HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-15, Page 8By. BELLCHAMBER i I V 4 >I 09$ >-r-Clinton 1967 BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , , , n A V IT IW f n JD A * J? M JEf JjU PERSONAL ITEMS > CHURCH NEWS > CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs, . ♦ ,pl|i accepted by the Bayfield, correspondent. WmWWBM ■WLUR W WWlhl Mr, and Mrs. Martin Andrews and their grandson, Scott, Lop- don; Mr, and Mrs, Carl-Bow­ man and family, Birmingham, Mich.;^ Mr, and’ Mrs. Victor Murratori, St. Catharines and Mr, and Mrs, Keith Pruss jand family, London. ’ * . Miss Mary Elizabeth Ervine, who recently accepted a secre­ tarial position with Reliance; Reeyes .in Stratford, was home for the weekend with her par-, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston, accompanied Mr* and Mrs. Harry Bosriell, Goderich, last weekend on a tour of Colling­ wood and area. ML and Mrs. Keith Brandon,; Stratford,/were at their sum­ mer home for the weekend; joining them were their sons, Gary, aged 12 and Brian, 10, who achieved their Centennial project on Saturday by cycling frdrn Stratford to the village, , Members of the Centennial 'Committee met at the Hunter residence i on Sunday afternoon to finalize plans for the July 1 celebrations. Held in , Clan Gregor Park, the afternoon and evening, will feature chicken barbecue; '"A , Happening”, a .grand promenade, led by Piper Ken Stewartf of London; com­ munity sjnging — and’ to end the festivities a gigantic fire­ works display. - - Mrs. Mina Corstorphinq,; L°n-’ donr is a guest at the Albion Hotel this week; weekend reg­ istrations included Mr. and Mrs. v :--------.—71-- t---------------- Mrs, Morris Durham has re- turned to Clinton after spend­ ing the past ‘week with her brother, Carl and Mrs. Diehl at "The Hut”. “■■■ " Mr. and Mrs. J. R. R. Wife lock, Cathie, Douglas and Ain- $lie, Toronto were at their cot­ tage on Hayfield Terrace for the weekend. Miss Mabel Hodgins and Miss Margaret Macdonald returned to Toronto on Wednesday after .spending several days at "Stonehaven’’, • Mrs. Raymond W, Bristol of Washington D.C. has taken up residence for the summer at her cottage on Charles Street. Miss. Shirley Brandon, Essex, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Warner Payne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis, who Celebrated' their 25th wed­ ding anniversary on Sunday, were guests of honor at a din­ ner party held in the Township hall, Carlow. Members of their family and friends presented Mr. and Mrs. Wallis with many lovely gifts to mark the oc­ casion. Miss Ellen Lindsay, Exeter, spent Friday until Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mr$. John Lindsay; ,Jim Butcher of St, Thomas, joined them for the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, stephen Scotch- (mer, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Thompson, Hamilton; Miss Diane Vogt and Jim Mc­ Leod, Toronto, were weekend visitors Of Mr. and Mrs, Alf- Scotchmen Pr. >and Mrs. R*., G. Hunter, Mrs. Charles Rogers and Miss Sally Beth Hunter? Toronto,' were. at the Hunter summer home for the weekend. Miss Jessie L. Metcalf recent­ ly returned from a month's tour of Greece. i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey and Mrs. Helen Cobb spent last week at Expo 67. ’ Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Susan and Nancy, Kitchener, spent the 'weekend with, Mrs. W. R. Elliott. “ At their cottage last weekend, were: jMr. and ' Mrs. Er vine Heintz and family, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Carl McAuley,. Rexdale;.Mr. arid’Mrs. J. Hub .chinson and family, Woodstock; Andrew Noggy, Mr- ririd Mrs, H. C. Knepper, both of Kitchener and Mr* apd Mrs. Janies Rob­ inson, London. Mr* and Mrs. Forbes Mac*, Donald and Mr, and Mrs, Rye, both of .Pickford, Mich., were guests last we.ek of Miss Josephine Stirling, ' . Mrs, Thomas Bailey, Mrs. Fred Mote and Mrs. George Hopson spent last Thursday in London and went through .the Confederation-tram. Mrs,’ Hop- son was quite disturbed at the lack of Union Jack flags and also that the Queen’s picture