HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-07-13, Page 9 .,, . ...K,lt , IG.. tfPxi...... fc,.((r :.| >i
Correfpondqnt: AUDREY BEDCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Bayfield
Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs.
all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent
..a.,- j..■■ ih ....I....' ui.
' sent were Mrs;, D, M.C, His
lop, Julia and Laura of port
Huron; Mr, and Mjrs, Chris
Lkaudi and Albert, Woodstock,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Long,
Gregory, Andrea and Jamie of
Ancaster, and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Robinson and family of
Calgary, The latter are vis
iting relative? and friends in
the district thi? week, while
the children remain with their
Miss Rosemary Wild was the
guest of honor at a "miscel
laneous shower on Sunday
July 9. ,
Hosted by the bridal'atten
dants, Misses Linda Hill, Linda
Overholt and Barbara Wild, the
event was held in St. Joseph’s
.Parish Hall, and was attended
by oyer a hundred friends and
Miss Wild,who will become
the bride of Donald Corriveau
on August 19, graciously thank
ed everyone for the honor ac-
corded her. A buffet dinner
was served by the hostesses.
Mrs, Lorne Cook entertained
4- 4
' L ...
iAYFIELD - The spacious
I beautiful grounds of “Eb.
n”, the residence of Dr,
| Mrs, -G, L. Morgan Smith
I the scene of a garden tea
I bake sale on Wednesday,
bonsored by the Anglican
Irch Women of Trinity
Irch the event was very well
wests were welcomed by
■ACW president, Mrs. J.B. kins, and Mrs. G. L. Mor-
trs. R. J. Larson, assisted
[Mrs, Emerson Heard and
[. L, B, Smith were in charge
he stalls where a tempting
lay of home baking and pre.
res were displayed, he tea table, covered with a
L lace tablecloth was cen.
| with an arrangment of
bs in varing hues of pink
I silver rose bowl, flanked
link tapers in silver holders
During tea were Mrs, F. H.
11, Mrs, F. P. Arkell, Mrs.
rdScotchmer and Mrs. Fred
Beau, assisted by Mrs. Eric o jk. C,1LCJL uxuicu
ll> Mrs. Fred Fraser, Mrs.? « mi^eeiinnenH^ ^.howpi* in F. Reid, Mrs. W. R Elliott. a miscellaneous shower in
Mrs, W. A. Armour;
trs. F. A, Clift was the
r able convenor of the event.
. G. W. Rivers, treasurer
Lew, reports it was a very
tessful afternoon.
Ir. and Mrs, Eric Robinson
irned to London on Monday
r visiting Mr. and Mrs. try Baker for the past week;
and Mrs.- Baker’s four
ghters and their families
fe with their parents over
I weekend ; this being the
k time in several yearfa
were all together. ’ Pre- '
honor of her niece Miss Nancy
Cook, Stratford, on Monday
evening. Those present were
Mrs. William Tillman, Mrs.
Hugh Gregory, the bride-elect’s
mother, Mrs. Newman Patter
son; Mrs. James Wareham;
Mrs. Lloyd Stevens, her grand
mother, Mrs. Cree Cook; Mrs.
Bill Greig; Miss Jean Greig;
Mrs. Bill Greig; Miss Jean
Greig; Mrs. Bob Lightfoot; Mrs.
J. E. Hovey; Mrs. Ron Chap,
man; Mrs. J. R. R. Willock;
Mrs. Bill Bell and Mrs. Gre.
gory Sr.
and Mrs. J.R.B. Wilson and fam-
ily, Scarborough.
Mr. and Mrs, D, J, Barlow,
Detroit, are visiting their son .
Lee and family at his cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hughes
celebrated .their 40 wedding an
niversary on Thursday, July 6.
A surprise party, .attended by
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins;
Mr, and Mrs. Hoy Scotchmer;
Mrs. Helen Cobb; Mr. and Mrs.
John Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs.
Leroy Poth was held in the
evening at their home when
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes were pre
sented with a gift to mark the
happy occasion,' - '
Mr. and Mr. A. Wakelin,
Stratford, spent the weekend
at their cottage in Lane O’
Pines; their guests were two
members of the Hugh Clopton
High School soccer team, of
Stratford-on-Avon, England.
