HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-15, Page 7BIRTHS GRUNEWALD Jn Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, June 13, 1967 to Mr. and Robert Grunewald, Clinton, a daughter. PASSCHIER L*. jn. Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, ». June 41, .1967 to Mr, and Mrs., A, Passchier, Cljntqn, ,a daughter. announcement Mri and George Proctor, 194 Anglesey Street Gpderich, are holding open house from 2r 4:30 p.m. and 7-9:30 pbL on Sunday, June 18 to celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary. No gifts please. DEATHS CANTIN — Result of a bar ac­ cident on Monday, June 12, LAC Joseph Albert Alexander Jacques Cantin, CFB, Clinton, in his 21st year. Resting at Beattie Funeral Home .until Wednesday, June 14 and then shipped by train for burial in Rosemont, Quebec. FABER — In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Satur­ day,- June 10, .1967, Staffer Faber, RR 1 Hensall, in his 85th year. Survived by sons, Harry, RR 1 Hensail; Rochus and Egbert, both-of RR 3 Kippen; Cornelius, RR 3 Ex­ eter and a sister in Holland. FUneral .service frpm Bon- thron Funeral Home,-Hens all ' oh Monday, June 12 with in­ terment -in Hensall Union Cemetery. „ •GARDNER — In Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital on Sunday, June 11, 1967, Sarah ’'Sadie” Gard- ner, Orange Street, Clinton, dear sister of Adelbert .Gard­ ner, Goderich. Funeral service was held on Wednesday, June 14 from Beattie Funeral Home with interment in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, HALL — In, Clinton Public Hospital on Monday,. June 12, 1967, Evelyn G.«Hall, Clinton librarian, beloved daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall in her 58th year;. Fun­ eral service from Ball Fun­ eral Hqme, Clinton, on' Wed­ nesday, June 14 with inter­ ment in Clinton Cemetery. HORNER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, June' 10, 1967, Mrs. Lillie May Hohner, RR 3, Bayfield in her 88th year. Widow of Samuel, • former Lillie May Bristow. -Survived by sons, William, Zurich; Clarence, Exeter; daughter, Miss Annie Maria, RR 3 Bayfield. Funeral ser­ vice from Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich with interment in Bayfield Cemetery. ' HOY —. At Huronview on Wednesday, June’ 7, 1967, Mrs. Arthur Hoy of Gode- \ rich, formerly Ida May Staf­ ford, in'her 82nd year. Fun­ eral service from Bethel Pen­ tecostal Tabernacle, Goderich by Stiles Funeral Home with interment in Colborne Town­ ship Cemetery.' INGRAM — In South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday, June 6, 1967, John F. Ingram, Hensall in his 59th year. Sur­ vived by wife, former Mar- , garet Hoggarth;- sons, Ray, . -David,, both of_RRr2.Hensall; ", William, Grand Bend;, daugh­ ter Mrs. Wayne (Jean) Tur- vey, Hensall; brothers, * George, Hensall; Al, Medford, Ore.; sisters, Mrs. Archie (Ruby) Hoggarth, Kippen; Mrs. Bert (Mae) O’Day, De­ troit; Mrs. Harry (Stella) Bawden,- Chesterville. , Ser­ vices from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall with inter­ ment in Hensall Union Ceme­ tery. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends, neighbours and rela- fives for kind expressions of sympathy, many cards and flor­ al tributes received during opr recept sad bereavement in the loss of a dear fathex' and bro­ther. Special thanks to Rev. Stuart and the ladies of the UCW. — ROBT. FOTHERING- HAM, JOHN fqthering- HAM, MRS, W. SINCLAIR. 24p The* family of the late Mrs, Irene McCullough wish to thank friends, relatives and neigh­bours for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and expressions of sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement. Spec­ ial thanks to Rev, E.'J. B. Har­ rison and the ladies of St. James’ " Middleton Church. — the McCullough family, 24p The family of the late Oliver Pocock wish to thank friends, neighbours and relatives for flowers, messages of sympathy and kindnesses extended to them faring their recent sad bereavement, 24b *■ $ EIDCT PADTICT ^UIIDnU n fV.