HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-01, Page 7/ I 100.00 100.00 75.00 35.00. 25.00 20.00 15.00 15.00. ,10.00 10.0010)00 ■ 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0Q, 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ,10,00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00! 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00, 10.00 1'0,00 10.00 10.00 7.00 5.00 Ji 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00' 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 CARD OF THANKS TSie officers and directors of Huron Central Agncultural So- , piety wifo to thank foe follow­ ing businesses and individuals whip contributed towards foe pjuz^e of Glfotoh Fair; County of Huron ......... $247-44 Totwnfoip of Tucker^ spiith ........................... Township of Huilett 'Township of Goderich .... Township of Stanley .... 'James Richardson & Son Harriston Fertilizers .... Robert McKinley ..•......... ■C. S, MacNaughton ...... Beatty Farm Service Centre .......................... Frank Falconer, Shorf- iKxms & Landrace- .... , Hotel Clinton .............. Lome Brown. Motors 'Ltd.......................:....... Bank of Montreal......... . Herb’s Food Market T. B. Alien Ltd. Weittlaufer Feed Mill;.... « Boyes * Farm \ Supply ‘ Huixyn Expositor (A. Y. McLean).-. Oere-Vu Aufo Wreckers Bartliffs Bakery ..v <Falifoblme Dairy ,..'...., Aiken- Bros. .........; Royal Bank of Canada " ’ ..(Clinton) .................... W^. Mr Gerrits (Dmector) • ainiton IQA ....... Hgmond Jersey Farm .... Clinton Community .' Credit Union ................. Clinton News-Record Ltd......................... ....... How?on & Howson Ltd, .. , Hdl-Den Farm (Fred Vodden & Sons) Elm Haven Motor'Hotel Bell & Garrett, Con­ tractors ........................ H. .Lobb & Sons Equip- . m'ent-................?.......... ’ 'Ball-Macaulay Ltd. ........ KI S.- Wood, D.C.......... 'Tom Leiper .'......... Goderich Township F .of A ............... ? .Harold Kings’ * » White Rose ....... v ’ Newcombe’s Rexall Drugs ......;.................. Harold Swan’s Grocery .. Sparlings Hardware ..... Irwin’s Ladies' Wear ....' ■ Martins' Dept. Store .... ‘ Frank Chapman) Barber ' Hum-In Restaurant...... "Fiekett .& Campbell Ltd. Ball & Mutoh Crest Hardware .......’..... . ^Gordon Lawson Smoke Shop .... ... ‘McEwan’s Book Store .. '.Garretts Shoe Store .... Dr. D. B. Palmer Dentist .......A...........■... ,B. B. Menzies, Barrister ■ ,J. W. Counter Builder . Supply .:........................ "W. R. “Bert” Lobb •G.A.C. International Finance ......... : '.Norman Counter, Jeweller ...................... House'.of Bargains Clinton Ea^m Centre- .... Oiddon' Cleaners’"7. D. A. Kay &, Son ...,:..... •Clinton Body Radiator ...........i....*•.... K. C. Cooke, Florist .... Blake Welding Shop .’... Beaucrest Farms ........... Hensall District Co-Op (Brucefield) ......... 'Cook Bros. Ltd. ....... ’W. G.. Thompson & Son Ltd. ................ .John Deeves ,............. . Alex Inkley ’ (White Rose)' ...... G.... Elmer Frey - (Fdna Station) ........... Tom Darling ....... ' Clinton Upholstery ... Parker House Motel McKerlie Automotive Scruton Fuels ...... Clrnton Electric Shop ..... Herman’s Men’s Wear .y Lobb’s Shoes ..-........ ..... Beattie Furniture.... .Clinton Meat Market,-...., Arnold Riley (Barber) .. Well’s Auto Electric ’ , (Jack Peck) .... Epps SportJSihop ........... Harry Williams ............. "McPherson’s Garage..... K, W. Colquhoun (Insurance) .’.............. ^Merrill’s. Television* I..... -C. W. “Jiiggs” LeBeau, ' Bell Minerals ..... Joe Corey Community Saibs ........ .... . Lavis Contracting Co. Ltd......... .............. Hingswell Welding ....... ^Shorty’s BA .....L..-.-....... Richard Lobb, . . Auctioneer ............. ‘Fred Hudie, Builders ‘ Supplies ................... 'Boyes Transport ...... ' Carnation Cd. ............... "Thomas P-ryde & Son .... 'Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. .'