HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-01, Page 6BETTER JOBS f t ’ CUSTOM WORKFflge News-Record-—Thuirs., 1, 3967 REALESTATE SERVICES 4 CLASSIFIED " ADV; RATES s. ,(fJEV.ISgp-Iflay. J, /.3c Per Word ..Minimum jTSc 25c Extra ‘ wilL be* added fd each • insertion . if not . paid n within, ’10 days, of the . " last insertion. ■ : ADVS, ? 2c Per Word . Minimurn 5&c display classifieds $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. t. 90c per inch % ' x Birth, .Marriage1 qnd; ; ’ Death Notices 4 • ' FRE£, A ’ DEADLINE r 6:00 p.m. Tuesday • - DIAL 482-3443 ACCOMMODATION wanted ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ; 5 ROOM HOUfeE, central; also 7 room house. Rhone 482-9512. , ■ '__22p 3 BEDROOM bride house, bath­ room and oil furnace, located next to CEB Clinton. Phone 482-9128. HOUSE on 52 Princess Street, \Vest, 2- bedrooms, rent $4'5x00 per month. Phone 482-3209. . 21-3p> ........... .——— ——-— — ■3 BEDROOM HOUSE, rent based on income. Available July 1. Apply • to Clinton Housing Authority, phone 482-9545. 22b' 4 ■ ROO$I furnished apartment, *5 minutes from Uptown. Apply after 7 or during weekend. Les Nice, 101 Huron,- Sit., Clinton? . . c \’22-3b. ;3 ' BEDROOM HOUSE, rent ’ based on income.' Available im­ mediately. ’ Clinton Housing Authority, phone 482-9545. 22b- 2 BEDROOM apafatmlent, un-< furnished, stove and frig sup­ plied,. headed, -available July 1st. Phone 482-9689 after 5 p.m. ■ ' ' . 22(jfb, EXPO Accommodation — Cam­ per bus in trailer park. j6 min-' Utes from Expo. Sleeps, six, cooking facilities, bus service to. Expo.July-August $15,00 per Jay. Phone-482-9755. j ? 22-23p‘ 2 BEDROOM -apartment, fwith' stove and frig. Free -laundry room facilities, equipped with washer -and' dryer. Adults pre­ ferried. Call 482-9227, if no ari- swer call 482-7850. 22tfb 2 r BEDROOM housekeeping cot­ tages, inside plumbing, priced $300 and $350 for .season, start­ ing May 15 to October 1. Phone 565-2813.- x ’ IStfb «£• .EXPO — House trailer, on lot near Expo, “ all. conveniences, sleeps 4, 3 day fniriimum, June to October., evenings phone 237- 3654 or’write Gerald Martene, , Box 3, Dashwood. l,8tfb MODERN 2 bedroom' apart­ ment, large living room, dining area, modern . kitchen with -electric stove,- .oil furnace, air’ - conditioner, drapes. Excellent condition, available now. Phone 482-9644. . $tfb 4 .QB” 5 BEDROOM home in Clinton or sqrpounding area by July i, Apply Box 216, plinton News-Record. 22p. ROOM AND- BQARD wanted by jingle man, Clail. 482-3469, Monday thru Thursday even­ ings, risk for Wayne Beath. ’ 22p ARTICLES FQR SALE SIMPLICITY Washers now a- , vailable at T, A. Dutton Appli­ances, "'Bruceiield. - Open even­ ings', 38ffb GIBSON refriger-ator,' Al con- dition\wiiih full across-the-top freeger, Phone 482-3329 at noon or 'after 5 pm, 21-2p EARLY IRISH COBBLER seed potatoes grown from cerfii'fied seed, $3,00 tor 75 lbs., also table potatoes'. Phone 482-7578. 14tfb WOODS ^TARPAULINS — for Tracks, Trailers and Camping — 4’x6’ tof10’x 12’; priced from $4.45 up at’ AIKEN'S, Phone 482-9352. , 21-22b .GRADUATION GIFTS — type- '-writers, all styles and models at greatly reduced prices start­ ing at a lbw $49.95. Call Singer Company of Canada at 524- 8431‘or 482-9103. 22b COLEMAN camp stove, large size with metal .. stand, used ■twice. Phone 482-7219. 