* ? v . Attend Your Church This Sunday NOTE—-ALL SERVICES ON daylight saving TfiytE Thurs., Jjunp 15, T Shopping Begins in The Pages Of This Newspaper The family of the late Danny MeLeod wish to express their sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness shown to them dur­ ing their recent sad bereave­ ment. Special thanks to ReV. Canon Pauli and Ball Funeral Home. . . ’ ' 24p IN MEMORIAM FAIRSERVICE — In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Francis Matilda, who was called to rest 3 years ago, June 18, 1964. “Treasure her Lord in Your> garden of rest .For while oh earth she was one of the best 'A wonderful .mother, grand­ mother and friend She gave us her love in the fullest of measure Care, deyotion and memories to .treasure And now in that beautiful gar­ den of-rest , Lord watch over our mother, • she was the best- Others have loved, and we know But she was our mother we loved her so.” —Sadly missed by her family. 24b lost Eight charter members of the Eadies Aux­ iliary to Clinton Legion received Centennial Maple Leaf pins at the meeting Monday .evening. They are left to right, Mrs, Ephriam Shell, Mrs. Hartley ' Managhan, Mrs. John Butler, Mrs. Thomas Lep- pington, Mrs. Frank Dixon, Mrs. J. K. Cornish and Mrs. Gordon Scri'bbins. Missing when photo-- Legion Ladies Receive Centennial Pins was taken, Mrs. Alex Haddy. The pins were in appreciation of <the Work done over the past years, ana were presented, by three past presidents, Mrs. Douglas; Andrews, Mrs. Robert Burke and' Mrs, William'Chambers, The present president of the auxiliary is Mrs. Don McLean. ‘ (News-Record Photo) Industrial Park Development Underway at Centralia ? CLINTON PERSONAL. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Clif­ ford H. Keys wish to extend their sincere thanks and appre­ ciation to their friends, neigh­ bours and relatives for the kind expressions of sympathy shown them in the loss of -a beloved husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. M. Morrison, the staff of the Ball Funeral Home and also all who visited Mr. Keys so . often during his lengthy illness. • ' 24p FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, June 18 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11;15 a.m.—Church Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE ’ Ontario Street United Church . ‘’THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A, Organist: MISS LOIS GRAS BY, A. R. C, T. Sunday, June 18 ia,m.—Sunday School .a.m.—Morning Worship • Guesrfc Speaker: Rev. Ure Stewart, Seaforth. TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH a.m.—Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School 9:45 11:00 The Ontario government’s plan to, develop’ an industrial park and education complex at former CFB Centralia swings into action this week. Work will start immediately on renovation of three of the seven hangars on- the base. At the same time, the government is launching- its promotional campaign to lease the facilities to industry. ' : Plans for the educational side of the' complex are well under way, too. It’s expected-that an. agricultural school will be esta­ blished in the base’s former of­ ficer training facilities: .“Prospects for fairly rapid de­ velopment of the base appear excellent/’ says Provincial Trea­ surer Charles MacNaughton, MPP for Huron, Ontario Development Corpor- Mrs. Carmen Lawson Gives Gift To’ Mrs- Greenaway I wish to express my thanks for cards, flowers and visits received while a patient'in Clin­ ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Father Kelly, nurses and staff on Floor 1 — MRS. EMILY BEDARD. . 24b I wish to express my. sincere thanks to everyone .who re­ membered me with cards, flow­ ers, visits and treats during my stay in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, nurses, Rev. Mowatt and Rev. Harrison and for the kind assistance ex­ tended to my wife including transportation. — LORNE JERVIS. ■ ’ 24b We wish to thank oUr many friends, neighbours and rela­ tives for kind expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness extended to jus during our re­ cent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear mother. