HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1911-12-21, Page 13CUNTON ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 28 1911 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher*■WABUSHED iU*. Vol. ii. No. 27.. 1. AGAIN UitiUXJUlI EalianM<l*SnM tonce of non fertilized eggs in the I nilliflTinn r'eW laid egg trade. Any company ‘l.HMUUliiuii (that will itake up educational workTHE Royal gapk OF CANADA ,* . INCORP3BATED18W. f^aatAssets- *■ 9ta^oootw>o klUNOHBS fnd ^j^I^^erite.ihrpugbQUt; the world Interest allowed on Deposits. & Bj MANNING.. Mgr. ' CLINTON BRANCH mil l ir ** A few yeans ago the Dominion Government jnptiituted at . a num­ ber ofplacea throughout the Do­ minion .what were called poultry stations. The idea was to edu­ cate the farming community to ,prodruce more and better poultry product®. One of \these stations 'was establiBhed-atHolmesville and .was operatedghe value _ or • thb. w education ajl Forvthe p^aC^P lited hkve operat- idihnVe along these lines deserve® enconr- • agement. I The poultry industry is usually looked upon As a side line and a very small one at that, but * the poultry shipped from this ope Jit— Me point mis fall brought the 'farmers in that vicinity more than $20,000.00 i /Satisfaction < ri.hThere is not only satisfiaat- ^iri'rihhutpleasure ' in selling //bur irist: •class • quality" ■ of '■ groceries/to our many.'cust- ■ -■'omqw,.' I JWIrim^v^-ibhe.y apo 'tritod', . . / b.; .Wh|reyer\they are sold . i “/-'^lEf-hiCo^rilWrsIaateon of /‘.’Ohs' Icnsitemers are- ‘4eismmfihd.-and'’gp'’'are' we, . • /^DfaShig? ■ihoroasm’gtoade.i® ■ tetill'lincreasihgV1 and now at ' :,he."clolse of the mosi,',. success , frit yeair'of business, we have i ever : had, /We.deSfeto e^pnes.. ■ Ih-piur ’Wpfematioriw and .take. ’ '■ this opportunity ’Of thanking - our many patrons and wish- •ing ydu all ■ :. A HAPPY NEW YEAR. y. /X O’r .THE -HUB GROCER ' Phorie i8 work dune there has been appar­ ent ever einct; jForut'he years Gunns- Limited'-hAve operaf- • ed the ottdl poultry station ahdihave purchased all the poultry produce they could get hold of. They claim there is no section inOauada.where batter (stuff can be .procured which speaks well for the . early educational work in the section. .They are, however, further c»« veloping this,, work -by this year disitributing to the farmers in this vicinity a number off-, pure bred Barred Plymouth cockerels from a winter egg laying strain. .One of these is given ’bo a farmer with pure bred stock and the only,1 re­ quest made iB that this cockerel be mated1 with his ten best hens, all other hens bo be unmated. The . breeding cockerel is taken back ■after the breeding season is oveq. The aim for this is three fold ito produce better and more unifoi<m table poultry, to increase the egg laying eapicity of the. average flock, and to emphasize the impo.r- T" 4. • i • ’ < ' t Presents Thai Please Ebony Hair Brushes 50c to $3.00 Ebony, Cloth Brushes $1.00,2.00 Ebony Manicure Articles Ebony Brush and Comb Set. Ebony-Manieure-Setis. = - .... PERFUMES—Many new .and delightful odors, both in bulk . and fancy Xmas packages. Gillett*® Safety .Razors,- $5, 7.50 Pipes, .........>. ...... 