HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-08, Page 7BIRTHS ARMSTRONG — In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, June 1, 1967 to Mir. and Mrs, Jack Armstrong, 137 Ratten-' bury StroetrcCLintoin, a son. QELLING — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, June 2. 1967 to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Gelling, RR, 2, Clinton, a son. GRILLMOYER In Clinton Public Hospital pin, Sunday, June 4, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Horst Grillmoyer, Clinton, a son. HOGGART In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, June 7, 1967 to Mr, and_ Mis, Arthur Hoggart, Clinton, q son , ‘ . JOSLIN—Mr, and Mrs. Robert Joslin (nee Barbara Shob- brook) happily announce foe safe arrival of a. son, Robert , John, on Friday, June 2, 1967 . at foe Halifax Infirmary, Halifax, Nova Scotia', A bro­ ther for OaTOlyn and Cheryl. Delighted grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shob- brook, Toronto. USE — In Clinton Public Hos­ pital on Tuesday, June 6, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs, Robert .Lee, Goderich, a daughter. MASSE — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, June 5, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Masse, RR 2, Zurich, a daugh­ ter. McKEAN — In Lahr, 'Germany on 'Sunday, June 4, 1967 to Cpl. and Mrs. Rl., K. McKean (nee Sharon Dales), a daugh­ ter, Linda Barbara. WHITMORE — In Hinton, Public Hospital on Saturday, June 3, 1967 to Mir. and Mrs.’ Douglas Whitmore, Blyth, a son, 100 -years ago on foe same day foe baby’s great­ grandfather was born. He was Frank Whitmare and lived in Goderich-Township near , Hol­ mesville all his life, CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sin­ cere thanks to our many friends for flowers, cards and messages of sympathy during our recent :sad bereavement. <— MICKEY NOTT, MARIE CARLSON and HAROLD NICHOLSON. 23b We wish to thank our1 many friends, neighbours and rela­ tives' for kind expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness .extended to us during our re­ cent sad bereavement, in foe loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. A. J. Mawatt, D.D., Dr. W. A. ■Oakes, foe Bali Funeral Home ;and foe nursing staff on foe first floor of the Clinton Hos­ pital.—THE CItoEGG FAMILY. 23b CARDS OF THANKS Sincere thanks to my friends for cards1 and treats while I was in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks fo Dr. Street, Dr. Wal­ den, nursiing staff on first floor and my nurse Margaret. — STEPHEN RADFORD. 23p I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for cards, let­ ters, flowers and gifts, also thanks to doctors and nurses while I, was a patient in Clin­ ton Hospital. — BERT CRAIG....................... 23p IN MEMORIAM SNELL -r- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, John A. Snell, who passed away 3 years ’ ago, on June 12fo 1964. “Memory's lane is a lonely lane, Where .thoughts are ever true, Along this way we’ll always stray, Because Dear it leads to you. Memories are the precious lamps That light the darkened way, To the beautiful hope of re­ union When we meet at the end of the road." —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Bar­ bara and family. 23p BIGGIN — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wilfred Bliggin, who passed ■away June 7, 1966. —Sadly missed and always re­ membered by wife and fam­ ily. 23p DEATHS POCQCK ~ In Seaforth rnunity Hospital on Thursday, June 1, 1967 Mbs. Oliver Po- oqck, RR 2, Clinton, in per 61st year, Funeral .service from Ball Funeral Home on Saturday, June 3 with inter­ ment in Clinton Cemetery, ' FOTHERJNGHAM — At his ■late residence, Tuckersmith Township, on Friday, June 2, 1967 William Thomas Fofoer- ingham in hits GJ.st year. Fun­ eral service from Beattie, Funeral Home on Monday, June 5, with interment in, Hadid’s Cemetery, Stanley Township, KEYS *— At Seaforth on Satur­ day, June 3, 1967, Clifford H, Keys, Stanley Township, in his 76th year. Funeral ger- vice from Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, on Tuesday, June 6 with interment in Bayfield Cemetery.' McCULLOUGH r- In Clinton on Saturday, June 3, 1967, Mrs., Irene McCullough, God­ erich Township, in her 72nd year. Funeral service from Beattie Fiineral Home on Tuesday, June 6 with inter- • ment in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. STEEP — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, June 5, 1967, Milsl. Adam Steep in her 76th year, Funeral service •from Bail Funeral Home on Wednesday, June 7 with in­ terment in Clinton Cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Alfet Stry­ ker; Clinton, Ontario wish fo announce the engager ment ■ of their daughter, Mary Anne Joanne Marg­ aret fo MT. Nick Dykema, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. Dykema, Wallaceburg. The wedding to take place on June 17, 1967 /at 3:30 p.m. in Christian. Reformed Church, Clinton, 23p * .