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The Clinton New Era, 1911-12-21, Page 14
I •t ,-jf. 1 TV '< »*■ Many CancHdetas Show Them' selves in Ontario Towns, i : s | I i ! : 1K Nomination Day Throughout the. Pro vince Passes Off Quietly With a Large Number of Acclamations For Mayoralties of Important Communi ties—Toronto Acclaims G- R. Geary For His Third Year In Office* - Toronto, Dee. 23.—Municipal nomi nations held throughout Ontario yes terday were remarked chiefly for quiet ness. Evidently the people have had la surfeit of elections. The crop of I candidates, -however, was large in | many places. The mayors elected by ; acclamation* are: I , Amherstburg—Dr. W. E. Park, Bowmanville—J, B. Mitchell, Brockville—0. W< McLean. Galt—F. S. Scott. Guelph—Geo. J. Thorp (re-elected). Hamilton—G. H. Lees (re-elected). Kingston—Francis J. Hoag. North Toronto—A. J. Brown. * Perth—Francis W. Hall, St. Catharines—Dr. W, H. Merritt. St, Thomas—Robert N, Price. * Thornbury—G. H. Boone. Toronto—G. R. Geary (re-elected). The following are the nominations .in some of the cities: j Hamilton—Mayor Lees' was elected s for a second term by acclamation, • Nine candidates were nominated for, :controllers as follows: Thomas Skin- iner Morris, Thomas William Jutten, 1 Robert A. Campbell, William G. Bail- ley, Charles W. Gardner, Y. Thomas 5 Robson, John Forth, Hugh C. Sween- iey, John Allan. I Stratford—Mayor; John Brown, F. J. j Oorris, D. M. Ferguson, R. S. Frame, ;O. N. Greenwood, John Keyes, Aaron jKnechtel, Wm. Preston. 1 For water commissioners—J. D. • Barnett, Joseph Myers. For light and heat commissioners— August Kastela, G. L. Money, Angus McDonald. Chatham—Mayor: Frank E. Baxter and Wm. Anderson. Water commis sioners—William E. Gundy and Wil liam Gordon. Berlin—Mayor: W. H. Schmaiz, Adam Denjis, A. L. Breithaupt, J. F., McKay, Geo. Lang, W. Pieper. Reeve—J. F. McKay, C. H, Mills. Fred Rohleder, W- D. Euler, V. F. Weber, C- H. Huether, W. Pieper. D. E. J. Hett, L. Sattler. St. Catharines—Mayor: Dr. W. FI. Merritt (acc.). Sitford—Mayor: C. II. Hartman, Ruddy. er commissioner—J. Fair (acc.). Peterboro—Mayor: W. H. Bradburn, J. J. Hartley. Water commissioners—Chairman T. F. Matthews (acc.). Belleville—For mayor: Aid. G. Vermilyea and ex-Ald. Geo. I. Thomas Guelph—Mayor: George J. Thorp (acc.). Light and heat commissioner—Sam uel Carter. Water commissioner—R. L. rance. Sewerage commissioner—Daniel Rudd. f TS'Ki . I NERVES Young and old have them. Some abuse them. They get tired, starved* SYMPTOMS:-~Lon of sleep and appetite, in digestion, irritability, eventually wrecked con stitution. Alcoholic remedies, stimulate only* Scott’s Emulsion soothes and nourishes, feeds the nerves, A natural nerve-food, con taining the salts of Hypo phosphites, Iodine and Glycerine* NO ALCOHOL. ALE. DRUGGISTS | last Wednesday evening after <n ; illneaa of but o-ne day. J Father McKeon had been visitirr 1 a brother, who is ill pear Bay City. * Mich., and arrived in London shortly after midnight opWeup.es day morning, be’uxg anxioui to at tend the silver jubilee of Mgr. Ayl ward. He went to the Tecumseh. House and Was ill all .night. Wed nesday morning he was removed to St. Joseph’s Hospital and Dr. Till- i man and Dr. Wjwhart called. He sank rapidly. In the af terinoon Mgr. Aylward called on him and a few moments after returniinig home Was called again. He administered the last rites of the church. The deceased had be<en ailing for some time with a kidney affection, but he did not regard it as serious. Father McKeon was boirn iln Ra leigh Township, Kent Co.uki'ty, a- boixt 55 years ago. He was ordain ed in 1880 and at different times was parish priest at Bothwell Strathroy and Sit. ColumbanS. >;He .was very popular with all classes. Several brothers and sisters sur vive, Mns, Croitlly, of Bothwell, is a sis ter, and Revf Father McKeon, of St. Maryas church in Londoin is a cousin. The funeral was held Friday at 10. a. m. from the ehuiieh at St. Columbans. I y.7 Packers’ Case Adjourned, Chicago, Dec. 23.—Counsel for —.