HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-08, Page 5r jr1 ttiii ' Thprsdoy/ June 8/ 19£7MPIi.ntpi$ News~R0cp.r4-^“P«g<?* 5 24 Entries in Spring Fair Baby Show Months, aiui UhJry A Top Baby In Show Clinton jeweller John Anstett is shown here presenting Charles Allan Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker, Clinton, with an engraved silver baby cup, for being judged the best baby in the baby show held int the auditorium of Clinton’s ■ new community centre on Saturday. The baby show is a feature event at the local spring fair. The Walker baby was tops in the six months to one year class. . Best Baby Under Six Months, Baby Christopher John Hallahan (doesn’t appear to be too happy about winning the under six months old class in the baby show at the spring fair. On ■the left is his mother, Mrs. Mike Hallahan and on the right, Mrs. Lashley, wife of Floyd A. Lashley, Toronto, who Officially opened the fair on Satur­ day. Mrs. Lashley made the prize presentations to the top four balbies in the two classes — under six months and six months to one year. v A total of 24 Jb<ab|i<3s were entered ip the Baby Show at the Clinton Spring Fail* on Sat­ urday, June 3. Thb show was held in the auditorium pf the new 'community centre and arena* The difficult job of judging the entries was done by Mrs, Pat Dumayne, CFB and Mrs. ‘*Dick” Jacob, CHnton, Thp show consisted'' of two • classes; s;ix months and under, over six months to one year’, Clinton jeweller John A-nstptt provided a, silver engraved baby cup to the best baby .in the show. This was won by two months old Christopher John Hallahan, son of Mr, and Mrs, Mike’Hallahan, Clinton. The top two babies in each clas;s won prizes of engraved Centennial spoons from the fair board, Prize money was, first, $5; secund, $4; -third, $3 and fourth, $2 and all other babies were awarded a diollar each, , Mrs, Gladys VanEgmond, Wife of the president of Huron Central Agricultural So.cie^y, Jack VanEgmopd, and Mrs. Dorothy McLean, wife of 4iwct» or Don McLean, were in charge of the baby show. Many spectators watched tlhc- baby judging, while making a tour of the just completed qudl- torium in toe new community centre,. Woodeden Camp Near London !b& I, Second and Third Winners Over Six Months * , Mrs. Gordon Matheson, left, Clinton, holding her son, Brian George, who placed third in the six months to one year class at the baby show at Clinton Spring Fair on Saturday. On the right is- Mrs. William Tideswell and her daughter Susan who was judged the second best baby in the class. Prize Winners in Younger Baby Class This bright young pair of babies were judged second and third in the under six months class in the baby show at the auditorium of the. new community centre on Saturday, On the left is Mrs. T. F. Riley, Adastral Park and her daughter Theresa Josephine, who placed third and Mrs. Henry Baker, London, with son Todd Jackson who won second place. (AU Photos by News-Record) Area Farmer Dies Suddenly At his residence on Friday, June 2, William Thomas Foto- eringham, RR 3 Seaforth passed away in his 61sit year. Funeral was from the Beattie Funeral Home in Clinton oh Monday, June 5 with Rev. D. Stuart, Brucefield United,. Church of­ ficiating. Interinent was in Baird’s Cemetery. Pallbearers were Selcfoh Ross, William Rogersbn, ‘William Burdge, Elgin Thompson, John Broadtoot and Norman Walker. FloWerbearors were- Hume Glut*- ton, Ken Rogerson, Ross Chap­ man and Fred Boyce; , Born in November, 1906 in Tuckersrhiith Township to Em­ ma and Dougald Fotheringham, the deceased was married to Hazel Freeman who predeceas­ ed him in September, 19Bi. lie was a lifelong resident of Ttickersmibh and was a mem­ ber at Brucefield United Church; and an elder and a clerk of the session there for seven years. He died of a vorysuJden heart attadfc, He leaves Obe son Robert at home; one brother, John B, of Burlington; and one sister, TVTr-c JrBW dib+otii / t /X OFFICIAL OPENING ADDITION TO r r HURONVIEW WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. 