HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-01, Page 5i of Shirley Keller ♦ Centennial Salute Freni My Window: ! , Thurs., June' 1.< 1967?-—Clinton New$-Retard^Page 5 Classif ied Ads, Bring Quick Results I was really just joking when I made the observation a few Week? 'Pgjb that; it might not be long before husbands arid wives will, require a permit to repip - : duce. . ’ ' * Now, it seems that man has gained sx> much .knowledge ‘ about the miracle of birth . Ways to assure healthy newborn tykes once the pregnancy .has begun and fool-proof methods (we’re 'tolcl) to prevent unwant­ ed pregnancies—that child web fare agencies .are pondering the possibility of licencing only suitable married couples for the privilege to become parents-, ’ . When ' modern thinking takes this kind of a turn, I’m more aware, of my old-fashioned att-. ifrude towhth. Wie ■ “ and most happy tostand'aip on a soapbox • to-spout .my opinions'! to anyone who will listen., When God, issued f the order many centuries 'ago to "be fruit­ ful and multiply”, He "didn’t .leave much to human misman- . agement pr beginners’, luck. - In His infinite wisdom, ’.GjOd, had an idea 'that' man would one day-grow. Weary of raiding huge "families. He-, undoubtedly could would by he little risk of maternity wards, d!ia- , pers, bottles and measles' shots. So, God created in m'an a 'tre­ mendous . capacity tq „ commit. errors and at the same time, • retained*’His.superiority which gives Him- the 'final say y in foresee -time\when, man look. for means wheife- could enjoy all of life's pleasures without any eve^htjng, Just how IWl intends to su­ perimpose his MU oyefc Qpd’s.' Wi'H is difficult <$> imagine. I ; Man 'may <jo'nate buckets of birth control? pulls fo the-^anti- baby campaign hut he’ll never implapt ,a. substitute longing, in the IteariWf ••*$. ■ vtontoh who wants a baby of. her very own, He/can make ’the "no love­ leaking laws’ ’ but heZpan’t shut-' down the moon, 'or ^a- : warm spring night, qr that spur ,.qf the moment ;-roman.ti.c.Aur'g^ /w^h hits- u$ all sometime or .an­ other, .. • ,»> ‘ . v ■ V "It may’ be'illegal, to'brew‘ Wino under the Cellar steps but an inner voice calls and a weak will yields to temptation, And What •happensi if mama starts to fill out in alfthe wrong places without' renewing her li-. cence which expired- when she filled her family quota three years ago? Will there be a $50 fine for forgetting to gwalloW the little non-mother marbles, pr necking ’But .of , season? tv ■ J.ust who are fit parents anyy .way? The .couple 'in .the-^gh- rise apartment house with-' the- Starred bahysitteb and'"the cocktail parties which' seem, to gq on from- day to, day? The socially acceptable lovers .out- in the suburbs- ’ who’ 'fraternize ■ freely with 'the ice cream man and the key punch operator?/ The low-salaried hubby, and* his pale, nervous > little, spouse on; Mortgage Lane? Mr. and .Mrs. .Average .Citizen who ’cover, their. eyes-when the kids'are - *.-< < naughty and prefer/ a gamh of c^n.a&ta with ‘the neighbors tp cliapdroning a. tee-page-hop? If ’pvary sot*' of parehto ‘ has certain 'questionable qualities when -it 'to'mea .,to •j'tai'siing ,ki'ds(- who will make tiie. all-imporitiant decisions about those mm-pinges •wbere nature’ will' ahowed \to talteiiits/coursa? Wh&h'one of ’ouy Cahaduui Authorities wants to: dole out" the child-reai'ing toertificiates or hand,' .out kthe /pupishnient to offenders? Who feels' qualified to play Gjodf Not I, gentle reader! .What^s that? Not you either?' . Well, strike me with a strawib.erry - and piclde sandwich. You’re Squaresville as I am. • *■ ‘ ----- -------------_0------r-------- -1 , _ - ■Carol Taylor To Be Married On Saturday i''H ■tv 1 '/flB. fl |L^u'k'/S ’* H' h;l •ft' FJ?