—------------------------- ------ A woman may thinks she XnoWS a man like a book, but' after ma(r- ryip'g him she is apt to discover a few more volumes- ShUohi Gure quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs «* ■ 23 cents. Father Albert EcKeon Dies Very Suddenly. Parish Priest at St Columbang, Ont. Ill But’a Day in St. Joseph’s Hois pit al. Rrv. Father Albert McKeon par ish priest at St. Co’umban's Ont., died in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Lon don. shortly before ten o’clock Look Out for Trouble The after-effects of the Grip areapt to be serious, but a normal healthy condition may bo restored in a sur prisingly short time by Vinol. Watertown, Wis.—“After a severe attack of the Grip my system was in a very weakened, nervous and run down condition, I began taking Vinol with the very best results, and in a short time I began to feel like an en tirely different person, and I am better and stronger than I have been for years.” Adelaide Gamm. (We guaran tee this testimonial to be genuine.) We have never sold in our store such a valuable strength creator and health restorer for the convalescent, the weak and run-down, as Vinol, and we ask people in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol, with the under standing that their money will be re turned if it does not do all we claim for it,Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. Strayed on ta the premises of the under signed Lot 19, Con. 13, Hullett about the first of August a red yearling heifer. Owner can have isame by proveing property and paying costs.' Thomas Pate* ppn-n-r.-T-.-i ...i; i. ■■■ ■ ■.. ...‘.M Boar for Service ( Having purchased a thorough bred Tam'w’Orth Hflg, will keep him for service at lot 23 on the 3rd, Con.HuHet. terms $1.00 at time of service with the priviledge of r*- turning if necessary, Two Houses to let The undersigned has two houses to let, apply to Jaedb Taylor Teacher Wanted r TBTOSDAY, W. BBTDOO. BABBIBTER BOLIOmB" MOTAm* PUBLIC* HTO. The following quantity of Live Poul try ie wanted at the Holmesville Poultry Station each week— 1000 Chickens * 500 Mens 300 Ducks 3000 Dox* New Laid Eggs I’lRKEYS AND GEESE LATER • ------ Poultry takenj the first three days of each week. Highest Prices Paid in Cash Write or Phone Before you Stell Phone 4 on 142, N, W. TREWARTHA Holmesville. y Shorthorns and Leicester Sheep for Sale. CHARLES B. HALH Conneyauce, Notary Public, • UommiMiioner, etc. BEAL ESTATEJANDINSURANCB Issuer of Marriage Licenaeif. Huron JSt, Clinton, H. T. RANCE’ NotarylPublic, Conveyancer, Financial and Beal Estate* INSUBAKCE AGENT~-BeprewentingHEir®In ifcsurapce Comp*nie«. Division Court Office. Medical. DR. «?. w. THOMPSON jlcian. Surgeon. Eta ■uedal attention given to diseases otiffie Eye, Ear, Throat and Note. f Eyes carefully Examined, and'suitsble^glaMe: prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial Kotor Moron Mt. p Chicago, Dec. 23.—Counsel for the ten Chicago meat packers charged with combining ,to control the price of meats in violation of the criminal sec tions of the Sherman Law, concluded their opening statements to the jqry \ yesterday and U. S. District Judge Carpenter adjourned court until next Tuesday. Three hundred witnesses will be call ed by the Government. ’ Win For ’’Pinafore” Captain. Montreal, Dec. 23.—The vagrancy and non-support charge vh:”h had 'been laid against Geo. J. M> l'«rland, one of the principal singers :n the “Pinafore” company, which «>>peared/ at the Princess a week ago, was thrown out of court yesterday by judge Bazin, in the police court. Pastor Dropped Daad. Galt, Dec. 23.—Rev. Dr. Carruth ers, pastor of the Preston Methodist ChurclL dropped dead just after aris ing from bed yesterday morning. De ceased" was appointed to Preston last June, was a brilliant preacher and highly popular. He leaves a widow- and three children. - Knighthood Probable. Ottawa, Dec. 23.