HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-25, Page 7WHS FALCONER ■-« In Pub­ lic Hosplitol on Sunday, May 21, 1967, fo Mr*, and Mito Ronald Falconei- (nee Arlene Richmond), RR Goderich, a daughter, Mdody Taniara. MIDDEGAAL In Clinton Public Hospital on Thufodhy, 1 May 18, 1967, to Mr. aiid Mrs. Tony Middegaal, - RR 1, Blyth, a son. NHrHERY — In Clinton Public Hospital op Friday, May T9. 1967, fo Mr. arid Mrs* W. A* Nethery, RR 4, Brussels, a daughter, 3PQ3TMA.’In Clinton Public ■Hospital on Saturday, May 20/1967, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Posima, RR 1, 131^0311011, a . daughter., DEATHS BURTON — In St. Joseph's Hospital, on Thursday, May 18, 1967, Mrs. Garland. Burt­ on, formerly of 25 Grand Avenue,. London,’ in her 82nd year. She was formerly Alice Mary Dowden, wife of Rev. Garland Burton, k Funeral service from A. Millard George Funeral Home, Rid- out Street, London, on Mon­ day, May 22 with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. CLEGG — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, May 23, 19(57, Joseph Clegg:/ Clinton, in his 77th year. Surviving is his ydife, former Elsie Far-, qultar, son Jack, Niagara Falls. Funeral service' from Ball Funeral Home, on Thurs­ day, May 25; ait 2 p.m. In­ terment will • be in Clinton Cemetery. - . MAGEE — In Flint, Michigan, an Wednesday, May 17, 1967, Mrs. Chester Magee, Flint, in her 57th year. Formerly Leone Snell and is survived by daughter, Mrs. Gordon (Shirley) Steepe, Holmes­ ville. Funeral service from Beattie Funeral Home, on Saturday, May 20, With in* terment in Clinton Cemetery. of was STARLIGHT UNIT Tdurteen members pf. the Starlight Unit of United Church Women jnet in th<« church jiarlour. Th© thomo of-IJlie. dWotipnal was ”Christ- iiuns Scattered.” Mito P. Jeffer- sop was ip. charge, with several members taking part. Debbie Johnston played two lovely piano solos. Visiting secretary, Mrs. K. Nielsen re­ ported 13 hospital and home tails; Special guest was Mrs, Dor­ othy Dumont, who had spent: several years in Labrador. She showed many beautiful glides an “God’s Own Countiy, Un­ touched by Man,” was the’ way she described the beauty Labrador. v *- )|! $ If on the various denominations Within the Protestant cinmah in Canada and touched on their history and beliefs. Mito. Ji Gqipter, unit leader, presided for the business and after the various reports were dealt with, she reminded the members of Visitors Day to te held in the afternoon of June 8, with Mrs, Lockwood to be th© helper from, this unit, Mrs. Lockwdad reported eight hospi- ■ tai calls and ten home calls. Mi's. Andrews read the cards of thanks, Another bale has beep, sent to Blind River, Miss McGregor conducted a contest during the > social period, and Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Jervis were hostesses for the day, * * * ■*, Thwri-M May 25, Nm-Reitor^frga 7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------■---------—-—1—-—------------------------------■ picting life and its and joys among the Eskimos ,at Great Wi^aie River, Northern Quebec, on the shore of Hudson Bay. Miss Brown spent .a yw as a civil sexwant teaching there; Mrs. Beattie expressed appreciation to Miss Bwn and presented h(n’ W!hh The June mating wiffll be held at Ml’S. Wes Holland’s tage, June 13, Hostesses for the gppM honr WPrp’,Mrs. W* <3^ Bennett, Mfo. Ne^ger and Mrs. George Beattie. VPIP & Service sUiUTR SPECIAL SAVINGS Noxzema Skin Cream/ 4-oz,, r$g. 99c Special 2 far 1.35 Fact Tooth Paste, reg. $1,19 .......... Special $1.07 Hudnut Egg Creme Shampoo, 12-qz. ........ Special 99c Noxzema Deodorant, reg. 89c ........ Special 2 for 90c 1 CARDS OF THANKS ...............'■ ! I wish to express my sincere thanks for visits; flowers, treats,, gifts, cards and kind­ ness shown me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. —; • MRS. DOROTHY FREY. We Wish to epress oiur sin­ cere thanks and appreciation to our friends,f relatives and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy ■ during our re­ cent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. A. J. Mowatt and Beattie Funeral Home. — SHIRLEY and GORDON STEEPE. 