. ■TuckeyBeverages ..... -Slitter & Perdue Hard- Ware ....'........... Corrie's Red & White Douglas' Farquhar - (Director) ................. 'Hearn Wholesale Ltd. - Roy Mann’s White Rose .Arionymous .....'............. “DoUg Andrews ......... W. H.'Dalrymple & Son Duty’s Supertest "Mjaey-Mhe Restaurant .... Galbraith' Radio & TV .. H. C, Lawson, Insurance E. L. Mickle & Son Ltd. Milt & ,Mabel Restaurant Jervis Sales & Service .. Clinton , Oab ....... . Irene’s Laundrofriat Wes Holland Sunoco .... Ashton’s Taxi ..... Chuter Heating & Electric ......... 1X M. Young (Director .. Hafold Wise Ltd. ■Gordon .Grigg Ltd. Chief H. R. Thompson .... Clinton Knitting Cemre Gardiner’s Barber Shop Merchandise ' Hatery Watkins (Home- , stead Acres) Mter J < 5.00 fames Sriefo 6 pr. gloves Greves Sdh Eleetric Tfaea labor oh Wiring Anstett Jewellers, pen’., Riehl Advertising Serv­ ice, pen and pendil "Par-Knit Hosiery ■Canada Packers Ltd., r . certii.fioa.tes,....... Certificate ‘B&iritdri’S, blanket Eatons Of Canada^ silver platter.......................... i 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00, 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00' 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 / , 1 5.00 .■ 5.00 . . '•.5,00 , 5.00 5.00' .< * fo.00 5.00 5.00 . 5.00 5.00 . 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 . 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 -5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 I Thurs., June 1, 1967rT~(ftintpn News-Record-—Page 7St. Paul's Guild Completes 25 Years Service (Cpntinued/from Page One) that time was to hetlp foe- Sun* day School in all its Work, Since thlat time, the Club has earned sufficient funds, to re­ decorate and buy draperies for the Parish Hall, purchase stack­ ing Chairs and new ..tables for it, can>et the aisles im the Church and donate $5150 to the Rectory Building Fund, pavb the driveway there and re- vampihe churph kitchen among other foings, •Ait foe same time, the group has continued' to serve the Sun­ day ‘School wherever possible, remember shut-ins from the congregation and pack bales of gpod , warm clothing for needy Canadians in the western part of foe country. Through' foe years, the cus- tomvof each member bringing four sandwiches to the meeting with her has been retained. Of special joy to the mem­ bers have been the numbers of wives 'of servicemen' stationed at CFB Clinton who have been associated with the‘Guild. Many lasting friendships., have been Started with these women, some of Whom are now ' residing in Sutter Family Presents Memorial Light to Lodge Hall 306. Shown here after the presentation are, left to right, W, O. Jeffery, Waterloo, who spoke the-mem- orial tribute'to the late Mr.,'Sutter; Mrs.' R. P. (Eileen Sutter) Robbins, Richmond .Hill; Mrs. Ro­ bert (Shirley Sutter) Pollock, Preston;' Mrs. Gert­ rude Sutter, Clinton ford R. Benson Sutter, London. . - (Neios-Record P,hoto). ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ’ Oh Saturday evening prior to the dedication of Clinton Odd Fellows Hall, the Sutter family pre­ sented an illuminated memorial Sign to the hall. vThe gift honours the memory of the la,te John-*A., Sutter, an active and valued member of Clinton ; IOOF Lodge No. 83 for over half a- century and a Charter member of Huronic Rebekah Lodge • No, CARDS OF THANKS • ’ ■' . ’ ’i ’• I s, wish to thank friends and, relatives for flowers, cards’ and gifts while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanlcs to first' floor nurses and doc­ tors. — ERNEST ELLWOOD. - ' ,22p »>E( / „■ ’ We wish to thank our many friends, neighbours and rela­ tives for ' kind expressions of sympathy, ■ many cards ' and floral tifoutes received during our recent sad bereavement in the loss of a 'dear mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Rev. Mills, nunses, staff . and residents of Huronview for their many acts of kindness. — THE NOTT and MANNING FAMIL­ IES. • 22p ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mn. and