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Clinton News-Record, 1967-06-01, Page 8
Fa9e j^-r-Cla.ntpn News-Record—-Thurs., Jun© L 1967 ' i. .. ‘A' I . BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , .. • e a »By BELLCHAMBER 7^ T- ' • \ ■ ■■ - PERSONAL ITtMS e CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES > VILLAGE Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBBR — Phone 565-2864. tV. ;:•/ z Subscriptions, <3lg$sified Advs. qnd Display Adys, . all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent ,-V I*!'! ffl ' Paul’^ * Ctaurch, . ‘ •’ t ’Gliriton, ’ fpr the‘ special ’’uimi- J , ' versary seryfix^i^xt^^-^^hd- , - ,?hipyGdiidf4^hef' preacher wuA'' Mrs. iMhdeieirie (Hawkins) 'Jdc-' Kinnppy(;a- to^^'v^tesid®Ut bf 'ihei^G^d?' Follpw-teg the'service reipeptibii hekl to toe part ish hah and the retort mort- , gage was hurried' and lunch- was "•. active-member "of-this ppganiza- to' Bayfield. .Mti and'.Mrsj '.G, fN, Rivers.- ■ werd^'guesto; 'pf.\Mr,’ and. -Mhs; JI, K, ;Ritiej^/-Itoridiori, pn Sun day arid' Monday. t, On Sunday ' they attended a shower given in honour of Miss, Marilyn Rivers, ’Mti. rind Mrs. Donald Lance, Troy, Mich, are staying at. their 'cottage ton .Howard Street, for several’ clay's, Mr?.'y J. <^Jlass and' family^ Detroit, visited in "the village over'the weekend. » • 1 *•. •Ivan Steckle Jr. .spent rWed- ‘ , nesday to Sunday at Exdo 67, kyst week, . ■' ' ■ , . ■, Canon F.; H. ancj Mrs. Pauli were in .Listowel pverjhe week end, r . ■ .■( Guests' at the Eric Earl's. ■ on Sunday and Monday were Mrs. Earl’s, sister .and broitheri'ta-law,' Mr. andvMris. W. A. Armour, . pf To;rbhto.' . . Missed Kathryn and Beverley • Sparks/ students rat. Asbury ” College, Wilmore, - Kentucky, arrived home on Saturday. Bev- -' erley will; sperid' -the summer with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs.- Lome Sparics, Kathrya will be home for a riuprith, then shertvih leave for New Jersey.Albion” Hotel ’ "guests, fori the weekend included,; Mr. ;Donald McLeod, Stoney CSrieek; . Mr. William. Smale, Grosse Pofiriite- Farms, Mich.; Mr. and Mirs. H. E. Stewart and daughter Carole, Sarnia; and Mr. ahd Mrs. James Robinson, London. ' . * * Dr. and Mrs. Cooper arid1 Mt- . -. and Mrs. Dave Cooper land, baiby Elizabeth Ann of Detroit, are vacationing, at their cottage on '• Tuyll Street. ■ # - Spending the weekend at their cottages were Dr. arid Mrs. .Wil liam Tillman and ' family,' Mr. and Mrs.- Hugh Gregory and family, and Mt. and Mrs. Joe Beedhte'and family, all of Lon don. Mrs. John Pearson, who had spent two weeks in Brampton with her son, Milton Pearson and family, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. J. ■ Leskett and two daughters, London, spent Sun day at their cottage. Mrs. Bert Sherriitit, London, spent last week at^-her cot-‘ tage on ‘ Dow Street. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ashton, Mr. arid Mrs. Orton Logan and Mr. and Mirs. W. Rolfe, London, 3 were at their summer homes Middleton ACW Plans June Meeting Former ' members, wall. t r* happenings Bayfield - :ril2d Mrs, Norman Dlekert ■ • girls' ■'vfeiitedi;' Suudhy with1 Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Dickert at Qgford. Miss Carol Edwai'dson of Tom onto, visited during last week with her- aunt and uncle,' Mr. and Mrs. P, P» •Mjg'W. - on Howard Street for the week end. ' • .Miss Bonnie Parker, .Tdixmto, accompanied ,.by Ian Stewart, visited the former’s grandmoth er, Mi's. Myrtle Parker, in Clin ton Public Hospital on Sunday. ; Will anyone having any ' in formation regarding' the Eadies Auxiliary Scout “travelling bas ket”" contact Mrs, Bellchamber. -Mir, and Mrs. Ray Bauer and .two of 'their chlildrori were at tiheiir oottage from Friday until Monday. ' • , Mr. and Mrs. George Cain- trick and. family, Birmingham, Michigan spent Frliday until Tuesday'at their cottage.- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendrick, Bhrningham, Michigan, are ^pending thii? week at their cottage. *L Larne Cook of Chicago, ac companied by ."Mr, ,and . Mrs. Jim Day, California, spent the weekend at the fanner’s cottage' on Tuyll Street. •• ,' Mr, and Mrs. George ’■ Fox, Birmingham, Mich, are staying at .the McCombe cottage. • ' . ■ Mir, and^Mrs. E. Carson..and family, London, were at their cottage for the weekend. ' John Elliott, Kitchener, was the overnight" guest on Sunday of has mother, Ws. ,W. Elhprtit., Mr. and Mirs. . Carl Bauman w* and family,. Biimingham, Mich, stayed at their lake.shore cot tage last' weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmex* Parker, XjQndbhj at vilWe home QV£r tite weekend. . William Orr, 4s pa patient ini Clinton»Public Hospital,' *. Staying,, at -their cottages last Weekend were: Mr. ahd Mrs, Tom Patterson, Stratford; Mh grid Mrs. hEtWine•'‘H.eintk .and family, Waterloo; and Mr, and Mrs. Ted Hutchinson and fam ily, Woodstock';. y Mr, ^nd Airs. Gilbert Knight, Toronto, speht the weekend at their summer home, on Louisa Street. ’ ‘ *' . MIDDLETON ’ -Mr. and Mrs. James' Shearer of Bright, attended the Anni versary Service at St.' Paul’s Clinton last Sunday and, also yiisited the vapiops Middleton fb-rriilies in the' district. < Graduate Of Interest . ti; iMSas Jacq-uehnie • Gould ”of Toronto 'graduated recently with first class honours from the •University of Waterloo-. •Miss Gould lead the class in Sociology, received a gold med- al and was .one of the few''on the Dean’s‘Honour Roll; She,. is. toe daughter ’ of Mr. and Mrs; John Gould, 19 Azul .Streets Toronto. • . This graduation will be of local interest as Mis? Gould’s mother,'' the former Dorothy Innes, was a graduate of CSin- ton .Collegiate Institute and also ail honour graduate of the University of Tpronto. Our heariioslt eongratul’a/tions to 'Miss' Gould, her parents and ‘-her gjandfrither, Mr. John In- nOs of .Toronto. HOLMESVILLE > ' MRS. LLOYD"BOND Phone 482-3210 Mr. and Mrs, William Harris Were vecent. yisitors at Port Huron. s Receive Certificates The. Achievement. Day Homemaking Clubs on theme" “Worid Food in Canada’ was held .on Saturday, May 27 at Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton pwiith 140 girls participating. Members of the .-Holmesville Qub receiving county, honour certificates and pins for com pleting six projects werle: Nancy Ginn, Marilyn Rodiges and Sandra Wise. Dianne Bod ges Received’ a certificate for completing 4 .projects. Each of the' 13 members re ceived a silver spoon for com pleting this last project. -----------o—:------- Art Linkletter, who has run an afternoon TV program for years, was once tatroduceid to an office worker who said, "Mr. Linkletter, I always watch you when I’m sick.” MRS. NORMAN LONG " 4 Rhope 262-5180 Mr,, apd Mrs, Edga^ .McBride' and Mr, and Mrs. Wayne M'c-' Bride and boys attended the graduation pf their daughter, Sharon, on Tuesday afternoon, May 30 at University of Wes tern Ontario. Oswald Boxxwhj, Q-C., and Mrs. Brown of Detroit; Mrs. Marguerite Ulch of Windsor; Mrs, Ed Little and Marian of HenstdJ, were recent .visitors, with Mri and Mrs, N, Long,’ Kippen- (^irl/ graduates ; Miss Sharon 'G. McBride, daughteri pf Mr. -and Mrs. Edgar 'McBride received her degree in Honours French end Latin ori Tuesday, May 30 froto the Uni-. verity of