22b 26” RACING BIKE, gear-shifts. Phone 482W228 after 4:30 p.m ' ' . , 22p ■REPOSSilSSIONS ~ Portables anir cabinet modal machines, prices Slashed to clear, mach­ ines like new and fully guaran­ teed ■ Singer 'Company of Canada. Phone 482-9103 or 524- 8431.' ■ w ?2b HORTICULTURAL supplies,, garden chemicals, special plant foods1. Visit the' garden centre at the Purina 'StorO' on Isaac •Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9333? . 22-23b SPECIAL SALE —. portable round bobbin reverse stitch ma­ chine, brand new? fully guaran­ teed, only $88. complete. Sale, end's June 3. Slinger Company of* Canada, phone 482-9103 or 524-8431. ’ • 22b -BOXED and POTTED, PLANTS — all • varieties of flowers arid vegetables. Ina’s Flowers and Vegetables, 123 Erie St., ‘Clin­ ton, phone 482-9937. Open evenings. 21-25p ALL ITEMS good to excellent cbndli'tipn:’ Refrigerator, $55; Stove .' ;(Westinghouse), ■ $75; nien’s bicycle (like new), $25; chesterfield and chair, $15; TV bleached kmah)ogany, floor mod­ el, $50; numerous other' house­ hold' items to be* sold because of* overseas move. Phone '482- *>7334. 22b TWO ? GRADUATION (party) dresses, size 10 and 11 teens, or 12.-14 years, worn twice; lady's vspring coat, camel; size 17;‘ drapes, one lined, two un- lined and 5 pairs of nylon and dacron panels; electric blanket, never used; Sony 500 tape re­ corder, nearly new. Phone 482- 9944?. 21-2b STEWART .v., ALUMINUM SALES 101-'Victoria N. ~ Goderich ALCAN Aluminum Siding Storm Windows — Awnings Free estimates given without obligation , ,.« RAY HOGGARTH 382, Huron ?RoadJ Goderich Phone 524-7624 . 16tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE CURTAILS - Pr;ipa."ics - Win- daw Illrilds f Venetian Blinds - Bamboo , Drapery Track, Drap­ ery ’ Pull Rods,, Ready 'Made Draperies, Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS, - 5tfb FOR SALE 16’ x 46’ mobile home with 6’ x 3Q’ refnoveable porch, new gun We furnace and propane stove. 'May be seen at Zablocki Trailer Ckwt. Ap­ ply WO2 W, A. Reid. 482-92Q9 or 482-3411 Loe. 286. 21-23b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service , Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach­ ines of all makes for sale, BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensali 262-5350 - tfb PAINTING"-— For all .your ex- teripr painting; call : Gordon; Chanters, 345 Matilda St., phone 482-9654, ' ' ■£' ” '22-25b CUSTOM planting, corn, beans.. $2.00 pen’ acre, Call John Van Beers, 482-9265 after 6 p.m.- , 21-22p -HELP WANTED ./ ' FEMALE . ELLWOOD EPPS SALE ENDS SAT., JUNE 3 5% off all sales to go to the New Community Centre Fund Open Thursday and Friday Evenings For Your Shopping Pleasure Insulated boots, Reg. 11.95 for 6.95, Reg. 13.95 for 8.95; Moccasins, Reg. 8.95 for 6.95: Boots, Rubber Bottom,. Lesher Top, Reg. 13.95 for 9.95. Wool Socks, Reg. 1.25 i>r. for 75c; Boat and Shoe Laces, Reg.- 15c pr,, for-10c; Insoles, Reg. 55c pr. for 35c; Hats, up to 3.95 value, all 1/3 Off; Hats, many to clear at 95c; Shirts, Deluxe Wool. 8?95 only 5.95? 7.75 only 4.95, 6.95 only 4.75; Mitts and Gloves, as low as 50c pr.; In­ sulated Gloves, Reg. 3.50 only 2.25. ' All Tackle greatly reduced, exampes: Flatfish? Reg. 1.75 for 1.25; Mepps Lures, Reg. 90c for 60c; Minnow’ Buckets from 75c up; Gut Hooks, Reg. 30c —r S' for 1.00; Johnson Centennial 'combination Spin Cast Outfit, U.S. Price’ 23.95 only 15.95; Bronson Rod, Reel, -Lures and 'Line Spin Cast Set only 12.95. Castrbl 2 cycle" Motor Oil, 50c quart; Marine Paint at U.S, prices,'’*ybu. save 50%. If* any items are sold out during the sale, we will fill your order placed with us at the sale price as.soon