Mrs. Graham. Johnston, Cliinton, wish to announce the - engagement of their youngest daughter, Karen Yvonne, ‘to Mr. Ah- ■ drew Gordon’ Tait, son of . Mrs. Mary Tait and.the late Howard Tait, Clinton. The., .wedding to take place^ on Saturday, June ^24, 1967. at 2:30'p.m. in Ontario Street United Church. ( >'22x * AUCTION SALE of School and / ■ Contents on Saturday, June 10 at 1:00>p.m. Parcel No. 1 Will be. offered for. sale ., auction at 1 p.m. — School House SS No. 10 Tuckersmith Township, approx.1 1 acre . of land; 3t% miles east of Hensail. Aik schools have oil furnace®, pressure .water systems, flush toilets,, hydro. Contents: 8 slate blackboards, ’ pupils’ desks, table, antique clock, radio, maps, pic­ tures, fire extinguisher. Parcel ’No. 2 “ . , Will be offered for sale by auction at 2:30' p.m. —.White brick* school, SS No. 9 Tucker­ smith Township, approx. 1 acre’ of Ifod. 5 miles south of Sea­ forth' on' Kippen 'Road, t Con­ tents* wall maps, globe of world,, electric clock, pictures, fire .extinguisher, garbage cans,- pupils' desks/ captain1' /chair, table,* •. 9 slate blackboards, -bdoks) step ladder.- > Parcel No; 3 - ; * ;Wlill. be offered for, sale by ■.auction nt' 4 ."p.m.t.— ’White brick school, SS No. 2 Tucker- srriith Township, approx. % aerg land, 1%. miles east of Kippen and' 1 foil)? north. Contents: Antique clock, pupils' desks, 4 folding chairs, Morris piano, 2 wall . maps, electric dlofo,1 7 slate blackboards, 'step, ladder,. 2; benches, tower -bell: . .Terms: Cash For furthea''.'information con­ tact Vorri Alderdice, RR 2, Kin­ pen, phone Hensall 262-5494, Chairman of Huron' County School Area'No? 1. HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer" „ JACK CALDWELL, Clerk ' . '22-3b ... \ by 5.00 5.00 5.00 .5.00 3.00 3.00 2,50 2.00 2.00 2.00 ’2.00 2.00. 2.00 2.00 2.60 2.00 *2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 ,2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 7.50 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects being in the estate of Miss Annie E. Copsitt, late of the village'of. Hehsall oh Oxford St., bn Saturday, June 3 at 1:00 ?p.m. In case of fainHhis sale/will be held in the Hensail Arena.'. A few of the 'items offered for sale; Fnigidaire stove, al- ritost r new; refrigerator.1 Spar­ ton 21” TV; Duro pi’essure sys­ tem, .good .condition; oval ex- 'tension, table and 6 chains; drop ledf table , and chairs; small chesterfield,'.. 6 horsehair chairs, platform rbeken4 and settee; Duncan Phyfe style end table; bookcase,".. books including old school bodies; needeipoint stool; settee and chairs, recovered; 4 poster beds and dressers; 2 washstands; ■ Davis sewing ma:- 'chine, bill of sale 1887 with it; large t bureau, porcelain knobs; clock.' shelves and kmc knac shelves; small' walnut chest of drawers; commodes; blanket boxes; bed and difessing table; wardrobe; studfo\,couch; glass- top cupboard With pie shelf; Boston rocker and many odd pieces of furniture; Among the dishes and small articles there is; 'coloured glass, tomb milk glass; toilet sets; several sets of? brass candle holder^ arid ShdffeiTbriasS'bed- wariner; . 12 place setting of Rodgers 1847 flatwhte iri Re- iriembrance, complete with serv­ ing'pieces; Lintoges; Austrian china; complete set of "semi poraeiain including 2 tureCns And ladels, teapot etcq Silver ted service; Bavarian china; ciystal , pieces; brass, pieces; cihiftA tea set; .lamps; pictures; numerous other articles. Terms, cash day of sale. House is stold and all must go to Settle estate. HECTOR WlEfL, Auctioneer Alvlnston, 898-5330 22b BIRTHS DOWSON — 'In South Huron Hospital,, Exeter, on Thuns- day, May 18, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dowson- (nde -Nan­ cy Fahner), Ahne Street; Ex­ eter, a daughter, Cheryl Anne 1 another, grandchild' for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dowson. GLOUSHER — In Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital on Friday, May 26, 19'67 to