—Accor. Ing to in formation received in Ottawa yester day through the English mail. Pre mier Borden will be Sir Robert Borden after the distribution of New Year honors. The conferring of the knight hood upon the Prime Minister thus early in his administrative career, will be a recognition of his fight for the British connection and the unity of the Empire in the recent elections. The honor in this case must, of course, come from the King without any recommendation from Ottawa. r Two teachers wanted1 for S.S.No. 8, Hullett, principal and: assistant. Apply stating qualifications , and salary Wanted. Assistant to re ceive $325.00. Duties to commence Jan. 2nd, 1912. Apply to CHAS. MANNING, Box 16, Londesboro, Ont. The undersigned has for sale Lot. 35 Con. STuckersmith L,R,S, 2 choice young bulls aged 12 and 13 month's odd, .color dark red also, a few Leicester eW|© iambs. Prices right.—A. Elcoat, Brucefield, .Ont. bus <am ana gandier Br.W. Oolh.I.B. c, f.,k. b. <J.K<*W nr. J. C. WaMdler. B.A. M.B. Office—Ontario Street, Clinton. NightD*ll» at residence. B*n«abwry St., or at hospital Servant Wanted Wanted! a good general servant to whom the highest wages will be paid. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Mc- Taggart< Teacher Wanted ■ Assistant female teacher wanted for S. S. No.. 8, Mckillop. Apply stating salary expected etc. Dut ies to commence 3rd. Jan, 1912. This school is conveniemt to post of fice and churches. ,;W. G, Sieimon > ■ E>R. a. We SHAW. PHYSICIAN. BURGEON. - ccoucheur, etc., office and residence on Bat-- tenbury St., opposite W. Farran’s residence. See.—Trea. Manley Ontario. DR. F. H.HXON . DENTIST *• Crown, and Bridge Work a Specialty. Graduate of O.O.D.S.. Chicago, and B.O.D.S Toronto.Baylleid on Mondays, May 1st to December i Logs Wanted All kind® of logs, Maple, Soft Elm and Basswood preferred. Highest price paid. W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co. 1)R. H. FOWLEll, DENTIST. Offices over .O’NEIL’S store. Special care taken to make dental' treat* went as painless as possible, of Clinton Clinton, Dec: 15th, 1911 Christmas and New Year Excursions Between- all stations in Canada, also to Niagara Falls and Buf falo, NT. Y.* Detroit and Port. Huron, Mich. Yards Oi»posite (J. T, IL Station — hoarders Wanted Having returned to town I am now prepared to take boarders, either ladies or gentlemen, Apply at house Mrs. Mogridge, Ontario street cjj Pasture Land THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction GODERICH ONT J V x BtO3£ sales a speejutt; Oiclets it New Era office, Clinton, promt E;y attendNC1. to. - Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted ■i1 President Estrada Dead. Guayaquil. Deo. 23.—Emilio Estra da, President of the Republic oi Ecu ador. died here last midnight. President Estrada was elected to of fice on Jan. 11, 1911, urated on Sept. 1. President Estrada September and was While there a plot to was foiled, and a would-be assassins captured. The at titude of Quito proved dangerous, and President Estrada returned here the latter part of last month. and was inaug- became ill in sent to Quito, assassinate him number of the To the Mayor and Council GENTLEMEN—I submit herewith a statement of the Finances of the Town of Clinton, from Dec. loth, 1910, to Dec. 15th, 1911- Single Pare (Minimum charge 25c) Good going Dec. 23,24, 25. Return Limit Dec. 26,1911- Also good going Dec. 30,31, 1911 and Jan. 1,1912 ReturfaLimit • Jan. 2,1912. Ail kinds oi Coal on hand— Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Furnace Kennel Coal Coke | Pert andlmpert| Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOR i A Many an early bird has beqn. tak en in by am early cat. No, Alonzo, the little dears are not invited to stag parties. Electric Restorer for Men Phncnhnnnl restores every nerve in the body rnobpiiunui t0 itg proper tension. restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phoaphonol will make you a now man. Price 13 a box, or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co,, St. Catharines, Ont. A pretty girl who remains single - •must be a matchless beauty. The best way to get rid of sland er is to let it starve to death. Receipts from Dec, 15tli to Dec* 31st, 1910 Incidental acct. County of $*^ Huron re Insane .............. License acct. Lively licenses Taxes 1909 acct...... ..,..... Waterworks acct. Service con nections ................................. Water Rates........... ./....