* Mr. and Mrs, Edward -Chappel, Cromarty, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter’ Adeline Ruth to David James Mc- Inally, Seaforth, son of Mr, and Mrs, David Mclnally of Scotland. The wedding to take place in St. Thomas’ Anglican Church, Seaforth, on Saturday, July 8, 1967 at 2 o'clock. ■ * * Mr, and Mrs. Ernest B, Smith, Belbecik, Sask., wish to announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, . Shirley Jean, of Clinton to Mr. Hans de Boer, son of, Mrs. T. de Boer, Clinton. The wedding will take place on Friday, July 7, 1967 at 4 p.m. in Wesley United Church, Belbeck, Sask. * THE FIRST COLUMN Married in Varna United Church; Take Honeymoon Trip to Expo I Thursday, June 8,1967?-~-^tintop* News-Record—Page T Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results ■ We ‘ wish- to thank-. sincerely -all our friends and neighbours Tor beautiful flowers, cards and for their kindness .and sym­ pathy during our recent be­ reavement. — MRS. GRACE MUNRO and GRANDDAUGH­ TERS. 23b AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Tractor and Miscellaneous Equipment, in the Village of Varna, on SATURDAY, JUNE 17 at 1:30 p.m., the following: Household Effects — 2 piece Chesterflield suite; china cabinet; 2 complete bedroom suites; 5 piece chrome breakfast suite; Sideboard; writing desk; oak swivel office chair; 2 wicker chairs; platform rocker; mod­ ern swivel base upholstered arm chair; rocking chair; 2 coffee tables; magazine table; utility table; Frigidiaire enamel range (nearly new with automatic oven controls and window oven); refrigerator with full top freezer; studio Couch; 2 floor lamps; table lamps; wall mir­ rors; dishes; glassware; cooking utensils. Miscellaneous — Allis Chal­ mers B. tractor (A-l condition); 3 section drag harrows; 3 sec­ tion spring tooth harrows; barn jack; tire changer; numerous other articles. Terms — Cash MELVIN WEBSTER, Proprietor ’ EDWARD Wi ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 23-4b I wish to thank everyone who ■remembered me with flowers, cards, gifts and visits While a -patient in Clinton Public Hos­ pital. Special thanks to Con­ stance UCW, those who helped -at home, Dr. Walden, Dr. New­ land and the nursling staff. — MRS. REG. LAWSON. 23p We wish to thank pur friends -and neighbours who so kindly remembered us With visits, cards and treats during our re­ cent stay in Clinton Public Hos­ pital. Special thanks to the nursing staff of the hospital, Dr. Addison, Dr. Newland and Rev. Grant Mills. — HOWARD and ANNA JOHNS, 23p ■I Wish to thank all my friends ■and neighbours for the many cards, gifts and; Visits while I was a patient in Clinton Hos­ pital. Also thanks to the nurs­ es and doctors and' special thanks to the lady who helped so much at home. -— MRS. BETTY S. ST. LOUIS. 23p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of VICTOR KENNEDY, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Hur­ on, Real Estate Agent. AU persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward' full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 16th day of June, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 21-23b AUCTION SALE of School and Contents on Saturday, June 10 at 1:00 p.m. 'Parcel No. 1 Will be offered for sale by auction at 1. p.m. — School ‘House SS No? 10 Tuckersmith Township, .approx. 1 acre of land; 3% miles east of HensalL AR schools have oil furnaces, •pressure water systems, flush toilets, hydro. Contents: 8 slate blackboards, pupils’ desks, table, antique clock, radio, maps, pic­ tures, fire extinguisher. Parcel No. 2 Will be offered for sale by auction a.t 2:30 pm..«—■ White brick school, SS No. 9 Tucker­ smith Township, approx. 1 acre of land. 5 miles south of Sea­ forth on Kippen Road. Con­ tents.' wall maps, globe of world, electric clock, pictures, fire extinguisher, garbage Cans, pupils’ table; books, Parcel ‘Will ______________ auction at 4 p.m. — White brick school, SS No. 2 Tucker­ smith Township, approx. % acre land, 1% miles east of Kinpen and 1 mile. north. Contents: Antique clock, pupils’ desks, 4 folding chairs, Mortis piano, 2 -Wall maps, electric (dock, 7 Slate blackboards, step ladder1, ■ 2 benches, tower bell. Terms J Cash Fiot further information con­ tact Venn Afldendicp, RR 2, Kip- peh, phone Hensall 262-5494, Chairman of, Huron County School Area No. 1. HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL/ Clerk i ! 1.^1 --QO-Qk. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Francis Arthur Tamblyn late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huronf Retired Far­ mer, deceased. '-•All persons 'having claims against the Estate of the above- named who dlied on the 6th day of May, A.D. 1967; are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be­ fore the 26tih day of'June, AD. 