25c tOi5.00 Tobacco. Tobacco Pouches, Cigars, Cigar Cases and all Smoker’s Supplies. . Hot Water Bottles—A present that many' would.appreciate. Kodaks ...... ;..... $2.00 to 20.00 spent Christmas with Rev. Ross at Goderich. • *■ Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Trick, spent the Christmas holidays with Exeter friends, Mr. Ward^ of, Orangeville, is spending tine Christmaa holidays with his sister, Mies Ward, of the Clinton Business College. Dr. John Gunn and# Wife of Cal­ gary are the guests of Dr, Wm. and Mrs. Gunui of town :Mr. Henry Smith of Strfitforglt visited his parents Mr. and Mrs, John Smith, Huron Sei. and other friends over the holiday^ Mr. Wm. Ford of Toronto Ray of Pont Arthur and'1 Fred of God­ erich Were guests of their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. John Ford. Mrs. D. Wood of Maple Creek, Sask., .With her two’ little dauight- evia is visiting at Itihe ho{mc('of her mother Mrs-. E'. Turner, JbsepX.Sk. Mr. Will Taylor, of Toronto' vis­ ited "here over. Christmas. Miss Sadie East, who h)as been teaching at School Section No.. 3, Hay, is spending the Christmas •holidays at her home in Hullebt. Mr. Murray Jackison, of Tor onto, visited' at the home of his/parents during the holidays Mr. Charles Hale, Who has la pos- | itio>n with McCormicks Factory J 'London, 'Spent the holidays at his | home in Hallett. . J ! 4 Mr. Thomas East of Detroit* vis- ' i ited. with relatives here during thp Mr, and’MPs.,OnsEiow.Crich spent Christmas at. Brussels. lit ist over .bvven(ty-four yeans since Mrij Crich was in that village. Mrs. James Ba'llantyre and( two sons, Jack and1 Archie of Brussels, spent Christmas in town, being the guests of-Mr. and Mrs.; Geo. Rob­ ertson. ’ ; ’ Mr. Athol MeQuarrie of the-..God-- eriCh Signal Staff, called!, on Vthe New Era on (Saturday tastj, while enroute to his home at .Brussels. Mr. Ben 'Lyons, oif Brandion,» is in this locality for the Christmas hoi-, 'idayis. , • Mr. Clarence Copp, who isa vap- iSity is home for the Xmas hoiiidiay s ■ Mr. Murray Jackson whorhas been in Toronto for the past few' months, is home for the Vacation. Mr. Jack Weir, ’who is attending the(C.,C. I. Spent his holidays! at ' his home in Wroxeter. Mrs. Weatherwax^ of .Orillia, .at tended (Hie Xmas Assemblyf and is visiting 'her parents. : Mr. Charles Elgin McWilliams, of Toronto, is spending the weekf in - Clinton and attended the^ As­ sembly in town hall oin Wednesday evening. . * ' Miss I. Symnn and Mr,1 Haroild Hays, of.Wiiarton, are .visiting Miss Madge Yate3 over the holiday. ;^ir. J. Moton of Toronto, is spepd ing the holidays with .friends in town. While here - on a pleasure trip, he attended the ball given by the Young Meh of Clinton, Wednes day evening. ■ . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. East were boll day visitors at Stratford; Mr. and Mrs...Firth spent the vac­ ation at Hanover. Adam Cantelen, brothei* o>f Mr. Ariihur Cantelon, arrived here from Maple Creek, Sask., a few days ago. Mr. 'Cantel'on is one oi. 'the many Goderich boys that has done well in the W es t. He isthet ownjeir of dhouse and six. itioaviiV ?<#t4 at Indian Head and! has twenty-eight hundred, acres of land, at’Maple Creek. ‘ Miss Edna Cooper ity home from Tononto for the hioBd^ys, ,■ Miss MoHlie Cluff*, teacher, is spending the vacation at her home iQ/toiwn. Miss S. H. Smith^was a visitor in Tprointe last week. , . . ■ Miss Laura Weston is spending the Xmas holidays in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Coile of Water­ loo. spent a few hour st in Clinton,, last Saturday while enroute' fo Londesboiro .whore they spent Chris t mas. ■ ■ ■w'i> ■ Dr. Cook of Indiana, spent Xmas the guest of his mother, Mrs, Guest Mrs. F, W. Watts-starts ou!