as received. . :■' ’ , Soft Balls, Reg. 2.95 for 1.95;’ Official Soft, Balls, Reg. 3.60 for 2.25; Official League Hard Balls, Reg. 2.8Q for 1.90; All Star, Reg. 1.75 for 95c. Fishing Hats, Reg. 3.95 for 1.95. ? Hip. Waders, Reg. 11.50 for 8.75. f Crow and Duck Calls, Reg. 2.50, Special 1.75. Com­ passes 50c up, all 1/3 Off. EVINRUDE MOTORS SPECIAL 100 H.P, Evinrude Motors Regular. Price $1,590.00 Ellwood Epps Special $999.00 THOUSANDS OF ITEMS ALL AT BIG SAVINGS $ovcb> ^ualiiu C L I N /T Q N rj ^Ji2£woi>cL EP P\S I O N T A R I O ..........................'"’-J King Street 482-9622 22b 1 C L I NfT Q N FOR YOUR antenna sales and sefivice contact Harry Land, RR 2, Goderich. Phone 524-6488. ’ ' -tib JACK’S FURNITURE RE­ PAIR:-. Furniture repaired' arid refinished at REAR of 84 Al- , bert Street- John Plumtree, ;Rhpne ^82-9695. ’ ’ IQtfb WATCH /REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County’s Oldest Esta-, -Wished Jewellery Store, tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done; All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn, ' 52tfb ORTHOPEDIC-1 and general Shoe Repair, Our Clinton De­ pot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. ' Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St,, Gode­ rich. 38tfb BRICKWORK — Chimneys re- paired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; plaster repairs, water . leaksr stopped, Work guaranteed.' Ray Squire, phone 527-1332, Box- 335, Seaforth. ■ ' • - . 7tfb ■■ i '__________________________________ CALL REG. SMITH SIGNS for truck lettering, farm signs, sale banners, highway bulletins, plastic signs, gold leaf. AH work guaranteed. Corner East, and High, Clinton. Phone "482- 9793. \ . '• 42tfb DENTAL Assistant- Dr, Bowk­ er, phone 482-77.63. 22b ■ HOUSECLEANER ?•' ’''' Appl'i- cants contact the business ad- ministr^Ltoi’, Olinton- Public Hos­ pital? »•.» . 22b PART-TIME help' ywanted iq focal mail order business. Apply to Bax 12Q0, Clinton, Ontario,; , ' ■ 22tfit WOMAN to help get tourist cabals ready. Equipped house­ keeping cabim supplied. More, for home than, wages. No ob­ jection to . one child, «G. Hazel­wood, ■ ’ RR'' 1» t0ayfi^ld. 21tfb.' I HELP WANTED MALE ? BREAjti . ' SALESMAN ■ ' Must be neatmpd reliable, yive day*"^veek, ‘ Apply in person to Bartiiffs Balcery Ltd. , ) ' - 22b MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES FOR RENT 16 FT. CABIN Trailer for rent. $45.00 a week. Phbne 482-7385. - 22-26b 1 .TO PERK UP YOUR OUTDOOR MEALS ■ > v. -■ .■ ■ ■ 4” Serve a Variety CAMPER-TRAILER, by day or week. Reserve now for July and August. Phone 482-9627. 22-2£p TENT., TRAILERS for rent, by day on' week. Phone Gordon Steepe, 482-3364 evenings and weekends. . 20-23b WHEEL CHAIRS — The.C. P. & T. Fund of Clinton Odd­ fellows Lodge have wheel chairs available for loan free. Contact Harold Tyndall, 482-7409, after '6:00 p.m. or James Cox, 482- 7093. AUTOS FOR SALE 1965 FORD Galaxie XL, power steering arid brakes, 'bucket seats. Phone 482-3812.: ‘ 22bfb ....... ■ ... ... . . I CONVERTIBLE, 1963 Ply^ mouth Fury in good condition. Reasonable. Phone -482-6624. 20tfb i960 FALCON, 2 door, stand­ ard. Body in good shape. Needs thirds gear and engine repair. Phone 482-3265 after 6 pm. 22p CUSTOM WORK SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem Equipment > Work Guaranteed Mfrite or phone Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone 527-1406 , 24tfb Bartiiffs Bakery limited . ■ ?■ BAKERY and RESTAURANT 482-9727 , Clinton , ..... ' ... ... .... 