HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-08, Page 8Page 3—Clinton News-Record—-Thursday, June 8f 1967 BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , ’ n a vi?ti?w nJD -B' Jr ft JEf ftf ftft.. '. PERSONAL ITEMS < CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES > VlkkA^E HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER —Phone Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. qnd-Dhplqy Advs. all qqcppted by the Bayfield correspondent, * V■■■■..... ................. ..I ........... ii mni ... ■■■ Michael Scotchmer has re­ turned from Victoria Hospital, Ixjndon, having undergone min­ or surgery. Mrs. All’ Sooteh- mer spent the weekend in Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. William Bar­ ber and family, St. Thomas, spent the weekend at their cot­ tage, Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Mon­ teith, Lambeth, were guests on Sunday of 'hits sister Mrs. G. N. Rivers and Mrs, Rivers’. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Elva Metcalf. Cliff Utter, Reg Francis, Gordon Westlake and Bill Mc- Illwain returned on Sunday from a 10-day trip to Mani- toulin Island and points north. Mr. and Mrs, W. Et Parker had their son and family, Mr. apd Mrs/ R,. Parker/ Pam, Jackie and David of Dorches­ ter as tiheir weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Rnwan, Rambling With Lucy , (Lucy R, Woods) Sandi The Cat To Attend Special Clinic A plane breaking the sound barrier early Friday morning startled a good many residents in this vic-* inity. Carl and Lucy were asked if it had awakened them. It hadn’t, but Lucy decided that must have., been the rifle shot(?) she heard in a crazy dream of some struggle between humans. , And speaking of struggles, there is a battie' ‘ between the Orange and the Blue going on in Hovey’s garden. A pair of Baltimore Orioles are attacking Blue Jays. The Hoveys think that the . Jays have a nest of fledglings but they haven’t tracked it down. They’ve also identified a Blue Bunting and a Cedar, Waxwing in the garden. Earlier in the season one day Ernie drew Dorothy’s attention to a pair of humming birds sitting side by side on a maple sapling branch. They were perched with their gleaming, green backs to the window. It is amazing the number of birds locating in the village which one rarely saw years ago unless one took to the fields or woods. Emerson Heard reports that a pair of Scarlet Tangers nested in their hedge this year. Usually regarded as a shy bird, this pair would fly down into the garden when he was working outside. Do you know the story: “That Quail Robert” by Margaret A. Stonger? It is reported, that “Robert” is taking his little covey of eight for a • walk in the bush not too far away. Carl has an idea , that >a pair of Crested Fly­ catchers are occupying an apartment at “The Hut” ■ disdained by the-Bluebirds.' He saw a Crested Fly­ catcher examining it the first year it was erected, but .the entrance was too small. So carl enlarged it but the prospective tenants had gone elsewhere. Signature Chairs Famous KROEHLER PiCNte 6-oz. Tins . BUS - TRAIN « AIR - (or your own ear) . . . your choice ! K-W TRAVEL BUREAU LTD. 196 KING STREET EAST, KITCHENER/ ONTARIO TELEPHONE 576-0770 Subsequently House Sparrows and Wrens took ■turns. "Phis year it was vacant. Lucy has been listening to the advice of the department of health, and resident veterinarians, broadcast over CKNX radio, to take all cats, dogs and small pets to the anti-rabies clinics now being held in Huron County. It was emphasized that even if a pet is only, outside for a few minutes or tied, the danger of it contracting rabies is just as great. The clinic is being held in Bayfield on Tues­ day afternoon, June 13 from 1:30 to 4:30 o’clock. Other years it didn’t interest Lucy and her spouse. But since Sandi the cat has adopted them, the matter of getting him up to the Town Hall for his anti-rabies shot poses a problem.