HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-07-20, Page 7More than 1,000 attended the observation of “The Glorious Twelfth” when Orangemen from a wide area paraded in the village of payfield last week and took part in observances of the day in Clan Gregor park in the centre of the village. Here part of the long parade is seen passing along Main Street. Photo by Bel I chamber J.C. Robertson of Woodham Lodge, St. Mary's admires the newly unveiled calm, t Clinton News-Record, Thursday, July 20. 1967 7 Photo by BellchamberOne of the many floats in the Orangeman's parade held at Bayfield July 12, This was one of several in the mile-long procession. I . .............. ........ BEAUTIFUL BREEZY.. . . ... By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD <*• •.• • .•Mrs, Myrtle Parker had her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, Tor. , onto, as her end. guests last week. .....................................................................................................................................I B !■ ■ 111 M GET FAST RESULTS WITH NEWS-RECORD CLASSIFIED ADS ** # PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. McKinnon, Mrs. Unveil Cairn Parade On 'Glorious 12th' BAYFIELD. — Orangemen re­ presenting 45 Lodges in Bruce, Huron, Perth and Middlesex counties took part in a parade liere Wednesday commemora­ ting “The Glorious Twelfth.” There were more than 1,000 marchers in the parade head* ed by “King Billy,” Alex Ham. Uton, master of L.O.L. 219, Greenaway. Between 4,000 and 5,000 persons viewed the event. “The Glorious Twelfth” com­ memorates the date of the Bat­ tle of the Boyne, at which the forces of William of Orange defeated the Jacobites in Ire. land;?1: ’•'/I . At Clan Gregor Park,fRevJ y E. J. B. Harrison, rector of’ • Trinity Anglican Church, Bay­ field, past master of Derry L.O.L. 1400, and past comman. der of Royal Scarlet Chapter, District 97 and past registrar of Carmel Royal Black Pre. ceptory 301, all of Sarnia, de. dlcated a memorial calm. The cairn, built with stones from the pioneer farms of Orange, men, is a memorial to former lodge members. Oliver Jaques, of Hensall, grand chaplain of the Ontario West, Royal Black Knights, was the speaker. Winners of prizes: Largest turnout, ladies’lodge, Lady Ann Lodge, Mitchell; best-dressed ladies’ lodge, Beulah Lodge, Listowel; largest turnout, men’s lodge, Newbridge;, best* dressed men’s lodge, Trow, bridge; largest turnout, fife ,and drum lodge, Hackett Lodge, London; best banner, Dungan­ non; best float, Future Lodge, Varna; best filer, Charles McQuillian, Kinloss; best ■ drummer, Walt Webster, Varna. Clothes, furniture>both indoor and outdoor, fine china, garden plants, toys, books, silverware, pots and. pans, in fact “some­ thing of everything’\ was on sale at Pioneer Parks annual rummage sale on Friday even­ ing. Held in Bayfield Arena>the event was a great success and netted $596.04.” The latest “innovation” at the sale was a lemonade stand where one could get a cool refreshing drink for 5<?. Con­ venors this year were Mrs. J. R. R. Willock, Mrs. Wil- liam Tillmann and Mrs. Ron Chapman. mer, Secretary and Les. El* liott. Treasurer. Zone Chairman, Lion Len Ford,presented Club Member* ships Awards. 2O-year char* ter awards went to Lions, Les. lie E. Elliott, J. Ernie Hovey, Lloyd Makins, Elgin Porter, Charles Scotchmer, John Scot- chmer. 15-year awards to. Lions, Fred Arkell, William G. Clark, Harvey Coleman, Frank­ lin McFadden, Alfred Scotch, mer and Grant Sterling. 10- year awards to Lions, Leroy Poth and Clifford Utter. Plans were completed for the Lions’ Summer Frolic, to be held in Bayfield Arena on July 28th. Bayfield Lions ■ \Election WH «*‘«h wub BAYFIELD - The Lions Club of Bayfield held their last Din. ner Meeting of the season at the Albion Hotel, Bayfield, with 22 members present. The president, Lion L. Mak­ ins, conducted the meeting. New officers for the year, were installed by International Councillor Lion Hal Meir, and Zone Chairman, Lion Len Ford of Seaforth. Lion Officers elected fort the ensuing year were: George Mavor, President; Harry Ba- ker, 1st Vice-President; Har­ old Weston, 2nd Vice-President, and Eric Earle, 3rd Vice-Pres­ ident; Jack Merner and Bev McClinchey, 1 year Directors; Eric Earle andElwood Mitchell, 2 year Directors; Eric Earle, Tail Twister; Adam Flowers, Lion Tamer; Charles Scotch* 1 $ # # $ $ Vacationing in the Jowett cot- ( tage area are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fullam, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thornley Hall and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, E. Blair and daughter, Mrs. Warren Beatty and family, of Toronto. T'5^' ’ - ! * * * Miss Isobel Mustard of Miami Florida, is vacationing at the Woodhome Motel, Bayfield. .* * * Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cum- inghame of Clinton <are at their lake side home on Tuyll and Cameron streets for the month of July; with them at present is their entire family. In “Cedar Nest” are Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hull of Willowdale, and their daughters Diane and Nancy, also Kristin and Karin Cuminghame of Cooksville. Slaying in “J.K.J.” are the grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Sarnia, with sons, Eugene, Michael, Derek, John, and Paul; also Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cuminghame and son, Craig, Cooksville. Recent guests included Mr. and.Mrs. Wallace Ross, Tor­ This was the first time in 22 , years Bayfield Lodge was host. Also Frank Falconer, County master, was chairman for the day. Reeve Frank McFadden, welcomed them and among those speaking after the dedication of the Calm, were Dave Warden, Deputy Master of Ontario Wert I LOL, Mr. Donald Beck, St. An- Idrew’s United Church,Bayfield; Robert McKinley, M.P. ■ The Bayfield LOL 24 is one of the oldest lodges in this part of the world. onto, Miss Jo Anne East and Mr. Kenneth Johnston, Windsor, and Miss Mary Well Vancouver. B.C.* * * Miss Cheryl Johnston has re­ cently accepted a secretarial position with Cooper Bessemer of Canada, Stratford. * * * Mr, and Mrs. S. Candela and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Glembrouck and five children, Detroit, visited the ladies1 parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur L. Brisson over the weekend; Misses KarinCandela and Jo Ann Van Glembrouck are vacationing with their grandparents for the next two weeks. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brisson have .been the formers sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cimino and their six children of Westmin­ ister, California. * * * " DilrT and“ ’Mrs.' Tom darson : and Mrs. Pete Petrie andKevin, Toronto, are holidaying at their cottage north of the village,sjc Reeve and Mrs. Carl Dalton of Seaforth spent several days last week at their cottage on Howard Street.* * * Mr. and Mrs. Garfield West­ lake, Shelly and Barbara have returned to their home in Gold River, B.C. after spending sev­ eral weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake, rp *P Mr, and Mrs. W, E, Parker have returned from a motor trip to Lexington, Kentucky and Wheeling, West Virginia.* * * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston had their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weston of Utica, Michigan as their week­ end visitors; their children, Pat and Mike are vacationing with their grandparents for the com-> ing week,* * * The Bayfield Community Centre Fund reports the fol- lowing donations received, of Roger Penrose $25; Bayfield Hardware $70; Adam Flowers $55; Mrs. R. B. Menerey $20; George Aitken $10; J. M. Atkinson $10.63.$ * * Miss Kathy Weston is vis. iting her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall in London this week.* * * Miss Janet Graham returned to her home in Winnipeg on Mon­ day after having been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Donald John­ ston for the past two weeks..+, * * Mrs. Ron Coleman and two children, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss at their cottage over the weekend.■+ * * Mr. Andrew Ross Campbell of Toronto, is spending his holi. days with friends in the vil­ lage. ..... ........... * * . .*, a Charlie J?russ,,, London, u is spending this’ week * with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston.**■ .» Mrs. John Thomas,. Hawkins > and Mrs. Lomas, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R, Roy Fitzsimons on Monday evening last week. ,♦ * * Mr, and Mrs. J, E. Hovey spent the weekend at Inver- huron. * * * Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons for the Glorious Twelfth were, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger, Walton, Mrs, Pearl Shaddick, Hensall, and Miss Elvera Churchill of Tor­ onto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hen. . derson, London, who are camp, ing in Jowett’s Grove, visited in the evening. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elliot and Michael, Burlington, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. G. Bellchamber. OBITUARY BAYFIELD - Lawrence Mie* hael Maloney, accidentally in his 20th year at Bayfield, July 18, Resting at Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton. Requiem High Mass will be sung at St. Peter’s R.C«. Chu^ch,St. Jqsephfon?Fri. day’ July 2l at 10:00 sum. Rosary service at the funeral home ’Thursday. Interment will be in St. Peter’s R.C, Cemetery, St. Joseph, Ontario. AGAIN THIS YEAR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLACE: Christian Reformed Church. DATES: July 31 - August 11. TIME: 9- 11:30 a.m. The course promises to be very interesting. All children, ages 5 - 13 are most welcome to attend. Come and bring a friend SUMMER SALE ALL WHITE & BONE SHOES 20% OFF SUMMER CANVAS CASUALS 20% OFF REGISTRATION for AUGUST Swimming Lessons THIS COMING Saturday, July 22 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon SWIM MEET Saturday, July 29 The members of Hensail District Co-Operative Incorporated are urgently requested to attend a ■ ’ Special ^MeBtihg'roh* ■ ‘ . HENSALL, ONTARIO This meeting- of all members is being' called to decide whether you, the members of Hensail Dis­ trict Co-Operative, are in favour of purchasing a grain and bean mill in Hensail, also to discuss the details of financing. This opportunity will probably not be presented to us again. It is, therefore, very important that the members be present, and make their opinions ' known at this time, so that the Board of Directors may know which way the members want them to proceed. President: ALLAN HILL, Brucefield, Ont. Secretary: BERTRAM KLOPP, Zurich; Ont. Annual Used Farm Equipment AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, JULY 21 Inn n 11 advance showing:UU ■ .fVI. FROM 9:00 A.M. Nothing is to the picnic salad. Since ___ salad, it shduld be made up ahead of time and left in the refrigerator for the flavor to develop. . Food specialists at Mao- Donald institute, University of Guelph, recommehd this recipe for tasty potato salad: 4 Cups Cold cobked potatoes, 3 hard cooked eggs, 1/3 cap Chopped celery 1/4 cup minced onion salt, pepper salad dressing CUt the potatoes Into half- nch cubes; chop the hard- looked eggs. Mix seasonings ind dressing in a separate dish, ross the celery, onion, potato, rnd egg mixture together ightly, using two forks. Chill until ready to be served, A bit of prepared mustard idded to the salad dressing Will «rk Up the flavor of the salad. more important than the potato it is a hearty BROKEN SIZES IN FLATS—SMALL HEELS AND ILLUSION HEELS GREATLY REDUCED SUMMER JEWELRY 20% OFF SUMMER HANDBAGS 20% OFF CHILDREN'S WHITE AND BROWN SANDALS 10 % OFF Over 40 Pcs. of Equipment—No Buy Backs—No feeserve Bids Master Horse Feeds Nutritionally balanced for top performance. & • Master Horse Krunch Cubes # • Master Horsfe Supplement Pellets' | 4 Master Sweet Horse Feed ' | •. Master Complete Horse Cubes I Master Feeds has special feeding programs I id supply the essential nutritional requirements I for: Breeding and Growing stock, developing I and fitting horses for show, training and I facing. Ask for your copy of "Scientific I Feeding of Horses." •’« CLINTON MARY STREET 482-9792 Nillson Shoes still available in good sizes. Dr. Nillson White Shoes 1'3 OFF Dr. Nilson Black & Brown 20% OFF . RECORD PLAYER DRAW 1 chaiice With every pur­ chase of Keds running shoes or Hot Potatoes, 1st prize transistor record player. 2nd prize Tote of Records. 3rd prize Tote of Records. — Draw July 31 — GARRETTS SHOE STORE CLINTON TRACTORS: 81 Massey with power lift and cul- itiva-tor; V.A.C. Case with cultivator; Case L.A.; John Deere MT With cultivator; 30 Coekshutt; Case S.C. with cultivator; 30 Massey with power lift; Case 600 with' 3 point hitch, power Steering, break-away coup­ lers; Allas Chalmers B with loader, Cultivator and 'bean pulleF; Massey 22, hydraulic, 2row cultiva­ te?; Minn. Mo. tractor Z; John Deere H. with cul­ tivator; Oliver 55 diesel with 3 point hitch and L.P.T.O.; E.'D. 40 Allis diesel with 3 point hitch, iL.’P.T.O.; Massey Ferguson 35 diesel With 3 pt. hitch, L.P.T.O.; John Deere A.R. power -trol P.T.O.; Massey Harris 22 'tractor. COMBINES: John Deere 55 with cutter head, pick­ up and red; 27 Massey with cutter ’head, pickup and reel; 132 Coekshutt with cutter head, pickup and reel; Allis 60 all crop with Straw spreader, cut­ ter head, pickup and reel. Other Equipment: I.iH. LiP.R. picker, 1 row;Gehl Harvester With pickup PZT.O. drive; McKee Har­ vester with pipes; Fox C.B. 50 blower with wagon and Unloader; Innes Windrow­ er 500 AR, trow bean; four 3 pt. hitch and wheel 'type, /trail discs; four 3 pt. hi’teh and wheel 'type, (field cultivator; mower, 3 pt. hitch; I.H. 21U mow­ er, semi-mounted; Farm- Hand loader for row crop itra ctor; Massey 13 mil drill; John Deere F.B. 15 run drill; I.H, 2 row trail plahier; John Deere 246 3 pt. hitch planter; John De6re 290 planter; plus ■ several 3 to 5 bottom plows both 3 pt. hitch and wheel 'type* Auctioneer: ALVIN WALTER, (519) 237-3592 Terms financing available. Huron Tractor and Equip­ ment Co., Exeter, Ont. X HURON TRACTOR & E X E T E R ontEQUIPMENT CO.