Mr. - and Mrs. - Lloyd Giousher, Blyth, a daughter. ■ KEM.BER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday,' May 28, 1967 to Mr. and,. Mbs. SteVe Kemiber, RR 2, Seaforth, a - daughter. LOBB — In Chatham General Hospital on Thursday, May 25, '1967 to Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Lobb (nee Diane Stev­ ens), 67 Murray Street, Chat­ ham, a son, Steven. Christo­ pher. SODER —■ In Selkirk General Hosipdital on Thursday, May 25,- 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. • Martin Soder (nee Ruth Ann Batkin), 315 McLeah- Avenue,« Selkirk, Manitoba, a son, 'Bartley Shawn, first grand- child for . Mr. .and Mrs. Mer- 1 vyn Batkin, Clinton. DEATHS GALBRAITH — At St. Joseph’s Hospital, ' Hamilton, on Fri­ day, May 26, 1967 Mrs. Gor- . .don M. Galbraith, 47 David Street,, Dundas. Funeral ser- .•v '.vice from. St. Mark’s United ■/'JChurch, Dundas, on Monday, ' May, 29 with interment in Grove Cemetery, Dundas. t , HOFFMAN — At Huronview s, on Monday, May 29, 1967 Henry Hoffman,, Dashwood, /' in hfis 92nd year. Funeral ser­ vice from Tt Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood on Thursday, June 1 at 2:30 pan. ,, wjth interment in Exeter Cerrne-tefy/ NORRIS;*— In. Seaforth Com­ munity Hospital on Thursday, May 25,. 1967 Joseph Henry (Harry) Norris, Cromarty in his 77th year. Funeral ser­ vice’from G; A, Whitney Fun­ eral Homie, Seaforth on Sat- < urdiay, May 27 with interment in Staffa .'Cemetery. Survivors include sons, Ray, Weston; Hugh, Robert, Cromarty; daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Win­ ona) Jaddbli, Kippen.; Mrs. William (Beryl).(Storey, Hul- Iistt.Twpq Mrs. Donald (Ha2- ei) McLeod, Ailsa Craig; Mrs. John (Margaret) McDougal, Mrs. Robert. (Celia) Huibert, both of Stratford; Mrs. Or­ ville'.(Lila) Storey, McKillop Twp.; Mrs. Ray (Dorothy) Davis, Belton; Mrs>- Hugh (Doihna> Flynn, Londeshoro. THORNDIKE. — At LindSay ■ private Hospital on Fridiay, May 26,. 1967 Mrs. '' Annie Thorndike in ’her 95th -year.' Funeral* service from Ma”ckey funeral Home, Lincfeay, on Monday, May 29 with inter­ ment in Little Britain' Ceme­ tery. A stepson, J. Douglas Thorndike, resides in Clinton. *4 of Wham are now residing (Distant parts of the world. • --------------- -----O—----------------- At Friendship Club Anniversary K .Mrs. Frank R. (Helen) Jones, left, Port Stan­ ley, formerly Mrs. J. M., Elliott who was the/first president of the Friendship Guild of St.‘Paul’s Anglican Churoh in 1942,-came back to Clinton on Sunday for the 25 th anniversary service of Jhe. Guild; centre 4s Mrs, Madeleine (Hawkins) Mc- Kinnon, also a former president, who was guest speaker and Mrs. R. E. Thompson, , the present pre­ sident of the Guild. ' (News-Record.Photo) Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Riatbwell, Bayfield, wish to announce the engagement of itheir eldest daugh­ ter; Marilyn Awilda to “Frederick' Bruinsma, son of Mr. and Mrs. DoUwe Bruinsma, Clinton. The wed­ ding will take place on Saturday, June 24, 1967, in the Christian Reformed Church,. Clinton. The bride­ elect is on staff at South Huron District High School, Exeter and the groom-elect is on staff at Ontario Hospital, Goderich). 22p • I Odd Fellows Hall Dedicated; Seven-Year-Old Mortgage Burned Mother Dies At Lindsay J, Douglas Thorndike arrived home on Wednesday after at­ tending his step-mother’s funer­ al, at -Lindsay on Monday; May 29. ” Mrs. Annie Thorndike died in Lindsay Private Hospital on Friday,. May 26.