HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-08, Page 2Page 2—-Clinton News-Record-—Thursday/ June 8, 1967 I jW fl , v -if ‘ teS. 1 Best Decorated Float at Spring Fair The Crosstrailers Square D^nce Club of CFB Clinton had the best decor­ ated float in Clinton Spring Fair Parade on Saturday. The club received $20.00 as their prize. ■’ (News-Record Photo) y.1 ■ jp ' E E ’' i ' > 1 Best Decorated Bicycles There were 12 entries in the decorated bicycle classes in Clinton Spring Fair parade on Saturday. Marion Thompson, left, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. , R. E.( Thompson, RR 2 Clinton,, won.the over 10, ! year old class while Sheila Dalgliesh, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dalgliesh, Clinton, won the under ten class. Miss Thompson carried a placard on her back advertising the Goderich Township Centennial Weekend, June 16-17-18. ■ (News-Record Photo) Clinton Woman Buried At Goderich Irene Elizabeth McCullough, RR 3 Clinton, wife of Benson McCullough, passed away Sat­ urday, June 3 in Clinton Public Hospital. She was a daughter of the late James and Jessie McCabe, of‘Goderich Township and Was born January 13, 1896, Mrs,' McCullough was a mem­ ber of St, James’ Anglican Church at Middleton and lived all her life in this municipality, She had 'been ill only a short lyvQrile and had been in hospital just three weeks prior to her death. Celebration’s On! Centennial fever is gaining momentum in Goderich Town­ ship as the week of festivities approached. Tickets are selling fast for the big barbecue which ’will be held Saturday night, June 17 at the Holmesville School from 4:30 to 7 o’dock. If you want to share in the fun and suc­ culent food get your tickets right away from Mrs. Don Mid­ dleton or John Semple/It only happens every 100 years. 'This is the one to attend! See the News-Record for attendant fes­ tivities . in centennial week. -----------o---------- Surviving Jbesliples her hus­ band are .tvyo sons, Elwinand Howard, both of Goderich Township; five daughters, Mrs. Harry (Edna) Oakes', Goderich Township; Mrs. Kenneth (Jes­ sie) McKenzie, Clinton; Mi's. Vern (Madeline) Bean, Col- borne Township; Mbs. Arnold (Jo-anne) Lamb, Colborne Township; and Mrs. Donald (Mary) 'Lamb, Colborne Town­ ship; four brothers, Charlie, -Fred, Robert and George, all of Goderich; three sisters, Mrs. Samuel (Grace) McNall, Mrs. Clara Young and Mrs. Thomas (Mary) Young, all oif Goderich and 18 grandchildren. Funeral was on Tuesday, June 6 from the Beattie Fun­ eral Home With the Rev. E. J. B. Harbison, Baytfiield, offici-. atiing. Interment was in Mait­ land .Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were Edward Grigg, Keith Miller, Cornelius Brand, Don Middleton, Alvin Dutot and Wilfred Glazier. Flowerbearers were seven grandsons: Herb Oakes, Bruce McKenzie, Jiirn McKenzie, Ger­ ald Lamb, Doug, Robert Steven McCullough. -----------o------------ Classified Ads, Bring Quick Results Prevention of Rabies FREE RABIES CLINIC The Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Depart­ ment of Agriculture in co-operation with the Huron County Health Unit will hold a (JeMs Studio) Mr. and Mrs. Nick Whyte Of Students, Teachers, Relatives and Friends of SS No. 4 Tuckersmith SATURDAY, JUNE 10 BRING PICTURES and OLD TEXT BOOKS Anyone wishing to gssist with the Evening Program, please phone Frank Falconer, 482-9128 Registration 1;30 p.m. followed by Sports, Recognition of All Teachers, Parade by Students. Supper at 5:30 p.m, Bring Picnic Basket and Dishes Programme at 8:30 p.m., followed by Dancing. , 22-23b' ■ J NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS and CATS and THIRD FINGER, LEFT HAND The wedding ring is., usually warn on the third finger of the left hand, World Book Encyclo­ pedia notes, because many peo­ ple once thought a vein or nerve in this finger ran direct-., ly to the1 heart. erald green crystal charm fea­ turing bell lace sleeves. Her matching wedding band head­ piece of the same material as the dress held several small bridal attendants. She carried a bouquet of white shastas. Bridesmaids, Mrs. Bob Mc- dyniont, Burford; Mrs. Harvey Bilyea, St. Marys; and Miss Margaret Whyte, Seaforth were gowned similarly to the matron of honour. Junior bridesmaid Miss Ruth' Barker, King 'City, had dress