HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-06-01, Page 24 1 J - Page 2—-Clinton News-Record—Thurs., June 1, 1967 A World of Food in. Canada* Completed by Huron Girls •’J*’*5 w* •1, 4^ I ji. / "U .tTJhe Ceotermiial . project World of Food in Canada ‘ -~ Was completed fast Saturday in z Clinton when 4-H ■ girts from Auburn, Blyth, Clinton I, Clin­ ton II. , Goderich, Hensall I, 1 r%" Day' .- the* tame h friths sandwich so popular in 'Dexjimiark- ' ' ...... . A humorous skit, Thb Fatlxei'S ;pf Confederation celebrate July 1, 1867, was done by the MoriN .club- 'with Miss’ .Mary ^jnne , Phalen' talcing the -leaduig part,.- assisted by gift members.. Mrs; jack McNichol, leader,1, intro­ duced "the .skit with ail the players in costume 'b^ 1867. A stelw’s. a steKy in any lan­ guage, was an ipteresting slcit With all members,, talcing . part from the Hensall II pjub; and Cookjhg in a Rioiieer Kitchen, was capably, ^orie by -thb. Tigei’ < Dunlop Club with the fodlowkig membeiis- taking part: 'Helen ■Bbm-d'leyt -.^hirl'ey*’ Fisher, Sqe McKee, Sharon Sillib, lanice Raeburn, 'Foggy • Dustow, Con-; nie Young, ,$ahdra Hunter, Ruth Ann Robertson ahd-Kathy‘Tay­ lor. ’...<•■. * ' 1 ■ •The Vqrna club7gave their skit on the-Fathers-'of Confed­ eration celebration m 1867,* with Anne Hayter, MaTy Lou Jobm stop, ^Marilyn, Keyes’, 'Cheryl Peck,-’ Sharon^ Keyes, Brenda Turner, "Defbowa Stephenson gnid/ Darlene Hayter"taking the parts., and Auburn .club presented their demonstration on a typical dish of another jiatjon with Brenda Ball, Connie Hickey and Wendy Schneider ’ maki.n g Indian pudding.' Miss Carroll presented Mrs.. Wes Braddock/with a ten-year Leadership Award Certificate from the Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs, • .Mrs. Joan ■ Winfield com­ mented on skits, dhmonstraitions and exhibits ahd'.Miss Cmroil presented" certificates aarid spoons. 4 .<(' Mrs. Col'olough . presented County honors and pins to Ruth Bere, Auburn;''* Mary Lynn Forbes, Clinton; .Marie -Trewar­ tha, Clintonp Cheryl • Tyndall, Clinton;’..Nancy Ginn, Clinton; Marilyn Rodges-, Goderich; San­dra-,/Wise; Clinton; Margaret- PhalenjF Blyth f '.Shirley '■ Fisher, Goderich and Barbara Bremrier, Brussels.- . '■v BADGER FARM EQUIPMENT For a ^complete line of Si|o Uploaders and Distributers, Bptn Cleaners, Conveyors, Feeding Systems, Forage Boxes and Blowers. Also Veterinary Supplies arid De Laval .Milking Systems. Call HURON FARM SERVICE RRn2, Seaforth Phone 482-7109 'on/Hwy. 8, 2 miles west of Seaforth / (John Segeren Farm) ISALES & SERVICE DON MICHAUD STEVE KEMBER 22-26b Hensall If, Holmesville, Morns, Tiger Dunlop and Varna Clubs attended and judged .seasonings and fruits • from oither lands. They also answered' quizzes abept^A Canada',; . one hundred y^grs agb, along' with a i niap quiz;'- showing where peoples of other .countries settled and yvhat foods they had introduced to Canada,' Miss' Sharon Carroll, Huron County Home .Economist was in .charge of the day’s program and -she wjis assisted by Mrs. ’Joem Winfield, home economist for Kent an,d Essex Counties. Centennial plins and leaders, badges wepe presented to Au­ burn, Mrs. Wes Bradnock; Blyth, Mrs. Luella McGowan, Mrs, .Larry Badley, Miss Brenda Nesbit; Clinton I, Mrs. Robert E. . Thompson, Mrs, ’ Norman Tyndall; Clinton II, Mrs, Wm. Holland. Mrs, Keith Tyndall; Goderich, Mirs. .Stanley McII- .Wain, Mrs. William Poofter; Hensall,. Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. ’Harry ’Caldwell; Hensall H, Mrs.’ -Donald Travers, Mi’s; A. ’Munn; Holmesville, Mi's. Eldon •Yeo, Mrs. Frank Yeo; Morris, Miss Mary Anne Phalen, Mrs. Jack McNiidhoi; Tiger Dunlop,, Mrs. Albert Durst, Mrs. Eric Raeburn; Varna, Mrs. Allan Hay ter, Mrs. Bill .Dowson. ’ Miss , Katherine Fear, RR .3, .B'lytH, '-.yas - honored'" when she was presented with her yinoial honors and. pin. by Wilfred Cpldough, president of West Huron Women's instir tut.es, at thp afternoon session.. Most of .the girls and .their: leaders were in Centennial .dress .aand gave the aiir Qtf the gay nineties <to' the program. ' The exhibits set up by vmih ous clubs were very colorful.. The Holmesville club with their commentator, Susan Dpbh showed the treasure trove with., tiny .dolls dressed in their na'- tipnal costumes -and told about their country's/^customs * peiv taming' to 'food. Mary Lynn' Forbes of Clinton'. I, spoke on ■their club' exhibit, Come dine- in Great Britain, with Maureen Miller of the Goderich club sp caking x on their treasure trove, when many utensils such as candle molds:, butter prtrits,' etc. used one hundred years.ago, were on display. The Cranbrook club with their commentator, Sharon Fisher spoke on their exhibit, Canadian Cheese with 'a foreign flavour; and the Blyth club with commentator; Maxine Bowes spoke ;on their exhibit, Come dine, 'in Italy, ’ •/ Marie Trewartha spoke', on Clinton II exhibit,.- treasure trove and Debbie Anderson of Hensail. I spoke on their color­ ful exhibit, A Danish luncheon featuring Smorrebrod, an Open Pro- Mi's. Wins Provincial 4-H Award ‘ : y -Mrs. Katherine Fear, left, RR 3 Blyth, is being presented with a certificate and pin by Mrs.’Wilfred. '' Golclough, Clinton, president of West HuronWo- ; ihe'n’s Institutes at a Huron 4-H girls, achievement • . day in Clinton on Saturday. Mrs. F§at wori her 'provincial honours as a leader of the Blyth ’4-H. .. Girls Club. t (Photo'by Mrs. Bradnook) f " ■ - I-'- ...... - ■■■■" " '■ '■ .....................1.1. MAKE YOUR WASH DAY A HOLIDAY! t LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY ■ MEN'S SHIRTS OUR SPECIALTY Phone 482-9491 HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET CLINTON, ONT. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY < From The Gallery ‘By w . HENRY F. IHEALp OTTAWA p— Victoria fireworks ■ in Ottawa on holiday' Monday were compared to the fireworks that erupted on, Parliament rHill on thq actual" Victoria' Day, ‘May 24. ’ While External Affairs Min­ ister. Martiin juggled’ With the United Nations- to keep the kgd-. die East •, powder keg from blowing up and .the Prime Min­ ister- fought' «;<• opposition non- contidgnce n Lotions, ■ Mounted Police and p^’liiam-entary scour-' ity guards were fighting’their own battle to keep about 15,000 •irate, farmers from over-runping Parliament Hills h *• The eastern Canadian, farm­ ers- ^marched on Ottayya with various demands,- summed up chiefly in ttifetir' urging ,tor a . higher milk s^port pri<?e. ’’ ’ ■ ’Their Well planned and much heralded march' on( Parliament began quietly enough. • They gathered from • Ontario apd ' Quebec and a few from1 New Brunswick and marched-, eight abreast, onto the sun-drenched lawns in firopt of 'the Peace Tower. It took them more than an hour to thread their .way through the gates -and sweiljAn- ■ :to a great mass on the lawn. .‘ ,' A meeting between the lead- e^s/and some' ’ of the cabinet diid^not go wfeill- and’ :;a..iitorth!e^ .meeting was scheduled for’later 5 fan the day. In th.e^-\me.ahtSme Agriculture. Minister Green,.and Rural Dsveippnieirit ' Minister Sauve talked to the farmers from the 'rostrum on the steps of the Parliament Buildings. •The farmei's were not -satis­ fied;- Suddenly .. .about a thous­ and -tof them; surged up the steps :and swept past the ROMP ■up' to- the .dooi's of the;.''bj!Xi,ld- „ ing. 'Hid doib^.- were' qdibkly locked, shut, but^hot before' brig was nearly sprung.-off'■its hin­ ges and two ' panes’ of ..glass shattered. - ' ■ For the rest of th^. afternoon a Wall of Mounties/two deep, kept .the mob at bay while sei .curity ’guards .admitted, a. the • farmers -a couple-, of dozen at a-,time for quick■ trips ,around the ..building and, a brief visit to tlie Commons- chamber. But; the mood'of the farmers was more’ boisterous than'!--viQ- leht -and they' e^O-ntaally '*dis- ■ parsed quietly. after "’ receiving a .promise, that ‘'■■.the, cabinet 'Would consider- .their demands. The restraint and good hature of ,’the. police in handling the •crowd went -a long way towards .ayoidihg • any • ugly incidents, ’ The 'only, headaches '-will be by the maintenance crew who had to clean. up..fth‘e lawns', and gar­ dens/ If looked dike- a fair­ grounds’ the morning after the circus had left ’ town.' • ' ■ In. the Comriions hhamiber it­ self the government easily de­ feated the, two ’ don-confidence motions,: both oif- which critic­ ised the minority Liberal-, ad­ ministration for its handling of foreign affairs. <• •’ The tolly of Walter Gordon’s public pronouncements against the U.S. conduct of tike Vietnam war soon became evident as the Conservatives took delight in contrasting., Gordon’s views with Mr. Martiri’s ppjioy- statements and the NDP spokesmen quoted him at length- to back up their claim that .Canada should pub­ licly rap the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. The government can take some satisfaction front 'the de­ bate. Thdy now have, in two days of Hanshrd, a fairly com­ plete statement of their- policy ■on Vietnam and the Middle East,' thefir expressions of sup­ port” tor the*, United Nations. .' arid a. few final shots in de> i fence of unified armed forces. We also have on record' the Canadian view that the United States is in Vietnam by invita­ tion and not as ah aggressor, that self-determination is the goal of the South- Vietnamese and that same cause is denied to the North Vietnamese. It would be 'naive to think that this’ will end the confu­ sion and misunderstanding, but iit . is nice to knoiw thhre are two documents that can be Said to contain the Canadian official viexypoint.- . / ....—....—o—-------- Stanley Club Showing Antiques The Stanley Community Club Will' hold its meeting on Mtoini- day, June 5 at the home of Mrs.. John McGregor. Roll call will' be to bring something an- f + X; zt ■u / t ’''W •<V-' ' i \ )s?''? 'f' 1 WO 1"^ B ’ ? j* :¥ I BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CENTRE First Friday .of Each Month FRIDAY, JUNE 2 From 1:00 to 3:60 p.m. •1< HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe’s Drug Store Phone for Free Home Appointment . SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS , E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 1 88 Queen St. "S. Kitchener I I1J '• ’ ? Wins Canadian 4-H Award •»• ' • Miss Sharon Carroll, left, Clinton, Huron County Home’Economist, iis shown here ’ present- ■/ ing Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Auburn,, with a gift and a ten-year leadership award certificate from the Cana­ dian Council off14-H Clubs. M rs. Bradnock is adead- er of/the Auburn 4-H Girls Club. \ ’ , ‘ ' ■, k (Photo by Mrs, Bradnock) ’ ; ; ■■■jV’*' * ■ n’"- ’ "Specially Selected" — Branded Value Checked BLADE ROASTS 49c lb. CLINTON LEGION CASH BINGO $1,000 in Prizes - Plus Share-The-Wealth In Clinton's New Community Centre WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 Regular Games Start ati9:00 PM. i 12 3 1 1 2 REGULAR GAMES for $25.00 Each v EARLY BIRD BINGOS for$10.00Each SPECIAL GAME for $500.00 7, SPECIAL GAME for $200.00 A SHARE-THE-WEALTH GAMES Admission: $1.00; Extra & Special Cards, 25c, 5 for'$1.00; Early Bircl Cards: 10c or 3 for 25c ‘ —— • — m_ —. .y —— —- Proceeds for Clinton Community Centre Fund. Map out a change-of-place vacation with an HFC Traveloan Map out a change-of- vjpace vacation, too, for good health, good work. Dot it with an HFC Traveloan. It’ll provide the* money for every travel expense? Later ir ‘ when' you return, you can repay III?C conveniently. Ask about credit Ufa s'lofygroup rates , AMOUNT ' MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS OF M 4t St 30 13 LOAN months months months months months months ♦ JOO I,....$o...$...u 1....56.12 59.46 Soo ♦•••«•4««»*4 4 23*73 18.35 28.37 550 32.86 51.24 1000 itttr r 41.45 58.11 91.56 1000 tftf-ir 73.35 57.72 2500 90.18 3000 88.02 108.22 ♦ •Vol 4000 io'i’.oi 117.37 144.30 • ••••.tiiii 5000 126.26 146.71 180.37 • •'••• HOUSEHOLD HNANC f GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (abovelha Signal Star)' Ask about our evening hours \'v X S / * j’-j • ■ • * . * You Save Twice— with Trim and Price — Tender Juicy SHORTRIB OR BONELESS SHOULDER ■I, 1 i ‘ f 'MK- lliBliOs BARBECUE BARGAINS IDEAL FOR THE BARBECUE Fresh Minced GROUND CHUCK READY TO EAT BARBECUE STEAKS LEAN — BLADE BONELESS * , BARBECUE STEAKS i * / 'X-: A', AYLMER —- 48-oz. FANCY TOMATO JUICE WHITE SWAN — 360's FACE TISSUE 3 for Tic CATSUP 4 for He PARAMOUNT Vt lb. - SOCKEYE SALMON 58c 3 for 89c AYLMER - 11-oz. MANY MORE IN-STORE FEATURES i X. 7 S 0® ROAST..57c lb. ft CHIQUITTA BANANAS CRISP TEXAS CARROTS % > • » 4 V >• i • i V GRADE "A" MEDIUM EGGS 1 • / ■ • f ■ ■ - , - ■ : ' - • - ■■ ... ■ 39c doz.