HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-25, Page 10Its AP& 18 « Sept. 4 presented tion, Beauty pageants, fastobn shows, rolcbrity ' appearances W1 continuous ,i^e ''PUteritain^ meat from thivb stages will Cupy 45,000 square feet of space on lower floor of the Coliseum. TORONTO'S PUTS ACCENT QN . WW Since half of its expected 3,000,000 visitors will younjf adults,-Tpronto's Canadian Na­ tional Exhibition this lyw will feature? “Teen-age Fai.^ B Society Meets baa YES WE ARE CONTRACTING FERTILIZER & EPTAM IN STOCK First in Ontario COOK BROS. MILLING . HENSALL ONTARIO PHONE 262-2605 Page 10-—Clinton May "25, 1967 I BRUCEFIELD CINCI This summer, erijoy Carling Cinci Lager Been It goes down a little' easier, Satisfies a whole lot more! DOW CHEMICAL OF CANADA, LIMITED, SARNIA, ONTARIO I Local Dealer Wins Award Roy A. Cullen, RR 2 Clinton, centre, area -Surge Dairy Farm Equipment dealer, was given a Performance Award by James Babson, left, president of Babson Bros. Co. at a recent sales seminar. The presentation was in special recognition of five years of outstanding service to the individual dairyman in his territory, Mr, Cullen and/his wife, Mjldi’ed attended the seminar in St Char­ les, Illinois recently. . ' ' , Agnes Moon, Supervisor Industrial Therapy Training Program Proving Useful at Ontario Hospital (Continued from Page One) ■all our own products' and seek­ ing markets for them.” To date, Mrs. Moon and Jack Daniels, Goderich, have success­ fully negotiated with several large department store chains, including Simpsons and Eatons, to handle the items handcrafted . by patients Working in induSr trial therapy one, Clinton 'mer­ chant R. N. Irwin 'is selling the pouch bags, of Which about 200 have been sewn since February.- Vinyl tote bags are styled with Centennial or Maple Leaf motifs for general sales outlets and with swans, ’ especially for sale in Stratford, the Festival City. This week, workers are busily preparing a quantity of Bruce County tarton pocket handkies, promotional items for CKNX in Wiingham. “Of course,” Mrs. Moon pointed out, “shoppers may come to the hospital during' working hours Monday through .Friday to view our displays and. buy anything they fancy. We are anxious for the public to see the'quality of workmanship and the variety of articles for sale.” In the woodworking shop where Fritz Basler, Goderich, is in charge, the emphasis is on oitginal planterrtables available in light or dark finish. In ad­ dition, some very professional reflinishling jobs are done, by male patients who take real pride in /their labors. Fu.miture for refinishing is brought in by people throughout the county and cost is reasonable for hav­ ing the work done. Although not in production yet, plans are afoot to build doll cradles in time to caitch the Christmas market.' At the car wash, Harry Land, ■RR 2, Goderich, said that pa­ tients clean the inside and out­ side of customers’ cars with special -attention to details. Vis­ itors to the hospital may lelave their vehicles to be washed or anyone may patronize the car wash at any time during the work week and wait while the work is done. Obviously proud of the suc­ cess of the venture Dr. Conlon, explained the importance of creating “competitive projects”. “Patients are paid for their efforts in, the work,” he salid. Wage scale ranges from 50c to $3 weekly. Over recent years, consider­ able research has been done in Canada, England and Europe which has scientifically fully established the benefits of this type program,” Dr. Conlon said. “It creates in the patient a greater sense of self-confidence qnd tames their dignity, their self-respect and their individu­ ality.” He indicated that banks on the hospital .premises is the next step towards completing the chain of facilities' necessary to show the road back to com­ plete mental health for more and more patients, ■ Dr. Conlon and Mrs. Moon will very probably attend a mental health conference in Toronto next"'month at which the industrial therapy programs across the province will be the topic for discussion. “Dr. Conlon is determined that industrial therapy such as we have here will continue at this hospital,” -Mrs, Moon said. “It has been less than four months since we began the pro­ ject, but already the improve­ ment in the attitude of some of our patients is remarlcable. The changes, • even from one day. to the next, are .quite noticeable.” 4 “By the way,” Mrs. Moon mused, “you wouldn’t have any idea where I could get hold of some reeds or straw suitable for weaving into baskets. I have this sample and I Wais just won­ dering . . , . ” A general meeting of the Hupon Unit., pf- the ; Qarxaidlan Cancer Society was 'held eaiv Wp? this month 'ixT. the Council ■Chambers .of the Wingham town' hall. President. .Hqrvey C. John-, .ston chaired the meeting at which encouraging reports wW heapd from all departments. It is expected that the $19,0Q0 objective of the funds campaign will be reached. Gordon Leggitt and hits '-Bell Ringers'' delighted those pre­ sent with several musical num­ bers., . A vefy excellent essay on smokjng and its relationship to cancer, written by Douglas Eedy of Holyrood, was read by, Mrs, McNaughton. Rey. Hamilton presented a pictorial tour of- Canada from Peggy’S Cove to the shores, of British Columbia. • The1 little cradle, made and donated to the society by Mr. and Mrs. Tiesipai was on dis­ play at this meeting. It was unanimously decided to present this gift to the Princess Mar­ garet Hospital in Toronto, —o----------- Use Classified Ads, Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and ‘ Saturday afternoons, from .1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. NO WIRE FENCING, OLD CONCRETE or CAR BODIES PERMITTED James I. McIntosh Clerk.' I'Stfb \C (i(i «v\ 'WnMilvnuMi r/1 The Bible Today Nairobi is a thriving centre of commercial, life and a boom­ ing tourist . attraction. It is also an imporant centre for Bible Society wonk in East Africa. Bible 'House in Nairobi is the headquarters' for the work in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In addition, it is ■ a place where. newly appointed Bible Society staff in other countries, come to gain exper­ ience of Bible'; Society opera­ tions. In the last yearn train­ ing has been given to staff from Sierra Leone, ■. Sudan, Ghana, Congo, Malagasy Fte- pUblic and Ivory Coiast. One of the most exciting de­ velopments, in East Africa has been the growing opportunities for providing Bibles for schools as text books. Between March and, October last * year, over 10,000 English Bibles were dis­ tributed to schools' in Kenya, and a few in, Uganda and Tan­ zania. A number of Roman Catholic Schools are using the R.S.V. Bibles. Al renewed interest in the Scriptures by Roman Catholics an the area is evident. Suggested Daily Bible Readings Sunday, May 28:, 1 John 1:1-10 Monday, May 29: John 2: 12-29 CERT. No. 1 SEED •SANILAC • SEAWAY • 1st GEN. SANILAC SMORGASBORD SUNDAYS-5 to 7 P.M. Friday and Saturday Evenings Only ORDERS BY TELEPHONE Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 o.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Hotel Clinton Featuring "CLOUD T Room We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions Phone 482-3421 for Reservations Your Dow Nitrogen Products distributor can recom­ mend the best fertilizer program for your crop right now. He has the specialized knowledge, the right equip­ ment, and the best nitrogen products — Anhydrous Ammonia, -Aqua Ammonia, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitrogen solutions and Urea. Be sure your crop’s total plant nutrient requirements are satisfied. See your Dow Nitrogen Products distributor LOOK FOR THIS SIGN HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE HENSALL ZURICH CARLING LAGER BEERzSS