—- to Lucy at least. He trusts Carl and glances amiably at Lucy in her wheel chair, but when strangers appear on the scene, he hides. Sandi had a mishap last week and came home with a sore hind leg. The skin was broken and flesh sore, just as if it had been caught in a trap — maybe one set by some irate householder for the ’coons raiding their garbage tins! After nursing his sore leg for a couple of days, he is roaming about hunting mice again. “Mr.” looked out the window on Saturday night about 11 o’clock and saw him playing with a live one on the pavement on Bayfield Terrace. Sandi is such a playful young cat. One day this spring, he was jumping at flies when they first be­ gan buzzing around, He caught one which happened to be a honey bee, scratched his mouth with his paws and flew around the garden at top speed! Animals as well as humans learn by experience! Lucy and Carl would certainly miss Sandi if anything happened to him, so they hope he doesn’t go off on one of his jaunts bn Tuesday afternoon, June 13, as an anti-rabies vaccination is a “must” for both the protection of the cat and themselves. Mu. Z" 23tfb —%t » li«k APPLICATION For A Man To Operate The Hullett Township Mower at the Wage of $1.40 Per Hour. Duties to commence after June 20/ 1967. Applications to be received by Juhe 17, 1967> Apply to George Hoggart, Road Suf>eriftt6rtdler»t> RR 1, Londesboro 23-4b riiiiiMiaa..mii«iiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiriirr-r t-viMiraiiiii■hiiBiiii'iiiiii^waHaHViaiiiiidiiaii.aiMiii^ I I , , . By BELLCHAMBER 'll l. wlto were en route to Vancouv­ er, spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Rowap's par­ ents, Mt and Mrs- Fred Hulls. Mrs. Elwood Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill dark at­ tended' a Hospitality Seminar held at the Goderich High School on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E, Carspn and family, Mr.' and Mrs. William Parson, and fanWy, London, and Rev. R, Carson,'’ Mrs, Carson and son of Forest, were all at their lakeshore cottages for the weekend. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Ceciil. Schmajz and family, Preston, .are spend­ ing a few days at their cottage!, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fisher and Frank, St. Agatha, Were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and .Mrs. Peter Murray, Toronto, spent Friday. ’til Sun­ day at their cottage. Joe Carson, London, accomp­ anied by his daughters, Mass Lula Carson, Mrs. .MacNamara and Mr, MacNamara, London, spent the weekend at "Glen- caim”, Carson summer home. if i .ii.iiiii i, j , Mr, and Mrs. Warner Payne, Patricia, Paul and Peter, spent 'lhe weekend in St, Clair, Mitch,., as guests of Mr, and Mi's. T. Schwich, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Guest and their two children return­ ed, to Whitby o-n Sunday after being at their cottage for sev­ eral days, Mr. and Mrso Carl McAuley and family, Rexdale; Mr. and Mrs, J, Hutchinson and family, Woodstock, and1' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss and family, Lon­ don, spent the weekend at their cottages. - , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker. Torono, were weekend visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weston. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lar­ son and Karen, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. J.'Larson. Guests at the Albion Hotel for the weekend were: Mir. .and Mrs. W. A. RoWat, London; Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Knepper, Kitchener and H, S. Stolch and son Frank, Kitchener; J. B. Bowler of Punta Gorda, Flor­ ida, will spend the summer at the Albion Hotel. Mrs, D. M. C. Hislop, Julia and Laura of Port Huron, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker; visiting Mi- and Mrs. Baker on Satur­ day- were Mrs. Albert Long. Stratford, Douglas Long and his daughter, Andrea, Ancaster. Miss Gayle Turner, who- has recently undergone an appen­ dectomy operation, is recuper­ ating at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. -------------o------------ - Rev. A. J. Mowatt Talks About China At UCW Meeting Sixteen ladies with Rev. J. Mowatt as guest, joined Aged Deed Siteven Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keys, RjR 1, Varna, is seen here with the deed to hlis’ father’s farm which was issued in 1846 to , James Keys. Steven-was par­ ticipating in Centennial Day last Friday at Huron Centen­ nial School where 'he is a pupil. He had taken the aged deed to school for hits fellow