HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-29, Page 9From Owr Early Files (Continued from Page Four) dress was read by Francis Ppwell and the presentation ■made by Dave Peeves. Mrs. Cecil Cooper and son Edwin and daughter, Mrs. Jack Fraser, spent the weekend in Colborne with Mrs. Percy Elliott, 15 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, July 10, 195? Mr. .and Mrs, Clarence Ball, of Grosse Isle, Mich., spent the weekend with relatives in town. Miss Helen Colbeck, who has been principal of Bayfield Pub- lie'School for the past three years, resigned to accept a teaching position at Queensville school, On behalf of the pupils and some former students Patsy Scotchmer read an address and Helen McLeod presented her with a gift. Wallace Avery is recuperating at his home, after having sur­ gery in Clinton Public Hos­ pital. The marriage of Helen Audrey Jervis to James Donald Middleton took place on Satur­ day, July 5 in Wesley-Willis United Church by Rev, Hugh C, Wilson, Entrance pupils successful at Clinton Public School this term were: Jimmy Carter, Jean Adams, Hugh Colquhoun, JacqUes Endiguer, Billy Ger­ man, Theresa Guetter, John Holmes, Marlene Hunter, Kelvin Jervis, Kenneth Lee, Eugene MacLaren, ' Connie Scruton, Bobby Seeley, Affka Strijker, Pauline Taylor, Murray Taylor. Camp at Lake Couchiching for two weeks. Vicki was chosen as the girl tp represent CDCI at this camp. Ken Arkell has signed up for another season with, the B.C. Lions professional football club. A modern touch for the safety slogan is “Rock and Roll’’. If you’ve got rocks in yoqr head when it comes to to driving , . you’re very apt tp roll in the ditch , , . 10 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, July 4, 1957 Effective immediately after this issue, A. Laurie Colquhoun will assume full ownership of the Clinton News-Record, hav­ ing bought the interests of Frank M. and Harry J. Mc- Fwan. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Town re­ turned from a very pleasant trip to the west coast, stopping off at Banff, Lake Louise, Van­ couver and Victoria. Donald Warner and family moved from Goderich Township recently into the house on Clan Gregor Square which he pur­ chased from M. J. Butler. Miss Vicki Cluff is at the Ontario Athletic Leadership Lovely Babies (By R, S. ATKEY) “It is easy to find homes for fair, curly-h.aired blue-eyed baby girls without problems, but we do want more people really interested in the child who has problems, Won’t you help us?” In these words, Miss Clare McGowan, Local Director of Huron County Children’s • Aid Society, appealed to the 37 members of Huron County Council at their session in Gode­ rich last week, She reported that the Society now has only six babies looking for adoption homes/ with 20 children on adoption probation. One of the six babies is almost a year old and a Roman Catho­ lic; another one of the six has a physical handicap. “We need more people want­ ing to adopt children who are not the prettiest, healthiest, best-adjusted little people,” Miss McGowan declared in her talk to County Council. “Every child needs a good-home whether he is adqpted or riot. Some child­ ren, so-called unadopted, have become so loved and wanted by their foster-parents, that ad­ option was a joyous experience for all concerned.” The Local Director pointed out that many handicapped children can be adopted when parents are found willing to ac­ cept and love them for their own sakes and not for what the ■child can give the adopting family. “Not everyone can ac­ cept a handicapped child and we must not blame them for this,” she said. “It is far better to be perfectly honest about it from the beginning. . “Some adoption applicants County to Donate to Tornado Fund; No Basis Set for Payments Thurs,, June 29, 1967—-Clinton News-Record-—Page 9 ‘......