was not well enough displayed. Mrs. Jack Sturgeon, Mrs. Carrie Heard, Mrs. Thomas Bailey and Mrs. George Hopson joined Goderich Women’s Insti­ tute’on a bus trip to Stoney Creek on Tuesday where they visited the home of the founder of the Women’s Institute. Later they visited Hamilton where they toured city hall and the botanic&l gardens. UCW Meets at Poth Home Unit 1 .oF Bayfield UCW met on Thursday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. L. Poth, with a good attendance. Mrs. E. Met­ calf opened the meeting with a reading from Paul’s letters to the Galations and Mr$. Beck led in prayer. Mr. Beck spoke briefly on the subject of "The Church” and conducted a dis­ cussion on the subject, Mrs. Greer Was in charge of the bus­ iness meeting and plans were made for the barbecue to be held ori the Square on July 1st. Who Says Expo Is Expensive? First Aid Free First aid, .treatment at Expo is free and, include^ the cost of transportation by ambulance from the Expo site to hospitals in the city, where necessary, z Jt is estimated that one-half of one percent of all visitors to Expo will require first aid services. And 2*2 percent of these will require’ hospitaliza- -tion. There are Jour juridical cen­ tres and eight first-aid posts on the site” tp provide health services. St. John Ambulance Association operates the eight first aid. stations. Each medical centre is. a self-contained hos­ pital with .two wards of five beds each. These will open at 9 every morning and clpse at midnight, One Of. the four cen­ tres will remain open 24 hours, In order to deal with the problem of public health, Expo . authorities have approved a "Health Code” which makes provision for the inspection and control of foods and eating places. Programs for the control of communicable diseases have also been set UP- In addition, there have been studies on the; problem of air and water pol­ lution, drinking water, etc. Mr. and. Mi’s, Gordon West­ lake and Mr, and Mrs. Gerrit Zondag attended the graduation exercises at the St. Thomas- Elgin General Hospital last Wednesday when their daught­ ers were among the graduates. This Fellow Knows How to Pose Sandy”, owned fey John Watson, RR 3 Bay- field, actually posed for this picture while getting feis rabies sfept ht Bayfield town hall on Tuesday. On the left is Dl M. K. Clugston, Seaforth, of the Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Depart­ ment of Agriculture and on the right, Mr. Watson. ■ ? (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) r CONCRETE SILOS PICKERS WANTED 25 PICKERS WANTED Only those who Will St?y with the job used apply. z F. W. Andrews Clinton — Phppe 482-3462 Great Ontario Adventure Vacations Thirty years of experience, J can build a silo to suit your needs i—» 12’, 13’, 14’ up to 55, feet. • . A few vacancies yet to fill, place your order soon — by contacting >'7* / J * OFFICE HOURS Commencing June 19, 1967 to September 15, J967 Monday, Wednesday and Friday DAILY — 10:00 a.ni. - 12:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m, Friday Extended Hours of Service 4:30 p.m.5:30 p.m. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich —■ Phone 524-9437 22-24b Daniel "Danny” Richard Mc­ Leod, nine-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald'Richard Mc­ Leod, Bayfield, drowned last Thursday evening in the Bay- field River after tripping at the end of the pier and falling into the water. The boy was net fishing for minnoWs on a breakwall and was accompanied by his mother, his sister, Dawn Emma and his , Heading For The Beach This threesome, Joyce Taylor,. Janice Middle­ ton and Drew Middleton are heading -for the cool­ ing waters of Bayfield beach last weekend. (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) CONTRIBUTIONS TO BAYFIELD CENTRE FUND BAYFIELD — Recent contri­ butions to the Bayfield Com­ munity Centre Fund: Mrs' Merton Merner . .$ 10.00 Mrs. John MacKenzie ., 25.00 Mrs. E. L. Spague ...« 10,00 Lavis Contracting Co. .. Ltd., Clinton .............100.00 1st Bayfield Guide Co.