students to study and ponder. A. in Wo-He-Lo Unit of Wesley-Wil­ lis UCW meeting. Mrs-. Olive Ball, was in char­ ge of the program. • Her topic was "Missions”; other members of her committee, Miss Ida. Walkinshaw and Mrs. P. Liver­ more read Scripture passages and Miss Mary MUir led in prayer. Rev. Mowatt gave a very interesting bird’s eye view of China; showing by map where he lived with, his parents who were missionaries there for over 20 years. He. also illustrat­ ed some of the symbols of the difficult Chinese language, with its many thousands of symbols and tones. A humorour reading, "The Doormat” was given by Mrs. Ball. The Year Long Comfort fTCTUir 1 ROCKERS - RELAXERS - RECLINERS Use Our Family Purchase Plan "Quality You Can; Trust” BALL & MUTCH LTD. OuiAt HARDWARE And FURNITURE 69 Albert Street,— CLINTON — Nrtite 482-9505 --------------- ..u:, , 1 In Memory of Pioneer Orangemen This cairn has 'been erected in Clan Gregor Square to the memory of pioneer members of. the Orange Order. It was donated by Orangemen of the six lodges in South Huron and built by Worshipful Brother Russell Page of Lodge 219 in Greenway. Oldest lodge in the district is Bayfield Orange Lodge 24. Some of tjie stones in the cairn came from historic farms of former LOL members. > ■ 1 -A Temperature Rising and Nobody Worrying The temperature bn the huge thermometer in Clan Gregor Square at Bayfield is steadily rising but nobody seems to be too worried. In fact, most of1 Bayfield residents are watching hopefully to see big red indicator go over the top for that will indicate success in the arena fund-raising drive. Here we see Guide Esther Mernill presenting on be­ half of the Guides the proceeds from a recent bake sale — $25 — to arena finance chairman, L. R. Maloney. (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) r ( WEEKEND SPECIALS FOR JUNE 8, 9, 10, 1967 ww FRYING CHICKENS 39c lb. WESTON’S APPLE PIES 69c lb. 2 lbs 79c 89c lb. PRODUCE No. 1 GOLDEN YELLOW BRIGHT’S FANCY — 48-oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE ........ HUNT’S FANCY — 28-oz. Halves or Slices CALIFORNIA PEACHES ...... 2 for 69c HEN5ALL- ONTARIO i v. BADGER FARM EQUIPMENT For a complete line of Silo Unloaders Distributors, Rc»rn Cleaners, Conveyors, Feeding Systems, Forage Boxes and Blowers. Also Veterinary Supplies and Zero .Milking Systems. Call HURON FARM SERVICE RR 2, Seaforth Phone 482-7109 on Hwy. 8, 2 miles west of Seaforth (John Segeren Farm) SALES & SERVICE DON MICHAUD STEVE KEMBER 22-26b ——- 1 .......... mi,., •.......... HMM] I. Hi-Il. I >■■■■.«.......... .111,111 | , ...................................... , ...... , s r Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Phone 482-721 I Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP —. 482-6642 Huron Progressive Conservative Riding PUBLIC MEETING Council ChambersB Clinton Wednesday, June 14 at 8:30 p.m For the Purpose of Selecting Delegates for the National Leadership Convention in September JOHN pURNIN ‘ ' MRS. -F. G. THOMPSON President Secretary ■ ’ > Applications for the position of Clerk-Treasurer of the Township of Hullett will be received by the Council of the Township of Hullett. All applications for the position must be clearly marked on the envelope as to the contents and be received not later than 6:00 o'clock p.m., Saturday, July 1, 1967. All applications must state the age, marital status, education, previous employment, residence and any other related experience that may be con­ sidered a qualification for the position. The salary and the conditions of employment will be commensurate with the qualifications of the successful applicant. All applications are to be sent to Mr. Harry F. Tebbutt, Clerk-Treasurer. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk-Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 23-26b i 39c 79c 55c 69c 69c LADY PATRICIA - HAIR SPRAY ROYAL — 3-oz. Assorted Flavours INSTANT PUDDINGS MCCORMICK’S — 1“lb. pkg. MARSHMALLOWS McCORMICK’S — 13/2~oz. Pkg. GRAHAM WAFERS SALADA — 100’s PRIOR-PAK TEA BAGS SHIRRIFF’S — 12-oz, pkg. INSTANT MASHED POTATOES MIRACLE WHIP — 32-oz, Jar SALAD DRESSING KRAFT — 16-oz. Jar CHEEZ WHIZ 63c 45c 59c 69c VAN CAMP 19-oZ. BEANS WITH PORK ............. 4 far 89c . J