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed1, having re­ gard only^ to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of June, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. 23-5b (Continued from Page One) to expect a bright future: We talked to .a few of foe kids and heard them bubble over with enthusiasm for’ foe new roundings.* * * A BRIEF visit with the prin­ cipal, Arnold Mathers, explain­ ed in part why the children are 'so pleased wifo life at the new school. Mr. Mathers is foe quiet, efficient type of man who has everything at his finger­ tips without showing any stress or strain. He was noticeably proud of his school, his staff and his students . . . and What’s more, the students and staff seemed to undersand they had his approval, Mr. Mathers told us that when all the controversy was going on about whether or not ■to build a consolidated school to serve the two'townships, it seemed to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the school population in Stanley and Tuckersmith would never ex­ ceed 575. At the end of April, 1967, — about six -weeks after the open­ ing — 'there were 597 -pupils .enrolled at Huron Centennial School. With about 55 Grade Eight students expected to graduate into secondary school in June, about 70 kindergarten pupils” - are registered for foe fall term!* * * ' ON OUR way out to Bruce- field, we passed Canadian Forces Base Clinton, and enjoy­ ed the annual springtime pan- •orama of flowering trees which line foe streets at the station. We couldn’t help thinking as we do every year how foe fore­ thought of some man or group of men a few years ago is pay­ ing off in dividends of beauty today. Truly, it is a lovely sight to see and a real credit to the works department which keeps it- looking so trim. * # To those older residents in Clinton and area who can re- member a time when public school concerts were enjoyed by both the participants and foe audience — and deplore the fact that fewer and fewer of these events are scheduled' each year — many will be pleas to know that Clinton sur- Public School students planning a Centennial Concert to be held in the auditorium on Wednesday, June 14. Principal Bert Grey called the News-Record early Tuesday morning to announce plans for the event. He said the feature attraction of the evening wiU be a 100-voice choir which will sing “A Salute To Canada". Of course there will be other numbers in the variety pro­ gram, including d'ancing, in­ strumental musical , selections and boys’ gymnastics. A play is also beingrehearsed at the school by'the pupils '• for pre­ sentation next Wednesday. It really doesn't mattei' whether or not you have chil­ dren or relatives attending the school and performing in the concert. It- wiU do your heart good to get out to see these young people take their places on the platform and make their appearances before a packed house. That will be the best reward they can expect for theii; efforts. Besides, some Ciintonians may not have been at the local public school for some years; You are in for a treat — and a few surprises — if you think today’s education, is expensive Without being practical. Why not get around to ■the school about 8 o’clock next Wednesday and see for your­ self what kind of work is be­ ing done at the school? All the proceeds from the silver (or paper) collection will go to the Clinton Arena Fund. The first appearances of the Centennial Caravan in this dis­ trict are scheduled for this Sun­ day in Goderich and next Tues­ day in Seaforth. Early re­ ports and advance publicity say ■a tour through the eight-truck caravan containing bits of his­ torical data on Canada is worth the time. In Goderich at the Agricul­ tural Park from 11 am. to 11 p.m. on Sunday, Jane 11, the caravan will feature entertain­ ment from 12:30 o'clock unfit it closes. And the Whole sholw is free . . . free . Clinton Mayor Don will be taking pant in ficial ceremonies.■ «s * * Wesley-Willis United Women are sponsoring a family fun night in dinton Public School' auditorium on Wednes­ day, June 21 at 8 p.m. Actually woven around a presentation entitled. “Grand­ ma’s Memory Album’’, the pro- ■ gram with a distinctive Centen­ nial flavour Will feature old- tyme music of the land that grandma Used to enjoy. There Will be barbershop quartettes and music performed1 on the vio­ lin. the mouthorgan and the bones. There will even be step­ dancing to the lively tunes. As a special treat, the Bell Ring­ ers from’ Wlingham High School Will be performing. A skit “The Mouse Trap" will also be part of the entertain* ment. Sohnds like real fun, doesn’t it, for folks looking for live­ ly local Sport, 23p (Photo by Doerr) MR. AND