and flowers identical . to the bridesmaids. Varna United Church was the scene on May 13 for' the wedding of Joan Elsie McCly- mont and Nick Whyte. Stand­ ards of large yellow ’mums, white shastas and arrangements of daffodils formed the back­ ground for the double-ring cere­ mony performed by Rev. Mur­ dock Morrison, Varna, and Rev. Glen Wright, Dungannon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs-. Fred Mcdymont, Varna, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Seaforth. Soloist Miss Millie Morrison,' London, sang "Bless This House” and “The Wedding Prayer” ^accompanied by Miss Shirley Mustard, Varna, at the organ. On the arm of her father, the brlide was lovely in a floor­ length A-line wedding gown of French chiffon over taffeta. The bodice featured a shallow scoop neckline and bell sleeves accented with Alcenon face. From a graceful self bow in back, the dress extended to a full chapel train, re-embroid­ ered' with appliques of Alcenon ' lace. Her fingertip veil of French silk illusion was held by a wedding ring band also of French chiffon. She carried a crescent bouquet of yellow roses 'with trailing ivy. Matron of honour, Mi's. Gary Boshart, Waterloo, Wore a floor-length A-line goiwn of cm-.. BRUCEFIELD RABIES CLINIC — Fire Hall Tuesday, June 13 — From 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon BAYFIELD RABIES CLINIC — Village Hall Tuesday, June 13 — From 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Vaccination against rabies will be provided for dogs and cats three months of age and over. Owners who re­ quire certificates of vaccination for export or other pur­ poses should consult their private veterinarian. No certifi­ cate will be issued at this clinic. Help prevent human exposure to rabies, take advantage of this opportunity to have your pets immunized. A booster shot each year is recommended. Flowergirl Miss Lorrie Rob­ inson, Agincourt, wore a full- skirted street-length dress of the same material as the other bridal attendants. She carried a nbsegay of White shastas with a yellow rose centre. Clarence Dale, Clinton was best man. Ushers were Bev. I-Iill, Varna; Glen Boynton, Sev­ ern Bridge; Bob McClymont, Burford; and Bill Whyte, Sea­ forth. Ringbearer was Paul Vander Molen, Oakville. Daffodils decorated the church parlours for the wedding re­ ception and dinner. The bride’s mother received her guests wearing a dress with matching jacket of pink silk shantung and a corsage of pink delight roses. She Was assisted by the groom’s mother 'in a pink linen dress with matching coat and a corsage of pink delight roses. ’ For a wedding trip to Expo and Ottawa, the bride travelled in a blue wool suit with match­ ing blue fox collar, blue, hat, black accessories and a corsage of pink delight roses. The young couple Will reside at RR . 2 Seaforth. Pre nuptial Events The bride received many lov­ ely gifts -at showers in her honour prior to her marriage. Mrs. Blake Harris and Miss Loreena Armstrong were co­ hostesses at a shmver at the homie of Mrs. Larry. Mills, 'In­ gersoll; Miss Doreen Howden, Londion, was hostess for a sur­ prise shower at the bride’s Lon­ don apartment; Mrs. Gary Bosh­ art and Mbs. Bob Mcdymont were co-hostesses at a shower at the home of Mrs. Abe Or- pen, Clinton; and friends and neighbours honoured' Joan at a community shower held in Varna Hall. * ..... ...................... 11 x. 23b Lori Lyn BEAUTY LOUNGE 72 ALBERT STREET PHONE 482-7711Following an illness of about ’one and one-half years, Clifford Henry Keys, Varna, passed away in Seaforth Community Hospital on Saturday, June 3. He was 75 years- old. ■ Funeral was from the Ball" Funeral Home, Clinton on Tues­ day, June 6, with Rev. Murdock Morrison, Varna, officiating. In terment was in Bayfield Ceme­ tery. • . Pallbearer's were Russell E-r- raitt, Arnold Keys, Robert Peck, Wilbur Keyes, Chester Sturdy and Ervin Siliery. Flowerbear­ ers were Elmer Hayter, Harold Peck, Douglas; Robinson, great grandson Wayne Mahood', and grandsons Ervin Keys, Ronald Keys, Ray Mahood and Robert Allan.. The/deceased was bom May 15, 1892 on the Babylon Line in Stanley Township to James T. Keys and Elizabeth Peck. He was married on December 18’, 1917 to Myrtle' Tiplady who survives. He resided all his life in the Varna district where he was engaged in