HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-29, Page 5Huron County Population Down, Assessement Up (By R. 8. ATHEY) ■ ■ A slight decline in total population and, at the samp time, an increase of close to one million dollars in ovep-all assessment of" the county, fea­ tured ^.the report of County Assessor A- A- Alexander to Huron County Council in Goderich last week. Total population again has dropped from 49,297 to 49,234, a decrease Of 63 fox1 the whole county. These figure? do not include those living in de­ fence housing, hospitals nor institutions, ’ The over-all assessment has increased by $979,250 in the past year, whereas it was up $1,025,495 in the previous year. Proposed county equalization is $67,544,939, made up as fol­ lows; farm lapd, $22,085,616; farm buildings, $14,795,580; residential land, $2,278,447; residential buildings,' $18,786,-, 675; commercial land, $1,492,- 280; commercial' buildings, $5,858,340; business assess­ ment, $2,248,001. Mr. Alexander said that considerable more work, was * required where defence estab­ lishments and pottages are lo­ cated, as all tenants in P.M.Q. housing, and wives of .all cot* tage owners, who are Can­ adian citizens, are required to be entered on the assessment roils. ■ >. . He pointed out that at least *24 counties of the 38 in .Ontario are now in the As­ sessment Commissioner Sys­ tem, as well as five districts in Northern Ontario, It ap­ pears to him that ail counties will be required to accept this system within a few yedrs. The' report indicated that ten of the 26 municipalities in the co.unty showed increases in population during the, past year, while everyone of the 26 had increases in total as­ sessment. Six of" the 16 townships were up in population: Gode­ rich, Howick, Stephen, Turn­ berry, Usborne and East Wa- wanosh; two of the five towns: Clinton and Goderich; and two of the five villages; Hensail and Zurich (one). At Centennial Church Service in New Arena Rev, Roy Cook, D.D„ second from right, a native Clintonian, ’is shown here congratulating Mayor Don Symons on Clinton’s new community centre and arena. Dr. Cook, new minister of Bethel Baptist Church, Toronto, was guest speaker at the Centennial church service in the new $225,000 building on Sunday. On the left is Rev. Ronald Wenham, who 'was chairman of the service, and on the right, Bruce Bartliff, a member of Clinton’s' Centennial •committee.. < * (News-Record Photo) Comparative population and assessment figures, as re­ vealed by the 1966 and 1967 reports of the County Assessor, are as.follows: NEWS OF MIDDLETON . Townships Ashfield -................ Colbome ................. Goderich Township Grey ..................... Hay .................... Howick ................. Hallett ................. McKillop ............... Morris .................... Stanley :................ Stephen ............... Tuckersmith ........ Turnberry ............. Usborne ...........(.... Wawanosh, East ... Wawanosh, West . Population 1966 1,476 1,248 .1,956 1,864 1,858 2,723 1,860 1,613 1,633 1,568 2,553- 2,074 1,318 1,475 1,011 1,202 1967 1,474 1,215 1,968 1,843 1,850 2,736 1,831 1,591 1,522 1,555 2,604 2,068 1,345 1,533 1,087 > 1,176 Assessment Increase $ 46,489 7,950 ■ 32,840 7,330 77,575 10,321 36,483 18,201 8,423 32,290 - 51,275 40;i28 24,246 . . 43,450 3,908 1,850 Township Totals Towns iClinton, .............. Exeter ............... Goderich ........... Seaforth .......... Wingham ......... Town Totals Villages Bayfield Blyth .. Brussels Hensail Zurich ♦ * r* Village Totals * * Summarizing: t Townships "............................ Towns .......;..... ........................ Villages .*.................................. Huron County Grand Totals 27,432*27,398 $442,759 3,185 3,151 6,626 2,249 2,924 3,196 3,109 6,711 2,192 2,915 $ 34,999 67,496 , 233,024 6,845 96,100 18,135*18,123 $438,464 469 . 