HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-07-06, Page 10£ Clinton News-Record, Thursday, July 5, 1067 i Plan Pot-Luck Picnic Meeting /■ This happy trio are discussing minor hockey at the official opening of Clinton and District Com­ munity Centre last Wednesday evening- In the center is Harvey Snelling, Athletic director of St. Sebastian grade school, Dearborn, Mich-/and sports editor of Dearborn Times-Herald, Mr,. Spelling has accompanied minor hockey teams from Dearborn-to Clinton's minor hockey day for the past eight years. Op the left is Mait'Edgar, a long time promoter of minor sports for Clinton Kinsmen Club and on- the right, Doug Andrews, recreation supervisor for Clinton. (News-Record Photo) Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results These pictures show $1,500 of the $4,000 prize money given away at the big bingo held by Clinton and District Community Centre Centennial Fund in the new arena on Monday evening. In the top picture, Mrs. VanCevelen of Centralia, presently living in Clinton, is receiving the$l„000 major prize from Frank Cook, chairman of the bingo. On the left is Andy Peterson, treasurer of the Centennial fund. At left,. Bert Clifford, publicity chairman of the new arena committee, is handing Dennis Whitney his $500 door prize. According to treasurer Peterson, the bingo netted the arena fund nearly $1,200. (JMews-Record Photo) Hugh Campbell Grade 7 Results. Grade 7; to Grade 8: ' Nancy Abbott, Norman Bab­ ineau, Clara Bradshaw, Robert Brown, Jo-Ann Carey, Hanne­ lore Carty, Bill Cummings, Debbie Daum, Ross Depever, Robert Dick, David Estabrooks, Ricky Fanjoy, Susanne Gagne, • Rosalyn Garnett, Dianne Ger- vais, Roger Gillcash, John Guth- rie, Vicki Hewitt, Larry La Pointe, Jacques Leger, Ralph Milton, David Mohr, Christine Moody, Joanne Poppenk, Cel­ este Paulin, Carol Shilson, Em. , meline Sichky, Garth Sinker, Beverley Smith, Clyde Sparks, Barbara St. Clair, Alpha Wade, Theresa Willberg, Robert Woodcock. I * Maitland and 16th Concession Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt was hos- Mr. and Mrs. Don Lobb on the tess to the S.S. 4 Community Club for the monthly meeting held the eyening of July 4. Mrs. Don Lobb opened the meeting with the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer; 15 members answered roll call. The minutes of the June meeting were read ' and the treasurer, Mrs. Murray Forbes reported a balance of $103.41 ' It was decided to hold a picnic in place of the August meeting, at the home of Mrs. Forbes. Lunch will be ‘pot-luck’. Lunch was served by Mrs. Don Forbes and Mrs.DonLobb, assisting Mrs. Tebbutt. ’ PERSONALS Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrill on the weekendwere Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snary and Albert of Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lobb and family of Chatham visited with weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Allen, Toronto, spent Thursday .with the Don Lobbs and took Step, hen and David home with them for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tebbutt Gregory and Wendy, Fonthill, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt and Marilyn who was home from London. Miss Lois Merrill has been , visiting with Miss Janice Tre- wartha in London. Miss Elizabeth Thompson reveived word that she had a mark of 95% in her Grade 2 Theory Music ‘Exam. Her teacher is Mrs. Jim Lobb, Congratulations are extended to the pupils of this community who won awards for this year at the' Holmesville Central School, j - • COMING EVENTS RATE: Four cento i* word; Minimum 75 cento Thursday, July 6 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wea)th games. 