(. next week on her winter’s toiuf( as lect­ urer of Women’s Institutes/ and1 Will be absent untilUhe beginning of Mar ch .Mrs. Watts is better than ever equipped to give good f Or- v iee as shir completed a course»with the Ainewcan College of/Mechano Therapy ^received her diploma and degree, while in Chicago*, this Fall. She attended the Jeetu-rief and clinics At the college thusf getting the practical part. She will have many helpful hints to passf on. to those who may .be? fortunate en­ ough tiokear her, Mrs, Watts is to be not ohly. ,congratulated/ but highly commendedfor her industry and ambition, as, being! a busy .woman she has mastered! this cour se practically in her spare! J»o- . monte during the pastf two years, acheived by making the mosf of the “leisure hour,” . » We take this opportunity oif thanking our many custom; < I ?r® for their kind( patronage | j luring 1911 and (WO wish ope J • and all a Happy New J Year < i and prosperous ., ] Mr. Chas. Tibbutt of th® O. A. O„ Guelph, spent Christmas in this vic­ inity. Mr. Knox Mair is here for the holi­ days. Mr. Bert Johnson spent the vacation at the parental home. . Mr, Charlie McPherson was a visitor in town with Mr, D. L. Macpherson. Mir. and1 Mirs. Geo.L,^ Cook were visitors at Seafonth on Monday. Miss Edith Deimage, C. C. I./ .teacher, is a visitor alt her I home ait St. Maryp.-. Rev. Ft. Dunn attended the fun­ eral of the late Ft, McKeon. of St. Columban, last Friday. Mt. Ross Forrester/of the Inger­ soll Chronicle pibaff, spent Xrimri ait ■his home here. .. , Mrs. Geo. Chidley, of .Owen Sound is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. D. A. 'Forrester, Mr. David 'Forrester, of Lloyd- minisiter., is renewing .- oildl friend-;* in and around Clintiom Miss Flo .Hailes,, oifi Toronto, Was a visitor in toWn. Mr." and' Mrs. L. Davis and child­ ren, of Winigham, are holidaying in Town. Mr. and Mrs. George Humble spent Christmas at Stratford. Mr., and Mrs. Wes. Walker and J family spent Xmas at Blyth. , I Christmas holidays.-’ Rev. J. Greene assisted in thw ' * -Sunday services at' Trinity Method " 1st church, Stratford, and while in the city was the guest of Rev.F.W. Woioitton. ■Mr. J. Suit'ter was a holiday- visit or at S teatford. Mr. arid Mrs.. ■ James Finch, of Stratford Were calling on.old friends intown Christmas. Rrv. T. W. and Mr®. Cosens .were holiday guests With Rev. and Mrs. W.E. Millson, at Steatford., Miss Mary Woion, otf/ ToripntO(, ■■ visited her sister, Mrs. W'm. Ellio(tt of town during the past! week. Mrs. J. W. Reid, of Stratford, visited with relatives here. Mr. Broder. McTaggart, whot is attending the R. M.’College, I at Kingston, sPeht ithe-Xmas Vacation at the pai'ental home; ‘ Mr. A. E. Blackwell and Master Leslie, of Woodstock are visiting With friends intown andf-a'lso 1 in Goderich itloiWniship. ' • Mr. C.E. Tanney, oif London, and formerly an employee in the Doh? ert.y Organ Factory, wait initown on Saturday last. Mr.'and Mrs. Counter and sons, spent Christmas day alt Seaforth. Mtl and- Mrs. TlhosA Mason 'are- visiting at Detroit with/the for­ mer’® daughter, Mrs. 