1967 AT 2:00 P.M. Publid Cordially Ihvlfod to Affehd BOARD OF MANAGEMENT A. D. Smith Donald McKenzie Chairman Worden New Immigrants Assisted At Goderich As the end of another school year approaches, many of Ont­ ario’s youngsters are already excitedly making plans to at­ tend summer camp. Children everywhere respond to camping, and' the crippled ohild is no exception to this attraction. By mtd-June, the Ontario So­ ciety for Crippled Children’s annual summer camping pro­ gram will again get under way. This seasonal program has continued without interruption since 1937, at which time the society acquired its first camp: Blue Mountain Camp, near Col­ lingwood. Today, thirty years later, the society owns and operates five camps specially designed to provide more than 1,200 crip­ pled children with, a -happy and: healthful two or three week vacation. This part of the so-, ciety’s program for crippled •children is just another example of the facilities and services made possible by your support of the annual Easter Seal cam­ paign conducted locally by Clinton Dions Club. The crippled children’s camp serving the Clinton ’area is Woodeden Camp on the out­ skirts of London. Established in 1946, this year Woodeden cele­ brates its coming-of-age. Camp director for the season will be Miss Gwendolyn Ser­ geant, Reg. N., from Alberta. A graduate of McMaster Uni­ versity School of Nursing, Miss Sergeant holds a Public Health diploma and comes to Wood­ eden from the Scarborough Health Depar tment. Under her direction, an active -and extensive program will, be conducted with the -help of ex­ perienced staff counsellors re­ cruited from various colleges and universities across the pro­ vince. ---------o--------- EYE DROPS Don’t try to save your eye­ sight with eye drops which are advertized, or prescribed tor a friend of yours. One man’s sight-saving drops could cause another man’s blindness. ..................... II ■ ... .. ,J!On May this year, the re- : sponsibility for service to newly'., arrived immigrants in this area was transferred from the Immi­ gration Division to The Man­ power Division of the Depart­ ment of Manpower and Immi­ gration, The Canada Manpower Centre at 35 East Street in Goderich is now responsible for receipt­ ion, emergency assistance wihe.i necessary, family and occupa­ tional counselling and place­ ment in suitable jobs of all neW- ly'arrived immigrants. Those immigrants who are required to repay the cost of transportation to Canada should continue to make payments to the Immigration Division of the Department of Manpower and Immigration at 15 Duke St. E. in Kitchener. Close liaison is being maintained between the Manpower and Immigration Divisions of the Department to ensure a high degree of service to immigrants.- Employers' who previously were in contact with the Immi­ gration Division regarding job opportunities for immigrants should now contact The Canada Manpower Centre, phone 524- 8342. . Room and board, rental ac­ commodation, especially furn­ ished accommodation is urgent­ ly required for newly arrived immigrants on a continuing basis'. Persons with, available accommodation are urged to contact C. M. Jutras at 524- 8342. The majority of immi­ grants locating in tolls area are carefully selected and. _ 'highly qualified workers and profes­ sional men and women. The Canada Manpower Centre in Goderich has fully qualified counsellors to assit immigrants to settle rapidly in toe area. These men and women can con­ tribute to toe economic and cultural life of the area 'if they are afforded the hospitality and friendship for Which their fel­ low Canadians in the area have become noted. The Canada Manpower Centre welcomes any assistance offer­ ed by ethnic groups and others in making the transition of im­ migrants into our Canadian way as .Six First prize winners In the six pionths and under class was Christopher John Hallahan, son of Mr, and Mrs, Mike Halliahian, Clinton; second, Todd Jackson Baker, son of MT. and Mrs- Henry Baker, London; third, Theresa Josephine Riley, daugh­ ter of Mr, and Mrs, T. F. Riley, Adiastral Park; fourth, Miarie Jan Gallon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Gabon, Clinton. Other contestants in this class were: Marlene Lavin'ia Nott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jim Nott, RR 5, Clinton; Bruce Thomas Bettles, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Bqtfles, Lopdlesboro; Austin John Roorda, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Roorda,'Clinton; David Kuiper, son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kuiper, Clinton; Robert Shawn Semple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Semple, Clinton; John Murray Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray’ Garrett, Clinton; Rachelle Di­ anne Ostrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Ostrom, Clinton; 'Craig Graham Bowker, son of Dr. and Mrs. Graham Bowker, Clinton. ■ ' Six Months To One Year In the 'Six months to one year class, first prize was won by Charles Allan Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker, Clinton; second, Rusan Tides­ well, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, WMam