HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-07-13, Page 7Our CLINTON PERSONALS * Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hill of Toronto have returned home after a one week visit at the erich. "While here they also visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless of Clinton. Mrs. Corless and Mrs. Hill are sisters. Receiving the Queen's Scout awards, highest decoration in Scouting was this group of Scouts from Clinton and Centralia, The group included: Ove Udholm Chrisyenson and Kenneth Slade of CULBERTS BAKERY GODERICH Home of Tasty Pastry Specialist In WEDDING And ANNIVERSARY CAKES At MODERATE PRICES d Centralia Scouts were honored by Hon. ‘Scout awards were made. Here Mr, MacNaughton Naughton. M.P.P. -for'Huron and Pro-t is seen in the course of the ceremony, assisted easurer at the big drumhead service in 6y Scout Commissioner Jacl< Gallant of CFB se park, Goderich recently when Queen’s Clinton, (Staff Photo) Ann Landers Clinton News-Recprd, Thursday, July 13, 1807 w Clinton; William Ruaaell Cummings, George Roger Gil I cash and Ralph Gordon MU ton of Clinton Forces Base; -Bruce David Woodrow, George William Briggs of Centralia Forces Base. Should Be Ashamed Of Cruel Behaviour Ann Landers: ' I am iis letter for a friend io busted up over her that she is in no shape to you. is 15 and she used to tiful long, blond hair, er always yelled at paying too much atten. her hair - washing it - twice a week, brushing it for 20 minutes every night, and like that. Finally it got to be a real thing between Ursula and her mother. About six mpnths ago her mother thought of a new punish, ment. Every time Ursula did something her mother. didn’t like she took the scissors and cut off some of Ursula’s hair._ Her last report card was ter. rible, She got two D’s. Now Ursula is almost bald. I think this is very unfair and I wish you would say so. Ursula looks like a skinned rat. and on top of that her eyes are always red from crying. Please help her - A FRIEND OTTAGE OWNERS ARE YOU TIRED OF YOUR WEEK-END BATTLE ITH WORN OUT APPLIANCES? Dear Friend: I believe in discipline and I believe in it strongly. But this ■Isn’t discipline. It is extra, ordinarily cruel behavior. No girl should have to walk around looking like a cand­ idate for the electric chair, even if she did get a rotten report card.' I recommend * professional help - for Ur­ sula’s mother. * * * * we tell them we think this is outrageous or is this the way it’s done? - NON-PLUSSED Dear Non; The bride’s parents are in charge of the wedding, and your res­ ponsibility is to submit the 100 names of your guests. Period, Of course what they’re doing is outra.- geous, but it is not your place to comment. * * * * Dear Ann Landers: seven-year-old son hashaddia. betes ever since he was four. We give him insulin every day but he thinks he is getting vitamin shots. We don’t want to tell him he has diabetes be­ cause we wish him to lead a normal life and not feel that he is different from other child­ ren. Our problem is with neigh- • bors and friends. They keep giving our boy cake, cookies, candy, and sugar-sweetened soft drinks. Of course thev don’t, know he is diabetic and shouldn’t have these ‘‘treats”. Please tell us how to solve the problem without telling the child he has an illness. -DIS­ TURBED MOTHER Dear Mother: Stop trying to fool the boy. Tell him the truth at once. Explain his illness in a casual way so he will accept it as part of his life. A child who must take medication daily should realize the import, ance of taking care of him­ self. &For Only $356. w.t. You Can Hsive This NEW FRIGIDAIRE RANGE • Adjustable Oven Shelves • Counter-balanced Oven Door • Heavy Fibrous Glass.Insulation — holds heat in oven • Easy-to-clean Lifetime Porcelain Finish • • Oven Interior Light Model RP22K (only) • Simplimatic Oven'Controls • Handy Appliance Outlet Dear Ann Landers: Our son is going to marry a very fine girl this fail. The wedding cere", mony will be performed in a church and the reception and dinner will be in a hotel dining room. They plan to send out 250 in- ~ vitations to the reception and M’T^ite^O ped$fe. ‘This is fine, • since they haVe a much larger family and have lived in this city all their lives and they know more people than we do. What bothers me is this: The bride’s mother has kept a list of every graduation, wedding, and baby gift she has sent in the past 20 years-and the price. They are inviting ^people they haven’t seen in ages because they owe a gift. My husband and I were shocked. Should Little Brenda Pollock of the Nile visited Dianne Lamarche at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoy, 106 King Street, and Mrs. Adrian Lamarche. Paris. Guest speaker was Leo. nard White, Seattle, Washing, ton. On Wednesday July 5 Mrs. Allan Reid, Miss MargaretS.tap- leton, Mrs. Gordon Hoy, Clin­ ton, Diane Collins and Billy Collins, children of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Collins>R.R. 3 Clin­ ton^ attended Penny Day at Pen. **'v>' rawest »^ dinner. We are permitted to in. "home „ of ..their son, ’Norman tecostarBraceside Camp meet-’ ................ ^^^on^ai^Rariii^ d‘o&‘ ^^^Par^,n<»Wio?W03^«- " ’ ....... taken in for the missionary Work. - « The Romen’s Missionary ‘Society of St. Andrew’s Pres­ byterian? Church will meet in the school room of the church on Tuesday, July 18 at2:30p.m. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Huronview will meet on Monday ' July 17 at 2:30 p.m. in the Craft Room. All are welcomed to attend. Wayne Warner, Jim Loveland Don Doulet,CFB Clinton, Mrs. Gordon Hoy, Virgina LaMarche, Clinton, Miss GraceStephenson, Seaforth, .Corrine, Janet, George, and Bonnie Hoy, God. erich, attended Braceside Camp Etna Pastries and Confactions In Goderich Since 1877 Motor Missing From Farm Constable BUI Kreps of th* Goderich OPP is at present Investigating the theft of a .3/4 horse power electric motor from the farm of John De Ruy­ ter of Goderich Township. The stolen motor was of! aportable elevator and is valued at $45, Goderich detachment OPP re. ports. ' ' 1 Bruce Colquhoun of 49 Huron Street, Clinton, incurred $600 damage to a 1967 Plymouth driven by him when he was involved in a one car accident op No. 4 Highway at Kippen. This accident happened on Saturday July 1 and was In­ vestigated by the Goderich OPP. On Monday July 3 Constable Bill Kreps of the GoderichOPP investigated aaingle caracci. • dent at the entrance <rf th* God- erich drive in theatre. William Moffat of R.R. 3H<dyr<xx|wM the driver and his 1962 tord received$200 damage. Floyd Milne of Campbell Street, Lucknow, suffered $100 damage to a tanker truck he *4 accident with a 1966 Beau- moot driven by Robert Noble Of Wer Btrit, fit, Jacobi. This accident occurred day July 3 on No. 86 Highway 5 miles west of Lucknow* The jjrtven by Noble received $2,000 damage.. ELEGTROHOME ORTABLE TELEVISION the "go-anywhere" Envoy portables have a truly complete, full-performance Centurion chassis. For example, unlike many small-screen portables, the Envoy has a power transformer for best perform­ ance and utmost reliability: Total transistorization adds to Envoy dependability. The Envoy is a remark­ able versatile portable with AC and DC line cords. Enjoy it plugged in at your home, or cottage. Plug .. . ' it in to your boat or car. Or enjoy the Envoy any­ where you go, with the rechargeable battery pack. Accessories include a sun shield for outdoor view- I*V* S ■ fjing, earphone for pnv&teTislening, and battery pack. ‘ GALBRAITH RADIO & TELEVISION YOUR COLOR SERVICE DEALER CLINTON ... 4824881 SUMMER SALE EACH WHITE — PLAIN — STRIP! HUNDREDS OF SHIRTS OUR BIGGEST SELECTION EVER THESE MUST BE CLEARED NOWI ib’ PLUS this FRIGIDAIRE 0 cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR MEN S SUITS All The Seasons Newest Shade* and Style* Regular and Tropical Weight Complete Size Range—Regular or Tall SAVE UP TO PRICED FROM 50 ID 10L Deluxe Styling! Coinpact Space Saver! Just 4” wide! 0.0 cu. ft., 574b. capacity freezer section, 8,38 ctf. t. capacity refrigerator section iolour: SnowCrest White 7^” high, 24” wide, 28.0” deep O AVAILABLE a FINE SELECTION OF RECON DITIONED frigidaire appliances CLINTON 524-9634 527-0290 SEAFORTH MEN'S SPORTCOATS PLAIN OR PATTERN Regular to $45,00 - SUMMER SPECIAL BOYS’ SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS R«$ul.r fo 52.95—.Si,., 10 to NOW ONLY $2.19 / STRAW HATS -MADE BY BILTMORE F Starts Thur., July 13 RIJY NOW ‘ THIS IS OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE OF SUMMER MERCHANDISE — COMPLETE A Al C A-Y/E SELECTION OF QUALITY CLOTHING FOR A^l^l^ 4M ▼ K MEN AND BOYS WALKING SHORTS PLAIN OR CHECK Koratron Parmanant Praia Regular to $9.95 SHORTS & TOPS BRAND NAME 5 - M - L — Regular $125 Regular $1.50 SPECIAL $1.00 PAift SHORT SLEEVE • SPORT SHIRTS • "T" SHIRTS • DRESS SHIRTS 2-95 to $5-50 Regular to $8.00 — All Sizes- 9:00 a.m. — FRIDAY SPECIAL — 9 ON SALE FRIDAY, JULY 14 ONLY I 300 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS now Only ALL SALES CASH — NO REFUND QA CAfu 3 FOR $5.50 I eV > EACH WASH PANTS SPECIAL GROUP Assorted Styles '/a PRICE • 482-9351-CLINTON UEDAI A Al'C MEAI'E 1A1E A B MANY MORE UNADVERTISED OPEN FRIDAY EVENING llElUVIAIl 3 fVlElM 3 WEAK SPECIALS