HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-07-27, Page 8■CTT 50 Children Attend Wl Program AUBURN The annual Children’s 'Day program was held by the Auburn Woihen’s Institute in the Community Memorial hall with a large attendance, Over 50 children of the district enjoyed the con. tests and games planned by Mrs., Thomas Haggitt and Mrs, Arnold Craig. The meeting was in charge of the firpt vic-president, Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. William J. Craig was the pianist, After the opening ceremony, Mrs. Raithby welcomed all the children, their parents and members. The minutes were accepted as read by the assis. taut secretary, Mrs, Gordon Chamney. She also presented the financial statement. The bill for the new platform ligh­ ting was paid and the new re. frigerator is now operating in the hall. The- members accepted an' invitation to cater to a wed. ding in August with the com-' mittee in charge to be Din­ ing-room convener Mrs, Wil. liam J. Craig and the dinner committee to be Mrs, Thomas Haggitt,’ Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mrs. Roy Daer. Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Wes Bradnock were named conve. ners for the lunch for Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Lawrie’s re­ ception on August 11th in the Auburn hall. The members decided to again sponsor a 4-H club. Cotton accessories for the bedroom, Mrs W. Brad, nock and Mrs, F. Raithby were named leaders, A children’s program was presented as follows: Piano solos, Lynn Turner; accordian Auburn and District Friends aye pleased to know that William Straughan is Im. proving ip health in Clinton, ! he was taken on Saturday hospital where by ambulance morning. MRS. WES BKADNOCK—Phsn. 524-75PS solo, Gail Seers, In The Sweet Bye and Bye, This Land js your Land was sung by the trip, Lorraine, Doug» las and Paul Chamney accom* panjed by their mother, Mrs, Gordon Chamney, A Spanish guitar solo was played by Trudy' Machan and an accprdiaA soip was played by Larry Plaetzer. A duet, <‘Jesus Loves Me” was sung by Helen and John Reisbyow accompanied by Mrs, W, J. Craig. Mrs, Kaitnoy thanked the children for their pyogram and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. Arnold Craig tpok oyer the games and con. tests. The winners were: Birthday closest to that date» Trudy Machan; Girl wearing ' earrings, Lorraine Chamneyj Child wearing a broken shoe lace, Rickey Turner; Grant Raithby, Paul Haggitt, Heinz Rutkowicz and Bobby Powell. Putting clothespins in milk bottle, Greg Ar thur, Trudy Mac. han. Other winners were: Linda Raithby, Vicki Powell, Shawn McLellan, Paul Haggitt, Wayne Powell, Seers, Raithby, gelica • Brenton, Chamney. ) Heinz Rutkowicz, Cathy Mw- Clinchey, Trudy Machan, David Giousher, Carol Seers, Greg Arthur, Lynn Turner, Tracy Machan, Murray Jack, son, Derrick Cartwright, Larry Chamney, Jim Bennett, Step* hen Haggitt, George Collins, Paul Chamney, Michael Doran, Sheron Collins, Tommy Raith. by, Shelley Powell, W»v»dy Powell, Susan Rutkowicz. The afternoon’s program was concluded with cookies, ice­ cream and freshie for every­ one. Auburn Personals AUBURN - New St, James Presbyterian Boy Scouts of ..London are enjoying a week’s camp on the Maitland Block in Hullett Township , at the camp grounds, Forty-five scouts with their Scout masters Martin Amos and Ron Rochester. grandson Rickey Hales of Sask, atoon are visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Straughan and hey cousin, Mrs, W. Bradnock'; Sheron and George, * * * * Mrs, Thomas Dpdds is vis. iting with her sister, Mrs, Holt at Grand Bead. * * ♦ * Frjends are pleased to know that Noy man McDowell is able to be home after a few days as a patient in Goderich hos. pital. #k ** * Recent guests Mrs. Ed Davies Mrs. Clifford Bastla of Lon. don and Mr. and Mrs. Em* merson Sippell of Stratford. with Mr, and were Mr. and * * * * Susan Raithby, Faye Bobby Powell,. Joe Larry plaetzer, An. Rutkowicz, Clifford Grant Raithby, Eldon , Wanda Plaetzer, Terry Powell, Gail Seers, Rodney McLellan, Helen Reis. brow, Rickey Turner, John Reisbrow, David Cartwright, ” Vicki Turner, Douglas Cham­ ney, Sherry Plaetzer, Lorraine Chamney, Sylvia Rutkowicz, # * « * Mrs. Homer Hoge and her ..................■...................