« Transferred from OlintonThres- her Co. insurance fund...... Transferred from Doherty Co. Special acct. ......................... Local Improvement Deben tures No. 140 to 159 sold to sinking fund ............ I Property acct. Stock scales.. Market scales.. Hall rent" ..... ■ Cemetery acct, space -........... Work.........'.. Olihton Thresher Co, acct Rent from Canadian Flax Co. to Nov. 1 ..................................Statute Labor acct.................... Interest acct. Royal Bahk, cur rent acct ............................. 584 40 500 00 50 00 31 00 12 26 D, L. MACPHERSON, Treasurer Expenditures from Dec. 15tli to . Dec, 31st. 1910 Consolidated Debt Debentures* $ Interest ..... Macadam Roads acct.. 1.,.. Waterworks acct. ...... . Clinton Thresher Co. acct. Law Costs............ Property acct. .. .. Public School acct. grant............ County Rate........................ ... ... Debenture’’Redemption acct... 2672 19 Public Library acct, balance grant ..........'............. 00 00 Sinkingfuiidappropriation 1910 3524 30 Street acct.................. 66 85 Charity acct__ _.......... v 3 65 Street watering acct.. 6 60 Cemetery acct..................... -30 25. Dry .Earth Closet acct........ . • 50 00 Local Improvement acct,...... 91 70 Fire & Water acct...., s 9 50 Election acct................. . 26 00 Stationery acct ............. 4 68 Waterworks maintenance acct 47 81 Electric Light acct........... . .... 116 83 Salaries acct........................... 19 15 Stavely.Library acct(Builaing) 2 50 Interest acct. Molsons Bank.. 2 50 165 62 .192 76 2320 98 818 25 5 00 ........ 36 40 Balance ;........ .450 CO 1026 60 • . ‘ J • • (Minimum charge 25c) Good going Dec. 21,1911 to Jan. 1, 1912 inclusive. Return Limit Jan. 3,1912. Full particulars from JOHN HANSFORD &SON, Agents A.’O. PATTISON, depot agent r Teacher Wanted. A professional teacher for SA profidssional teacher for S. S. No. 9, Ashfield. Duties to com mence on Jam’. 3rd,1912. -Apply stating-- salary and . qualificalt.io(ns to R. Johnston, Secy., Mafeking Postoffice. Some first class pasture land to be so’d in lots to suit puichasers. At tractive prices. Apply to * ■* John Ransford, G. T. R. City Agent . FARM FOR. BEST.- 1 •< ► i◄ -4 See and here our finest f New Stylish designs of f j Doherty Pianos and f* ◄ i ◄ >4 . Organs, ■. I ■ special values in Cases > The South 70 acres of lot number 35 and the South East, part of .Lob no, 36 14 acres both in the 1st concession of Stanley township is fervent for a term of years. This proper ty is clOse to the town of Clinton and possesssion can be given at once. For further parti culars apply to Henry Plumsteel. Clin ton, Ont., or McCarthy, Boys & Mur chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont. T— - Farm For Sale ■ ► ■t. Ait 4 ■4 4 4 4 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOR I A It’s awfully hard for the aver age man to keep his advice to him self. About two-thirds of the letters .written represent a waste of time. quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lunsrs. - - - 25 cents, Many a woman has ajnold hat on her head and a new, Okie oto( her mind.O' Anyway itihe love of a man for a woman seldom interferes with his appetite. Children Cry > FOR FLETCHER’S CAS T O Fi I A •No, Cordelia, a girl isn’t necess arily a bird1, just because she is pigeon toed. It takes a young mbither to tell .what color her baby’s hair is when it hasn’t any ataiL Will the 1912 leap year girl come Around in; ata aenojpsane and im- j$ore Ante young man to > fly with $ 3699 81 Receipts from Jan. i st., 1911, to Dec. IStli, 1911 Balance from 1910 ...... ..... $1925 20. Arrears of Taxes.......... *....... 61 10 Bills Payable - Borrowed from Molsons Bank........ 15000 00 Cemetery Acct. Sale of lots,., 108 00 Work........' Macadam Road Debentures* Principal ........ ! Macadam Road Debentures, Accrued interest................... Waterworks Debentures, prin cipal ........................... ...... ' Incidental account. Amt. over drawn for polling booths, re turned * ...............................