'Haber, Miss L. Ford wiho is teaching near London, is home .for t!he( holidays. Mr. Grant, of Toronto, isk.tihe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Erskine. The Misses Hooker are spending tile Xmas Vacation their par entis, Mr. and1 Mrs. J. B. Hoiover. Miss Jean 'Scott .who is attending Varsity is holidaying at home. Miss; A. McEwan is homepfexr ithe Xmas Holidays. . Last weeks Goderich Star says;— Miss Skimings, who is, making good •progress in her stay ih Alexander Hospital. Asks The Star to express her keen regret that she is not; able to greet her many friends about town at this Christmas season, but she -wishes all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Rev. Mr. Millyard, of Hensall, Waa intown last'Friday. Mrs. J.E. Ford andfher daught er® will be At Home at'Wesley Par isonage to their friends on. Friday, Deo.29tlh, from three te-siXs in the afternoon and from eight to ten in, in the evening, • • , Mr. Brown, of itihe/ Knotting Co., (spent Christma« at Toronto. Mr. L. Fair accountant lOlt.the Royal .Bank ate hits Christmas-tur­ key in Montreal, Mrs. McGarva and- Miss • Wallace are spending the holidays; at Pais­ ley* Mr®. (ReV.) Delhi and Master Lewis, returned to Raisley lasit Fri day after a short %jsii4 here. Mr. and Mrs,. .J Leslie Kerr spent Christmas atBrussels. Miss McKay, of Seaforth, was A visitor in town last Friday. Mr. and Mr®, Peek, and child o'* Seaforth were calling on friends in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeod were visitors in London and Hamilton. Mr, and Mr®. J. Hartley, ape spending the holidays at Wroxeter Mr. and Mrs. I. Hui chili' ;o.v o" ! Soulh Midd’eton, are spending t? holiday® with their daugin.e . ’ Geo. E. Hall, ’Xoroniu meuiua* UoxiC^C', Rev, D.K, Grant and family I 5 i 4Cptincib School Board and Water . ’Commissioners are Elected by Acclamation■sg I f. . . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , . At eight-thirty Friday evening when Clerk D. L. Macpherson clos­ ed .the nomination meeting he read o,ut the following names of persons nominated for Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, Water Commissioners ■and .Trustees MAYOR. B.J. GIBBINGS, by J, S. Evan® arid .T. Jackson Jr. JACOB TAYLOR, hy D. Cantelon and -H.E. Rorke. - A. T. COOPER, by C. J. Wallis ■nnd T. J. Manalghoin. < REEVE DAVID CANTELON, by W. Jack-, con and G. D. McTaggart. W.G. SMYTH, by Hl Wiltise and Jas. Stevens. • . COUNCILLORS D. S. CLUFF, by F. B. Hall arid N. B. Chant. A. J. MORRISH, by W. Jackson and W. Wheatley,- THOS. MASON, by A. J. Morrish and M. D. McTaggart. J.' AFFORD, by Jacob Tiaylor and. C. E. Dowding.. ’ . F. JACKSON, byD. Cantelon tnfl Dr. J. W. Shaw. THOMAS BEACOM, by Thos,. Graelis and W. Ladd, T. JACKSON, Jr„ Gib~ bing® and C.E. DoiWkjg.*’ ‘ ‘ L. PAISLEY, by'F.B. Hall and H. E. Rorke. * W. J. PAISLEY, by Jas. Stevens Dr7c.''w."¥hoMPSON, by C.J. Wallis and H. E. Rorke. R. B. CARTER, by F. B. Hall and S. Kemp. '. J. G. M-EDD, by J. Tucker and T. J. Managhan. . • OLIVER JOHNSON; by R. A. Bell and W. J. Raisley. JNO. HUNTER, by H. V' Cook and W. Jackson. J. E. CANTELON, by Thos. Cook and C.’H. Bartfliff. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. ’ St. Andrew®’ Ward. NELSON BALL, by S. Kemp and F.B. Hall. St. James? Ward1. ■ J.E. HOVEY, by/F.B. Hall and F. Jackson. •>' '■■St. Johns’Ward1. *-^- H.E. RORKE, byF.B. Hall and Jacob Taylor. ‘ Stv'Deorges’ Ward’. J.S. EVANS, by F.'B. Hall and’ C., E. Dowding. WATER COMMISSIONERS. H..B. CHANT, by F. Jackson and F. B. Hall. r J. B. HOOVER, by T, Jackson jr. and C. B. Dowding >. J. W. S?JA W, M. D., by J. B. Hoov­ er and F.B. ’Hall,. ( After nomination Dr. Shaw Woj3 choisen chairman and the candid­ ates were given a chance to speak ito the eileetor®, and they discussed tlhe impOii’tanit . questions Such as the Good Roads bylaw, Hydro-El­ ectric, school question, towns fin­ naces. Waterworks. By ,the at­ tendance at the hall, it .would seem ' that the electors thought more of . Santa Clans 'than itoiwri matters. ■ . >■ 3*!, •ru23edf|. «'Ujj x*. . Only the* names df thioe*e who ob- fained 50 per cent of it'he toitai ajre published. Reports will be'sent to ito the parent® giving detailed in­ formation ; Form I—J. Smillie 77, E. Manning .76.9, "P. Moffatt 69.8, S.Smillie, 69,1, Roberton 66.3, C. Kaiser 66.2, E. Wise 66.1, IM. McTaggart 65.7, J. Smith 65.5, M.Cook 64.8, H.Rod- aWflv 63.7, M. Milne 63.1, G, Hudie 61.7, E,.O’Neil. 60.7, H,Walli® 60.7, E. Woiods 60.5, K. McNaughton 59.9, R. Rannie 58.5, H. ShaW 58.4, R. Chowen 56.7, L. Barge 56.2, E. McBrien 56,1, C. ’Hoajre 56, C.Beacom 55.3, M. Mair 54.2; I. Collin® 53.6y'E, Powell, 52.4, V. Garrett 51.6, H. Holme® 51.5, L. 'HO(We 51.3, P. Wheatley 51, H. Joihnsition 50, Form II—E.Be.acom 81, W. Mc­ Gregor. 76, E..Gray 75, M. McGowan 74, G. McTaggart 74, H. Macarth-ur 71, W. Walket. 71, .0. Cole 68, J.Wyl ' ie 68, A.Ho-are 68, K.Reid 66, I.E- lioibt 65, I. Wilkin 62, C. P-ai'Sley 60, V Evan® 60, H. Forrest. 60, W. Me­ lon 59, J. IJMiddlet'O-n 58 , 'L. Mac­ donald 57, S. Sleott 57, N. Miller 54. V. Carbet 54, M. Yates 54, S. Henry 54, W.Roiutledge 54, C. Harland 53. M. Davidson 53, M.’Eliott 53, • M.. Gunn 53,'F. .Thompson 52, W, Ne'- . som 51, J. Morri® 51,* O. McGill- 51, M Cook 50, B;Roiss 50, E'. Graham.50. " j Form III-E. Holland 77.4.’ J, Aik-' enhead 74.9, E.Lyon 73.2, G. Weir i 72.3, V. Barge 72,1, L. Wasmhn ; H. Middleton 69.5, H. Turner 62.6, M. Mair 59, R. Dewar 58.5, M. Shipley 57.3, F. Steman 57.2, . E. Torrance 54*,' B. Brogden 62.8, G. Draper 51.6. Form IV—Part I—R. Cantelon 60.3 R. Welsh 60, I. Glen 53. Part fl - D. Cosens 76, F.Tamblyn 59, H.Reid 58. ■' \ Honour Matriculation—A. Wells 58.' . . ... • Commercial—W, Rutledge 73, L, Macdonald 69, C, Paisley 68. 1 I £3 r Neglected Opportunities lit Aa over 5 eir] W. J. PAISLE 71. | and_O. Joilinso^ While we extend to all the Seasons Greetings, we fciql there are many persons (Who ; are ^neglecting. opportunities / ■for. their prosperity for ex­ ample—Eggs are worth, from- 40 ct’s to 70 tfis -a. dozen—if ■ your ihens are ■ not ' laying, feed them ROYAL PURPLE the hens will soon’ respond 1 for sale by JT. E. X-IOVEY Dispensing Gbemist. ADVERTISE IN THE NEW ERA. ADVERTISE IN THE NEW ERA. ADVERTISE IN THE NEW ERA. TORONTO,ONT. . Stands in a class by itself iwhen istrictly first-class work is considered. Write for cat­ alogue. ELLIOTT BUSINESS* COLLEGE, Yonge and .Alexander Street®. . .........’■ ■ ' , Winter Term from Jan. 2nd ELLIOTT W.S.R. Holmes Phm B. REXALL store, i . t. i ♦ Incorporated 1S55Capital, PAID UP • $9,000,000 Rest Fund, « $4,600,ooo Has 85 Branches in Canada* and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal C5ties in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMEN' at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch q Er DOW DI KG, Manager HURON PRESBYTERY WILL HELP ♦ ♦ .