— Mrs. Robert Gibbs of Ham. ilton is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett and Gordon. There Is Still Plenty of Summer Ahead We Are Only Making Room For Fall Merchandise i DRESSES Pelites—H«lf Size* A Special Rack*—Blouse*—« Pants Suits—*Sholl*—Jackets / PANT SUITS SLEEVELES^BLOUSES BATHING S,UITS SLIMS COTTON PYJAMAS « a AndGOWNS SKIRTS SMORGASBORD DINNERS > Friday and Saturday Evenings Only "CHICKEN IN A BASKET•ff -$125 $135ORDERS BY TELEPHONE Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Hotel Clinton Mr. and Mrs. James, Hem- bly of Atwood and grandson Randy Hembly visifed friends last week. of in Palmerston the village j Koopmans of Holland, Miss Bankje Heerenveen, ' JJpJland, Miss Geesje Kpopmans of Amstelue, Holland and Mr, Dirk Paere- boomof; Gorredyk, Holland, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. Koopmans and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry GJas- gow visited friends in the vil. lags last Friday evening. William J. Craig visited last week in Ilderton with his spn, Robert J, Craig, Mrs. Craig and family. * sk ** Mrs.. William Straughan is staying withher daughter, Mrs, Thomas Jaydin, Mr. Jardin and family in Wingham. * sk * >k Miss Lynda Andrews, R.N.A. of Wingham is vacationing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Andrews after a week spent in NorSiern Ontario. * # # # i Mr. and Mrs. William G. Stiles spent the( weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and grandmother, Mrs. Elsie Eustace in London. * * * ❖ Ralph Lubbers had the mis< fortune off his cently, to have the end cut finger at his farm re. in. a farm accident. sfc ' pi i■few Ji Several ladies responsible for compiling Women's Institute Tweedsmuir history books in this.area are seen here viewing the labors of the Clinton . group whose completed effort was shown at a committees last George Proctor, meeting of curators and week. Left to right are Shower For Acton , Bride-Elect their Mrs. AUBURN - Miss Sally’Wil- son, bride-elect of Acton was guest last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Reg Shultz,' RR 3 Blyth, at a shower in her honor. Mrs. Shultz was assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Frank Raithby of Auburn and Mrs. Norman Vincent of Lon. desboro. S everal contests were played and prizes were award, ed to the winners. Readings were given by Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. Raithby. The lucky cup prize went to Mrs. Rob. ert Gibbs of Hamilton. Goderich assistant curator; Mrs. Mervyn Batkin Clinton curator and hostess for the meeting; Mrs Wilfred Colclough, Clinton president and presiden of the West Huron Di strict of the W,L; Mrs. Lloyi Pipe, Londesboro curator; and Mrs. Gordon R Taylor, Auburn curator. Dance Every Second Thursday ■■iDWIBWAMIMBWIii|!M|iWiwiIWI ■ — WWW ADASTRAL PARK TEEN TOWN Casual — 9 to 12 — $1.00 DANCE CFB COMMUNITY CENTRE Featuring Growing Pains" THURS., JULY 27 Corsages were pinned on Miss Wilson and Miss Joyce Leatherland «and they were es» corted to decorated chairs. An address of congratulations was read and gifts were presented by Lorraine Chamney, Mary Lou Vincent, Karen Bolger and Susan Raithby. Miss Wilson was assisted in opening her gifts by M.iss Leatherland. Sally thanked her relatives and friends for the gifts and lunch was servedby Mrs. Shultz iMr.s. > Vincent, Mr^.JRaithby and.. SUNGLASSES Don’t wear, your sunglasses for night driving, warns the - Canadian National Institute for the Blind, They cut down glare, but they also cut down your ability to see road signs and traffic lights clearly. Beware of glare this sum­ mer, ’’warns the Canadian Nat- ional Institute for the Blind. '* When driving, boating or on the • beach, protect your eyes from that too bright sun with good z INCREASED SAVINGS INTEREST V3 OFF wr'mi CONCRETE SILOS .year debenture. ARNOLD HUGILL and SON 92 Cambrio Rd. N.. Goderich Thirty year* of experience, I can build a silo to suit your needs — 12*, 13*, 14* up to 55 feet. x A few vacancies'yet to fill, pises your order soon — by contacting YARD GOODS SALE SUMMER MATERIALS Out They. Co CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Phone 524-9437 26-7-8b Paid on 5 year debentures of $5,000 or more 6!6% paid on 3,4 & 5 years for $100 or more 6'4% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures *£fiM rfifw aMsc sasl *2 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $8,750,000 I is summer, enjoy Carling Cinci Lager Beer, It. goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot more I A Yes. 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