1 We Specialize In * . Furnace Installations ., .Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service - Plurnbing. Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating* Electric SALES & SERVICE 48 King Street Phone 482-7652 HELP WANTED MALE ■ DAILY CAR RENTAL,- re^ soha'ble rates, McGEE’S, Gode­ rich, Phone 524-8391. :3|,fb LET US REPAIR AND .MAKE, your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed’ and stones safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done1 reasonably tq your satisfaction? ' Watch repairs and pearl';’re- stringing. W. N. Counter. ; tfb il' EXTRA garbage and jyink pick­ up ser>dce..'Phone evenings 482- 7318 qt 482^34 19tfb ELECTROLUX ' Canada Ltd/ .Sales and Service. AlvinRiley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., .Goderich. '' 18tfb LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED REEL and ROTARY SNIPS, SHEARS, SAWS', ETC, < E, Rt DOU^TTE 168 Queen Street, Clinton 1 Block East of Hospital tfb Dr. M> W> RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals " Boarding Phone 524-8573 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO 9tfb PET STOCK FOR ALL your home remodel­ ling, painting and decorating, call 482-7109, Steve Keniber Construction, RR 2, Sedforth. Also roofing, bam cement work and spray painting. ,19tfb HAVE YOUR- OR CULTIVATED Call George McGee at Clinton Cab 482-701 I tfb --------------- —-------.-----------------------1 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem equipment used. ' All work guaranteed. - LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brussels Phone 442W6, Brussels 16-35p EXCAVATING Gone wlih TRA.CTOR BACKHOE, J Dump Truck . FRANK POSTILL RR 3, Clinton Phone 482-9101 EMPLOYMENT WANTED BOY 15 years old would like a job on a farm for the summer. Phone 482-7509. 22b DUTCH GIRL, 19^ desires housework and. babysitting? 5 'day week. Phone 482-3335. 22p BABYSITTER ‘ available, days and nights until end of Juno. Call Janet G-ornaJl, 482-9086. ? 1 22b BABYSITTING or part-time summer job wanted by female high school • student, * 482-9440. 22-23b BABYSITTER, desires infante or small child in her home, while parents attend Expo.’ Mrs. Earl Gass, phone Hensali 262,- 2546._______________ WOULD LIKE to db babysit- ting.by the week, one, or two children ip , your own home. Apnly Lois Kennedy, phone 482- 7626. 22p FOR SALE OR RENT DALE’S 'Sunoco,- Exeter — Tent trailers, hard or soft top. Sales — Rentals. Open evenings and weekends also. Phone 235-1710. . . ' ’ 19tfb HELP WANTED WANTED!! by the Huron County ■ Children's Aid Society Come to meeting in Childrens ,Aid Society Office at/* the Court House, Goderich, Ontario on JUNE 12th at 8, o'clock to learn more about it; , - 22-3b STOREMAN — Applicants con­ tact the business administrator, Clinton Piibtlic Hospital. 22b MAN ‘WANTED for Rawleigh business, Sell to 1500 families. Good profits’for hustlers. Write today Rawleigh, Dept. F-169-S, 4005 Richelieu St-, St. Henry, Moriitreal, ______________22b SALESMAN to represent inter­ nationally known .organization in town of Goderich- and area-;1 car and leads supplied, guaran­ teed salary while training. Reg­ ular benefits. Apply in writing to Personnel Dept., P.O." Box 7Q, Adelaide P.O., Toronto, Ont­ ario. ‘ * 22 b BORDER COLLIE puppies,- good cattle dogs, Ken Thompr ;spn, phone 527-1915. „ ■ 22ib REAL ESTATE. 2 STOREY instil brick house, 2 .bedrooms, livingroom, dining-, -room, kitchen, 3. piece bath.1 .sunporch. Phone 482-948.5. 