HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-15, Page 4A. 4—■Clinton News-Recprd-r-T|hiir$,, June 15, 1967 T :News Record Employee Married At Bayfield Baptist Church MR. AND MRS. ALLAN BROKENSHIRE Ice Cream? St. James Middleton Auxiliary Enjoys Centennial Night Salkeld Picnic At Goderich The annual Salkeld reunion was held pt Goderich Summer School on, Sunday, June 4 with over 70 persons registering, Registrars were Mrs. Terence Hunter and Mrs.'Mamie Rho­ des. Amos Andrew presided for the business session and T. J. Salkeld gave the secretary- treasurer’s report. Mrs- W. H, Talmay read the “Spectator” — family' news, Mips Ethel Washington sold copies of the “Salkeld Tree”, Mrs. Terence Hunter won the prjzp for the best Centennial costume with the judges being Mrs. Arthur Runcimon, Oak­ ville, and Mrs. William I-Iyslop, Stratford. ‘ , T. J, Salkeld read several letters of greeting. Roy Rundle won the prize for the oldest, person present and - Joe Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wise, Clinton, won the prize fox* the youngest person present, Sports committee, included Gary Suchard, Doug Blacker and Bill /Andrew. • The nominating committee report was presented by Ter­ ence Hunter, President for 1968 is Amos Andrew; first vice-; president, Terence Hunter; sec­ retary-treasurer, T, J. Salkeld. A display of antiques and family photographs created a great deal of interest. Clinton Memorial Shop T.PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W, STEEP 482-6642 -t h>4 served lunch tp the family and friends following the fun­ eral., " ' i If. was decided fp usg this sqm to purchase hymn books for" the church with the fly leaves inscribed as a memorial to Mrs, McCullough,1 Th© ladies accepted with pleasure an invitation from Trinity WA, Bayfield, for the annual joint meeting to'be held at ‘The Hut’*", the home of Mrs. Carl Diehl, Thursday afternoon, June 22 at 2:30 o’clock, June 27 was set as a tentative date for cleaning the church. In, keeping with the Centen­ nial theme of this meeting, each member and guest responded to the roll call with Canadian ob­ jects, some Older than confed­ eration. Everyone entered into the spirit of the occasion and many interesting ancient trea­ sures were brought to light. These included . a jewelled lorgnette brought from France ,around 1840; mustache cups; an 1878 Huron Atlas; wooden but­ ter print; a beautiful 1806 quilt; a 110 year old umbrella with a deep black face fringe; Ed-* wardean qnd. Victorian china; a Burslam Ironstone pitcher; gold necklace, watches; an, an­ cient purse and 1800’s coins; a "An overwhelming success"; °Qpp Of the best meetings we evpr had”; these were among the comments h'eard at the con­ clusion of the CentennjM meet­ ing of thp Women's Auxiliary of St. James’ Anglican Church, Middleton, held Friday after* noon, Jupe 9, at the home of Mrs., Ray Wise. The rector, Rpv. E. J. B, Harrison was greeted by 19 ladies in Centennial garb. Among those present, were for­ mer members, Mrs. Charles Wise, Mrs. Wm. Wise, Mrs. Alf Hudie, Mrs, Arnold Miller,, Mrs. Bert Rowden, Mrs. Wilfrid Col- clough and Mrs. Milton Steepe. The president, Mrs. Don Mid­ dleton, was lovely in an ivory satin and lace ball gown 'with train and her hair had a long swateh of curl a la Gainbor­ ough portraits, The authentic costumes were mostly black with plumed hats or bonnets, ancient jet-beaded capes and sweeping skirts. The 1967 copies of old styles added beauty and color to the /Picture, Mrs. Don, Middle ton opened With a poem ‘-My thanks that I am a Canadian", Mrs. .John Grigg was in charge of the de­ votions. Mrs. Ray Wise gave the sec-' retary’s report and Mrs. Keith Miller the financial statement. A minute's silence was ob­ served by the members in lov­ ing memory of the late Mrs. B. McCullough, a most devoted member, who passed away the previous week and had attended the May meeting. The secretary acknowledged a generous donation from the McCullough family as the WA lead spoon fqr .rubbed oyer em­ broidery Resign; a letter writ- ten in early 1800'$'with a quill pen and sealed with w.axbe- fore advent of envelopes; an ancient cameo with three .faces; ornate beaded cushions; collar boxes; and other antiques of equal interest. The ‘‘baby-pictures" contest yvas. the. crowning touch to a perfect meeting. There- were nineteen in all, ranging from tintypes and ancient photos to snapshots. .Those who thought it would be a cinch to pick put Mr, Harrison’s, picture (the only man present) were confronted with a photo of identical twin boys. Some dainty little women were fat jowly babies. Mrs. John Grigg won this hilarious difficult contest, Mr. Harrison closed the meet­ ing with served by Ray Wise dleton,, prayer. Lunch the hostesses, and Mrs.. Fred was Mrs. Mid- ■o Classified Ads. Bring Quick . > Vu_ /T APPLICATIONS I .Applications for the* position pf Clerk-Treosurer of the Township of Hui left will be received by the Coupcil of the Township of Hui left All applications fpr the position must be clearly marked pn the envelope as to the contents and be received not later than 6;00 o'clock p.m., Saturday, July 1, 1967. All. applications must state the age, marital status, education, previous; employment, residence and any other related experience that may be con­ sidered a'qualification forthe position. The salary and the conditions of employment ' Will‘be commensurate with the qualifications of the •successful applicant. All applications are to be sent to Mr, Harry F, Tebbutt, '■Clerk'-Treasurer. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, „ Clerk-Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 23-26b J* / ATTENTION to CUNTON s / ORDER IMPERIAL CORNTROL 862 FROM YOUR IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT 48Z-3873 22 and 24b This'new oil hasbeeh approved by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. The oil is added to the spray tanks during filling at the rate of 1J4 gals, per acre. Add Atrazine to the water before adding the oil. Agitate the mixture while filling tank. WEED CONTROL OIL To be used with Atrazine for better kill-control 4 / SAVE 48c $1.00 w Sharon Rose .Ann Cleave and Allan Brokenshire exchanged vows before. Pastor Bruce Eaton in' the Bayfield Baptist Church on Saturday, June 3. White and , yellow gladioli, with . deep yellow giant ’mums and lighted candelabra formed'' the setting foi' the double-ring ceremony. , The biii'de is the daughter Of Mr. xand Mrs. Logan Cleave, RR 3, Bayfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Brokenshire, Zur­ ich, are parents of the groom. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an em­ pire waist line gown of white chiffon over taffeta, featuring elbow-length bell lace sleeves and appliqued lace yoke; her floor-length train had a deep border of matching lace. Her headpiece of lace, flowers and' rhinestones held her • bouffant silk illusion veil and ■ she car- died a cascade of red ros'es, ■trailing ivy and steplianoit'is. Mrs. Eugene O’Brien, Zurich, attended her Sister as matron of honor. Bridesmaid was Miiss Diane Cleave, sister of the ■bride. They were attired in floor-length gowns of yellow chiffon over taffeta, with white lace miotifis at waiist and neck­ line; graceful back panels of yellow chiffon Accented the gownS. A cluster ofpale yellow organza roses held their cock­ tail veils and they carried cres­ cents of yellow tinted ’mums. Miss 'Debra O’Brien as flower-girl, wore an empire waiist floor-length dress of white peau de soie with a lace yoke; her headpiece was a tiera of white lace flowers and She car- died a nosegay of -yellow baby ’mums. The ringbearer was Wayne Oke of Zurich. Attending the groom were Jack Cleave and Dennis Am- acher,, Zurich. Eugene O'Brien, Zurich, and Charles Kal'bfliiesoh, Varna, ushered the guests: Organist, Miss Louise Talbot accompanied the soloist, tMiSs Elaine Westlake, who sang, “Promise Me”, and “Wedding Prayer". ’ For hei' (daughters wedding, Mrs. Cleave chose a pink sheath dress, with a three-quarter coat of lace, With cuffs and border of matching pink; her corsage /......... was of white roses and she wore white accessories. Mrs, Brdkenslhire, mother of the groom, wore a two-piece gown of turquoise, white acces­ sories; her corsage was of yel­ low roses. Wliite lilacs, lily of the valley and yellow roses were the floral decoration at. The'Little Inn,: Bayfield, where the. reception wias held. . . The young couple left on a wedding -trip to' the' Western provinces, the bride travelling in a turquoise suit with black ■and white accessories and a cor­ sage of pink roses. ; Prior to her wedding the bride was honored at miscel­ laneous showers given by Mi'S. Don Oke, Zurich; Miss Ruth Anne. Steckle and Miiss Bertha Zondag; the Wattling Workers Group of Bayfield. -United. Church and’ the Baptist United 1 1 . 1 " ■■■" ""■ .... .... . Ice cream manufacturers are 'joining in national cele­ brations with a netw ' “Cen­ tennial” Ice, Cream Bnick. ; Vanilla ice cream, will sur­ round the Centennial^ symbol featured in a separate flavor in We centre of each brick. This special brlick is being made by at least 30 manu­ facturers across Canada will be featured in four ferent flavors, ideal Centennial high jinks everyday good eating. Church ladies of Bayfield. The groom has been on the staff of Onton News-Record1 for the past three and one-ihlaif years. The couptie will reside in Zurich. , and % ! CORN GROWERS The New 862 There/s nothing like a wondering bull to spoil neighbourhood good­ will. His wanderings can b6 expensive, too, for the owner is liable* if*he Wanders into a purebred herd, if he damages property, or if he attacks someone. Many Ontario breeders save fences, dollars and goodwill by sub­ stituting artificial insemination for the herd bull. The best of sires are available, too. Find out for youtself by contacting your nearest office of Phoning hours weekdays till 9:30 a*nv For Sunday service call Saturday, 6-8 p.m. Toll-free number^ listed Jn Ideal telephone di rectories. GOOD FROM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 TO GRADE A CHICKEN FRYERS CHICKEN in the BASKET 39 lb CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS 59c lb W’HYTE'S BOLOGNA in the piece 3 lbs. $1.00 . 1 SAVE 20c RED & WHITE — Reg. 29c DONUTS * grade "A" Small SAVE 27c 4 for 89c / SAVE 28c CLARK'S PIES SAVE 35c 4 for 89c SUNNIEST LEMONADE } Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Open Wed. Afternoon Close Saturday at 6 p.m. 33 c lb ALLEN'S FRUIT DRINKS SUNSPUN PINTS ICECREAM GEM COLOURED MARGARINE 1 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE - Regular SAVE 24c