HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-29, Page 8x •' * . 1 ■ 1 Page B-—--Clinfron News-Record—-Thurs., June 29, 1967 BEAUTIFUL BREEZY ,i Cluff *■> 4- Detroit, J convener and Village again ; , By BELLCHAMBER ' n A V VS1 W W? W TW' o A. X Jr MU* LD PERSONAL ITEMS ■ £ CHURCH NEWS • CLVP ACTIVITIES f) VILLAGE Correspondent; AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Hn- Phone 565-2864, ■ v Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. HAPPENINGS Bayfield '1 AU One of these Fox Harvesters is’’just right” for your farm Mi’S, B. R. Menerey who hud beep a patient in Clinton Public 1 Hospital, returned to! her home on Louisa Street last Thurs­ day.' Her niece Miss Marie Fl- liott is staying with her. ’ Mr. and Mrs. G^ N. Rivers attended the wedding. of their, granddaughter, Miss Marilyn Rivers to Jack Palmer, th Lon­ don, on Saturday. > Mr. and Mrs. Bmerson Heard spent last week in London visiting their .daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert ■Kirkham. J. B. Carson, London, spent the weekend at his summer, home, "Glencairn", His daugh­ ter, ’Mrs. Don Hayman and children, and Miss Judy Carson, London, joined pirn on 'Satur­ day. , Mrs. J. Laudenbach and children, Montreal, are stay­ ing''. with Mrs. Bauer at her lakeshore cottage. Mrs, George Camtrick and, family, Birmingham, Mich., are staying at their cottage for the summer, , Mr. and Mrs. Martin An­ drews and their grandson, Scott, 'London, spent the week­ end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W- Carson and family and Mr. and Mrs, E, Carson and family, all of Lon­ don, were at their cottages for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A; Morton, Kisby, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. M, Lieber, Mitchell, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parker. Their guests on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid of Lucknow. Mrs. G. Heiderpan and Mrs. Isabel Heideman, Toronto, were at their cottage over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Murray , and Jim Murray returned to Toronto on Sunday after hav- ' 1-7 . ** t Helen Cobb visited ing spent the past week at the former’s cottage. Mr. and Mrs. G, N. Rivers attended the school reunion of S.S No. 5 Dowriie Township on Sunday, Mrs, friends in Scarboro for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs.,. Fletcher Mc­ Laughlin and Megan Ann, who ■have recently returned to Tor­ onto from New York, /were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeBeau. Joining were Mr. and Mrs. Paul London. •. Mr. and’Mrs. Robert London, spent the weekend at their cottage, John Elliott, Kitchener, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs, W. R. Eliott. ‘‘ ' them Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Heintz and their two children, Water­ loo, spent Friday until Sun­ day at their cottage, Gerald - Clift and daughter, London, were guests last week of his parents, Brigadier and Mrs, F. A. Clift. On Wednesday evening, June 11, Orton Logan was host to the members of Investment Club Sixty-Si^, There were 14 mem­ bers present and following the regular business meeting, Mrs, Logan served lunch. The Pioneer Park Association is again /having their annual Rummage’ Sale, details in the "Coming Events", Mrsi. J. R. R. Wiilock - is the will be in the this Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Higgins^ • ? Hear Report of Conference 1 Business Grads Get Diplomas At Red roses and peonies formed the decoration for the gradua­ tion banquet of the' Goderich Business College, which was held at The Little Inn, Bayfield, on Saturday evening. Beautiful corsages were pre­ sented to the teachers/ by Fred Tjmdall on behalf of the stu-’ dents. Entertainers for the evening were Martha and Eearl Hey­ wood. Business Educators’ Associa­ tion Diplomas were presented by the Principal, Mrs. F. M, Weaver, to the following stu­ dents: Deborah Amoroso, Susan Barlow, Nellie Bilstra, Leslie Broadfoot, Barbara Buchanan, Syke de Jong, Mary Ervine, Shirley Gallant, Cheryl Johns­ ton, Patricia Lippert, Barbara Linklater, Rhetha Maurer, Con­ nie Opfer, Judith Reid, Joanne Stryker, Marilyn Tebbutt, Fred Tyndall. Diplomas completed for the month of June will be mail­ ed to the students. Certificates covering one or more subjects for which diploma standing has been granted by the Association were issued to the following students: Jack Wildgen, Bonnie McGee, Elean­ or Ayotte, Lucy Brudnicki. Typewriting Medal Awards were presented with the compli­ ments of the Business Educa­ tors’ Association of Canada. Awards, for 60-69 words per minute were won by Susan Barlow, Fred Tyndall, ,and Shir­ ley Gallant, Awards for 50-59 words per minute were won by Rhetha Maurer, Rose Marie Vecsi, Bonnie McGee, Marie Cox, Elaine Kennedy, Mary Er­ vine, Judith Reid, Nellie Bilstra, Cheryl Johnson, Constance Op­ fer, Marilyn Tebbutt, Syke de Jong, Patricia Lippert, Deborah Amoroso, Joanne S.tryker. Gifts were presented to those who assisted at the school dur­ ing the past year in apprecia­ tion of their excellent work and Syke de Jong and Fred Tyndall expressed "thanks” teachers. BAYFIELD — The Anglican Church Women held the after­ noon meeting in the Parish Hall on June 22, with St. James’ Church, Middleton branch as guests. Twenty-five ladies were in attendance. The rector, < Rev. E. J. B. Harrison , opened the meeting with prayer. . Mrs. .J. B. Higgins, president, chaired the meeting and read the selected poem from the "Living Message". Mrs. L. B. Smith read the Scripture. Following the reports given' by Mrs. F. A. Clift and Mrs. G. N. Rivers, Mrs. Higgins'in-, troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. F. H. Pauli who told of the 80th annual meeting of the Huron Diocesan' Board of the W.A. which took a new form this year. She said the service,of Holy Communion was held on Tues­ day evening with the Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, B.A., D.D., L.L.D., being -the celebrant. This change was for the bene­ fit of members of evening bran­ ches who find it difficult'to at­ tend the morning service. She reported the day’s activi­ ties had included a Life Mem­ bers’ Conference in the cathe­ dral in the morning'; an address from Mrs. K. E. Taylor, presi­ dent; news of(the Centennial project to furnish a room in St. Monica Hou'se, Waterloo; the presentation of the Consti­ tution and the by-laws read by Mrs. Dorsett Battersby; the change of name to the Angli­ can Church Women; and an evening reception in the Great Hall with Mrs. Carman Queen, wife of the new Bishop of St. Clair as the hqstess. Mrs. Pauli reported that 600 delegates had been present at the affair which Wednesday consisted entirely of business matters, Consideration was giv­ en to nominating a representa­ tive from each Archdeaconry to the Diocesan Board. Mrs. Pauli was thanked by Mrs. R, J. Larson for a most interesting and informative talk. Mrs. E, Earl led in the Pray­ er Partner's Prayer. The meet­ ing closed with prayer offered by the rector. During the social hour which followed, Mrs, Don Middleton expressed thanks on behalf of the guests attending the meet­ing. , ’ „■ ' Mrs. Q. L, Morgan Smith was the convener for the after­ noon. BAYFIELD — A Centennial Service of Worship will beheld Sunday evening, July 2, 'at 8 o’clock in Clan Gregor Park. Ministers officiating will be, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bourdeau, Church of the English ' Mar­ tyrs; 'Donald Beck,' St. An­drew’s United Church; Rev. D. O. Fry, Knox Presbyterian Church, arid Rev. E. J. B. Har­ rison, Trinity Anglican Church. An address will be given by the Rev. Ure Stewart, Sea­ forth, who has been an ordain­ ed minister, for 60 years. y/sifed their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bahm in Fenton, Mich, over the weekend. Mrs. William Speed and her son William of Dearborn, Mich, and Joseph Speed of Florida, called on Mrs, R, H. F. Gaird- ner last Friday. Mrs. Harry Bauer, Kitchener, is staying at her lakeshore home. “ ' (Mr, and Mm, Joe Brandon, Straitford, spent the weekend in the village. Vacationing in the Jowett cottage area are; Mrs, J, ’Isola and three children, Detroit, Mioh.; Dr. * and Mrs. Manlby Thompson and