■ ■■ ■■’■ .......— .............................................................................................‘ :...................................* Junior Mathematicians Computer Science forriis a major part of the curriculum during the week-long Mathematics Sem- • inar at the University of Waterloo. Students at­ tending the seminar are the top 49 in the Ontario Junior Mathematics Competition.. Checking the print-out of the university’s IBM 360 computer are Western Ontario students. On the left is Charles - Trewartha, Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. By R. S. Atkey , .The County of Huron will bp illowed to donate to the Huron- Perth Disaster Fund, Warden Donald McKenzie, Ashfield, in­ formed members of Huron County ..Council in session at Goderich last week. He did Wit elaborate at that particulai’ time. , However, the report of the Finance and Executive Commit­ tee, Kenneth Stewart, McKil- lop, chairman, explained what had been done by the commit­ tee in behalf of the County. At the last session of County Council (in May), the County Assessor, the Agricultural Rep­ resentative, and the chairman Of the finance and executive committee were authorized to work with the Huron-Perth Dis­ aster Fund Comittee in an ef­ fort to determine the need for aid in assisting residents who suffered losses during the recent tornado which swept portions of the two counties. An assessment has beeii made in connection with these resi­ dents but no decision has been arrived at as yet regarding the basis of payment or any finan­ cial commitment. Upon communicating with the Department of Municipal Af­ fairs, the clerk-treasurer was advised that under legislation, there was no • provision -- at that time —■ for the pAyment of a grant in connection with such a disaster. < - However, after discussing the matter with Hon. C, S. Mac- Naughton, MLA for Huron, and J. W. Bell, solicitor for the De­ partment of Municipal Affairs, arrangements were made whereby an amendment to the net could be made if Council so desired, to allow participa­ tion op a financial basis by the County of Huron, The committee met recently and discussed in Retail the situ­ ation relative to the financial aspect. The County was ad­ vised that any action to be taken should be done immed­ iately before the Legislature prorogued. Under the above circum­ stances, the committee deemed it advisable to instruct the clerk-treasurer to contact the Department of Municipal Af­ fairs requesting that an amend­ ment be rtludo to the Act in order to permit payment of a grant-in-aid to citizens who suf­ fered loss during the tornado. The committee advised that at the present time, it was not in a position to make a definite recommendation of any amount of money. WITH NEWS-RECORD GLASSIFIED ADS READ — _ AND REAP... *I RESULTS!J T V ask for a handicapped child.4 There are different kinds of handicaps besides mental and physical. Sometimes, we have no knowledge of the baby’s father. Sometimes, the child has /■....................................... ................ .....-in-wii- ■■■■ mixed racial blood — part negro, Indian, or Oriental, etc. Some communities cannot ac­ cept such a child. Particularly from teen-age on, there are social complications. Centennial Happening Clan Gregor Square, Bayfield SATURDAY, JULY 1 -Chicken Barbecue, homemade pies, etc. provided by United Church Women, $175 and $1.00. 7:00 p.m.—THE HAPPENING (Costumes and Capers, Please!) Promenade, Community Singing, Fire­ works. AUSPICES CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE, VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD 5 - 7 p.m. Congratulations CLINTON On the Opening of Your New CLINTON and DISTRICT ■t BADGER FARM EQUIPMENT For a complete line of Silo Unloaders and Distributors, Barn Cleaners, Conveyors, Feeding Systems, Forage Boxes and Blowers. Also Veterinary Supplies and Zero > Milking Systems. CaH HURON FARM SERVICE RR 2, Seaforth Phone 482-7109 on Hwy. 8y 2 miles west af Seaforth (John Segeren Farm) SALES & SERVICE STEVE KEMBER 22-26b ..................1 II, ....... , .......