Western .Ontario. She lias accepted a position at Sault t Ste Marie' Collegiate,’ - teaching grades , 12 and 13 Latin, as well as -grade 10 French._—o^-__----- Bayfield's Proud Young Men These proud young men were presented with badges ;at the. father and son banquet for' Cubs ahd Scouts in Bayfield last Friday evening. In' the front row are, C.ulbs, left to right, Ricky Penhale, Kelvin Merner and Wayne Eck ert. At the- rear are Scouts, left to , right, Brian Makins, Robbie MacVean, Michael Eckert, Brian Koene, Ralph Eckert, Brian Merrill, Randy McClinchey, Bradley Turner and Brian and Michael Beck. > ' (Photo by Audrey Bedchamber) tjt; . be guests oif.the St.’James’ (Mid dleton)' Anglican Church Wom en at their Centennial. meeting Which will be held on Wednes day, June 7 at 2 p.ni. at the home of Mrs. Ray Wise., It is hoped that ,everyone will wear ^Centennial fihery present,, at roll call ‘Sbime tique arid briefly account historical, significance. 1 Also, members and guests asked to bring with them their baby picture, unlabelled.;' to be used in a “guess the baby con test.” and an- its are PORTER'S HILL The Sunday School of Grace United Church will hold its an niversary service on Sunday, June 4 at 9:45 a,m, ’ Guest speaker for the occasion will be Miss Shlirley Brown, Gode rich. Their wiidi be special music under the direction of Mrs. William Cox. This is a joint service and there will be ho church school following the morning service. ■' ..... li— ^BAYFIELD—Bayfield Group of Boy Scouts of Canada gath ered in Trinity Parish Hall on Friday, May 26, for thetir father arid son banquet. - After Flag Break, grace was Offered by Donald Beck of St. Andrew’s United Church, ‘fol lowed by a toast to the Queen and. the dinner.. The chairman, George Bell chamber, thanked the ladies Auxiliary who arranged the event and the Trinity Guild who catered. A most appropriate toast to the fathers by Scout Michael' Beck was responded to by Joe Mayman on. behalf of all the fathers present, including those who played “father” for the evening. All then joined in a sing-song which included Happy feirthdiay ? to Cub Stevie Tal bot and' the' moving number "Kum By Ya:” Mrs, Percy Ren ner accompanied on the piano. The, guesjt speaker,. Rev. Char les Caruana, a native of Malta and pastor of the Roman Cath olic parish of Kingsbridge,- Lucknow and St. Augustine spoke of the importance1 of hav ing scouts prepared to help in an emergency, arid cited the example of those bn Malta ;iri 1939 who acted a? Special Con stables, especially in the bomb ^shelters beneath the surface of the < island, and the Rover Scouts who manned the comr munication stations. He emphasized the value of such contributions in a country which possessed only one flights er plane and one aribi-aircrafit artillery group at the outbreak of the war. Father Caruana told the boys that through ‘‘being’prepared,” the Maltese Scouts had been able to show their “duty to. their neighbour’* without whidh duty to God is a meaningless expression, He . also said, “Ev eryone is a neighbour. There is no exception and we are re sponsible for helping him re-, gardless of nation or creied.” All present listened intently and Father Caruana gave an interesting account of a Maltese Seoul Group which he organiz ed in Melbourne, Australia. An appreciation by Dr. Mor gan Smith was followed by a short program by the Scouts and Cubs. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison offered the closing prayer after Flag lowering. Before the program, the lead ers presented the following boys with badges: Scouts Brian Male ins, Michael ..'Eckert, Brian Koene, * Brian Merrill, Bradley Turner, Brian Beck, Michael Beck, Randy, McOiinchey, Ralph Eckert and Robbie MacVean. Badges were also presented to Cubs Ricky Penhale, Kelvin Merner and Waye Eckert. Sec ond class badges were also' awarded to Brian Merrill and Robbie MacVean. ........................................... 18 Huronview Residents Feted The Women’s Institute of Moleswouth and Ethel were on hand at Huronview to celebrate the 18 birthdays in the month of May. Mrs. Robert Mitchell conven ed for the following program: vocal duets, Mrs. Alex Pearson and Mrs. Bert God'diin, accom-.. parried, at the piano by Mrs.” Speiran; ‘reading, Mm. Colin McIntosh; community staging led by Mrs. Gcddta; readings by Mrs. Burnes and Mrs. Mit chell. Birthday cake was seiwed and gifts presented to: Thomas Cameron, Henry1 Leishman. Samuel Vanstone, Mi's. Cuin- miings, Mrs. Grigg, Mrs. Por terfield, ‘ Mrs. Wright,' Charles Jeff, Mrs. Harvey,( Mrs. Dren nan, David Sh'irray, James Al lan, Mrs. A., Miller, Henry Preass, William McNiall, Alonza Baechler, Wiilson Armstrong and Mrs. Mary Stewart. for the 173 Entries' lii Seaforth Judging Contest A total of 173 competitors took part in the 1967 Huron •County livestock judging con test in Seaforth last Saturday. Tom Dapple,- RR 4, Seaforfth placed first in the senior divi sion, open to,,,all young' men 'and women 18 to 30 years of age and anyone who has rep resented' the county' on Royal teams or- has graduated frbm a two-year diploma course in agrieulturie. Robert Vodden, RR 1, ’Chiffon, placed' second in the same class, entered by 22 con testants, t In the intermediate division, open to all young men and woipeh 15 to 17 years of age, the: winner was' Garden Moylan, RR i>,. Seaforth. Joe Phelan, RR 2, B'lyth, won 'the junior class for boys and girls 12 to 14 years of age while Paul Pat rick, RR 4, Seaforth, .and Ron Young, RR 1, Goderich, placed first1 and1 second respectively in the novice division for young sters 12 to 17J years , of age entering the judging competi tion for the first time having no previous 4-H experience. Robert Vodden won the nation Co.. Ltd. trophy for scor ing the highest mark in the dairy section and was runner- up for' the CIL trophy in swine judging. Bob ^McNaughton, RR 3, Kip- pen, was runnerup in the .sheep, judging competition and in the contest for the Huron County. Beef Producers Association award. ■ ’ Car- > *> Thursday, June 8 CONSTANCE — 5:30 to 8 p.m. Sponsored by* C.O.F. Adults $1.50 - .< Children, 6 to 12, 75c — ALSO TAKE OUt ORDERS — i CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE BAYFIELD ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS Higher Interest Rates GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES FOR 1 YEAR FOk 2 OR 3 YEARS FOR 4 OR 5 YEARS p Commencing'June 19, 1967 io September 15, 1967 Monday, Wednesday and Friday DAILY —10:00 a.mt - 12i15 p.nv 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday Extended Hours of Service 4:30 p.ni. r-5:30 p.m. September 18, 1967 io Jurte 'K 1968 Service given Monday and Friday with extended service Friday. Beautiful I Girls ft YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Huron County's Centennial Beauty and Talent Contest SATURDAY, JULY 1 AT GODERICH I FULL NAME TALENTAGE Complete and mail to B. R. Robinson, P.O. .Box 1967, Goderich, not later than June 15, 1967. ADDRESS Notation — No Bathing Suits To Be Worn. APPLICATION FORM J Clinton . Available In amounts of 1100.00 or more. An Ideal Investment for security and high return. ' Established 1889 OFFICES: Forest* Sarnia, Pefrolfa* Strathroy Our Representative. H. & LAWSOH Phone: 4624644 /