farfrnng and the trucking business. He was a member and an elder of the Goshen United Church. Surviving besides, his wife are two sons, Bruce and James, . both of Stanley Township: one daughter, Mrs. Sybil Allen, Goderich; one sister, Mrs. W. J. Clark, Brucefield; nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. A sister, Mrs. Austin Sturdy, Goderich Town­ ship, predeceased him. Open Friday Evenings by Appointment Only SUPERB SALON WAVE Complete With Bermuda Short Cut ........................... Sporty little short cuts that take to resort and city life with equal ease. Town and Country styling gives you so many ways to wear your hair, all lovely and lively especially when permed for lasting control. Editor: Mrs. Sandra Sinker — Phone 482-9179 Protestant' Chapel On Sunday, June 4 the Pro­ testant Chapel held their Con­ gregational Picnic at- Point Farins Provincial-Park, Goder­ ich, in ideal summer weather. The members first attended an outdoor church service at 11 a.m., after which everyone en­ joyed a picnic lunch of barbe­ que. , ’ . During the afternoon races were held and the men of the congregation had a "tug-of-war” with the padre’s team being the Winners. Mrs. ' Marsh won the ladies’ balLthrowing con­ test and Mrs. Richardson won the ladies’ race. The winners Of the children’s races were: boys and girls, age three and under, Bobby Hum- z phreys; girls, 4-5, Karen Hum- phreys; boys, 4-5, Gary Horse­ man; boys, 6-7, Greg Oliver; girls 6-7, Marianne Cummings; boys 8-9, Robert Dieroff; girls 8-9, Denise Knight; boys 10-11, Geof Capeling; ' girls 10-11, Patsy Cummings; boys 12-13, Garth Sinker; girls 12-13, Jo­ anne Poppenk. The winner of the men’s race was S. Taylor. . Personals Mrs. Donna Champion is a patient in Clinton Public Hos­ pital. Kindergarten Notice There will be Kindergarten Registration at the Dependents School on June 9 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Children to be regis­ tered' must reach their fifth birthday by. December 31, 1967. U. of Waterloo Grad Wendy-Kay McGee, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McGee, 216 High Street, Clinton, graduated on May 26 from the University of Waterloo with a B.A. degree with honours. Wendy has a position on the staff of Port Colborne High School. z FATHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 18 MAKE HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR YOUR GIFT CENTRE FOR DAD SPORT SHIRTS SLACKS SUMMER HATS SWIM TRUNKS GOLF JACKETS SHORTS BE SURE TO SEE OUR LARGE RANGE OF PERMANENT PRESS SLACKS JACKETS - WHITE SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS (Open Friday Evening) u w BEATTIE FURNITURE - CLINTON Have all the latest styles of Summer Furniture to make hours moreyour leisure pleasant COME IN / AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION All Groupings Specially Priced WM ♦ P*- PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone 482-3362 Sunday School anniversary service was held in Grace Unit­ ed Church on Sunday last. Miss Shirley Brown, Goderich, was guest speaker for the occasion and spoke on her experiences in the northland. The Scripture lesson was read by Jim Riddell and Jody Cox rendered a solo, “I Thank Thee God.” The choir, made up of members of the Sunday School sang two anthems, with Mrs. William . Cox at the organ. ---------------------------Qi--------------------------- CLEANING HAZARDS It is well to remember that cleaning compounds are often Highly toxic, and should' be used strictly according to directions. Wear rubber gloves as some toxic substances are absorbed through the skin. Avoid in­ haling fumes. Lori Lyn BEAUTY LOUNGE featuring i MILDRED CARROLL and EVELYN WILLIAMS \ • /w %_ I li ■'< BEATTIE FURNITURE The Town of Clinton And Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion in co-operation with Clinton and District Ministerial Association DECORATION SERVICE At 7:00 P.M. in Clinton Library Park SUNDAY, JUNE 11 Legion Members, Veterans and Members of Organizations will assemble • at Legion Hall, Kirk Street, at 6:30 p.m. to parade to the Cenotaph in Library Park at ,6:45 p.m. J REV. HAROLD SNELL, London, Guest Speaker Singing Led by Huron Centennial Choir S3 PERSONS ARE REQUESTED TO HAVE RELATIVES' AND FRIENDS' GRAVES IN THE CEMETERY DECORATED PRIOR 10 THE SERVICE. y hnam 4