HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-08, Page 11Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Corre»pondent—Phone 526-7595 Thursday, June 8/1967—-Clinton News-Record~Poge 11 Benmiller Lady Buried Saturday At Clinton Mrs, Bessie May Pocoek, Ben­ miller, passed away in Seaforth Community Hospital on. June 1, Funeral sei vice was held Sat­ urday, June 3 at the Ball Fun­ eral Home, Qlinton with Jack Heynen, Clinton, the officiafing minfetpr. Jnitermenst. was in Clinton Cemetery. ’ Pallbearers w^re Leonard Fisher,. Arnold Fislier, Ralph Jewell, Bill Treble, Ben Straug- han and Frank McMichael. Flcwerbearers were David' and Allan Pocock, Bruce and, Brian Bowman and Donald and Paul McCIinchey. The deceased was born April 11, 1906 in Goderich Township to the late Mr.. and Mrs. Her­ bert Qsbaldeston. She was'the wife oif Oliver Pocock who sur­ vives1, and was a member of Hurotoc Rebekah Lodge 306, Clinton. Survivors include one son, Herbert Poicock, RR 2 Clinton;, two daughters, Mrs. . (Naid'a) McCliinchey, Hamilton and Mrs. Leonard (Eileen) Bowman, RR,. 4 Goderich; onO Sister, Mrs. Charles Hutchins, RR 2 Clin­ ton; and' 15 grandchildren. Persons attending'the funeral from a distance came, from Hamilton and Waterdown. Mrs. M. R- Roberts and son 'William' visited in Loudbn last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Cart­ wright attended the funeral of his uncle, the late Thomas Big­ gerstaff at Blyth last Saturday., William McCann, Dunganpon, vfsited one day last week With MW. Gordon R. Taylor. Wilfred Sanderson and Thom­ as Johnston attended a district meeting of the LOR at Dungan­ non last week, Miss Joyce de Graafe, RR 3, Auburn, is a patient in Gode- piCh hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Peptland, North, Bay, visited1 over the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Charles Straughan. Mrs.' Duncan MacKay, Sault Ste, Marie, spent the weekend in the village.Several members of Auburn" Horticultural Society attended the tea at Brussels las Wedries- - day afternoon. • Word was received of the death of Reg Carter, a former barber of this village; after a lengthy illness. He has resided in Woodstock for many years. Mrs. Earl Adison, Goderich, Visited last Saturday with, her brother, Charles Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Intyre, Wingham, Visited Thursday wiJtih her aunt, Alfred Roilinson and Mr. linson. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Arthur and Philip, Lambeth, visited last. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur. Mrs. Ralph D. Munro spent a few days la^it week in London visiting her son Donald Young- bliit, Mrs. Youngblut and fam- Mc- last Mrs. Rol- Miss Minnie Wagner is visiting With h?r -'Sbtor,. Miss Laima Wagner in Syracuse, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Qifford.' Bren­ ton and son, Clifford, visited relatives to'Btoathrpy last’Sat-’ iwday, - Master Christopher John Aldham, Kitchener, spent th.e weekend with his grandmother. Mrs. Orland Here and family. Friends .are pleased to see Bert Gr^ig and Lome Toll home from Clinton Public Hospital. Several from this community attended the’ spring show at Clinton last Saturday. Miss Linda Bae'chler of'Kit­ chener spent the weekend witn her parents, Mr. and’ Mrs, Rar- old Baechler and family and was maid of honour at the Wayne-Kolkman wedding in Goderich last Saturday, Mi’s. Marguerite Chopin of Guelph vW®d last week for a few days with Miss Margai'et R, Jackson. HURONCOUNTY CROP REPORT In the past week 'we have, experienced dry, hot weather in Huron County. This dryness has cpntrilmted to slow bean plant­ ing, as a large percentage of bean seedbeds are too dry to promote germination. J. J. Murphy, summer assist­ ant for Huron County says her­ bicide application is nearing completion on most of pur field crops. Cattle are doing well on pas­ tures. but growth is slow. • Boy, Girl, Teacher and Hickory Stick There were plenty of good, authentic costumes in evidence at Huron Cen­ tennial School last Friday when staff, and students participated in Centennial Day, but none were any better than this trio of costumes worn by Mrs. Laura- belle Reichert, Grade 6 teacher (left) and her pupils, Louise MacVean and Brian Makins. Mrs. Reichert shows us her high-topped laced boots and her long, long hickory pointer which Grandpa’s. teachers used to wave without warning over the seat of his pants. To add to the fun, the class brought many historical dis­ plays, among them this ancient radio1 complete with huge speaker. ■ (News-Record Photo)----------------- -—J--------------------- Wesley-Willis UCW Meetings The Starlight Circle of Wes­ ley-Willis United Church will meet on Monday, June 12 at 1 p.m. and will take the form of a pot-luck lunch at the home of Mrs), Bob McDonald. *■ s|< . # The Fidelity Unit of Wesley- Willis Church UCW will meet on Tuesday, June 15 at 2:30 Legion Auxiliary To Meet Monday •The June • meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary ’ to Clinton Royal Canadian Legion Will be held oh Monday, June 12. A special evening is planned. All are asked to attend. pan. Roll call to be an inter­ esting photo. Mrs. Lome Jer­ vis will be in charge of the program. . 