- fell MH■ I Editor: Mrs.' Sandra Sinker Mrs. _ .Mrs. Elsie Harper are patiente' in Clinton Public Hospital. FS aand' Mrs. K. A, Rob­ erts and family from Camp Borden were recent weekend guests of Sgt. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, 52 Winnipeg 'Rd, , \ Sgt. and Mirs. -H. Finlay and boys travelled to Cauyaboga Falls, Ohio, and visited %.wath relatives, over the holiday week­ end. /' •' 7 '■ Cpl. and Mirs. John Bjurstrom travelled to 1 Wing, Manville, France, recently and. visited with their daughter and son- -indaw. Cpl. and Mbs. Jules Vie- not and children. While there-, ' they visited' the surrounding countryside as well as Belgium, Holland and Germany. Wives Entertained ■ Mrs. Ketirtht Greenaway, wife' of the Base Commander, enter­ tained at tea' in the Officers’ Mess on Wednesday, -May 24. ■ Invited guests were all officers’ wives and female officers’’® of the Base’, the wives of honorary and assoefete Members, and per-’ sonai friends. Ladies who pour­ ed tea were: Mijs. W. A. Oakes and Mrs. D. Palmer of Qihton; Mrs. R. Graves of Exeter; Mrs. I. Stuitt of Huron Park, Cen­ tralia, and. Mrs. B. Refuse;and Mrs. R. Lefebvre of Adastral ’ Park. Mrs. S. Dukes assisted Mrs<. Greenaway in receiving the guests. > / Denise Priestley and , Guides ' On Saturday-, the Guides of the Third ’ Clinton CFB Comp­ any with their ’leaders Mto. Laurie Hewitt and Mrs, Rita LaPodnte travelled to Niagara ' Falls, where they spent? an ih- teresting and enjoyable dkN They visited Brock's Monu­ ment- and also . tihe Skylbn, Afterwards,-they took the tour at the Ontario Hydro, and the girls 'saw a film--.showing the Shower* HeldFor Marion Leibo!4 , A misceOilartoous shower was held on Wednesday evening for Miss Marion ’' Leibold, * ^t„ the home 6f her mother, Al­ bert Leibol<I Hostess for' the evening was '.Mrs. Garfield Broderick, Hensall, an. aunt* of the bride-elect. • Games were played and rriahy useful gifts were received by Miss Leibold. t A lunch and /social <h^ur brought the evening to ra/hldso. . .. -. . . ' . , ' .V iai ■ l(i;r Phone 482-9179 , ea-riiest. creation of the Falls right up-to the present day and its potential; Outside, ,the Hy­ dro buildi-ng, they viewed the: beautiful' Floral ’Clodk. s ‘ .- The i highlight; /of. .the trip however, - Was :tjhe magnificent Niagara Falls.- '7 , MOTHER AND DAUGHTER ^BANQUET Brownie mother and daughter banquet was/held recently and everyone enjoyed ,ta delicious southern fried chicken supper served, by the fathers.. MPs.. H. peiaeHier,7 president of the Local .^Association wel­ comed the mothers and jntto-- dated the ■ guests ” who' ’'vrate Mrs. Elsie Kerr/ representing the Mayor of 'Adastral -Park ..Community '’Coundil;. - Miss Mary ’McMillan,’ Goderich, Division Commissioner,; Mrs.’ S.ue Car­ michael, District Commissioner; Mrs. dreenaWay, the Base Com­ mander’s • wife,, and Mrs. Gar­ men Lawson, ‘president of the Women’s Auxiliary. t The .toast to the Queen’ was ■given by Lee Carty. Car­ michael .introduced the leaders and thanked them for 'the good work’ done during the year. The toast to the mothers,was given by Karen Kerr and Mrs. Bea Bowman thanked her.on behalf of the mothers/ The Guides and Brownies sang, a few.; Of their favourite songs. . * - ’ ■ During the program Mrs. L. Hewitt presented Qirristine Ebel With her .First Class badge. Blah- kets were fiien prieserited to Kar­ en ■ Kerr - and Martha Corrie, the two Guides who; will be ate 'tending Heritage Caimp in . July. Mrs. Carmichael - gave, an inter­ esting talk,:abbht the Rangers arid explained ’ how a Ranger Company, works. She - also thanked the two ladies, Mrs. Vivian St.' dair and Mrs. Elaine Pratt for the splendid job done -in convenirig. the banquet. « After /Guide ’ add Brownie Taps Wart* sung, Miss Mary McMiilari