HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-15, Page 11'C $ AGENT L MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspohdent—Phone 526-7595 ' ‘ ' to’ f Rev. Roberts Inducted at Auburn June 15^ 1967^Cliritori News-Record—-Page Auburn and District I peter Brown, Windsor, visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen, Mr, and Mrs. James Blake, Goderich, visited last Saturday ■with their daughter, Mrs, Wil* liam '’Seers, MK Seers, Gajl, Faye and Carole. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Anderson, Dayton,. Ohio, visited last week ■With Mr. and Mrs. Oliveri An­ derson and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs, ■Charles Straughan and Miss Frances Houston and other relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Shultz, Whitechurch, visited last week With Mr.' and Mrs. Reg. Shult?, Everyone, is invited to the June meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute when Prov­ incial Constable Gordon Ferris of the Goderich detachment will be the guest speaker on Safety., Fire of unknown origin com­ pletely destroyed the large bank­ barn of James Rice on the sec­ ond concession of West Wawan­ osh last Tuesday morning. The Blyth Fire Department answer-' ed the call but the fire had .gained too much headway. No , one was living-on the farm as I <• Mr. and Mrs. Rice and son Glen had moved to their new home on the 13th of f-Iullett a few months ago. This farm home was the former D. W, Hamil- ton farm- Lightning completely destroy­ ed Wilbert Thom's . barn in Colborne Township during the electrical storm j last Friday evening, Mrs, Mary Johnston, Gode­ rich, is visiting with her broth­ er, Frank Raithby and Mrs Raithby this week, , Miss Clara Shultz, Huron* view,' Clinton, visited last Sat­ urday afternoon in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Asquith and family, Islington, spent last weekend in the village,. z Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath- wejl, MichaeLand Janice, Brant­ ford, spent the weekend with her mother^-Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor. - 1 Gets BA at Expo-* Mr. and Mrs. Bert* Moss tended the graduation of brother, Wayne Johnston Beacpnsville, Que,, when he tained his B.A, .degree at Place des Nations, Expo 67. He had attended night classes for seven I at- her pf ob- years and majored in Econom­ ics. He had attended th? Mc­ Master University, Hamilton,; University pf TqrontP and ,!jSL George Williams University, Montreal, fie is now supervisor pf. 'insurance, Quebec and At* lantic divisions of the British American Oil Co. Ltd., with beadquarters in Montreal, R. G. Wilson Funeral Funeral services were held last Saturday, at the Arthur Funeral Home for Robert Geo­ rge Wilson who passed away in Victoria Hospital after a month’s illness. Born in Goder­ ich, he was the son Of the late Mr, and Mrs. Henry, Wil­ son and was in his 84th year. He resided* on his farm in West Wawanosh all his-life and was a member of the Dungannon United \Churph. Rey, M. R.. Roberts conduct­ ed the service and burial took place in Dungannon Cemetery. He is. survived ; by one sister, Mrs. James A. (Mabel) McIn­ tyre, Toronto, and several neph­ ews. Pallbearers were Russell Brindley, John, Durnin, Mere^ dith Young,* Worthy Young, Earl Young and William Young. W' ■ ' ’ , 9 Participants in the induction, service tor Rev. M. R«; Roberts; „ centre, intotohe Auburn'charge pf. the United Church, $re shown here . *■ relaxing with) a cup of tea after the service, on the left, ReV. C. M.. Jardine, Wingham and on tthe right, Rev. W. J/Maipes, Londes- .' boro. • AUBURN — Rev, M. R. Roberts was inducted into the Auburn Charge of the United Ghurch of Canada at, an im­ pressive seivice last Thursday evening, Rey, c. M, Jardine, Wingham, chairman of Huron Presbytery, was in charge of the service, Mrs, Brian Haljapa was or­ ganist and . accompanied a quartette composed of Misses^ Marsha Koopmans, Klaske Koopmans, Betty Moss and Top Student in R & CS , Course ... . 3/ LAC L. A. Dunn (right) receives his diploma from Clinton Mayor Don Sy­ mons with WO1 Jack Reid looking on. LAC Dunn was the honour student ■in the recent course at the Radar and Communications School, CEB Clinton. Diploma presentations were made at the Clinton base’s Armed Forces Day on Friday when the base presented the town of Clinton with a radar antenna hon­ ouring Clinton as the home of radar training in North America. '(CFB Clinton Photo) LONDESBORO i Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowan and Gregory, Barrie, visited over the weekend with his mother, Mrs. George Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Earl Gaunt spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow, Lions Head. A Mrs. Edwin Wood, returned home after spending a week with, her daughter and family in Toronto.,. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen en- OREGQN' FACTOR* > r MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 joyed a fishing trip in Northern Ontario during the past week. Mrs. Henry Hunking has been indisposed for the , past three weeks; we hope she will soon be back to normal. Several from the village at- 'terided the Confederation Cara­ van in Goderich on Sunday. , ’uew Unit Meets The Berean Unit of the UCW met at the home <of Mrs. Stan­ ley Lyon in Blyth with 18 pre­ sent. Mrs. Livingstone and Mrs. Laura Lyon had charge of the program. Mrs. Lyon gave the Scripture passage and the theme on “Forgiveness”. Mrs. Livingstone gave a paper' on conditions in Jordan and Jer­ usalem. ' „ ' WI Meeting The president Opened the June meeting of the WI with a poem.'Roll call was1 answered / with “an easy Sunday dinner”. The Londesboro WI, will con­ duct the Clinton Public Hospital cart oh its rounds in July. Mrs. Robert Thompson gave the motto, “the law of Life is 'In losing we find and giving we receive’.” Mrs. Glen gave a detailed report District Annual. Fourteen 4-H girls guests' and Mrs, W. L. Carter of the were „ . , Whyte as guest speaker addressed the girls, giving a thought-inspiring talk on their aims and outlooks on life. The WI presented each, girl with two coffee spoons. x , Louise and Ronnie Hunking favored with musical numbers! The hostesses served lunch and a penny sale was conducted at the close. -----------o Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results Jennifer Grange, when they sang Behind The Clouds, The 'Sun Is Always Shining, Rev. William Moines, Londes­ boro, chose* fop his subject “What’s going on here?” He stated that in today's world as before, he told what should be going on in the Church today. Rev. Roberts was introduced for the jnductiop by the Clerk of Session, Maurice Bean; and Rev. Jardirie conducted the ser­ vice. ’ Sugar and Spice 1 (Continued, from Page Two)-. couldn’t even lift' 36,500 in $1QO bills, I heard all about it Friday morning, at school. In the meantime, -back‘‘at the ranch, all hell was break­ ing loose. First, my wife got a call from the rector’s wife. “How ar^-you? I mean, are you all right?” . ’ Fine. How is everybody at your _ place?” “Fine, but are you all right?” ; . » After more/of this, it turn­ ed out that-rector’s wife, and practically everybody else in town, had heard a rumor, probably springing from an erroneous radio report, that the money from the bank robbery had been found in the attic of the old Cranston home, on Huge! Ave. It just happens that we live in the old Cranston home. It was once owned by Bill Cran- ■ ston, a weekly editor who went straight. / My wife did a very sensible thing. She went straight across the street fox* a cup of coffee with a neighbour. From there, in comparative, safety, they watched the show. Almost immediately, car­ loads of the curious began driving by our house, slow-,, ing down, looking hard. . • By this time, three provin­ cial cruisers and the local paddy-wagon were parked in front of oui’ house and the house- next door. Cops swarm­ ed about, the place next door, with drawn guns. The kids enjoyed it thoroughly, chat­ tering at the police. Our neighbour’s phone rang r-"....-....\............ . % EXPO TOURS BUS * TRAIH «,AJR * (ar your awn car) • • your choice ! K’W TRAVEL BUREAU LTD 196 KING STREET EAST, KITCHENER, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 576-0770 23tfb A reception' took place jp the Sunday schqoi room of the church where lunch was (served by the .ladies. Mr. Jardine spoke of Rev, and Mrs. Roberts,. Mar­ garet apd William who came frpm the Argentine about seven 'months ago. Among the speak­ ers were Fred Wagner, Howard Campbell, Mr. Maines and A. Anderson of Dayton, Ohio, Mr. Roberts' replied and thanked everyone for their kindnesses andMor members pf the other .churches in the, vil­ lage which were present. Gueits were present from Blyth, West­ field and ^Donnybrook. madly, as people demanded to know whether ,th'e Smileys were really in on it.. * My wife said she wouldn’t ' ldok -in the attic unless the neighbour went Jwith her. She - refused, on the grounds that she was afraid of the squir­ rels up there'., ' The police cars were there t most of the day. Some kids came back to'-school from lunch and'told.‘their teacher that Mt- Smiley’s house was surrounded by police cars, “Something’ to do with the bank robbery?’ ’ i Rumors are still flying. “They” say\ that the money, was found next door. “They” < say,that two men, not the tenants, .were arrested. there. “They” say that the guns were found. .. Wellf I hope “they” are all' wrong and that the original rumor was right. One of these, days,, I'm going' to get up enough nerve to go up and check the, attic. And if the $6,500 is still there, I’ll send you a postcard from Crete. ----------o-------1— • f r Huronview Ladies To Meet* June 19 f r Huronview: Ladies Auxiliary will meet on Monday, June 19 at 2:30 p.m. in the Craft Room. Everyone is welcome. --------—o---------- . Classified Ads . Bring Quick Results ■s WANTED AUBURN — The'June meet­ ing of Knox Presbyterian Wo­ man’s Missionary Society .was held in the Sunday School room of the"church. The-'presi­ dent, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, gave, the call to worship and a hymn was sung with Mrs. Donald Haines at the piano. Mrs. Sanderson welcomed the members 'arid visitors and the members from the Blyth WMS. The 'minutes (were read by the secretary, Mrs. Alvin Leather­ land, and the devotional period was in the charge of Mrs. Don­ ald Haines. Mrs. Major Young- blut gave some highlights from the recent Glad Tidings issue.. Mrs. Frank .Raithby gave- a' reading, / to z Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Lit­ erature and Library secretary of Huron Presbyterial, . gave .an interesting talk on the books she had displayed. The Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian ’ Church met with the president, Mrs. - Jjjajor' Youngblut, in charge. The min­ utes were read by secretary Mrs. Roy Daer. Mrs. W. San­ derson was appointed to pur­ chase paper for the manse. Lunch was served by Mrs. Donald Haines. V r I Interesfingwork with better than average income is open to ah ambitious man in the Clin- I ton area. Join a fast growing Real Estate firm now by contacting WILFRED MclNTEE Box 549. Walkerton Phone 881-2270 23-4b LTD. CROP SPRAY LTD. ANNOUNCES . .. FARM SPRAY AIRCRAFT NOW AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA AT REASONABLE RATES TO SOLVE.YOPR INSECT OR WEED. PROBLEMS FAST GIVE US A CALL Call Collect 523-9488 Thank You1. APPLICATION ' For A Man To Operate The Hullett Township Mower ar the Wage of $1.40 Per Hour. Duties to commence after June 20, )967. Applications to be received by June 1/, 1967. Apply to George Hoggart, Road Superintendent, \ RR 1, Londesboro : 23-4b A RUSS ARCHER, manager of Beatty, Farm Service Centre wishes to thank the many customers who have helped to make this year the best ever for the Clinton Store. Due to the increased volume the Beatty Company has given the, Clinton store a special buy on SILO UNLOADERS and BULK FEEDERS I fRuss Archer If you are in the market for a SILO UNLOADER . . . Let Russ inform ' you about this special offer which expires July 31, 1967. \ ‘ . toM'"""~--------------------------- Compare Gohl’s short-chop —io any crop! Put the Gehl Chop-All into action! Turn .early cut forage into profits,.-.fast. Without sacrificing capacity. Hook-up the “quick-switch” Bay pick-up attachment. Set the Select-A-Cut transmission for that fine-chopped, 14-in. cut. Head the> Chop-All down your heaviest windrows. Watch' Gehl’s multi-tined pick-up power and spring­ mounted positive feeding auger gobble up the crop. Stop! Now check the cut. See proof of, the Chop-All’s fine chop­ ping. Note how the Chop-All’s chrome-edged knives* and .tungsten-carbide cutter bar deliver fine chopped forage. Forage that Will pack tighter and feed out better. Learn why thousands of satisfied Chop-All owners agree that seeing is believing... With the Chop.. All. Stop in soon. Get details on the full Gehl chopper line, the only line that offers a chopped to match any tractor power. While you’re at it, ask about the Chop-King (self-propelled or pull-type) ... biggest chopper going; • ' *Ash about Gehl's portable, lOfiOO RPM Knife Sharpener that grinds to a razor edge. You get minUte per knife sharpening. Gas or electric models. 1 \ DINNERS Featuring "CLOW 9” Room veight, direct drive chap saw with super power! Tfti Hotel Clinton V HOMELITE SUPER XL’67 CHAIN SAW >For any cutting job, profes­ sional or amateur, here‘s a lightweight, direct drive chain ito '/ ;;a‘ "he ffomelite Super XL’67 weighs only 13 Ibs.j 12 oz., less bar and Chain, yet fells trees up to 4' in diameter, . . cuts IS" softwood in just 17 seconds . j. Cuts 18" hardwood ih 24 seconds* Corrie in for a free demonstration today. JACK W. PECK WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC 54 King Street, Cliritori Phone482-3851 Check these Out, standing Features of the Beatty Silo Unloaders: y Friday and Saturday Evenings Only "CHICKEN IN A BASKET" ORDERS BY TELEPHONE — $1.35 Friday—-Served from 9:30 jr.rii, to 1:00 a.m. Saturday—Served front 9:30 p.m. to Midnight We Cater to Dinner Parties arid Wedding Reception* Phone 482-3421 for Reservations Make ilk hiMf it With a Demonstration! H. LOBB & SONS, EQUIPMENT Bayfield Road — CLINTON Phone 482-9431 FULLY ENCLOSED OIL BATH TRANSMISSION HIGH OUTPUT WEATHER-PRO­ TECTED MOTOR 9° DUAL AUGERS WITH SUPER­ HARDENED. CUTTERS TRIPLE CHIPPER WHEELS- MALLEABLE ADJUSTABLE WALL WHEELS WITH RUGGED MOUNTING SWIVEL WHEELS WITH STURDY CASTOR MOUNTING ADJUSTABLE 3-BLADE IMPELLER BACK-PRESSURE RELEASE SPECIALLY DE­ SIGNED SLIP-RING CONTACTS - NO BRUSHES FARM SERVICE CENTRE Roftenbury St.-—CLINTON—-Phone 482-9561 . This silo unloader can fake fhe hard work out of feeding your cattle It's part of the Beatty Automatic Feeding System built to make livestock feeding easier arid more [ profitable tot* you.