♦■ ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦' ♦ ♦ Owing to the fire which occurred in Johnson’s harness shop on Tuesday morning last our Overcoat stock was slightly damaged by water. We secured a satisfactory settlement; from the insurance companies, and.are going to : sell every Overcoat in our store at big rccluctions. The settlement came too late to give special prices this week. Watch this space next week1 t ♦ ♦ <- Every Overcoat Must Go. . Sale Starts Saturday. December 30th. Come in and get particulars. « ■■ ♦ - ♦ ♦ CDUNCTL BY ACCLAMATION ’ Clinton ’Elector® wifi. be- called upon to ehoioise only for mayc a? and reeve asCpunciillOrs, Ford1, BeacOn. and Jackson and iMessirs.- Fred Jackson, A*. J. Moorish, an’<( Dr. Thompson put in their qualifica­ tion' to the ‘Clerk. No doiub-4 this Will prove agoo-d council this year as the new members are firBt-,cldss business men of town, ami/ gener­ ally firisit-class business men, make first-class COuneiiioTH Here’s hop­ ing that they will do their d’uiv in 1912 J * WATER commisxoners. Mr. H. B, Chant withdrew* leav- o be com- and mg the Board next year posed ■otitlhe coming May .>2 Dr. Shaw and J. BA Hoover. ' OTHER NOMINATIONS’ East Wawanosh—Coiund’ of e‘i£tec? declamation. 1 Beeye, D. .E Macdonald; ' XunSi Dav ad Be 1, w an. i-ong n. 1>.b1 a« 1 Theo. Hal, J. A. Mills, Simon urn1 che 1, J. W. M’cKibbon, C. G Van­ stone, van Blylh;-Keeve-L. Hill, D“. r-’’no CUiaiel'feju, J.p-IcPherson, J. Cult, A.B, Carr; W*. I i;jliY..Jcra.'Oy, , G or. et kh Township,—Reeve—S. x^an’uy; eouncElqrs Bert. Lindsay, Joan RaHiwed, J.1L Lobb* Geo’ jiiuruo., A.l KtebcH'.nu. 'on. I j Ha Ie-1?—Ro*r‘VO‘^L”i>'te ■ i'eacom, John Fingland. Continued on Page 4 161.1 RTld Job 1. 10 At aspects! meeting of 'Presby­ tery held at Clinton o|m.the 6th of December the following, resolu­ tions were submitted by the, com-, mit'tee on Systematic Bene’ fice'ince, after interesting a|n(d inspiring ad­ dresses by the Moderator of. ,,th» General Assembly, Dr. R. P. McKayu and Dr. A. S. Grant, Superintendent of Home Mirrions. These .Were.ac­ cented by the' Presbytery and or-, dered to be sent down to the cefq, gregations of the Presbytery with-, the apportionments far the gqne'r-- al Work oif.tlhe Church. ; . .The resolutions are as follows:— it.1, ^Aab the Presbytery accepts 000 ®yn0,d’s apportionment of $14,- 2. That t a Missionary Committee be organized in I every cotagnega- 3. That an individual canvass be .^V6rX congregation oin be­half of the missionary and educa­ tional work of the Church. , ■ L That each congregation have its apportionment seat down to it by Presbytery before the date of ing annUal congregational mee/t- 5. That the Presbytery's Com- £?£,tee <>n. Systematic Beneficence be authorized to assistzcongregS- tions in organizing /Missionary Smivtask63 in ^tomplishinig The apportionment for each con­ gregation is,as follows:— Auburn and Smith’s Hill $ 750.00 450.00 • 900.00 900.00 i 900.00 900.00 650,00 1800.00 460.00 • 1200.00 700.00 700.00 . 700.00 1500.00 ■ 900.00 406.00 275.00 gregation ia,as followa:— ■■ Bayfield Blyth Erucefield Clinton Egmondville Exeter Goderich Grand Bend Hensail Londesboro* and Hullett Kippen / McKillop Seaforth Hoad Varna and*Blake Leeburn and Union