- . *25.00 Royal, Bank of Canada, ■' plinton ,.......... Special donation ......... Mrs. Robert Blair .... Miss Jessie L. Metcalf . , Eatons of Canada ...... Imperial Bank of Com­ merce .............../...., brother, William John. The two children „told their mother Danny had fallen into the 10-foot deep wafer. ' Mrs. McLeod immediately summoned local firemen who dragged the river for the lad’s body. Two Bayfield boys, Jimmy Francis and Carl Humphries, unsuccessfully searched the water for the'boy before fire­ men arrived. Two other wit­ nesses, Robert Marriott and Harry Delea, both of Stratford, were believed to have jumped into the water to assist the boy but were unable.to locate him. \ A resuscitator was brought to the scene by the firemen. Dr. R. W. Flowers arrived after being summoned from Clinton Public Hospital. Dr. Flowers With Fire .Chief Rus­ sell Kerr worked for about half an hour to revive the boy. - At about 6:50 p.m. Dr. N. C. Jackson, Huron County coroner, pronounced him dead. The boy-ds survived by his parents; sisters Dawn and Pen­ ny Ann and brother, Johnnie, all at home; grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes, Lon- don. , i Danny was born on October 14, 1957 in St. Thomas. The family had lived In Port Stan­ ley before coming to Bayfield eight years ago. Danny was a member of the Bayfield Cub S.couts who formed an honor guard at the funeral on Satur­ day, June 10. Service was conducted at the Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, by’ Canon F. H, Pauli, Bay- field. "Interment was in Bay- field Cemetery. Pallbearers were Calvin Scotchmer, Robert MacVean Jr., Dqnald Lindsay and Terry McClinchey. Flowerbearers were Paul Payne, Lorrie Tay­ lor, Patrick Brandon and Jef­ fery' Mayman. Person's attended the funeral from Port Huron, Detroit, Lon­ don, Aylmer and Port Stanley. ONTARIO 1 M.V. Notre Dame de l’Espdrance at Moosonee The Trail to Arctic Tidewaters On an Arctic Tidewater Adven- ture Vacation, to Moosonee and Moose Factory Island, you’ll rub shoulders with Indians, Eskimos, traders and prospectors from a thousand miles around Hudson Bay. At Ontario’s last frontier, you’ll taste the flavour of a pioneer past and sense the prospect of a nation’s great future. On your way from North Bay to Cochrane—departure point for the fabled Polar Bear Express —you can swim, fish and boat in Ontario’s most beautiful tree- fringed lakes, visit world-famous gold mines and gigantic wood-pulp mills, scratch hope­ fully among Cobalt’s abandoned silver workings. Comfortable . accommodation and. well-serviced campsites are always near, along smooth, easily-travelled highways. An. Arctic Tidewater Adventure Vacation will thrill your family to their Very bones. Would you like to have more informa­ tion? Just mail the coupon, today. September 18, 1967 to June 14, 1968 Service given Monday and Friday with extended service Friday* Ii Province of Ontario, I Department of Tourism & Information, I Parliament Buildings, Room 450 Toronto 2. , Please send me details about an . Arctic Tidewater Adventure Vacation, Name Address City Zone Prov, ; Ontario • Department of Tourism : & Information 25.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 clintonIo cart track ACROSS FROM CFB CLINTON i Brewers Retail TWO PASSPORTS TO EXPO TWO NIGHTS IN HOTEL ALL TIPPING ANO BAGGAGE TRANSFERS FROM HOTEL TO EXPO AND, BACK TRAVELWISE, 432-8161 W ADELAIDE ST* LONDON $69 per adult COST INCLUDES TRIP BY HIGHWAY CRUISER * 4 WEEKEND AT EXPO 67 BUS LEAVES GiGO A.M. JULY list \ FROM HOTEL BEDFORD, GODERICH ‘ PICKING UP AT: CLINTON, BRUCEF1ELD, HENSALL AND EXETER CLINTON Scuba Diving at Bayfield George Whittle, president of CFB Clinton Scuba Diving Club, and a civilian instructor at the ;base, is shown here going for a practice dive at Bay- • field harbour on Monday evening, Mr. Whittle is a resident of Bayfield. , • .* V (Photo by Audrey Beltchamber) IMMW—<■ ini———1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT s DON COLEMAN, Manager ‘ Open Nightly Except When Raining BREWERS RETAIL Summer Hours of Sale Effective June 19 Will Be Open Monday thru Saturday 10a.m.to6p.m 24b Open to 9 p.m. Fridays Operated by Brewers Warehousing Co.^Ltd 1 II