*Incidental acct, Gravel sold Hullett Tp.,....................... Interest Molsons Bank current acct..................... Interest Royal Bank current acct................................... Clinton Knitting Co, To pay Debenture .................. . License acct, ................ : Magistrate’s Fines Macadam Roads S.J. Andrews Empty sacks.................Macadam Roads Amt. over drawn on Pay Sheet June 1st Ontario Government-Railway tax .............................. . Property acct. Stoek scales*. Market scales. Hall rent .... Public School Government grant..................................... Park rent.............*.............. Sinking Fund Interest........... Street acct, Tile sold ........ Refund by R, Brown on tile. . Street Watering. Collections Clinton Thresher Cd. Rent.... Clinton Thresher Co; Old iron and Inmber sold ................... Waterworks acct. Services.. Waterworks acct* Harland Bros* damage to main........ Waterworks acct, old iron sold Waterrates ................. Taxes 1916 Roll *....................... Taxes 1911 Boll...................... J5000 00 i ' 403 50 ' 9014 05 137 10 4844 55 3 00 8 60 23 08 2 72 451 33 1038 10 34 00 12 70 1 13 $ 11799 62 Expenditures from Jan. 1st 1911, to Dec. 15th, 1911 Board of Health............. Bills payable, loans paid.. Cemetery ................. Charity ........;.................... ........ Consolidated Debt Debentures Interest ........................ .1123 12 Collegiate Institute . *........... ’ 20(10 00 W< Doherty & Co. Loan De bentures Interest. ........ Debenture Redemption acct.. Dry Earth C’losec acct............ Electric Light Street lightning Fire & Water ..................... Grants : Sick Childrens Hos pital* Stock Show,’ School games &Band........ ......... Incidental acct.-............. Insurance .................... . Interest ................................ Library Part grant............ Law Costs ............................. Macadam Roads.... ....... Macadam Road Debentures Interest ........... ................ Property acct....................... Postage & Stationery ...... Printing......... .......... ......... Public School ....**........ Park........ ................. . Sinking Fund-Interest deposit ed in Bank ........... Streets.............. Salaries Street Watering...* Tax Refunds ........ Clinton Xhresher Co. W&terWorks ............................. Waterworks Debentures. Int< erest ........................ Waterworks Maintenance,... $49500 16 12805 71Balance on hand .$• 37 38 . 15000 00 . 450 98 . 14 30 875 00 576 56 563 00 1285 IB 311 90 225 00 391 02 91 50 313 10 50 00 8 77 7174 38 180 00 651 31 56 23 150 95 5215 00 35 35 817 75 ............ 692 51 ............ 1261 50 ............. 221 12 .--------- 202 67 ............ 406 30 ........ 5548 59 2130 00 1142 74 imi ti My ’bus and dray business is now located at my house on Ontario St. two doors from Rattenbury Hotel barn. Call.-or ’phone No. 42. All orders promptly attended to. JOSH. COOK. ◄1 1 Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new, Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. Music Emporium ° t►>► ►►► ►'►t ►► ►► -►► ■ ►►► C. Hoare ABSOLUTE Genuine Little Liver Pills, Wluat Bear Signature of Equipped Piano Factories in Canada W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co, Limited Factories and Head Office CLINTON, ONT, Wtetettrui Branch, 280 HARGRAVE STREBT* p. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart BUNKERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON ; tresaeral Banking Dosin©?'® ■ transaetesfi NOTES DlfeCODNTED" • Drafts issued. Interest allowed on -deposits. ■ The MeKiHop Mutol Fire Insurance: Farm and Isolated Town Propo erty ©nly Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth s., Goderich-. _ i, Sec.-Tieas., v Seafcitb DIRECTORS. < Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; .Joho Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafcnth- I. Evans, Beech-' ' woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop. T, B'n- neweis, Brodhagen, M. McEwan,. Clinton, Each Director is inspector of losses in his own locality. AGENTS. ’ Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchle? Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmonds ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville Payment st may. ba k made at The Morri&h' Cloithing Co., Clinton, oj? R. H. Cutt, Goderich. q..____ ________ _ _____ I Jas. Connolly, Vice Pres, ' ) Thos. E. Hays, Sec.-Tieas ■Ebe undersigned offersfor sale, East Half, Lot 12. on 3rd Concession, of Hullett his choice farm of 65 acres, all clear and in grass. 2 never failing springs, good well at house, river at back, a qhoice gravel pit, cement or road, gravel,; A good frame house, neyv frame l^tchen with wood shed, 1 acre good bearing orchard. Reasons for selling not able'to work, For par ticulars apply on premises or address RICHARD TASKER, Hullett, - Clinton. P. O. Steam Engine For Sale The undersigned offers for sale v an upright steam engine; about 7 4 horsepower in good running Or der. This is certainly a snap for | any farmer wanting power for gen . er al use on farm. Engine'can be seen at my blacksmith shop. 4 J abas Rands, Clinton. ( . ►►► 5m PdoStmlte Wrapper Below. 0—IIM...i'll ....... ... I'I HI——— Ww tmaU •*« A* Muy **» Farm lor Sale. (JACOB TAYLOR © LINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan »* SHFOIIfEAtlACIIE. FORDIZZINEtt. flW MUtUMEtt. FOETOIWO LIVEN, FINemTlMTION FM SALLOW MIN; . nNmMMruxiH < The executor of the Southcombe Estate! offers for sale 50 acrek, — East half of lot 28. eon. 6, Hullett. A first-plass faj*m, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also; the undersigned offterte for sale, lot 29{r con. 6, Hull ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. ■ James southcombe. ’ I ‘ ’ t • • Clinton. Office^Issac’Street, next-door ’to New Era Jt. offprsl for sale, lot 29<r con. 6, bought together or separately. Clinton. Cottage l or Sale Mrs. Rosa offers'her* Cottage on Victoriai street for sale. It is an excellent property in a good lo cation ana in good repair. ^'W. Brydone, Ford & McLeod We are now selling Timothy seed at $7.00 a bushel, Government Standard. We have also on hand Alfalfa at $14.00, Alsike $10, Red Clover from $8.50 to $9, We haye always on hand Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and feed Corn at $21 a ton. Highest Market prices paid for all grain. Ford & McLeod Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table * London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart......8.30 am t.oO’rfm Centralia.................9.40 •5.43 Exeter.......*....... 9 53 5.54 , Hensail. b........ ..10.08 6.05 Kippen.............10.16 6.11 Brucefield ...............10.30 6.19 Clinton.........*.*.11.00 6.35Londesboro.........11.18 6 52 Blyth...................11.27 7.00 Belguave............11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive...11.50 7.35 South .Passenger ~ Wingham, depart.. " ' !.............».Belgrave*............ Blyth............ Londesboro...... Clinton.......... Brucefield....... Kippen . Hensdll,......... Exeter.. .............. Centralia........ London,"arrive.. • * » •8,is 9y00 „_________ 10 00^Buffalo andJGode. „ West .6.43 a mf}3.33 p m6.54, 1 7.08 7,16 • 7.50 8.12 Sv23 8)32 COAL Before placing your orders for your season’s supply of Coal, get our prices* The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may bo left at Davis Ac Rowland’s Hardware store, or With W. J. Stevenson* MBlMtrt. Liahtmurt. A**.‘ Stratford. * < *. Mitchell...... Seaforth...,* Olintoix...... Holmesville,. Goderich*.... *. East Goderich... Holmesville Clinton*... Seaforth». Mitchell * * * Stratford.. a • a m .10.00 ,10.22 10.45 .11.07 11.16 ,11-35 3.44; 3.56 4.04 4.23 4.39 4.47 4.52 5.05 5.15 6.10 Pussengcii^ pm pm p m ”1 12.20 o.25 10.26 J j 12.45 5.55 10.47* j 1.10 6.18 11.12 j 1.25 6.40 11.28 1 1,33 6 46-11.38 I1.50 7.05 11.55 J J assenger pm150J 5.06 • 5.15 i 5.32 5.55 6.20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French raXtelator: never ftil<< Tbeea-- J>H1« fcra exceedingly powetfal itt rornkttotthar- I reaeratlve portion bl fta feeaaleNystetn. Refnea- r-