thanked .everyone for an enjoyable evening and then dismis'sed the girls-.' > —— o—. ' Units One, Two Meeting Together Unit Onb of' Ont&rio Street United Church Women vrill- not meet oh their, Usual -day, but will rtieet jointlyrWith Unit Two on Tuesday, June 13, at 2:30 I ;i. hi f riii ih; i "i r < iw ! <! ..A trousseiau tea was held* ... the home of Mm. Robert Tayji; (|or,‘-RR 3, Clinton, in honour of- her daughter, Carol Ann bn Monday, May 22/ ■, Guests were1 received by. Mrs, R. Taylor, Mrs. Clifton Moore,,. .Exeter and the bridle-blect. The tea table wias centerecl1 by a silver bowl, arrangement of pink and white baby tulips and -iyliite status flanked by White' lighted eandles -on a lace cloth. '/ Tea. was poured by;Mrs. Ag­ nes' .Neil; London; Mrs. * Ruby Webster, Viama; Mim.- Fern' Cbjeman, Clinton; Mrs. Myrtle Hanna, .Kirkton and: Mrs. Olive Pym, Thedford. . -f Gifts and>. ttoussfeau were ..shown, by Mrs. Pat Taylor, Mrs. Barbara- Eisenschlnk, Ann Stephenson, Mrs;. ' Linda -Mc­ Naughton, Mrs. Marlene For­ bes- and! Mrs. Margery Heuther. In.’-afte'rnoon, Misses Peggy McAsh, Shirley Mustard, Joyce Hdyter and Mrs. Carol ^Hunt seirved and '■ ip1 evening,. Mrs. ;Dorotpy Williamson, Mrs.-Bar- bara Taylor, Mrs. Eldanor Coje- meih,. Mrs. Betty Johnson, and ;Mm. Barbara Consltt. Others assisting were: Mrs. Anna Mc­ Connell, Mrs. Edith Landsbor- bugh, Mirs. Mabel > Heid, Mrs. Madelon Yeats, Mrs. Blanche Stephenson, Mrs. Beatrice Tay­ lor, Mrs. Clara Johnston, Mrs. ■Eleanor McAsh, Mrs. Helen •RAthwell, Mm. NorenexHayter, .MrS, Mona Stephenson and Mrk Bertha Taylor,*. //Hostesses for bridal .showers land’ parties prior to the Wedding have been: the staff of .the De­ partment of Agriculture and Food/whgre the bride-elect is employed;. ?&rs. John Smith, Londbn; Mm.., Pat -.Taylor and Mrs. Marlene' Forbes, at the home of , Mim. Pat Taylor, RR 3, Clinton; Mm.-Barbara/JEisen- sdh'ink, Exeter; Mm-. Madelon Yeats and. Gwen,-, Clinton; and the Varna. United-. Church and community had an evening .in Varna Hall last Friday night. After a wonderful program in­ cluding a ’mock wedding, the group presented' Carol wiith a beautiful china cabinet. On the same- evening, the .choir and also the Explorer group, for which Carol has been the lead-? er, made a presentation. —L----__o— ;----- Presbyterian Aux. Pot-Luck Supper The* June' 'meeting of Madeleine Lane Auxiliary St, iAridrew’s Church will be in the form of a pot-luck supper to be held on Wednesday evening, June 7 at the summer home of Mrs. Royce kfacaulay. Ladies are asked to meet at the church at 6 p.m.v and’ to bring their own picnic ' dishes. JlM.II Hllii ,!■■■■,. ..................„ fbt . « the of Presbyterian 'W' 'S' WEEKEND AT EXPO 47 • b u ■ }i ■ “« BUS LEAVES ’6i30 A.M. JULY 1st .? FROM HOTEL BEDFORD, GODERICH PICKING UP AT? CLINTON,'BRUCEFIELD, HENSAfckJ EXETER • $6» PER ADULT , dd$T INCLUDES ROUND fRIP. EY highway Cruiser TWO PASSPORTS TO EXPO TWO NIGHTS IN HOTEL “ ALL TIPPING AND; BAGGAGE. v. TRANSFERS FROM HOTEL TO EXPO AND BACK TRAVELWISE. 432-8161 883 ADELAiDE ST., LONDON i 4 V.n iil.fr* I' * ,«♦ i-' 1 Qf St-u^entS/ Teachers, Rerlatives and Friends SS No. 4 Tuckersmith SATURDAY, JUNE 10 Registration. 1:30 p,»n« followed by Sports, Recognition of All Teachers, Parade by Students. Supper ^t 5:30 p,m. Bring Picnic Basket .and Dishes Programme at 8:30 p.m,, followed by. Dancing. 22-23b Centennial Theme for Ballet Recital - v* ' '■.............................................................. . .’ ' ..........................'• ■ • Mrs/ Miloslawa -Zabloeka, balleft in itrudtress, has based the opening num.