0 Costumed Winners at Centennial Day These six young people enrolled at Huron Centennial School just south of Brucefield were the winning entries in a school-wide contest to select the best costumes in the three departments. Judges were a panel of teachers and the in­ spector of public schools for this district, Mr. Wilkinson from Exeter. Pictured ihere (left to right) are Kevin Faber, Grade 1, junior boys’ winner; Everett Robinson, Grade’, 5, intermediate boys; Doug McKay, Grade 7, senior boys; Janet Graham, Grade 6, intermediate girls; Sandra Graham, Grade 7, senior girls; and Kathy Peck, Grade 1, junior girls. (News-Record Photo)Kathy Peck, Grade 1, junior girls. j-- ~sssjfsjs Bft j ,'L J- >4 L il t.;. . ■>1 ■ I * S-.S s Ont. St. Units 1, 2 To Meet Next Tues. Units 1 and. 2 of Ontario Street United Church Women will hold their meeting on Tues- •day, June 13 at 2:30 p.m. in the. church parlour,• ---------o--------- Use Classified Ads. /.... " .................................. Mrs. Emily R. A. Steep, Os­ borne Street, Clinton, passed away in Clinton Public Hospi­ tal on Monday, June 5 in her 76th year. Funeral service was from Ball Funeral Home, Clin­ ton, on Wednesday-, June 7 with i Harold Bauer, Mitchell, in charge.Mrs. Steep was born in Stan- | ley Township on April 25, 1892, a daughter of George Alair and Mary Ann Hoover. She married Adam Steep in December 1913 and they farmed in Goderich Township, later moving to Clin­ ton where she resided tor the past eight years. MrS. Steep had been in poor health for tfiet past six months. Interment was in Clinton j Cemetery. Pallbearers were- Jo- j seph Postill, George Rumball, I Ralph Brodie, Harl McNally. Walter Gardiner and Elmer” Trick. Flower-bearers were Raymond and Arthur Hallam, j John Steep, Bruce Falconer and Wightman. The'deceased was' a of Kingdom Hall of Witnesses, Clinton. Predeceased by her husband, she is survived by two sons, Melvin of Clinton and Albert of GoderiCh; four daughters, Mrs. Alice Lobb, London; Mrs. Arthur. (Gladys)' Hallam, Aub­ urn; Mrs. Mervin (Evelyn) Falconer, RR 3 Seaforth and Mrs. Grace Wightman, Kitchen­ er, and a brother, Melvin Alair, Detroit, There are 20 grand­ children and seven great-grand­ children. Donald Steep, Douglas member Jehovah '/■ y > ■f # •f- •<■ a "X 11 i Is Ir ■ H L. Eg v ■;a Kindergarten Belles These lovely young ladies were among the very best dressed on Centennial Day at Huron Centennial School in the kindergarten class of Mrs. Robert Westlake. Seen here are Sue Anne Finlayson, Di­ anne Wiilson and Kathy Martens as they took time out from their afternoon classes to pose for the News-Record photographer. Almost all of the 597 students enrolled at the school were in Centennial dress. ...... .................- 11 " —........ ■11,1 ■ ........... ■■■ "■ ........... 1 V V_ For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And alLfor just 12c per week when purchased at a newsstand; OR Subscribe By The Year $5.00 . f ■. Clinton News-Record (tThe Home Paper With The News” The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: In CLINTON • Interesting work with better than average income is open to an ambitious man in the Clin­ ton area. Join a fast growing Real Estate firm now by contacting 1 WILFRED) Box 549, Walkerton Phone 881-2270 23-4b VISIT YOUR CONCRETE SILOS Thirty yearB of experience, I can build a silo to suit your needs —■* 12’, 13’, 14’ u0 to 55 feet. A few vacancies yet to fill, place ydur orddr soon by contaOttn^ ARNOLD HUGILL and SON . CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 92 Cambria RcL Goderich -— Phbne $24-9437 2^-54b J FARM SERVICE CENTRE FOR COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES INSTALLATION • SERVICE 17 Rattenbury **-■ CLINTON — Ph. 482-9561 i •ai.HiaMiii'iiiif iMai r iw liiiwT-iri or iiii iiui' t ~ t ■rn -t • rr - TiiiaMii.nii.ii.iMit Mr riiiiiiiiiTiii"Hn iff , - w ATTENTION POULTRYMEN You are invited to an OPEN HOUSE /of a new, modern BROODING AND GROWING PULLET WIRE CAGE UNIT Bill Taylor's. RR 1 Woodham, Ont. (Village of Winchelsea, 4 miles east of Exeter) FRIDAY. JUNE 16 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS See the latest method of' raising pullets in wire cages, from day old to twenty weeks. The Open House is sponsored by: ONTARIO HYDRO and RALSTON PURINA OF CANADA LTD. t Cc When your family needs dental attention... a X \ fl ■ iSfflw To > / for a cash advance Getting the money you need to meet family dental and medical expenses is a simple matter at your GAG office. You'll get prompt, personal attention.. . the ready cash you need to set your mind at ease ...and convenient monthly repayments .tailored to fit yoiir budget. Stop in or visit. Get a cash advance from GAC for medical or dental bills... or for any good purpose. LOANS W TO BOW GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPt, LTD. - ...........---CLINTON7 Rattenbury ^feetoo..i..M«Tu,Phohe 482-348$ a ) BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE In LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE In In In BRUCEFIELD— PATERSON'S STORE HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At CFB CLINTON C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH— BLUE'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE In HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE’ In KIPPEN— . KIPPEN STORE In AUBURN— G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE O 3WWt« U3 WRRlHtt VAI bVWWSUW iflSa Nflk tSSx KA\iMiVHR* <4