- The former Annie Prouse, she was in her 95th' year; she was married first to the late Albert Cameron and then to the late James A. Thorndike. She is survived by. a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Me-' Gahey, Vancouver; son Stuiart (Toot) Cameron, Oakwood; two stepsons, J. Douglas Thorndike, Clinton and Fred Thorndike, Toronto; three grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Mirs. Thorndike rested at the' Mackey Funeral Home, Peel St., Lindsay for funeral service in the chapel on Monday, May 29 at 3:30 p.m. Interment was in Little Britain Christian Ceme­ tery. CHANTILLY LIQUID CREAM DEODORANT reg, $1.75 for $1.25 PERFUMED ' BATH SALTS, 3-lb. bag .... HELENE CURTIS EGG SHAMPOO, reg $1.38 .... CHERAMYSKIN BALM HAND CREkM, 17-oz......Special $1.25 Sale 2 for 99c I PRESCRIPTIONS i Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous articles front Lot 27, Concession 4, Hullett Town­ ship, 2p2 miles horth of Clinton on Highway 4, arid *4 mile west, . ' °nWednesday, June 14; at 1:30 p.m. the following Dining room buffet', table-and chairs; dining room extension table; davenport; 2 hall trees; 2 double beds, springs and' inat- treSses; 2 single- beds,- springs ■ and fnatifesses; 2 dressers; 2 commodes; Asitrol refrigerator; Princess Pat enamel hangd; hand washing machine; 2 kiteh- . en cupboard^; kitchen table and chairs; laundry tuba; k laWri mower; scatter mats; quantity of books; dishes; towing,Jitert- ssi'Is; 2 roIJs Of wire;, quantity of lumber; neck yokes; double trees; chains;, forks; shovels'; tools; storage drums; Oil drums; set of harness; 22 rifle; num­ erous other articles. ' Terms Cash No reserve, the farm Is sold Mrs/Charlotte Colclough Proprietress Edward Elliott Auctioneer (Continued from Page One) in Ontario today. ,The Odid Fellow and Rebeltah ltaU on Princess Street has cost * approximately 88,000 plus many hours of volunteer labour. The building was the former SS 10 schoolhouse. in Goderich Township which was purchased in. July 1960 and moved to the present site, in November 1960, The lodges had purchased the lot from Alex Cudmore in July, 1960. . Far many years the two lod­ ges met in the rooms above the former PUC budding at the corr ner of Albert and Rattenbury East, which they vacated in January 1960. From that time until February, 1961 the lodges, met in the Orange Hall, above Clinton Public Library and also at the Brdcefieid IOOF hall. Mortgage Burned The mortgage on the seven­ year-old hall was held by Nor­ man Whitehead, now of Walk­ erbon, the former owner of the .Parker House Motel, south of Clinton, Mr, Whiiitehead is a member of Clinton lodge. . He presented the paid-off mortgage to Murray Taylor, noble grand -•of the IOOF and Mrs. j&urt VanRiesen, noble- grand of 'Hur-' onic Rebekah Lodge,:No. 306. Rev. Ron" WbnhdpL reictof of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Who, was a guest at the evening of Od'dfellOwShip, offered prayer during, the ’ mortgage burning ceremony. Sutter Gift Mrs.-Gertrude Butter and''her flamii'ly, R. Bterison Sutter, ‘Lon­ don; Mrs, R. R, (Eileen) Roib- hin&^’ Richmond Hill' and Mrs. Robert (Shirley) Pollock, Pres­ ton presented the IOOF hall with an illuminated lodge sigh in memory of the kite John A Sutter, who was an active and valued ‘ mernber of ‘the IOOF Lodge and a charter mefoiber of the Rebekah Lodge, The sign was accepted on be­ half of the'two lodges by the noble grands, Mrs. VanRiesen and Mr. Taylor. A brass plaque underneath the sigh reads: /‘In memory of John A', Sutfehj PJ)D.G.'M., a member of Clinton Lodge No. 83 for hiOre 'fhari half a cen­ tury arid <a charter ntembhr of Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. Nofiee Ta Creditors In the Estate VICTOR KENNEDY; late Of the Village of Blgth, In the' bounty of Hur­ on, Real Estate AgenL All persons claiming against the above Estate, are required to’ forward full particulars ’of their claims to foe undersigned, on or before the 16th day of Jund, 1967, after which date the •assets ' Wiill4 be distributed/ ’ DONNELLY A MURPHY, 18 The Square, ’ Goderich, Ontario, Sdlicitora fo6 the Betote. 