The soccer team is on a six
week tour of Stratford and area,
it is sponsored by the Strati
ford minor Hockey and Soccer
Association and is their Cen-
tennial project. '
Mrs. Bert Sherritt had her
brother, Walter Osbourne and
her sister, Mrs. Follife, Det.
roit, as‘ her guest for the past
ten days,
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson
and Doug, London, are vacation,
ing at their cottage on Dow
I Plain and Reversible Styles
kotton Housecoat*—Sabre Pant
Suits — Shorts, Bermuda and
uamaica—Slims—Shells — Swim
Sult*—Skirts—Cotten Sleopweat
—White Uniforms — Sleeveless
Jackets — Shells — Shirts — Skirts
riCOmplet<% line of SU.° Unloaders .and DistHbutdrS,
3ar,n C’eaners, Conveyors, Feeding Systems, Forage Boxes
jnd Blowers. Also Veterinary Supplies, Zero Milking
systems.and Barn Whitewashing. ■ , " ’’“King
RR 2, Seaforth Phone 482-7109
on Hwy. 8, 2 miles west of Seaforth y
(John Segeren Form)
HAYFIELD - There is quite
a. “hustle and bustle” around
the village this week in pre.
paration for the annual Pioneer
Park Rummage Sale op Fri.
day evening. Further details iq
the coming events.
The Sacrament of Holy Bap.
tism according to the Anglican
rite was administered in Trin
ity Church Hayfield, on Sun-
day 9th July,
Dale Edward, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Rowse, Welland
. and Lisa Alexis, daughter of
Cpl. and Mrs. Stanley Smith,
• CFB Clinton, were received
into the church by Rev. E.J.B.
Harrison, Rector.
Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
JR. Larson, jointly hosted a
Christening party, at the Lar-
'son home, foHowing the ser-
Mr, and Mrs. Laurie May
and family,Palmerston, are at
their cottage this week.
Family guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Le Beau at the
weekend were MrJ and Mrs.
Paul Moss, London and Mr.
and Mrs. Fletcher Mclaughlin
and Megan Ann; Mrs. McLaugh.
lin and daughter are stayingfor
the week.
Mrs, George Kallis has re.
turned to Detroit for a few days
after spending last week at her
Mr. and Mrs. E. Heintz and
their two children,Waterloo,
are holidaying at their summer
cottage, i
Mrs. Carl E. Deihl is at pre
sent a patient in Victoria Hos
pital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jphn R. Cook,
Janice and Philip are at their
cottage on Howard Street for
• the summer; guests of the Cooks
over the long weekend were
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberts and
family of Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dewar and
David, Toronto, were weekend
vistiors with his mother, Mrs. .
David Dewar.
Mrs. Rance Bricker and Mrs.
Catherine Vroom visited Mrs.
R.H.F. Gairdner on Sunday; the
former’s father, Canon Ho M.
Langford who has been the guest
of Mrs; Gairdner for the past
two weeks, returned to Water
loo with them.
Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Willsie,
Loig$>; visits J® ,thf?«vlljage
on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ford,
London, have taken up residence
at Miss Wolfenden’s cottage on
Howard street, for the summer
. Mr. and Mrs. FrankCameron
and William Cameron, Detroit,
spent the weekend with their
cousin, James and Mrs. Cam
- Hugh MdPherson,Downsview,
spent the weekend with his wife
and family at their cottage on
Delevan Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook of
Chicago, are staying at their
summer home on Tuyll Street;
visiting them are Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Wareham and son Dan. of
St. Louis Missouri, and John
Goleas of Northbrook, Hl.
Vacationing in the JowettcoU
tage area are: Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Denomme and family,
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. F. Mar
tin and family, Hamilton; Mr.
Disease ' Panty Girdle Syndrome
Cure: "Let Yourself Go, Girls
disappeared ' entirely during
summer vacations which Were
spent at the beach*
Noting the circular indenta
tions around the thighs, the
doctor learned they were caused
by a panty girdle. When this
garment is worn too tight, it
has the effect of a tourniquet,
restricting the flow of blood
and causing swelling.
The prescribed • cure is
simple - take off the panty
girdle. Both patients recovered
Mr-,' and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon
visited their daughter and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Frank And.
erSon, St'.; Marys, for the week
end. ‘
Miss Linda Leonard of
Willowdale, is visiting her -
grandmother1, Mrs. E. A. Feat,
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. L- B.
bmitn for the weekend were
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Foster
and their three daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. William Bean'and Ed
Rowse, Welland; Mrs. Rowse
and children, who have spent
the past week with her par
ents, returned home with her
husband on Monday.