MRS. LLOYD JOHN MOORE Standards of white lilacs and pink tulips, ferns and1 candlebra formed foe setting in Varna United Church for a pretty summer wedding where wed­ ding vows were exchanged be­ tween Carol Ann Taylor and Lloyd John Moore on June 3 at 3:30 p.m. The bride is foe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, RR 3' Clinton and foe groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ton Moore, Exeter. Murdock Morrison assisted1 by Rev. G. Mills, Clinton, per-*’ formed the double ring cere­ mony and Miis. Ray Huether, Walton, cousin of foe bride, was organist. The soloists Mrs. Mar­ lene Miathers and Mrs. Darlene Lee sang “The Wedding Pray­ er’’ and' nHl Walk Beside You" during foe ceremony and “Bless This.House" at the reception. by desks, captain chair, 9 Slate blackboards, Step ladder. No. 3 be offered for sale by AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous articles from Lot 27, Concession 4, Hullett Town­ ship 2J4 miles north of Clinton on Highway 4, and mile west, onWednesday, June 14 at 1:30 p.m. the following lining room buffet, table and chairs; dining room extension table; davenport; 2 hall trees; 2 double beds, springs and mat­ tresses;- 2 single beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; 2 commodes; Astral refrigerator; Princess Pat enamel range; hand Washing machine; 2 kitch­ en Cupboard'S; kitchen table and chairs; , laundry tubs; lawn moWer; scatter mats; quantity of books; dishes? cooking uten­ sils; 2 rolls of Wire; quantity of lumber; neck yokes; double trees; chains; forks; shovels; tools; storage drums; oil drums; set of harness; 22 rifle; 3 lad­ ders, 2 Wardrobes; colony house for 200 chickens; numer­ ous other articles. Tertns Cdsh No reserve, the farrti is soitf Mrs. Charlotte Colclough Proprietress Edward Ellidtt Auctioneer CLINTON PERSONALS Miss Marilyn Tebbutt of Lon­ don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er- vine Tebbutt. Miss Tebbutt is a bookkeeper at the office of Peterman Products Company, London, She iis a graduate of Goderich Business College. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Willis, Sarnia, were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lep- pington, 177 Spencer Street, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mallen, Toronto, paying a Visit to fam­ ily graves had with them as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Al Zinger of Hamilton. & Service FATHER'S DAY— JUNE 18 CHOOSE YOUR FATHER'S DAY CARD NOW . 10c to 50c GIVE HIM THE NEW IMPERIAL DELORO TOILETRIES FOR MEN AFTER SHAVE LOTION - COLOGNE - SOAP EXCLUSIVELY FOR MEN PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario RECORDS MOORE REGISTERS AND FORMS GET ALL THE FACTS ON EACH TRANSACTION... RIGHT AT THE TIME... RIGHT ON THE JOB... IN ONE WRITING . , free . . . S'ymons the of- Church Classified Ads. Bring Quick Resulfs Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF George Wesley Nott, fate of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired brover, de­ ceased. All person’s Waving claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 25th day Of April, A.D. 1967, are required to file full particulars thereof With thb undersigned bn or’before ,the 26th day of June’ AD. 1967, after z which date the assets will be distrib­ uted, having regard only to foe claims of Which the Undersign­ ed shall then have notice. DATED at GLintoh, Ontario, this 5th day of June, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clintbh, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. ... ...........■ .................. The bride, given in marriage by her father looked lovely in her floor-length gown of white prganza over bridal taffeta. The bodice was 'highlighted by a flattering square neckline, em­ pire waist and striking monk sleeves. Elegance was portray­ ed in the gently controlled A- line skirt. The main centre of attraction was focused on the detachable chapel train cas­ cading from1 the back neckline and a tailored bow. Delicate Swiss guipure lade enhanced the empire waist, sleeves and train. An extra fullness at the back of the gown followed in a. sweep train. A crown of crystal and pearls held her bouffant veil of French illusion. She carried a cascade of white stephianortfe accented by pink stweetheiart roses with tendrils of polished ivy. The bride’s attendants were Mrs. Jacqueline Roberts, Sud­ bury, cousin of the bride as- matron of honour and her bridesmaids were Mrs. Pat Tay­ lor, RR 3 Clinton, sister-in-law of the bride; Miss Ann Steph­ enson, Varna, bride; and Mrs. schink, Exeter, groom. Misses ■RR 2 Clinton, cousin of the Barbara Eisen- sister of the Sylvia Forbes, _ _____, cousiin of the bride and Heidi Eisensdhink, Exeter, niece of‘ the were the bride’s two flower , tee Hm beoeHfcH RAINBOW WEOOING LINE