-' ber of her 1967 ballet recital on the .Centennial* theme. The reaital is scheduled for Saturday, -June 10 at 8 o’clock in Clinton Legion Hall. Above are the baton twirlers irr the opening “Canada” number, from the left, Kathy Nielsen, Wendy Tyndall, Kim Colquhoun, Teresa Jordan, Naneitte Leather, Kim Fank, Kathy Massicote and Jane Worth. The Grade Four choir of Clinton Public School is ’ also featured in this number. The feature of the recital is a ballet in- one act, “Unhappy King Aron”, with Janet Amston as the King,- The entire group is practising - nearly every evening. ' - , Relax In Sun, Have Fun... ? Still Can Serve Dessert coffee oir tea just as they come -from, the oven. - (Baked just plain, they are ideal, for splitting' and butter­ ing, the perfect basisfor a stmwbeirry or peach shortcake served twiith ‘ cream. - CURLY QkS 2 cups flour 2 T. (heaping) shortening 1 teaspoon -baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 4 T. wihlite sugar bit .of salt % cup sour milk, j Combine dry ingredients1 and or pastry ■blender. Add sow.’, milk slowly until -thoroughly moistened into a ball. Pat d’own unfil 1-inch thick. Cut ‘into rounds for plain hot biscuits (larger if they are to be used as shortcake basis'); or, pat spread thickly with but­ ter and brown, sugar, sprinkle wiith cinnaimon, roll up tightly like jellyroll and slice about %-4noh thick. 'Bake at 400 dte'ghees for 15 minutes. .Yields approximately one dozen delicious biscuits. .............................................. 11 Now that the nicer weather 4s' here to stay, mothers may want to play 'hooky from tee IditoheQ once in a'while to al­ low time for , those /summer pleasures we ' all. enjoy like swimming, golfing and just plain relaxing. If you want to while away the' sunny hours of June, July and August and still put .hot, substantial desserts, oh the table for your family,, take this tip from Mrs. Gladys VanEgmond. She tells us these desserts are simple to prepare, quick cooking and so good' to. eat. ... *. x, * ♦ 1 | After a supper .-of’ ■ salads,, these homemadJe "biscuits., will put just the right finlish to the meal. Made as Gladys sug-t gests with cinnamon, butter and 'brown sugar, they are nice1 with Combine dry . ingredients and work in shortening with, a knife Expo Pictures f Huron Iteiros Meet Hear Middiesex Man The Huron Presbytery Kairos .met in Wesley-Willis. United 'Church, Clinton, on Shtuirdhy, May 27 when, worship..service was conducted by Missies Mary and Margaret Miac.Gregor, ,Lon- don. *. Lawrence Rffibey, London,'‘in­ troduced the guest speaker, J. R. Harriston, Lambeth, who spoke of a survey conducted throughput Middlesex Presby­ tery whiidh. resulted in ■ an ef­ ficiency report on the.churches. Fallowing a discussion, on, this report, Lawrence Riiibey ex-' pressed thanks to Mr. Harrison and conducted a business ses­ sion. A lundh Was served and. the meeting. closed wjith taps. Next meeting will be .June 10 in Wesley-Willis United Church. ----------o'---------■ /t . Hospital Auxiliary Coffee Party The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s 'Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital will’ be_ held! in the Nurses' Resi­ dence on - Tuesday morning, June 6 at 10 o’clock, with a. coffee party to follow. All are welcome. to Clinton WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 6:15-6:30 P.M. CKNX TELEVISION The Clinton Women’s Insti­ tute met in the board rooms of the Dept, "of Agriculture office on ■ May . 25. • Mrs. ■- tW- Ch1' clough, president, - opened the meeting. Mi’s. Art .Gioves read minutes and correspondence. ’ Plans had to be made for the WI district.annual held in On-' tarto Street Church on Tuesday, May 30. Plans, were also made for members to attend the con­ vention in Guelph on June 12. Mrs. H/ Managhan, who at­ tended the officers’ convention in Guelph gave a very interest­ ing and full report. Mrs. C. Lockhart had the topic on health, whichuwas very instructive. Mrs. M. Wiltse gave a humorous reading and •Mrs. CHiarles Nelson gave -an illustrated talk on?her trip to Expo.