21-235 306. Presented by the family, May 27, 1967.” During the presentation cere­ mony, Mrs. Rabbins sang, "Come Ye Blessed,” accompanied by Mrs. Harold Wise; W. O. Jtef- fery read the memorial tribute; Mrs, Gertrude Sutter and son Benson made the presentation; Mrs. Pollock unveiled 'the memorial and'Rev. A. J. Mow­ att, D.D., minister of Willis United Church the memorial prayer*. ’The overflow crowd fellows and Rebekahs filled both the. lodge hall and base­ ment. After the three events were concluded this local lodges, served sandwiches, cake and coffee. Great Ontario Adventure Vacations Attend Your Church NOTE—ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING T1JWE -o-IUse Classified Ads. Wesley- offered of Odd- I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, June 4 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Church Service ' ALL ARE WELCOME HERE t <•. . . Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A. R. C. T. Sunday, June 4 ’“I 10:30 am.-—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Sunday School Anniversary Guest Minister, Dr. A. J. Mowatt Music by Junior Choir .. TURNERS7 UNITED CHURCH 2:00 p.m.—Worship Service 3:00 p.m.—Sunday School Improve your'comfort and your score, Pick from several styles $11.95 $14.95 $17,95/ ,_<L RATEb O*v GREAT FOR THE JOB * * i-^Bints—^almeetrtlle JMititeb 0Iljurrl|CBi REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, June 4 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School \ 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship Guest Preacher, Rev. G. Mills Hi-Cuts \ Work Oxfords Work Boots and Safety Footwear New styles rind construction; With many different patterns just arrived. We have a shoe for the work you do! Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, at Midland Champlain Country On a Champlain Country Ad­ venture Vacation, you and yoUr family gain firsthand histori­ cal insights, in a setting of natural splendour. From the Ottawa River to island-sprinkled Georgian Bay, you follow where intrepid Samuel de Champlain explored,more than threecenturies ago. Inspect the Officers* Quarters Museum at Penetangui- ’Shene. Browse around Orillia’s Leacock Memorial Home. SeC the awesome Bonnechere Caves. For camping, canoeing, fishingL-or makingfriends with wildlife—you have 3000 square miles of unspoiled wilder­ ness in Algonquin Park alone., Among the Muskoka Lakes, Kawarthas and sylvan Haliburton, are dozens of luxurious, modern resorts. ,L»-\ You’ll find a Champlain Country Adventure Vacation richly rewarding for every member of your family. Find Out more about it by mailing the coupon below* Province of Ontario, , | Department of Tourism & Information, I Parliament Buildings,. Room ,!OO J Toronto 2. ,482, Please send me details about a Chamtdrin Country Adventure Vacation, Name........... ................. , AddrtiM - HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service , 10:45 am.—-Sunday School ___ ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. .R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector . Miss Catharine Potter, Organist » . Sunday, June 4 — Trinity 2 9:45 a.m.—Church School ll:00ta.m.—Holy Communion Tues., June 6-— Ladies Guild, 2:45 p.m. at home of Mrs. Bert Fhemlin, Frederick Street , f Wed., June 7 —• Special meeting Friendship Guild; all ladies invited, Women’s Institute presents a Cen­ tennial Play. Centennialji^^ ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister 4 Mrs. M. J. AgheW, Organist and Choir Director Sunday^ June 4 f 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School r 10:45 a.m.—Divine Worship Everyone Welcome I CHRISTIAN REFORMED. CHURCH REVi G. J. HEERSINK, Mlriltter !; Sunday, Junez4 I; 10:00 am.—Morning Worship J! 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School v 2:30 pun.—Worship Service. ;; -Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St Thomas, listen to “Back to God Hour”. :; EVERYONE WELCOME : - AIKEN’S MAPLE 8T. GOSPEL HALL Sunday, June 4 0:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m,—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service , Speaker, Eddie Martin Tues.. 8:00 tun. Prayer Pentecostal Church Victoria Street R. Pi Bbttr Minister ’ Sunday, June 4 , 9:45 run.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Friday, 8 p.m.-YPU Meeting