752 863 920 726 467 740 846 933 727 -$ 14,100 12,475 4,975 59,725 6,753 3,730*3,713 $ 98,028 27,432 18,135 - 3,730 27,398 ‘ 18,123 3,713 $442,759 438,464 98,028 49,297 49,234 ’$979,251 Miss Kathleen MacNaughton of London has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred-Middle­ ton for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. David Middle­ ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton and Mr, and Mrs; Stewart Middleton attend­ ed the Western Ontario Aber­ deen-Angus Association Field Day and barbecue at “Mac- Sted” Farms, RR 2, London,- last Sunday. The Hon, WmJ Stewart, minister of Agriculture for Ontario, was the guest speaker. "z Salute! With the emphasis on Gode­ rich Township Centennial do­ ings of late, we feel it is fitting to remember one of those senior citizens who has contributed his own special skills over the years. We salute Mr. Len McGee, RR 3, Clinton, who on June 27 celebrated his 78th' birthday. Mr, McGee is the son of Mr, and Mrs. John McGee, who were natives of Goderich TWp. Mr. McGee’s special skill lies in his ability, to shingle the steepest roof and we who have seen him at work envied his sure-footedness at • dangerous heights at his advanced age. When we were in Ireland, the courier said “It is hard to get a,good thatcher nowadays” and in this country, a good roofer is hard to find. Among the local boys, Mr. McGee instructed-in this art of roofing are Fred Gibson and Donald Colclough. , Mr. McGee enjoys good health and we congratulate this senior citizen of Goderich Township on his birthday. Many Happy ~ turns. . So- LETTER, TO THE EDITOR Goderich Township Centennial Past; A Convener Thanks Workers News-Record, Clinton, Ontario. ' Dear Sir’ ' Now the Centennial weekend in Goderich Township is over and everyone has caught up on their sleep and neglected chores at home, one begins to wonder if everyone who took ’ part was thanked. The cast of the Fashion Show seemed to change everytime we went on stage due to the flu, other plans and my neglect to •. tell some of the repeat perfor­ mance on Sunday evening. I would like to thank each and everyone who took part and the ones who filled’ in at the last minute: Debbie Biggin; Wendy Bird; Grace' Cullen; Mrs. Geo. CurreH; Mrs. Mait Driver; Mrs. Ross Feagan; Mrs. Don Forbes, , Paul and Rickie; Mrs. Murray Forbes, Katherine, Connie, Brenda and Sylvia; Mary Lynn Forbes; Nancy Ginn; Mrs. John Grigg; Connie Harris; Bill Jen­ kins; Mrs. Ernie Little; Mrs, Don Lobb and Stephen; Jim Lobb, Leonard, Eleanor and Ernie; Jeanette Lobb; SuSan, Gerry and Valerie Lobb; ,Dick Lobb; Faye, Lois and Ivan Merrill; Shelley Middleton; Mrs. Dave Middleton; Mrs. Harold Montgomery; Mrs. Harry Oakes and Karen; Mrs. Terry Pearson; Carol Reuger; Cathy Schilbe; John Siertsema; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sowerby and Janice; Linda Stirling; Pat, Wayne and Gary Tebbutt; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thompson, Steven, Elizabeth, MaHon and Jamie; Mrs. Lome Tyndall and Dianne; Mrs. Ray Wise and PM. 1 Special thanks to Mrs. Les Pearson, a former resident of our neighbourhood, - who so capably gave the commentary; Mrs. Jim Lobb for the musical background; Melvin Bell who did > his best to show the slides in spite of the drizzle. I am very sorry we didn’t take time to get the lights adjusted prop­ erly as these slides were fa­ miliar landmarks and I am sure they would have brought many memories to former residents who returned "for the celebra­ tions;'.Kelvin Jervis who came to take the pictures for usk Thanks to the many who were willing to lend slides and for the ones we used; the dress­ es, hats, etc, which were offer­ ed. It'was an honor to be able to show the beautiful wedding gown? dating from 1857 to 1964. We were pleased to ,show the shawl owned by Mrs. Harve McCartney, This was our oldest item and amazing it was to re­ alize that over 250 years had passed since it was made. If I have missed anyone, my apologies. I. think my biggest thrill of planning the Fashion Show, was getting to know so many new (to me) people who were so willing and eager to help in any way to make the weekend a success. Yours truly, f , MRS. BILL LOBB. Clinton, Ontario, June 27, 1967. X Lawn Mower Missed At Cemetery Ontario Provincial Police at Goderich investigated 20 occur- ences last week, and early this week a theft at the Clinton Cemetery. On Monday, June 26 a power mower was reported stolen from the tool shed at the ceme­ tery. of BRUCEFIELD MRS. H. F. BERRY Phone 482-7572 1 UCW Unit Meets Tuckersmith UCW unit Brucefield United Church met at the home of Mrs. Edgar Al­ lan on Monday, June 12, with an attendance of 16. Mrs. E. D. Stuart and Mrs. George Henderson were in char­ ge of the meeting. A hymn was .Sung with Mrs. Henderson at the piano. Mrs. Stuart, in