21-20 ST. JAMES Separate School, Seaforth? requires for Sept. 67 2 teachers for grades 6-7; 1 Kindergarten teacher; minimum salary, level 1 —- 4400; annual increment 200. Applicants please -submit^ qualifications, etc. to Leon Bannon, Sec., Box 218, Seaforith". Phone 527-0374. 22-3b POSTAL CLERK / Required for Post Office Department CLINTON, Ontario $4,3.75- $5,425 For mail soxitation, wicket and other general duties. Forty hour week. Must be prepared to wonk irregular hours and be in satis­ factory physical condition. Pre­ ference in appointment given to residents served by the Clinton ‘Post Office. Apply on Form (JSC 100, ob­ tainable at Post Offices and Canada Manpower" Centres, to the Public Service Commission, 395 Dundas Street,"London, On­ tario; before June 9, 1967. , Quote File 67-T-3061 HENSALL — 3 bedroom, 2 storey brick home, wall-to-wall carpet, modern 1 kitdien," full basement, oil heat, large yard, garage, excellent location? Cali 262-2.139 after 6 pm. 20-22b 3 BEDROOM red brick home in Goderich,- livingroom, large, din­ ing room and modem kitchen, 4 years old,' wide .fenced..yard, also adjacent dot, priced to sell, owner inoving, Phone 524-6537. a 21-22b 2 FOR ONE PRICE ■ 3 bedroom cottage with living room, kitchen, drilled well, 2 .piece bath, lakefront? ■ PLUS 2 bedroom cottage with living room, kitchen, 2 piece.bath.-and a sauna bath. Situated ip Bay­ field village, both cottages on one lot. Both cottages for the price of $9300. ._ * 3 .BEDROOM .cottage, 3 piece. baith,t drilled water system, dose’ to lake, $6500 with $1500 down LAKEFRONT Lots' ' fr.om $3250 up. • Urgently needed — listings for resort property of all kinds.' Lauckner Real Estate, Adam Flowers, Bayfield, phone 565- 2813. ' 19tfb' Winterized ■ sumrner- cottage nt Port Albert on on? acre land.' .3 piece bqt^i wall . 3 bedrpQto frame Wrib,. gdS •Homes jp. country lociatip-ixs 1-10‘acres. pi' ,4- bedropin hohie on latgq lot,’. 2 Ixxtli roohis, recreation room. Mtidom cluplec<----Qluiton----i’ed ; brick —bedroonxs? , J>.uplex West end location -J- po^eficb, t* * Ea^ge fenced lot. -- One .apartipierit .,— .3’ bed­ rooms, living room, modern Jdfpben/ 3. pc, bath.. Second -a-r ■partment liying room, ’ dining now,, kitchen;’-'•§>;„bedrctoan^ 3 pc, b.ath. Separa^fefurn^ces. 4 ’’beLuom red bflck, double living roam, dining roam', mod­ ern kitchen, gas furnace, Open to. oiffers.'' ’ -7* ‘ . , ' ,-k ' Country Estate ’ now used as ■ Antique. 'Business. Large amount ’jQf highway, frontage bri No. 21; Bq.siness Building — ■ 4Q’ x 60 with 12’ storip, fireplace. Verandah a.cross front Wth 4 sets'- French ".doors, 57 Acres of farm land, -Large new double ■gar&gd With attached work shop. Bank barn-, Drilled well. Large Brick house, completely . modernized. % mii,e from lalce Huron. 150 acre farm, 6 miles from Goderich. 146 workable, new silo, 2 barns,' frame house, drilled well, $25,000. , . 400 acres' cash crop farm. Modernized house, new, imple­ ment shed, .large barn. BUSINESS , .8 Lane Bowling Alley, air conditioned; with’dnoderrO liv- ; ing quarters, In Clinton. Own- ed by a company jviho are buy­ ing land .and will exchange on ■’any size farm cover 100-f acres or sell with- 25% down. Service ‘ Station with' ’ Shell 'pumps. Gallonage 55,000. Sep­ arate building w^th-J living quar­ ters,' restaurant and'some gro- ceries. Situated oh 2 acre lot with valuable highway front­ aid 'Would take house in trade — preferably in Clinton or Gcderich/1 • General store with 3 apart­ ments/ Bilck building, ‘Will trade on house in Listowel dis­ trict. $15,000 plus stock. . Motel —. 