IMV1TATIONS AM» ANKotmcmttirwi CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 56 Albert Street girls. groom, dainty ' The alike length gOwns. Their Sleeveless had empire' waistlines, skirts • and - flattering ___ panels falling from the cowl necklines of pink and green flowered embroidery trim. The bridesmaids carried cascades of white ’mums and trailing green ivy1 and the flower girls carried hosegays of white ’mums cen- -trod With a pink sweetheart rose, ■ Ronald Moore, Exeter, was his brother’s best man and the ushers were Robert Moore, Ex­ eter, brother of the groom and Barry Taylor and Donald Tay­ lor, RR 3 Hinton, brothers of attendants' • were in candy pink chiffon over dressed floor­ taffeta gowns sheath difiififon the bride. The bolide’s mother chose a soft .cosmo pink chiffon over taffeta trimmed with matching guipure lace. With this she ware a pink and White flow­ ered hat covered with White tulle and white accessories. Her corsage was white baby ’mums with pink sweetheart roses. The groom’s mother wore a mdng blue lace ensemble with a white pill-box hat and white accessories. Her corsage was pink delight roses. The" reception was held at Ontario Street Church Hall where the eight charming wait­ resses were Misses Shirley Mus­ tard, Joyce Hayter, Peggy Mc- Ash, Margaret Aldington, Bon­ nie . Stirling, Gwen Yeats, Ka­ therine Forbes and Linda Blom- maert. For travelling the bride chose ajversathe ensemble in a Caribbean" Blue basket weave linen material. With this she wore white, accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Following their wedding trip to Expo and United States, Mr. and Mrs. Moore will take up. residence on Sanders St., Ex­ eter. A MOORE REGISTO AND FORM FOR EVERY FORM OF BUSINESS CALL US TODAY FOR COMPLETE ^FORMATION CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Phone 482-3443 .4 Attend Your Church I I NOTE—ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Electronics Grad. Alfred Thomas Dykstra, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Dyk­ stra, Clinton, graduated in Electronics Technology from Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ham­ ilton, The graduation cere­ mony took place On May 12 at McMaster University,. Hamilton. Mr. Dykstra has accepted a position in re­ search with Northern Electric at Brampton. ------—o-------—— FIRES OF LOVE Many • types of gems have been used in engagement rings, but the diamond has come to be the most popular. An old superstition tells that the dia­ mond’s sparkle originated in the alchemists’ fires of love, says World Book Encyclopedia. ■'..........■ ■ 1 ; " ■—"S CENTENNIAL SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY 2:30 P.M.JUNE 11 Speaker: Verne Terry berry Soloist: Mrs. Otval Bea fa Special invitation to former members of Sunday School CENTENNIAL COSTUME OPTIONAL Ml ) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) ;• Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. ;► Sunday, June 11 ]; 10:00 a.m,—Sunday School !; 11:15 a.m.—Church Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE 1! Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A. R. C. T. Sunday, June 11 9:45 am.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School Anniversary (Ulim-rljea REV. A. J. MOWATT, CD./B.A., B.D., DD., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, June 11 9:45 am.—Sunday School ' 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship Subject “Life in 3 Dimensions’’ HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 am.—Sunday School ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Miss Catharine Potter, Organist Sunday, June 11 — Trinity 3 8:00 am.—Holy Communion 9:45 am.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Members of the (Hinton IOOF will ■be present as a lodge. Thurs., June 15 — Ohancel Guild Pot-Luck Supper at home of Mrs. Elliott Bartliff, 6 p.m. :■ ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, June. 11 9:45 a.m.-r-Sunday School 10:45 am.—Divine Worship Everyone Welcome a CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH ■! REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister :: J! Sunday, June 11 ;! !! 10:00 a.fo.-LMorning Worship ; I 111:00 a.m.—Sunday School 2:30 ip.tn.—^Worship Service in Dutch ! [ Every .Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Tbomu, !! listen to “Back to God Hour". , EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE ST. GOSPEL HALL Suilitay* June 11 9i45 a.m.—WorShlp Service 11:00 am.—-Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service . Speaker, Eddie Mhrtin Tues., 8:00 p.m. Prayhfand Bfe Study PehfGcosfal Church Victoria Street R. F. Bott, Minister Sunday, June 11 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School am‘“Worship Service T:30 p.m.—-Evening Service Friday, 8 p.m.—YPU Meeting