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter "L” and first letter ’T" applies on this game for $2.00 each, 3 share-the-wealth games, jack- , pot applies on those 3 games $55.00 in 55 numbers, 2 dopr prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. tfb Friday, July 7 —> Cash Bingo in Seaforth Legion FJall, 8:15 p.m. 15 regular games; $75 jackpot to go. Sponsors, Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion. .......................... 27b Tuesday, July 11 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $59.00 in 59 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 12—Murphy LOL No. 710 meets in Lodge Hall, 9:30 a.m. and at Agricul­ tural Park, Bayfield, 1:30 p.m. All members requested to meet Victoria Park, London, 1:30 p.m, to parade in London, July 8. 27b Friday, July 14—Giant Rum­ mage Sale, Bayfield Arena, 8 p.m, furniture, clothing, appli­ ances, specialty table, china — something of everything at bar­ gain prices. ’ 27b Friday, July 14 — Tweeds- muir tea and bake sale, spon­ sored by Clinton WI, 2:30 p.m, on the lawn of Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Princess St, • • 27b A REUNION . OF STUDENTS, TEACHERS, RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Of S.S. NO. 7, STANLEY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1967 Registration 2 p.m. — Recognition of former teachers — Picnic supper 5 p.m. — Bring picnic basket and dishes — Refreshments provided — Old School pictures welcomed. 27-8b HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost* Announce ' • Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Thompson of Dunnville, On. tario, are happy to announce the engagement of their" daughter, Patricia Anne* to Mr. Murray Arthur belmege, son of Mr and Mrs. Ross Defmege of Rondeau Park, Ontario, Theweddingwlll take place on Saturday* July 29 at 2 p.m. in Knox Presbyter­ ian Church, Dunnville. Miss Thompson is a graduate of Hamilton Teachers’ College and is presently oil the staff of Cathcart Boulevard school, Sar­ nia. Mr. Deliqege, a graduate of London Teacher's College, is vice-principal of Madden Cen. tral Public School. j BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Open* at 8:00 ‘ WED. - THURS. - FRI. . July 5-6-7 Top Family Entertainment WALT DISNEY’S "FOLLOW ME, BOYS!" 9:15 and 11:00 FRED MacMURRAY VERA MILES CHARLES RUGGLES COLOR - P|u* - "GOOFY’S FREEWAY TROUBLES" CARTOON "sat~ MON 'HARPER' (Adult Entertainment) 9:15 and 11:00 PAUL NEWMAN LAUREN BACALL. JULIE HARRIS ‘ ROBERT WAGNER COLOR , CARTOON ruEs7-”wED7-Ziuiy‘*i via A SPY DRAMA "THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD' --------9rl§ and 11:06"- RICHARD BURTON CLAIRE BLOOM OSKAR WERNER. CARTOON Coming Next: AFTER THE FOX * July 8-10 / -INDIVIDUAL and GROUP RATES AVAILABLE- Inquire to-day from: Robert McMillan, RR 2, Seaforth a Peter Roy, Clinton J Gordon Richardson, RR I, Brucefield Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 82 Albert St, Clinton Phone 482-9751 TEACHER WANTED Applications may be jailed to the undersigned. f 1.00 CANADA” 1.00 For 1968 “BEAUTIFUL Application must state qualifications, exper­ ience and name of present school inspector. For 1968 “CANADIAN PICTORIAL” Ballroom available for dances, parties, maatings. Catering to LUhchUdn*/ Weddings, Banquets, ofc. PHONE 524-9371 dr 9264 or 7084 HARRY TEBBUTT, Sec-Treas., Hullett Township Public School Area, RR 1, Londesboro. 