■ ............... Are weeds choking your com and cereal grain crops? ,*<z * wv v ••• v v> ’*'f'^ i .,QUiDHERBK|DE 25-6b » KEL-MOR/BANVELI3** gives outstanding weed control in corn, oats, barley and spring wheat not undersown to legumes KIL-MOR contains three herbicides: Dicamba, Mecoprop and 2,4-D. It positively controls hard-to-kill, deep-rooted perennials in addition to all 2,4-D susceptible weeds. KIL-MOR takes care of all your “tough weed” problems—gives excellent kill of field bindweed, Canada thistle, perennial sow thistle, wild buckwheat, smartweeds, ‘ velvet-leaf, chickweeds, com spurry, cow cockle and many others. KIL-MOR is a safe, easy to spray amine formulation for post-emergence application. It does not injure com or cereal grains when used according to directions, and will leave no soil residue. For better weed control, higher yields and more profit, try KIL-MOR. It not only makesharvesting easier, but pays for itself many times over. In fact, only one bushel per acre yield increase will pay for the cost of the KIL-MOR you use. “ See your Green Cross dealer about KHz-MOR now! tBanvel is a trademark of Velsicol Chemical Corp. **Patented herbicide 1964 PRODUCTS DMsfonorTHE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. OF CANADA LTD. EUo’d. I t 1 i I We Are Pleased To Have Been Chosen DESIGNERS and BUILDERS f . i I ONTARIO 443 Alons With These Fine Tradesmen and Suppliers LAMINATED WOOD BEAMS CABINET WORK & TRIM AND DECKING WATERLOO INTERIOR LAMSPAN BUILDINGS WOODCRAFT LTD. 2885 Jane Street, DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO. Phone 635-7253. 34 Bridgeport Road, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 744-9216. , EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT COLOURED STEEL SIDING LAVIS CONTRACTING CO LTD. 26 Isaac Street, CLINTON, ONTARIO. Phone 482-6694. EASTLAND METALS LTD. 79 Vulcan Street, REXDALE, ONTARIO. Phone 247-8233. STRUCTURAL STEEL STEEL TOILET PARTITIONS COOKSVILLE STEEL LTD.GENERAL STEELWARES LTD. 86. Webster, KITCHENER, ONTARIO. Phone 744-6304. 135 St. Clair Ave. W., TORONTO, ONTARIO. Phone 925-6892. MASONRY CONTRACTOR GLASS AND FIBERGLAS DREWLO CONSTRUCTION LTD. FULTON GLASS AND ALUMINUM CO. 351 Burlington Crescent, LONDON, ONTARIO. Phone 432-0383. 7 Thorriridge Cr., KITCHENER, ONTARIO. Phone 742-2357. / ICE MAKING EQUIPMENT CREAMERY PACKAGE MFG OF CANADA LIMITED 267 King Street W., TORONTO, ONTARIO. Phone 362-2621. READY-MIX CONCRETE HURON CONCRETE SUPPLY LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO. Phone 524-7361.I BUILDING SUPPLIES & ROOFING J. W. COUNTER BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. $4 Albert Street, CLINTON, ONTARIO. Phone 482-9612. ORNAMENTAL STEELWORK UNIT STEP (Ontario) LTD. Box 277, WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO. Phone 537-2321. 1 HARDWARE DRYWALL GYPSUM G & A LOCK SERVICE 34 Bridgeport Road, WATERLOO, ONTARIO. Phone 576-5510. STEEL DOORS AND (FRAMES MACOTTA CO. OF CANADA LTD. 1190 Kipling N., REXDALE, ONTARIO. Phone 241 -5221. RESILIENT FLOORS BEATTIE FURNITURE LTD. 18 Albert Street; Clinton; Ontario. Phone 482-9521. PAINTING POLLOCK PAINTING AND DECORATING LTD. 829 King Street, PRESTON, ONTARIO. Phone 653-6047. PAUL MEINCKE DRYWALL 14 Linton PI., . z KITCHENER, ONTARIO. Phone 743-2302. WELDING KINGSWELL welding 247 Albert Street, CLINTON; ONTARIO. Phone 482*9771. HEATING REITZEL HEATING AND SHEET METAL LTD. 282 MarslUrid Oft; WATERLOO, ONTARIO. Phone 742-9410. PLUMBING & ELECTRIC WISE PLUMBING AND HEATING 262 Bayfield Rd., CLINTON, ONTARIO. Phone 482-7062.