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Clinton News-Record, 1967-07-13, Page 8
Clinton News’Rccord, Thursday, July 11, 1967 % I i no. jiccp, pinion, a native of Port Colborne where resides, (CFB Comox Photos) Gruhl has 22 years service in the air teftxh His wife is the former Betty'Steep, daughter of Andrew Steep and the late Mrs. Steep, Clinton. CpI. Gruhl is ’ ’ ' ” ~ " hi? father still Corporal Richard G. Gruhl, right, who plans to retire to Clinton in two years’ time, is-shown here receiving a clasp to his Canadian Forces Decoration, from Group paptain K.C. Lett, Base Commander of CFB^Comok, B.C. CpI. employees: It is to yout advantage to fincl out if you are eligible for the unemployment insurance protection now in effect for Workers in agriculture and horticulture. ; employers: If you have people working for you, there are regulations that you must adhere to. It is to your advantage to get complete particulars immediately about unemployment insurance for your workers. Get full information now at your nearest office of the UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION GQVERNMENT OF CANADA I ' 7383(C)W Auburn and District MRS, WES 526-7595 Auburn Bride-To-Be Has Many Showers AUBURN - Mrs, Kenneth McDougall, Maitland Terrace, Auburn, entertained last Satur day afternoon and evening at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter’is forth-coming mar riage. Assisting to welcome the guest? with Mrs. McDougall was the bride-elect, Miss Ber nice McDpugall and the groom to-be’s sister, Mrs. John Brown of Walton. The guest book, where 140 guests signed, was in charge of Sheila Cope, Carol Gross and Avon Toll, The lace covered tea table was centred with an arrange ment of pink carnations and white snapdragons, flanked by white tapers in silver holders and silver tea services, Those pouring tea were Mrs. Ethel McDougall and Mrs. Fred Toll, charge of. the guest book and the bride’s grandmothers; Mrs. Clarence Regele, Mrs. Ed. Regele, Mrs. Wes Fisher, Mrs, Nellie McDougall, Mrs. Ralph Munro, Mrs. Aubrey Toll and Mrs. Hugh MacCrostie. Serving the guests were Mrs. Roy Cope, .Mrs, Harold Gross, ' Miss Lois Grasby, Miss Nancy ' Anderson, Miss Annette Mac Crostie and Miss Martie Koop, mans. Showing the trousseau and gifts were Mrs. Roy Cope, Mrs. Ronald Gross, Mrs. Gor don Barger, Misses Helen Peterson, Kerry Toll and An nette MapCrostie. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Norman v McDougall, Mrs. Clifford Adams, Mrs. Torrance Tabb, Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs, Alyin Leather land. <s ' Miss McDougall was alsohon- ored with a; miscellaneous shower giyen by Mrs. Clifford Adams and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart at the former’s home and also at the home of Mrs. Nellie Mo* Dougan of Goderich, when she and her daughter, Miss Norina entertained-(relatives and fri ends. The teachers of East Wawanosh Public School,enter-i tained at a dinner party and pre sented ber with a gift, Miss Mo-. Dougall IjS, on the staff of the East Wawanosh Public School, Miss Bernice McDougall was guest of honour last week at a shower in the Sunday School room of Knox United Church, Miss Sherry Plaetzer was in unemployment insurance is now available for most employees of FARMS, RANCHES, I NURSERIES, GREENHOUSES, HORTICULTURISTS, FRUIT, VEGETABLE,. FLOWER GROWERS. AUBURN -The UnitedChurch Women of Kpox United Church met in the Sunday School room of the churph for their monthly meeting, Mr?, Edward East pre sided for tee devotional and gave the call to worship. Mrs. Brian Hallam was pianist. Mrs. Norman McDowell read the Scripttire lesson and gave med- itation. Mrs. East gave the prayer. Two accordian solo? were played by Larry Plaetzer. Mrs. Kenneth McDougall gave the study book chapter, “Into a Nation.” Mrs. George Millian and Mrs. William J. Craig sang a duet. The offering was re ceived by Mrs. William Straug han and Mrs. William J. Craig, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, the president ? took charge of the business period. The minutes were read by secretary Mrs. Albert McFarlane. The finan cial statement was accepted as read by the treasurer, Mrs. Norman McDowell. An invit- BOnnie Jardin of Waterloo, ation to attend the Anglican Guild Centennial meeting was accepted. Mrs. Penny and son Arthjir pf Kitchener, Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan were, Mr. and Mrs. William Reipk, Timmy and Sandy of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryant of Smith Falls, Mrs, Thomas Jardin, of Wingham and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies. Mrs. Warner Andrews attend, ed the wedding of her nephew, Arnold Andrews at Wallaceburg last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay and son John, Sault Ste. Marie, are visiting in the village. Mr, and Mrs. MacKay attended the wedding in Hamilton of Miss Jane Kitchen. Mrs. Arthur Grange, Jenni fer and Shelley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Rod Singh of Detroit to Montreal last week where they visited Expo 67. Master Jimmy and little Miss Margaret Wilkins, Goderich, are visiting with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig. Guests over the weekend with Robert Arthur and Miss Jayne were Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and family, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. John Boer. California. Mrs, Wes Bradnock, Sheron and George returned last Fri day from a nine-day holiday at Ottawa and Expo 67 in Mont real. Miss Wanda Plaetzer welcomed the guests. The chairman for the evening’s program was Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer andshewel- corned all to the shower. Miss Judy Arthur passed arbund an autograph book in which each guest placed an item which she would have given the bride elect, one hundred years ago. A sing-song was led