9 units, snack bar, -.liying quarters. Will fake'house or ineopie property in trade. ' RUTH vXn’DER MEER . 55 Montreal St. ’ 524-7875 Goderich -< Agent FOrWilfred MANTEE & Co. LTD. Realtor 1 Walkerton . 21-23b Classified Ads. Bring Qu Results ATTENTION FOR SALE WE HAVE1 A good supply of grass seed and Pfister corn. George Wraith and Co.; High­ way 8, 1% miles south of God­ erich. Phone 524-6511. 18tfb FARMWAY barn cleaners — have your barn measured now for spring installation. .Hallman .Silos - place order early. For the best silo unloaders and bulk feeders, see Van Dale. Versatile swaithers and grain augers. Geo­ rge Wraith and Co., Highway 8, 1% miles south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. « IStfb FOR RENT PASTURE for rent. Room foi’ 20 cattle. Phone 529-7303. 22b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE a_______ ___ WlGHTLAND ACRES, R.O.P. testedYorkshire boars, some with government premium, must be sold immediately. Ap­ ply Norman Wightman RR 2, Auburn, phone 526-7747. 21-22p 40 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Robert Lawson, RR 5, Clinton. Phone 482-9947. ____________22b 2 JERSEY COWS, due soon, Jersey cow milking,- blue heifer due in June,, white cow due in June. A. E. Toiwinshend, phone ’482-9107. 22b Classified Ads. Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING af 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scale* Cattie Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Village of'Hensali SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to .and until '6 o’clock pm. Fri­ day, June 2nd, 1967, for the As-, phalt Paving of York; Cresent street, approximately 1,200 feet' long, 16 feet wide, to be placed on in two courses. The base course to be one and three quar­ ters indies .thick of coarse material and the finished course one and- one quarter 'inches of fine material. t Contract Prices to be submit­ ted by the ton. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information apply ah the Clerk’s Office. Earl Campbell (Clerk) Hensail, Ontario. 2L2b FOR SALE PIONEER’S Holliday chain saw — light weight, light in price, but heavy iri performance, only $149.50. Ideal for * summertime work. Robei’t Glen-Saws, phone 482-9292 Clinton. 22-24b ATTENTION FARMERS — Repairs to all makes of fencers. New Shur Shock Battery Fenc­ ers $16.50; new improved Hy- dro Fencers (one _year war­ ranty) $29.95; Fence Batteries $4.75.. Merrill TV Sfervice, 215 Victoria St./ Phone 482-7021. * 22b • REAL ESTATE ; 2 "storey brick dwelling, liv­ ing room, dining ‘.rfeom, den, kitchen, 2 pc, bath down, 5 bedrooms, 3 pc. ,bath up — gas heatihg. Large,lot,block from dbtwn town'.. Early- possession. Price $16,500 — Mortgage can be arranged.- . IVz sitorey frame, 7 room dwelling with 3 bedrooms, oil heating, ■> aluminum storms, sun pordh, within two. blocks of •main ; intersection?. Possession July 15th. .Price $8,000. / 2 storey^brick dwelling, 5 bed rooms With 3 ’pc. bath, up — living room-, dining room, den, kitchen, 2 ’pc. • bath down, oil heating. Good, location. Price $13,000. Early possession. New —\1 storey ■ • brick, 3_ bed rooms, living room, dining" area, kitchen, 4 • pc. 