the absence of Mrs. McEwen, took study book, "Expansion Of Church” dealing with the urch as it is today. Mrs. Ervin Sillery read secretary’s report and roll call was answered by "Progress in the Last 100 Years.” The UCW picnic is to be held at Ross Scott’s summer cot­ tage, Bayfield, July 16, and 'a letter was read from the UCW- adopted’ Korean child, .................... , , , , the the ch- the Re- AUBURN — Provincial Con­ stable Gordon Ferris of the Goderich detachment of the OPP was the guest speaker at the June meeting of the Auburn Women’s Institute held in the Community Memorial Hall. , The president, Mrs.1 Donald Haines‘ was in charge of the program. Mrs. Bert Craig gave the financial report which show­ ed a good balance after the cooking school and catering to the banquet for the County officers. A card of thanks was read concerning the - child’s quilt which had been given to Gode- .rich Hospital. The members de­ cided to buy a refrigerator for the hall. The card report pre­ pared' by Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon- nell was read by Mrs. Don Cartwright; A letter, was read from the County Council about the new park at the Patterson bridge and a letter to be sent back to thank them for the work done. Current Events were given by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Reports, of the district annual meeting held recently at Clinton were given by the delegates, Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Thom­ as Haggitt. A solo was sung by Mrs. Gordon Chamney. Constable Ferris was intro­ duced by the convener of safety, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips." He spoke of his work with traffic and Kow parents should instruct children in the rules on traffic safety. He encouraged parents to tell children that»the police are their friends and when they are driving, to always be on the defensive, Watch the car behind and the one in front as well as your own”, he said. Mrs^ W. Bradnock thanked the speaker for his informative address. Mrs. Don Cartwright gave a reading, "What are you doing today?”. Mrs, Don Haines repotted on the opening of the archives room at the Goderich museum. Lunch was served by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, Mrs. Sam Daer and Mrs. Harry Watson. -----------o------:---- Use Classified Ads. The Women's Missionary ciety of St, Andrew’s^ Presby­ terian Church ' held * a special Centennial meeting in the 'ch­ urch on Sunday afternoon with the Explorers and their moth­ ers as guests to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the society. Mrs.' Helen Cooper gave a short history of the society up to' date.,- The Explorer girls, under the leadership of Mrs. Flowers gave a skit of their work and meetings, For its Centennial project the society had a work meet­ ing and parcelled up about 50 lbs. of Sunday School papers and Christmas cards to be sent Overseas, each member to be responsible for a parcel, and ajl sent to different missionaries under the Presbyterian Church, —--------o--------— Goderich Hosts Councillors. Press (By R. S. ATKEY) The Town of Goderieh played -host to members of Huron County Council, officials, and members of the press reporting Council proceedings, following the adjournment of the June Session in Goderich last week. Mayor Dr. G. F. Mills, Reeve Bert Such, Deputy-Reeve Harry Worsell, and Councillors, wel­ comed the guests who were pro­ vided with a bounteous smor­ gasbord dinner. Warden Donald McKenzie, Ashfield, expressed thanks to the Town of Goderich. The af­ fair was held in the Royal Can-, adian Legion Hall, Goderich. HURON COUNTY FARMING REPORT Wet humid weather has been hampering haying operations in Huron County says D. S. Pul­ len, Associate Agricultural Rep­ resentative for Huron County. Yellowing of cereal grains in some "areas has resulted from an excels of wet soil conditions. Although some white beans, corn and peas have been dam­ aged by heavy rains in South Huron, generally most Afield crops in the county, on well drained soils, are growing very .well. > Seed corn maggot damage to white beans has been reported in some fields. ...............................