Tidesw^ii, Clinton; third, Brian George Matheson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Matheson, Clinton; .fourth, Robert Kevin Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Burke, Clinton, Other contestants in this class were; Cheryle Dawn Allan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, A, J, .Allan, Clinton; Marie Elena Diomas, daughter of Mr, and ..I ,w,IIIU..LU . Mrs, J, F, Thomas, Oirrbori; Colleen gcruton, daughter of Mi’, and Mrs. Don Smitan, Qljjitori; Joanne Gail McWhim ney, _ daughter of Me and Mbs, James MeWhipney, Clinton; Becky Lynn Scotchmer; daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scotchmen, Clinton; Todd Wil­ son Gregg, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gregg, RR 2, Paisley; Charles Richard Greydanus, §op of Mr. .and Mrs. Jim Greydanus, Clinton; Ohristipe Ann McGee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George McGee, Clinton, There was no entries, in the twins class life year, •^O Clinton People Involved In Minor Accidents ■ Ontario Provincial Police from the Goderich detachment reported this week that Walter Sansome, RR 1 Clinton had $300 damage done to his car on Thursday, June 1 when he was in a single car accident on : county road 8 near Summerhill. On Saturday, June 3 George McGee, Clinton and Clarence Brenner, RR 3 Kippen were in­ volved in an accident on High­ way 4 south of Brucefield'. The McGee vehicle sustained1 $200 damage while the Brenner ve­ hicle incurred only $75 damage. -----------o----------- Irish Speaker At Junior ■ Farmer Meeting of life as easy and pleasant possible. ----------------0--------------- Classified Ads Bring Quick Results SMORGASBORD DINNERS Friday and Saturday Evenings Only ORDERS BY TELEPHONE S1.35 Friday—-Served from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m, Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Hotel Clinton Featuring "CLOUD T Room We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Reception* Phone 4824421 for Reservations v, r •T/* The monthly meeting of Clin­ ton Junior Farmers' was held in the Clinton Town Hall with Ray Brown as guiest speaker. He is a salesman for Chip-mar. Chemicals and he ‘poke on weed and insect control on field crops. He showed slides of test plots to reveal his conclusions. The junior farmers -adjourned to the Department of Agricul­ ture board room- where they joined the Junior Institute members. The guest speaker of the evening was James Ste­ wart from Ireland. He showed slides on agriculture in Ireland and these were very interest; tog. At the close of Mr. Ste­ wart’s informative address he was presented with a desk set of clock and pen. The Clinton Junior Farmers were honored to have him stay to Huron County for a week with Bob McNeill, RR 6, Goderich. Joanne Cook presided for the Junior Institute meeting and they had a demonstration on using make-up and creams by Mrs. Brian Hallam, RR 1, Au­ burn. M 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO Sunday Buffet Dinner Every Week 5:00 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M, — COME AS YOU ARE — Adults $2.50 Children under 10 Haff Price Children under 4 — FREE , Ballroom available for dances, parties, meetings. Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, etc. PHONES 524-9371 — 524-9264 — 524-7084 tfb ....... ..............................-......................... ...........:.. " "'iri.........'■.......................' '■ ■ n”' ■' \ DON'T FORGET THE Centennial Weekend JUNE 16s 17 and 18 Anyone wishing to attend the barbecue on Saturday evening, must have their tickets by June 10. For tickets and information contact any of the following: John Semple, Grant Stirling, Harry Oakes, W. R. Jenkins, Mrs. G. Ginn, Mrs. Loyd Bond, Mrs. William Cox, Mrs. Don Lobb, Mrs. Don Middleton or Mrs. Mel Vanderwal. Clinton Public School Concert Wednesday. June 14 1867 U1967 AT 8:00 PM. IN CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Featuring . , . CHOIR OF OVER 100 VOICES "Salute to Canada” • CENTENNIAL FLAY • BOYS' GYMNASTICS • PIANO NUMBERS • BALLET DANCING • TAP DANCING Proceeds for Clinton and District Community Centre Centennial Fund. SILVER COLLECTION AT DOOR Everybody Welcome J CLINTON LIONS CLUB 5th CHICKEN BARBECUE p.m. to ?? TUESDAY, JUNE 20 No Weather Worries This Year “ Barbecue Beihg Served In CLINTON'S NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE P 4X ADULTS $1.50 — CHILDREN $1.00 ALL PROCEEDS foR CLINTON LIONS WELFARE WORK ..,, , , 1 ......- ,..... .................... ................................................. ....................<Ui