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Oakes, the Ball Funeral Home and the nursing staff of the Clinton Public Hospital. — THE FAM­ ILY OF THE LATE EMILY R. STEEP. , 24p Lions Instal Officers; Induct Member work he did on the sidewalk. Lavis Contracting Co. Ltd. sup­ plied . equipment and labour for the' project. Harold Bondy requested the Lions to turn out to help at the Community Centre $4,000 bingo on Monday, July 3 and Dori Colquhoun urged the members to all help at the Lions barbe­ cue in community park next \Tuesday, June 20. The last meeting of the Lions will be in the form of a, golf tournament at Bayfield-Clinton golf course on Wednesday, June 21 of which Royce Macaulay is chairman. ■ The new secretary Pat Noon­ an read a thank you letter from George Cull, director bf Huron Centennial Choir, thank­ ing the Lions for a $100 don­ ation towards the purchase of hew jackets for the choir. .............—■■■■■■■ ■■■■ The Women’s Auxiliary of CFB Clintonx held their annual banquet on . June 5, at the Orbit Room on the base, with over 50 ladies in attendance. Mrsi Carmen Lawson, president,, wel-' corned the guests. ( After a most copious dinner, the monthly meeting was held" at which Mrs. Rita Lapointe, outgoing secretary, read .min­ utes and Barb. Gowanlock, trea­ surer, gave her report. A presentation was made to Mrs. Hazel Greenaway, Base Commander’s wife, of a beauti­ ful engraved compact and case. A “Bon Voyage” card was sign­ ed by all the ladies attending. The following ladies were also presented with souvenir spoons, havirig rendered special services to the WA or attending the. required amount of meetings in the year: Mrs. Sheila Anderson, Mrs. Rita Lapointe, Mrs. Jessie MacKay, Mrs. Doris McConnell, Mrs. Irene Nelischer, Mrs. Sally ' ........... ation took over the base this vyeek, although legal transfer of the property, from Crown'As­ sets Disposal Corporation is still in process. The provincial gov­ ernment has approved funds for operation and adaption of the base, in addition to the .pur­ chase price of $600,000. ODC is forming the nucleus of its maintenance-staff from those at present working on the base as anditwhen they are re­ leased by the federal author­ ities. Some became employees of the provincial government­ agency on Monday. A staff of about 25 will operate the base under manager William Shef­ field, of ODC staff. ODC is distributing 3,000 bro­ chures which butline facilities available at the base, including air field, rail and central heat­ ing services. ODC’s managing 'director, A: E. Etchen, is writ­ ing each of the 30-odd compan­ ies which have already shown an interest in the base to pur­ sue development.’ . ;. « Hon. W.' A. Stewart, minister of agriculture and food and MPP for Middlesex North, re­ veals that his department is well advanced in its planning- for agricultural' courses. Of the 362 housing units at the base, 100 -will be made a- vailable for another 'year to armed forces personnel, many of whose families have remain­ ed at Centralia since the base was deactivated in Jdly, 1966. The other'262 homes will be re­ served for employees of indus­ tries which locate in the com­ plex. Development of the-757-acre base into an industrial complex is -regarded as a pilot project Under the government’s region­ al development program. A management consulting firm’s study indicates that, when full potential, is reached, the base can provide 2,000 jobs with an annual payroll of $11 million to supplement the rural economics of Huron; Middlesex and sur­ rounding counties. ,5, Miss Marie, Cox of .London spent the weekend with* her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cox, 127 Princess Street, West. Marie has-been attending Goder rich Business College during the past year and is now employed with the Bank of Montreal in London JMesley-lhiUts—^olmesuiUe Tlniteb CChixrcljee REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMONP, Choir Director Sunday, June 18 9:45 ana.—Sunday School , 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship , Subject: 'Can Human Nature Be Changed* Awarded Religion Badges Robin McAdam, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McAdam, and Billie Irwin, right, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irwin, were presented With 'their Religion,and Life badges in Cubs at the Sunday morning service in Ontario Street United Church. The presentation was made by Cubmaster Len Fawcett, centre. (News-Record Photo) «2W s HOLMESVILLE NO MORNING CHURCH SERVICE ' OR SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:30 p.m.