26-7b II. ................. DANCING SATURDAY, JULY 8 RON BROWN With The Tijuana gouhd Refre»hments Available «» You Must Be 21 DANCING 9 to 7 Admission $1.25 Per Person RECEPTION Sunday Buffet Dinner 5 TO 7:30 P.M. — COME AS YOU ARE Adults $2.50—Children under 10 half price—Under 4 Free ■JA" I WITH TIRES TIRES BLACKWALLSWHITEWALLSFIRST LINE 13’s - 14’s -15 x 600 - 700 « 800 All Sizes AM Hugh Campbell Public School Results A/M Hugh Campbell public school at Adastral Park pro­ motion results, as announced by principal C, A. Trotts Grade 6 to Grade 7 s D. Boissevain, D. Bowman, E. Bradshaw, S. Brown, B. Burke, J. Capeling, J. Cook, R. Culley, L. Cummings, K. Dieroff, R. Dukes, M. Ebel, M. Finlay, R. Gagne, P. Ger­ vais, F. Kasawan, K. Lawson, S. Laroque, S. MacKay, J. Mar- ceil, D. Marier, D. Poire, E. Schwab, L, A. Smith,R.Sparks, M. Thuot, J. Sichky, M, Groves, A. Carey. Grade 6 to Grade 7 Kerry Boissevain, David Brian, Patricia Cummings, Michael Driscoll, Helen Ger­ vais, Mark Griffin, David Ink- ley, Kerry Lawson, Verne Mc­ Donald, Dale Marsh, Janice Pratt, Penny Ranger, Louise Rocheleau, Grade 5 to Grade 6 Wendy Brown, Nancy Delcel- lier, Ross Griffin, Cathy John- ’ son, Jacqueline LeFebure, Rob­ ert Leger, Colleen McIImoyl, Chris McKenzie, David Martin, Kim Motomura, Douglas Sack­ ett, Angela Turnbull, Grade 5 to Grade 6 James Burke, Carol Coleman Debra Fischer, Brenda Forcier Colleen Fraser, Susan Gale, Denis Gervais, EverettGoodine Lorenda Harper, Linda Humph- ries, Douglas Kerr, Laura La Pointe, Robih Leather, Lorrie Longevin, John Marquis, Mie- hael Martin, Michael McFar- land, Philip Oliver, Daniele Ouelette, Derek Poire, Jadkle Porter, Sandy Porter, Douglas Silk, Glenn Smith, Wayne Turn­ bull, Jennifer Wainman, Jac. queime Hewitt* Linda Kasawan. Grade 4 to Grade 5 Sharon Aiken 'Kim Amirault, Erie Baiden, Dawn Bogseth. Darryl Borden, Gordon Bowles, Valerie Bradshaw, Tommy Brehiiah, Allah Carty, Claudette Cote, Josie Cutnmings, Robert Dieroff, Robert Fischer, Jean Paul Gald, Karen Gans, Melody Hiinmelrhan, Kim JbhnStbh) Kathleen Knight, Debra LaWsoii, Ken La Pointe, SuSah Marsh, Dennis Mciltnoyl* Richard Phil­ lips, Richard Porte#, Shelley Schwab, Barry Silk, dreg Sihk- 6r, Deborah Smith, Greg Stone, Robin GtOveS, Gail Johnston, < Maureen Carey, PaulLahgeVih; Richard Phillips, Richard Pot­ ter, Shelley Schwab, Sarty ^ilk* Greg Sinker* Deborah smith, Greg Stone, Robin Groves, Gail Johnson^ Maureen Carey, Paul Grade 4 to Grade 5 Mark Baiden, Wayne Barr, Cheryl Rbwser, Louise Brochu Douglas Brown, Russell Call, Gall Chambers, Craig Cook, Karol Gurry. Chris iDelbng:, Gail Chambers, Karol Curry, Chris Delong, Lynnt Depever, Debby Hodges, Wendy Johnston, Richard Lapensee, Philip Leger Penny MacKay, Bobby Marceil, Michael Marquis, Billy Mc­ Andrews, Paul Mohr, Ira Moody, Nicole Ouellette, BrendaPaulin, Lee Pratt, Brian Silk, Patsy Schwab, Barbara Thompson, Bobby Thuot, Bryan Wight. Grade 3 to Grade 4 Sheryl Anderson, Dean Black, Shelly Borden, Mary Lynn Burke, Mary Carmichael, Lee Carty, Peter Culley, Gordon Dieroff, Robert Fraser, Jeffry Girdlestone, Terry Groves, Stephen Hatten, John Humph­ reys, Brenda Johnson, Dianne Kasawan, Joanne Lapens6e, Gerard Marier, Sharline Me- ■ Farland, Jane McIImoyl, Linda Motomura, Cathy Poter, An­ drew