Miss Gayle Turner has re
turned to Stratford, after be
ing home with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert- Turner, for
the past month.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Higgins,
Toronto, are visiting at “The
^Maples’’?* theMidme *pf’ their*
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Miss Dorothy- Hampton was
the guest of Mr. • and Mrs.
G. D. Scotchmen over the
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Scotch-
mer and Dayle visited relatives
in Windsor last weekend.
Miss Barbara Turner, Lon.
don, was with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Turner, for the
Mr. and Mrs. JohnRayner and
their five sons, returned to Lon.
don, Sunday evening, after hav-
ing spent the day with Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Makins and family.
Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Adam
Flowers are Mrs. ArtTolchard
and five children, and, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Murray, Hamilton.
The finance chairman of the
Bayfield Community Centre
Fund, L. .R. Maloney, reports
that he has recently taken steps
to expedite the issuing of a
Wearing too tight a panty
girdle can cause a form of
edema or swelling of the legs.
Two American doctors re-
cently described this condition
as the “panty girdle syndrome’’
when two of their patients com
plained of swollen legs.
A complete medical ekamin-
ation showed the patients to be
in good health except for the
swelling which, they explained,
was not present in the morn,
ing but developed and worsened
during the day. The condition
Tenders will be received by Godetich Township School I
Area Board for painting two classrooms, two washrooms
and nurse’s room at Holmesville School* For further
culafs contact Caretaker Ivart Colclough. Tenders to be in
hand of secretary*treasurer by the !9th July, 1967. Lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work td be com
pleted by the 25th AugusL 1967.
Frank Yeo,
RkR, 5, Cllntbn, OntatiOr
project number.
In view of the tardy res.
ponse from Ottawa he approach
ed Robert McKinley, M.P. ;wlio
promptly telephoned the depart
ment in Ottawa and received
assurance that an official num.
ber will be issued in a few
days. The committee, which is
unable to launch a full scale
canvass until such number is
received, hopes that donations
Will continue to pour in, It
acknowledges the following don.
ations in addition to those pre-
viously reported;
W, A, Thompson $50; Mrs,
Wm. Metcalf $2P; Malcolm L,
Toms $25; Merrills TV Ser
vice $50; Bayfield Senior Cit
izens Club $10; Bayfield Young
Pppple Group $10; Noripan
Toms $10; c. Murray $25.
This brings the total to date
tp $3,548.85.
Clintonian Club
To London
The Clintonian Club of Clin,
ton will be represented at the
Mary Hastings area picnic at
Springbank Park, London, on
Saturday, July 15. The picnic
begins at 2 p.m. and members
wishing..transportation are re.
quested to be at Clinton Lib
rary Park at 9 a.m. to go by
bus. Members are asked to
bring their own lunch and,
dishes. More particulars may
be obtained from Mrs. J. Wise,
Clintonian Club secretary.
Shower Held
At Varna
Friends and neighbors gath-
ered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Alex Murray, Varna, on
Friday, July 7 and presented,
their daughter with several
lovely gifts in. honor of her
approaching marriage to Keith
Koetsier, also of Goderich
The presentation address was
read by Miss Susan Bartliff.
After the gifts were opened,
Miss Booth thanked all per
sons for their gifts and also
thanked those who arranged the
enjoyable evening.
A program of contests, sing-
ing and music on an electric
organ was conducted by Mrs.
Clayton Hodgins. Lunch was
served by the host couple and
girl friends of the bride-to-
by Robert Binsky
V A 108
♦ 63
' East
4 1072
4 K.7 5
♦ QJ
4 Q 107 5 2
K98 ■
J 64 2
A 109 4
63 ■ -
4 A J 6
4 Q93
♦ K875 2
4 14
Dealer is North
North and s outh vulnerable
The bidding:
South West North
> 4
I NTf Pass Pass
Opening lead is the 2 of hearts
I NT* denotes 9-. 11 points
hands; usually will produce
7 tricks but here? is how the
story goes, .
Qn the Ipad of the deuqe of
hearts East wins the king
and now switched to the
■ Queen of diarnonds.* This
South ducked and East
continued with the Jack,
South ducked again hoping
that the ace might come
down, Now East wept- back
to the heart suit , which
South won with the Queen.