family, Chicago; Mrs. Thomas Allen, Mu and Mrs." Terry Allen, Toronto; Mrs. J. MacKenzie and daughter of Windsor; Mrs. R. Fromer, Dav- -id and Martha of Kitchener; Mrs. William Gmeiner and son, Birmingham, Mich,; and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Pye and family of . Ruscomib. Mrs. Leroy Poth attended the reunion of former students and teachers of the New Dundee Continuation School held on Saturday, June 24. ■ Wiener Roast The Happy Doubles Club of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill on June 21. After roller skating, wieners were barbecued by Jack and Ross Merrill. John Lavis led a sing-song and Ross Merrill led in devotions. There were 34 in attendance. London Unit Meets Mrs. Orton Logan, Howard Street, was the hostess on Monday, June 19 to the ladies of Group 3 of Metropolitan United Church, London,, at her summer home. Twenty ladies were in attendance and follow­ ing a luncheon at The Little Inn the afternoon was spent in hearing & talk by one of the •members on her trip to Expo 67, and playing games. Unusual Medal A most unusual silver medal was shown to me on Monday. It is dated 1908 and inscribed: "Bayfield Agricultural Society, Special prize for heavy draught or general purpose team." The winner’s name on the medal is James Fair, Clinton. The medal is now owned by Philip Gemeinhardt, and when displayed, to the members of- the Agricultural Society at their meeting on Monday evening, aroused great interest. Self-Propelled SP-F Floats over wet fields on big up-front drive wheels. Cufs heavy corn 70 tons per hour with no sweat. Great for opening fields. Sit high/ out pf dust, handy to all controls. A V Bayfield's Beautiful Bass Fishing Hole t This is the way Bayfield natives and summer residents started the bass fishing season last weekend. Isn’t it a restful setting? '• ' .s ' '(Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) Contributions Still Coming To Resort Arena Further contributions to /the Bayfield Community Centre Fund have ibeen received. . Mrs. Ruithann Knights ....I Bayfield Hardware ...... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton ............... Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reid Bayfield Lions Club .... Mr. and’ Mirs. Lloyd Makins..................... Melsons’ Brewery ........ H. H. Ormond ............ . ..................... r* .$ 10.00 . 98.00 25.00 100.00 120.00 J50.00 100.00 50.00 AnnuatReid Picnic At Winthrop Home .The 10th annual Reid picnic was held at the home of Fran­ cis and Carol Hunt of Winthrop on June 26. Forty-one members of the family attended from various centres. Mrs, Gordon Hill and Mrs. George Cantelon carried out a sports program. The silver dol­ lar for the baby of the year went to Sandra Hunt. Winners of the centennial dress parade were Linda Carter and her mother Ruth of Wood- stock. Mrs. Ruth Mulholland read the obithary from an April edition of the 1899 Clinton News-Record of Robert Reid. Robert Reid died in his 99th year and was the originator of this clan in Canada. CONCRETE SILOS Thirty years of experience, I can build a silo to suit your needs — 12’, 13’, 14’ up to 55 feet. A few vacancies yet to fill, place your order soon — by. contacting ARNOLD HUGILL CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich — Phone 524-9437 26-7-8b Hevi-Duty Custom-7 • Rugged pull-type, • Favorite with big beef; dairy, custom operators. For round-the-clock use in tough crop’s^ rough land. Nine lengths of cut. 101 Victoria St. GODERICH, ONTARIO f Alcan Aluminum Siding Hunter Douglas Siding Kool-Vent Awnings Windows & Doors Low-Priced Super-6 Lot of machine for money. Has features, safety devices of higher-priced machines. Cuts 60 tons of corn an hour without stuttering. n Quick-change corn, mower and pick-up units to fit all three models. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER Phone 482-721 I SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. V/. STEEP — 482-6642 & Book your accommodations for Expo 67 now.I With overtwo rponths’‘expe­ rience in finding accom­ modations for Expo 67 visitors, LOGEXPO is a proven success. You are assured of a place to stay in Montreal. LOGEXPO has listings of ovhr 79,000 rooms, in hotels,, motels, tourist homes, efficien­ cy apartments/special trailer motels and private homes. If at peak periods, such as holiday weekends, certain kinds of accommodations are not available, LOG EXPO can offer you alternatives which we are sure you will find satis- factory. All you have to do to make Preservation is fill out the coupon below, and mail it to LOG EXPO. You will receive a reply within a few days, followed by a Confirmation of reservation direct from the managemeht of the hotel, ' etc. or the homeowner. Or you may phone EXP0VOX at (514) 397-83'97 for full inform- ation about availability of any of the accommodations listed below. - ,, Make your reservations as. early as possible—the sooner you write or call, the wider ‘ your choice. Private Homes. Over 30,000 hospitable Montrealers are WelcdmingVsitbrs into their * homes. The locations have’ been picked to make it easy for you to get to and from the Expo 67 site, RATES: from ' $8 to $14 a day for two people, i $10 to $18 for three, or $12 to $22 for four. Efficiency Apartments. Accommodations, Mostly in t centra! Montreal, for 10,000 people, With kitchen facilities and maid service. PATES: $18 to $25 a day for two persons, . plus $3 a day for each addition* al pefsdh. \ Hotels^ There are still vacan­ cies In downtown hotels during some periods, also in *■ l resort hotels within easy reach of Expo 67. RATES: from $12 to $30 a day (double occu­ pancy). , I Motels. Available in many < 1 periods. RATES: $12 to $30 ■ (double occupancy). f ■ Tourist Homes. Available in many periods. RATES: $10 to $18 (double occupahdy). Motels (Trailer type). 1200 units offer another attractive alternative,'are ideal for fami­ lies; kitchen facilities, and maid service,included. RATES: from $25 a day for two persons, $30 a day for four, or $49 a day for eight Children under 12, free. t Trailer Bites. There are ample trailer sites within easy driving distance of Expo 67, all with 3-way hook-up. RATES: $3.50 to $5 a day. Camp Sites, 20,000 sites, In 120 separatelocations, iri'the area around Momreai. RATES: $2.50to $3.50 aday. * 7All accoriimoddtiOhs government-ihspected rind approved. > r TO 166EXPO, Expts 67, Montreal, P.Q„ Cariadtf. . Phdrie (514) 397-8397. j J Ple&S6rtiserveacfcdfnmo'cfatf0n!sasfdlI6wsi , j | Address...-... ........ ■...... ,........... ..............................,........................„ Apt.......................... | I Cjty_—...........'...I Zone.* ...^.~-.->.PrOVlnCO. I j Arrival Datg-......., Doparturo Data—_-—_____Narnb6r of nights____Price range.—.to^__ 1 I Tlulnber of adults (ovGM2)_^_^_,Nuhiborofehlldron(tinder1^)_^_*-.MednsoftrinsportatJon—| I Type of accommodations reqtifratfi (preference inid, i\Jvo or thfeb) J PRIVATE HOMfe APARTMENT (cfficfoncy) Q I Hotel □ motel CT Tourist’hom&O motel J( J TRAIUR Siren CAMP SITS □ F.-T-'aSSf]UucStIvyKuiirW'-'jxVa riirUi'f,. WU'ilJi .iiirJ.nW.ilL ‘ 1 Free Estimates 20 Year Guarantee 3 Prs. $1.00Seamless IVJesh 4-oz. Container AND SONS RR 3 CLINTON Phone 482-9997 SB WEEKEND SPECIALS Prices Effective June 29 and 30, 1967 LOIN PORK CHOPS Beef or Port LIVER SCHNEIDER'S SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS SCHNEIDER'S RING BOLOGNA I 4-1 FROZEN FOOD suppers brand (2-lln Poly Bass) 69c lb 29c lb. 39c $1.59 CLUB HOUSE BLACK PEPPER MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAMS PREMIUM SOCKEYE SALMON »• 57c Tin ALOHA PINEAPPLE JUICE “ 3 for $1.00 HOSTESS POTATO SCHNEIDER’S /m irrrr ( 12-oz. Twin-Pack Regularly 69c .....59c 8-ox. pk8.3 for $1,00 3 for $1.00 "" 4 Pks. $1.00For Hot bogs Or Hamburgers KLEENEX 3 Boxes 89c PRODUCE SPECIAL No. 1 CALIFORNIA NEW POTATOES i 77W I............J/ I Tha UnTveraHandfnternattonhl Exhibition cf 1967, i --w..La. MohWeSI, Canada/APRIL 28** OCTOBER 2ff, 1967 I 2 bags $1.00 8 t Wil! be open until further notice art Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. t and rtrt Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.rti. NO WIRE FENCING, OLD CONCRETE or CAR BODIES PERMITTED James I* McIntosh II