Rafuse, Shawn Sheppard, Debbie Smith, Pamela Thuot. Grade 3 to Grade 4 Donald Abbott, Sharon Bor­ den, Diane Bowman, Karen Cail, Ricky Cummings, Patricia Duv- ert, Annette- Dodsworth, Janet Gale, Basil Goodine, Johnny Hewitt, Denice Knight, Joey Marquis, Michele Poire, Debbie Porteous, Roger Pryor, Lori Ranger, Glenda Sichky, Law­ rence Smith,. Debbie Turnbull, Brenda Wainman. Grade 2 to Grade 3 Cathy Aitken, Rachelle Ami­ rault, Bill Anderson, Ronald Anslow, Wendy Boissevain, Bruce Bowser, Gail Brennan, Susan Brookbank, Sheri Cham* pion,Pamela Cox, Mary Cumm­ ings, Julie Danford, Randy Daum, Patricia Fischer, Craig Hannah, Tracy Harper, Law­ rence Hatten, Karen Howland, Janet Humphreys, Peter Knight, Michelle Langevin, Ronald La. Pointe, Stephen Lawson, Mary H. Le Febvre^ Carol Ann Marsh Wendy Sewell, Kathryn Smith,- Kenneth Smith, Megan Smith, Stephen Truswell. , Grade 2 to Grade 3 Carolyn Anderson, Lee Bog. seth, Cheryl Bowman, Elaine Brochu, Karen Bucht, Michael Chambers^Gary Finlay, Michael Gagne, Steven Goodine, Rich, ard Gulliver, Mona Harper, Trq vor Harper, Eileen Hatten, Aud- rey Kennedy, Jammie Kennedy Christine Larocque, Tena Le- ger, Peter Martin, Ray Mar­ tin, Robert McAndrew, Gregory Oliver, Gwendolyn Priestley, William Robinson, DonnaSalter; Karen Sinker, Nathan Sheppard Kim Steeves. Grade 1 to Grade 2 | Chris Black, Suzanne Bowser Tony Bulger, Martin Castle, Ken Chambers, Susan Comeau John Delcellier, Holly Ebel, Paul Groves, Wayne Hohner, Stephen Horsman, Catherine Kawawan, Christine Kelly, Nic­ ola., Lapensee, Norman Martin, Michael Pageot, Marcel Poire, Elise Rafuse, Linda MaeSparks Karen Steeves, Marc Truswell Stephen Wight. Grade 1 to Grade 2 David Amirault, Heather Bai. den, Joyce Barr, Michael Bel. ton, Paul Blanchard, David Brookbank, John Carty, Chris- Champion, Ricky Cox, Joey Dan. ford, Kim .Girdlestone, Lesley Hill, Steven Kingwell, Donald Knight, Nanette Leather, Jeff Marceil, Penny Parsons, Car­ line Phillip, Chrystele Prevost Donna Sackett, Linda Shields Michael Sichky, Kindergarten to Grade 1 Susan Amirault, Cheryl Ans- low, Robert Barr, Cathy Blan. chard) Ricky Brown, Debbie Bulger, Bernice Chivdrsj Vic­ kie Cook, Stephen Danford, Brhdlfey Daum, Elizabeth Div- ert, Stephen Dadsworth, Ronnie Fraser, Brian Furneaux, Scott Gale, Christine Girdlestone, t. Danny Crondin, Collin Guignard Teresa Harris, Gary Horsman, Craig Howland, Karen Hump­ hreys, Holly Johnson, Diane Jones, Trent Kelly, Carl La- pensee, Shannon Lawson, Lisa Le Bel, Tommy Marquis, Gor. don McAndrew, Louise Mell, moyl, Peter Mohr, Danny Par­ sons, Laura Pratt, Judy Sewell, Kelly Shields, Charles Smith, Kim Truswell, Paul Turner, Robert Wight. For Mr.Mrs. Nick Whyte (nee Joan McClyhiont) SAT., JULY 15 ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Kenny Ducharme And The Chandeliers Ladies please bring lunch 27-28b OVERSTOCKED TIRES 11- Teachers required for Hullett Township Central School I WE HAVE THEM COMING OUT OF OUR EARS Odd Balls, Too 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO By Coutts “Hallmark”—“TREASURES” Keepsake Booklet 75c For Special Occasion^—Birthday—Friend­ ship-Baby—Etc. “MONTREAL STREET SCENES” By Schepansky Notepaper McEWANS GOOO/VEAR Tltesfone NIRDYA COST PRICE AND BELOW Installed On Your Car — If You Need Them We Have Them BE READY FOR SAFE SUMMER DRIVING Use your credit card Lome Brown Motors Ltd Your Friendly Chevrolet, OkftmoMIe It Envey Deetor. Ontario Street CUNTON — Phone 482-9321