. G. HALL, Administrators of the Estate. . EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer.' 31-2b I wish to extend my apprecia­ tion • to those who so kindly remembered me while a padent ‘in-. Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Rev. R. U. MacLean and hospi­ tal staff on the first floor. —WILLIAM T. BLACKER. 31p I would like to thank our neighbours, friends and rela­ tives for their many kindnesses shown to us in the, recent loss: of a wonderful husband and father. Thanks also to Dr. Wal­ den, the very kind nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospi­ tal and Ball Funeral Home. Special thanks to Pastor Wer­ ner, Pastor Eaton, Pastor Bod- enham, Pastor Heynen; also the congregation of Calvary Baptist Church and the South Huron Gideon Camp for their prayers and encouragement Your kmd- , ness will never be forgotten. —JOAN CORNISH and Family. 31b COMING event: RATE: Four cent* • were Minimum 7b rent* " F'........* Thursday, August 8—BIN< at Clipton Legion Hall, 15 n ular games for $5,00. 2 sha the-wealth games. 1 spec game for $25.00, the first Jet ■‘L” and first letter “T” appl p® tins game far $2,00 each share-the-wealth games, jax pot applies on those 3 gan $59.00 in 59 numbers. 2 de prizes for $2.00 each. Admissi 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 1 $1.00. i Friday, August -1—Ro’cepti 'and dance tor Mr. and M Gordon Gross (nee Bernice IV Dougall) Auburn Cpmmuni Hall. Music by Blackhaw: Everyone welcome. 3 Friday, Aug. 4—■Cash Bin in Seaforth Legion Hall, 8: p.m, 15 regular games; 3 $ specials; $75.00 jackpot to { Sponsors, Branch 156, Roj Canadian Legion. 3 Monday, August 7—Smorgi bord Ham and Turkey Supp Bayfield United Church, E p.m., sponsors, parsonage boai adults $1.50, children $1,90, / 30, Tuesday, August 8 — BINC at Huron Fish and Game Ch Jackpot $58.00 in 58 numbe: Six door prizes, 8:30 p.m. 1 Friday, Augupst 11 — Rece tion and dance in honour Mr; and Mrs. Robbie Lawi (nee Carole Brown) Aubu Community HalJ. Music by K Mittelholtz and “The Tw lites”. Ladies please bri: lunch. Everyone welcome! 3 One Trip Nashville, Tenric see, Grand' Ole Opry, Septe: ber 1-4. For information pho Bartliffs Bakery, 482-9727. 31-: CARDS OF THANK We would like to thank o Clinton friends for visits, car and gifts with special than to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Thor dike and Mr. Russel Beyer f their many acts of kindne while patients in Clinton hosj tai; also to Dr. Thompson a nurses and staff of first floc also special thanks to Rev. U. MacLean for his visits, j were much appreciated. —LENA & HENRY CARTI ‘ 2 IN MEMORIAM MURDOCK—In loving me ory of John Robert Murdo who passed away four ye: ago, August 2nd, 1963. “A page in the book of memo Is silently turned today.” —Sadly missed' and rememb ed always by' his wife t family. ' . i Bring Quick" Results NOTICE ELECTRIC ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvolrne motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned, Gordon Grigg, Phone 482-9411. 39tfb OVER 30 YEARS dependable service at tow cost. John Bach, Seaforth, Phone 527-0120. Your IH dealer. 32tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser ..'Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sates. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. 7tfb SERVICES Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732 LOOK FOR THE Yellow Sale Ticket On Short SlefeVe 4port Shirts, Casual Jackets, ate. r JULYSPECIA Wash Pants Wo have selected a group of sanforized wash pants from previous season's ranges. Sixes 30 to 42 BUY BARGAINS in Farm Re­ search by the ton or by the bag from your Purina dealer. See for yourself the outstand­ ing results to be gained. Clin­ ton Farm Centre, 482-9333. 30tfb Classified Ads Bring Qui Results 25% OFF MARLATT BROS Will pay He per lb. on 500 lba and over for deed or disabled cows and homes. Please phone promptly Phone Collect 133 Brureela 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390065 Ttfb IMMEDIATE CASH for good standing timber arid bush lots. Write' Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig.' 29tfb Clinton Community Auction Safa EVERY FRIDAY EVENING at 7:30 p.m. Government Imported teetee Cottle Sola by Weight T«RM«: CASH JOE COREY, Sate* Mmmi 'I riil'iiiiriiiiiiiiiitiliiiii.toH We are shipping cattle •vary Monday for United Co-operative* of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE . 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 Mort EVERYONE REAM AND V$E$ Special rack — odd sixes odd pattern* For Fun in The Sun SWIM SUITS STRAW HATS SPORT COATS SPORT SHIRTS TEE SHIRTS ETC.