- This was'very descrip­ tive for anyone contemplating on going. . • Mrs. Art Groves held the. lucky ticket oh the draw. Roll call Was an exchange of bulbs and slips. /The tea and bake.1 sale held during Clinton merch­ ants ’ Centennial Week was a success and $50.00 was given to the Clinton and District Com­ munity Centre Centennial Fund. I X*. Prevention of Rabies V* The Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Depart- " ment of Agriculture in co-operation With the Huron County; • Health Unit will hold a FREE RABIES CLINIC CUNTON TOWN HALL from 1:00 p m. fa 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY. JUNE 9 r Vaccination against rabies Will Be pfCVldCd for dogs . and cats three mbhths of age and over, Owners who re­ quire Certificates of vaccination for export oi] other pur-* pOses shoOid consult their private veterinary.' No certifi­ cates will be'issued at this Clinic. ' i ■' '. w * Help prevent human exposure to rabies, take advan­ tage of this opportunity to hsivo your pets immunized. A booster shot each year Is recommended. Vaccination against rabies Will be ptoVidCd for dogs •’A /• I offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! —INDIVIDUAL and GROUP RATES AVAILABLE— .Inquire to-day from: . . , Robert McMillan, RR 2/ Seaforth Pefer Roy, Clinton Gordon Richardson, RR I , Brucefield Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 82 Albert St., Clinton Phone 482-9751 DINNERS SUNDAYS-5 to 7 ” • , • ■ ' Friday and Saturday Evenings Only . "CHICKEN IN A BASKET'—SUS ORDERS RY TELEPHONE — $1.35 Fri<kiy~&rve<! from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. td Midhipht Hotel Clinton Featuring "CLOUD r Room Wo Cater to bfoner iPafttas and Wedding Recoptiont Phitin* 48i-3421 for Reservations J \ m/ Huron County School Area No. 1 FINANCIAL REPORT DECEMBER 31, 1966 6 * I Statement of Revenue and Expenditure ■’ ■■ , ■ ■'. , ■■. Revenue Local Taxation ................. General Legislative. Grants Other .........?....................... • • | . X Total Revenue k •£v V‘* ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE Municipalities Assessed To Support Board Stanley Tuckersmith Bayfield Taxes Requisitioned (include / Debt Charges)» % of Board's Cost Borne fey This • ' Municipality‘ \ . * ‘y 42.8 Total Taxes Requisitioned r '31,178 7,261 EXPENDITURE Business Administration ............................. Instruction /...?.......................................*..............Z Supplies .........v.............................................. Plant Operation and Maintenance............. Transportation ............................................d.-... Other Services ................................... Long Term Debt Charges...’..........................: .$ 67,661 ' . 92,510 1,199 .$ 161,370 Goderich 230 I .$ IV .4 67,661 9,260 85,069 8,879 16,478 21,515 1*119 2,940 .$144,260Total Expenditure..................... Interim Report of Building Project , .*"•' Central school' Building in Progress ........................ iFuirdtufe and Equipment ....... Well fefiihng ................................... .......................... Architect Fbb ......................'.............................. Lahdscapingf Seeding and, Sbddiri^J’.,............... TOTAL L..,.;...*................... School 'Sites...... OthOfc ..................... Balance On Hand December 31, 1966 *- ......,.o........,.n,..,.,.L....4A».^^467,606 V. Alderdice, Chairman J. fe. Caldvvclh Secretary-Treasurer k A. M. Hafner, Auditor .$376,199 . 2,841 . 2,175 . 20,776 ( 1,326 /ih-..$ 412,317 ■ 16,000 9,241 , 48 TOTAL1 .............,,, May 11, 1967v, March 28, 1967 nWbilii Iii.IIIIi./.i.i).. I «