■—........... •S FINK PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL LTD. will be CLOSED FOR VACATION from July 2 to July 24 For Service Call 262-2114, Hensail 26-7-8-9 HOLIDAY SPECIALS Go on your vacation prepared for any kind of weather. LADIES’ WEAR and DRY GOODS ‘ v ^■^.u.u.,.1 ................Wil Tweedsmuir Tea Planned By Clinton Wl Mrs, W. Colclough presided at the,Tune meeting of Clinton Women’s Institute whiqh. was held in the board room of the agricultural office, Mrs, Art Groves read the minutes of the last meeting and the corresp­ ondence. Mrs. M- BatWn gave the treasurer’s report. It was de­ cided to have a Tweedsmuir Tea and bake sale, July 14, on the lawn of the Tweedsmuir curator, Mrs. M. Batkin. Mrs,. N, Tyndall gave a very concise report • of the District Annual which was held in the Ontario Street United Church on May 30, The Associated Country Wo­ men ,qf the World convention which was held in Guelph from June 12 to 16zwas attended by Mrs. Colclough and several members from the Clinton WI on. June 12, Mrs, Colclough gave a brief resume of the program. Mrs, E. Radford had the topic on Agriculture which, was given by Mrs. C. Nelson. The 4-H Girl? with their lead­ ers attended and set up a dis­ play of articles used years ago. Miss Marie Trewartha, wear­ ing a dress over 100 years old, gave a talk on the articles and their uses. The following girls received County'honours, completing six projects and were presented with silver spoons by the presi­ dent: Misses Mary Lynne For­ bes, Marie Trewartha and Cheryl Tyndall. Mrs. Charles Nelson showed coloured slides. Mrs. W. Col­ clough had the lucky ticket on the draw. Mrs. N. Tyndall’s group serv­ ed lunch. Thp Centennial skit is going to be put on at Holmesville on July 11 at 2 p.m, ------ -—o----------- Bride-To-Be i AUBURN — Miss Carole Brown, Wingham, was the guest of honour at a bridal shower on Thursday evening when friends' and relatives met in the Knox Presbyterian Sunday school room. The room was attractive­ ly decorated with a flowered decorated arch and decorated chairs. The program began with an interesting sing-song led by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor accom­ panied by Mrs. William J. Craig. A. reading was given by Miss Lynda Andrews of Wingham. Duets were sung by Misses Me­ lanie Sprung and Ramona Hanna accompanied by Mrs. Emmerson Rodgers. A special song for the bride- to-be was sung by Mrs. Wes Bradnock accompanied on the harp by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. , Misses Lynda Andrews and -Judy Arthur pinned corsages on Miss 'Brown and her mother, Mrs. Clifford Brown of Gode­ rich and escorted them to the platform. Miss Wendy Schneider read an address qf congratula­ tions and the many gifts were presented by Misses Margaret Sanderson, Maty Sanderson, Judy Arthur and Sheron Col­ lins. Miss Brown thanked her many friends for their gifts and good wishes and Miss Nancy Anderson placed a pretty rib­ bon hat on her head. Miss Brown invited all to come and see her gifts on July 14. Mrs. Wes Bradnock was the chairman for the program.. Members of St. Mark’s Guild served lunch. The program committee was Mrs. Harry Ar­ thur and Miss Judy Arthur. SMORGASBORD PINNERS SUNDAYS - S to 7 P.M. Friday and Saturday Evenings Only • i 11/H"CHICKEN IN A BASKET' ORDERS BY TELEPHONE — $1.35 Friday—-Served from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight $125 Hotel Clinton We Cater to Dinner Forties and Wedding Receptions Phone 482-3421 for Reservations z Z f Mi Hawkins GODERICH ARENA THURSDAY, JULY 6 DANCING 8:30 - 12:00 P.M. Tickets $2.00 Per Person Advance Tickets Available: 45 Albert Street, Clinton, Craigie’s, Goderich or Any Member Go'derich Lions Club. - ' • .......................; - -...................-- - - - ■ ■ |........................... ' ................... . .> ....................■ .......... ...................... in,.., ......................... . ................................ .............. HOLIDAY TIME IS Visit Herman's Men's Wear Now For A Complete Selection of Summer Clothing t Holiday Store Hours Open Friday Evening Closed Saturday,July 1 Open Monday# July 3 For Men. MEN'S, SHORTS Plain or Check, Permanent Press SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS Plain, Check, Paisley. By Forsyth and Currie. SWIM TRUNKS All Styles. Priced From $3.95 MEN’S TROPICAL SUITS Forte! end Wool ih AH. Sizes. 2 or 3 Button Style. MEN’S SUMMER HATS Styled by Biltmdte in Clcth or Straw. Herman’s Men’s Wear 482'9351 CLINTON