by Mrs. Emmerson Rodgers accompan. ied by Mrs, William J. Craig. A reading was given by Mrs. Gerald McDowell. A duet was sung by Misses Melanie Sprung and Ramona Hanna. An elimin ation contest given by Mrs. Wayne Millian was won by Yvonne Bean. A piano duet was played by Misses Nancy Ander- son and Betty Moss. A mouth organ solo was played by Mrs. Everett Taylor accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. A reading, “How to Cook a Husband” was given by Mrs. John Sprung. A piano solo was played by Mrs. Robert'J. Phillips and a musical selec. tion, “The Bells of St. Marys” was sung by Misses Betty Moss, Klaske Koopmans, Marsha Koopmans, Karen East and Nancy Anderson accompanied by Mrs. Brian Hallam. Mrs. Wayne Millian and Mrs. John Brown pinned corsages on MissMcDougall and her mother and escorted them to decorated chairs on the platform. An ad dress of congratulations was read by Miss MarshaKoopmans and gifts were presented. A ribbon nosegay was presented also to the bride-to-be. Miss McDougall thanked her friends for the gifts and wel comed all to her trousseau tea. A delicious lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles are holidaying at Expo 67 in Montreal and at the Thousand Islands. Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly, Atwood, visited last week with PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John Goarley, Jeff and David,and William And- erson, London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs, Edgar Law- son. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Macll- murray, Flint, Mich., visited last week with Mr. and "Mrs. William J. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cham- ney, Windsor, visited last week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. Veenstra R. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Tere- wele of Holland visitedlast week with Mr. and Mrs. G. Klaas. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coates, ■ Flint, Mich,, and Peter Brown, Windsor, spent the recent holi day with Mr. and Mrs. Mait- land Allen and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig. , Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Robert son, Copper Cliff, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Straughan and his father S J. J. Robertson.>• r-* i \ i Auburn Bride rc. MAPLE LEAF 2 for 29c I FOO* Given Shower AUBURN - Mrs. Torrance Tabb was honoured recently when friends and relatives gath ered in the Sunday School room . of Knox United Church to give her a shower of gifts following her recent marriage. Receiving the guests at the door were . Misses Betty Moss, Mary San- derson, Nancy Anderson, andr . s Jennifer Grange; • ■ : - - a Mrs.' Ralph D. Munro was chairman for the evening’s pro- gram and welcomed guests. A mock wedding in comic costume was acted by the following friends: pianist, Nancy Ander son; soloist, Betty Moss; min ister, Mrs. Walter Cunningham; groom, Mrs. Keith Good; best man, Mrs. Ronald Baer; brides maid, Mrs. Paul Hutchins; bride, Mrs, Harold McClinchey; flower girls, Linda-Cunningham and Lorrie Hutchins; ring bearer, Dougie McClinchey. A sing-song was led by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor accompanied by Mrs. William J. Craig. A reading was given by Mrs. i Ernest Durnin. A story of Mrs. Tabb’s shower was read with . adjectives supplied by those present. A piano solo, was play, ed by Jennifer Grange. A duet was sung by Misses Nancy Anderson and Betty Moss ac. companied by Jennifer Grange. A reading,/‘A night for Court ing” was given by Mrs. Donald Sprung. Duets were sung by Misses Margje and Marsha Koopmans, accompaniedby Jen nifer Grange. Mrs, Ralph Munro pinned a corsage on Mrs. Tabb and Mrs. Roy Easom pinned a corsage on Mrs. William Carter, her cou sin and escorted them to the platform. Mrs. Easom read the address and she and Mrs. Munro presented the gifts. Mrs. Tabb thanked her friends for the gifts and a delicious lunch was served. USE WATER FOR CHEMICAL BURNS If fertilizer, plant spray or insecticide gets into your eyes, flood them with water immedia tely for approzimately 15 min utes. Hold your face under the tap or pour cool water from a bottle. Do not use an eye cup. Chemical burns should be ex- amined by a doctor as soon as possible says The Cajiadian National Institute for the Blind. ------------------------- - fell, M Misses Nancy Anderson and Betty Moss are holidaying at the lake this week. John Hamilton, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ham ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Tiechert and Perry, Goderich, visited last week with Miss Laura Phillips. We are sorry to report that Elmer Sproul is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brenton’ and son Clifford spent the holi day weekend with friends at Blenheim. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ganes, Mrs. Clara Clement, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiphler, Lon. don, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buck ner, Kitchener, and Mr. and Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 HOUSE of BARGAINS ltd THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE 4M-7735PHONE MEN'S GREEN WORK PANTS Good Quality—Compare at $4.25—JSale Price $2.85 MANY ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF BROWSE AROUND — NO OBLIGATION DISCOUNT ©FOODMASTER HURON STREET — CUNTON FEATURE BUYS - Wednesday, July 12 To Closing Saturday, July 15 SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 4 VARIETIES MEAT SALAD BOWL — 16-oz. SALAD DRESSING LIBBY'S — 12-ox. BARBECUE SAUCE •A’ I *COLEMAN'S 73 PORK IDIN M lb. 75 1 PORK LIVER 31c lb. EXTRA LEAN GROUND CHUCK 69c lb. PRODUCE CALIFORNIA Size 24's 3forS1.00 CALIFORNIA NEW CROP — Good Size GRAPEFRUIT 13 for S1.00 16-Oz. MAPLE LEAF 3 for S1.00 SUPREME FANCY ASSORTED COOKIES UNIVERSAL ® »/i COHOE SALMON