—CENTENNIAL OUTDOOR SERVICE ' AT HOLMESVILLE SCHOOL ST. PAULIS ANGLICAN CHURCH ■'» Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Miss Catharine Potter, Organist / Sunday, June 18 — Trinity 4 11:00 a’.m.—Morning Prayer - AOW will meet at the Rectory on Tuesday, June 20 at 2:45 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN'CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. \J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, June 18 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:45 am.—Divine Worship Everyone Welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. G._J. HEpRSINK,. Minister Sunday, June 18 10:00. am.-LMorriimg Worship in English • ll.;00 a.m.—Sunday School , 2:30,.p.m.—Worship Service in English Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thoma*, ■. • ’ listen to “Back to God Hour”. ' ■ -ENERYONE WELCOME <> '► „ 2 MAPLE ST: GOSPEL HALL Sunday, June 18 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service''- . 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.~Evening Service Speaker: John Rea, London Tues., 8:00 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study Pentecostal Church Victoria Street W. Werner, Pastor Sunday, June 18 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Friday, 8 p.m.—YPU Meeting Refuse, Mrs. Doreen Wade and Mrs. Dorothy Worth. Mrs. Mary Cummings, Mrs. Arta Grant, Mrs. Pat Marceil and Mrs. Lou Shuman were not present but will also receive souvenir • spoons. By special permission, a film on.the Armed Forces new uni­ form -was shown, including slides and commentary run by CpI. Cliff Lawson.1 • The door^ prize of shampoo and hairset was won by Mrs. Louise McAndrews. Next meet­ ing of the WA will be held on Tuesday, September Sth, 1967. at 8:30 p.m, in the Community Centre. r"............... j .... v requires Playground Leaders JULY 4Z TO AUGUST 11 .1:00-4:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS Applicants Must Be 16 or Over. PLEASE APPLY TO Robert Mann, Phone 482-7663 NOT LATER THAN FRIDAY, JUNE 16,' 1967 GIFTS FOR DAD ON HIS DAY — SUNDAY, JUNE 18 — AT House of Bargains Z CLINTON Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Francis Arthur Tamblyn late of the Township of HUllett in the County of l-luron* Retired Far* mer, deceased. All perfebns ’having claims against the Estate of the above* ‘harried wiho died Oh the 6th d&y of May, A.D. 1967, are required to file full particular^ thereof with the Undersigned! bn or be* foife the 26th diby of June, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be dfisltribrited, having re­ gard only to the claims of which, the undersigned shall then have notice. 4 . DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day Of June, AJX 1967. E. B. MENZIES, CJintoh, Ontario Solicitor* fdr the said Estate. - 23-5b For the best value in nitrogen for com use ANHYDROUS AMMONIA CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AGRI CO DEALER OR Robert Taylor, Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton — Phone 482-9144 Contact * Haugh Bros., Brucefield, Phone 527-0927 (Either custom applied or applicator rental) BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Vorno — Phono 482-7435 ISAAC STREET The Store Where Your Dollar Buys More" SOIL SAMPLING SERVICE BAG AND BULK DELIVERY — SPREADER RENTAL (5 ton cop.) >V, SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve . pyjamas socks — TIES MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS Compare $4,25 SPECIAL — $2.98 MEN'S JACKETS WINDBREAKERS SPORT COATS JAMAICA SHORTS BATHING TRUNKS WASH AND WEAR SLACKS CARDIGANS Monarch Knit UNDERWEAR Special ... MEN'S GREEN WORK PANTS, SHIRTS, SMOCKS TO MATCH 10% biscount For Dad /• FATHERS DAY ® 2-Sui+er Aeropacks ® Companion Cases ° Flight Bags Sport Bags and Low Priced Suitcases Billfolds —-Wallets Utility Cases — Key Cases Coin Purses Matched Sets (GOLD INITIALLED FREE!) X Other Suggestions-. . . © HUSH PUPPIES © SLIPPERS © GOLF SHOES © SPORT SHIRTS O SANDALS, © MOCCASINS a iir e* hi 9 ex . JrA 1 Ok-E/ Ml . <31 482-9352 A —*