He now laid down a small
diamond hoping the dia
monds would divide. West
won the 10 and now cashed
the Ace and then played a
third heart. Declarer was
now in dummy. He played
a small spade to the Jack
which lost to Wests king
This hand turned out to be and West now cashed his
a combination of bad
breaks, bad guesses and
good defense against the
poor South declarer. Play
ing a simple one no-trump
contract with a total of 24
points between the two
Subsidy Cheques
Now In Mail
Federal milk subsidy pay
ments for the months of April,
and May will be going to manu.
factoring milk and cream ship
pers within the next two weeks,
the Canadian Dairy Commission
said today.
Payments for both months'
will be in one cheque, with the
details for each month shown
on a stub attached to the cheque*
The cheque stub is an innovation
this year in response to re.
quests from shippers to .have
the details of the payments
The April subsidy cheques
have been delayed slightly be
yond normal because the cheque
issuing facilities were occupied
in preparing the rebate cheques
for last year’s holdback,.. .........
rd, Thursday* .July 13, 1967
fourth heart for the setting
trick and down one. I re
member quite clearly poor •
South getting up from the
table and shaking his head
in disbelief at the turn of"
& Service'll
Summer Needs
Bathing Cap*—
No»e and Ear P’ugs
Picnic Cup*—Plate*—Table
. Covers
Suntan and Sunburn Creams
Sun Glasses — Deodorant*
■Hair Sprays
The Shobbrook reunion was
held on Sunday, July 2 at Lions
Park, Seaforth, with 50 at-
tending from Buffalo, London,
Toronto, Stratford, Blyth,
Londesboro, and Sault Ste.
Marie, Mich.
Prizes were awarded for:
Guessing. weight of water-
melon, Mary Saundercock; ban
ana relay, Len Shobbrook’s
team; balloon- relay, Jean Gar
row and John Gibbings;. races
for all children under 5 years;
girls, 6 to 8, Julie Shobbrook;
boys, 6 to 8, Paul Gibbings;
girls 9 to 11, Joan’ Garrow;
girls 12 to 14, Valerie Gar
row; boys 12 to 14, John Gib
bings; young ladies’race, Shir*
ley Shobbrook; young men’s
race, GordonShobbrook; ladles’
kick the slipper into a tub,
Verna Gibbings; men kick the
slipper into a tub, GordonShob
brook; spot race, Bob Gibbings;
oldest person present, Laura
Saundercock; youngest present
Darren Millson.
Officers for 1968 are; pre.
sident, Clarence and Mayme
Crawford; vice-president, Bert
and Dora Shobbrook; secretary,
Gordon and Darlene Shobbrook;
social committee, Charlie and
Shirley Shobbrook and Bill and
Verna Gibbings; sports, Valerie
Garrow, Mary Saundercock.
Ross and Muriel Millson.
Ji ■1'EV 'sewaMT
Camera Supplies
Film*—Black and white and
Polaroid, black and white and
Slide Viewer*—Flash holders
Flash Bulbs—Batteries
Albums and Slide Trays
/’Clinton, Ontario
B e h I a n Gr«in
Behlan Grain Storage Buildings
R 8 d S O n Moist uro Teeter*
Joe s Uptown BP
Corner of Mary and King Streets, Clinton
Phone 482-7352
Behlan Batch-In-Bin Dryers
A’u a.*
B G 11 I a fl Porf*t>le Belch Dryers
Going Out Of Business
CHAPMAN’S Farm Equipment Ltd.
. 28, 20
.noemidoH J,
York Cup Elavatars
B e h I a n Continuous Flow Dryer*
Buy bargains in
farm research
by the ton or
by the bag -from us!
Save up to 30 days off the time it takes to raise a pig to market.
Save up to 1?! per dozen eggs. Gain up to 2,000 lbs. extra milk
per cow/laetation.
40 years 6f Purina research on over 3!/3 millton farm animals-,
that’s the bargain ingredient in every ton and bag of Purina
Chows. Ask Us about the outstanding results it Can give you in
raising any kind of livestock or poultry. Ask us for the Purina
Feeding and Management Programs that help you get the
largest possible return over feeding cost.
Stert buying bargains in farm research—by the ton or by the.
bag—frpm us!
Clinton Farm Centre
M. W. DURST— Purina Dealer
22 laaac Street