'bath, full basemerit, .gas heating. Good ■location. • Down payment ^$5,500 .Mortgage to balance! Immediate- possession. '■ H. CLAWSON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phong 482-9644 —22b A, TRAVEL SERVICE —:---------------------; i ________ STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser­ vice, 32 Wellington' St., Strat­ ford. For all airlines, steam­ ships, rail,,, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates-on time payments. Prepaids arranged for 'relatives visiting from over­ seas. Call 271-5710. : Executors* AUCTION SALE ’ Of Property, Household Ef­ fects and Miscellaneous Articles of the Estate of William J. Reid, from his former .residence in the Village of Brucefield; on the County Road, West,, on Wednesday, June 7th at 1:30 p.m. the following: Property consists of a spa­ cious lot with an approximate frontage of 85. ft. and depth of- 150 ft, on which is situated a frame cottage with John Mans- ville sidiing, a sun parch, a 3- piece^bath, kitchen with built- in cupboard, an oil furnace and pressure system. On -this property is .also a small frame barn.» , . Household Effects and Mis­ cellaneous: 4 early Victorian walnut chairs; butternut -small cupboard with letter, box. but­ ternut wardrobe; cherry oval table; pine glass cupboard; Doherty organ and stool; single bed, springs and inner spring mattress (like '"new) ;• dresser; sewing machine; Morris chair; 2 < wicker chains; Electrolux vacuum ^cleaner with full at­ tachments’ (like new); Easy washing machine with pump; Admiral refrigerator with full freezer; Beach electric stove; electric tea kettle; floor lamp; table lamp; electric, floor heat­ er; electric blanket; some dish­ es; coal and wood range; laun- ’ dry tulb; electric fencer; electric jfence wire and insulators; emery with % -h.p. motor; 2- section tractor harrows; walk­ ing plow; quantity of asbestos roofing shingles; quantity of al­ uminum roofing; wheel barrow; iron tired wagon; iron kettle; garden sprayer; shovels, forks; chains; grindstone; lawn mow­ er; scythe; 26 ft. extension lad­ der. Terms on Property: 20% down on date of sale and bal­ ance in-30 days, with properly to sell subject to a reserve, bid. . Terms on Household • Effects and' Miscellaneous: Cash. FRANK CHAPMAN Box 398, Clinton STEWART LOVE, Brussels, f Executors of the Estate EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 21-2b SERVICES OVER 30 YEARS dependable service at law cost. John Bach, .Seaforth, Phone 527-0120. Your JH dealer. * ; >32tfb ARROW. Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvolirje motor oils and greases — delivered to farm ,— new equipment loaned, Gordon Griigg, Phone 482-9411. ” 39tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of’auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384? 7tfb HOG AND CAGE LAYER CONTRACTS — advisory ser­ vice, complete line of feeds. En- jby the benefits of the research, proven product: Call yotir Purina and farm supply dealer now. M. W. Durst, 482-9333. 19tfb DEAD STOCK ; MARLATT BROS., Will pay %c per lb. on 500 lbs. and over for dead or disabled cows arid horses. , Please phone promptly Phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390C65 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ' ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 82-C-67 7tfb mn SWIM SUITS By JANTZEN Styled * rigjhf for the discriminating swimmer. HAWAIIAN OR BOXER. STYLES AH Shades All Sixes W5UP Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732 - f? . . ■■■'■ >.? .-■ ■ » ■■ SLIM TRIM WASH SLACKS By ABRO, <S.W.G; See the new HOP SACKS PERMA PRESSED FROM $7.98 UP • SPORT SHIRTS • T-SHIRTS ' • SWEAT SHIRTS • BANLON SPORTKNITS