21b To everyone who in any way made our 35th wedding' anni­ versary such a wonderful oc­ casion, thanks. Thanks to all relatives and fniendb for won­ derful gifts. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. R. -U. MacLean, • Major and Mrs, Joe Dplan, A- L. Colquhoun, ladies of Legion Auxiliary, door man and, bar­ men. Milt and -Mabel say from the bottom of thieir hearts, “thank you everyone”. —.MR. and MRS. MILTON SCHREI­ BER. 21b We wish to sincerely thank * all our friends, neighbours and relatives, who have been so land and thoughtful “'Since Barrie's aeddent; for the many cards, flowers, visits and treats sent to both Clinton Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don; special thanks to -all thie. nurses and staff; to Doctors . ' Oakes, Walden, Oilerhead' and Wyatt; -also thanks' to Rev. Mowatt, D.D. — MR. 'and MRS. REG. MILLER and BARRIE. 21b We wish to thank cur many friends, neighbours and! relatives for kind expressions tf sym­ pathy and acts of kindness ex­ tended to us during our recent sad bereavement, in the loss of a dear husband and father, for floral tributes and loan <of cars. Special thanks to Rev. G. E. Pakenham, the ladies who helped’ at the house and those who brought food, also Dr, Newland and the nursing staff on the first floor of the Clinton Hospital/ — MRS. VICTOR KENNEDY and FAMILY. 21p AUCTION SALE Of Household and Miscellaneous Articles at Holmesville, Wednesday, May 31 at 7:00 p.m. Table radio; antique love seat; 18 Wooden kindergarten Chaits; wash stands; 2 rocking chairs; daisy churn; 2 new pic­ nic tables; ice box; small oil heater; chest Of drawers; rock­ ing horse; oil lamps; Galeman lamp; 2 Centennial quilts; electric irons; nearly new stain- less steed sank; bed lamp; win­ dow screens; dishes; articles too numerous to mention. Bake booth and lunch coun­ ter. Auspices Of Holmesville United Church Centennial Com­ mittee. , No Laughing Matter Charles Greydanus doesn’t have the same sense of humor as his mother/ Mrs. James Greydanus, RR 1 Bayfield, Dr. G, P, A- Evans, the Huron County medical officer of health and the two nurses attending him. In fact, if Charles could speak, he would probably tell us that the' Centennial nursing garb worn by the nurses has not made his visit to the. Well Baby Clinic at the Nurses’ Resi­ dence last -Friday morning one bit more pleasant than he had anticipated. The nurses, Mrs, Royce Macaulay (left) and Mrs. Bill Roberton wore the period nursing attire in conjunction with Centennial Week in Clinton. (News-Record Photo) FIDELITY UNIT Fidelity Unit meeting held May 9 with Miss McGregor in charge and Mrs. I-Jearn as pianist. The d'evort/ional theme was “The Church: Christians Assembled.” ■ Mfes McGregor was assisted by Mrs. Howse, Mrs. Lockwood and Mrs., Arm­ strong. Fourteen members answered roll call by naming the nation­ ality of their ancestors and the churches they were affiliated With in the new country of Canada. Miss McGregor follow­ ed this with an enthusiastic? talk MARY AND MARTHA UNIT Mary and Martha Unit met in the church recreation" hall with guests present from On­ tario Street Church as well as members of other units from Wesley-Willis. Mrs. W, Bennett and Mis.' M. Nediger assisted in the de­ votions, the theme being “Friends,” Mrs, Dumont, ac­ companied by Mrs. Cam Ad­ dison, sang two' solos, A guest, Miss Shirley Brown, introduced by her long-time fhiend Mrs. W. C. Bennett, thrilled her audience with a splendid commentary accomp­ anied by beautiful pictures de­ PRESCRIPTIONS 5. *• Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 28 Serbia# 7:30 p.m,-"—Worship Service and Pane! Discussion on Dr. Goth's-Sermon. Everybody Welcome Collection Only suffer * note-all services on daylight saving time 11:00 a.m.—Guest Speaker: Rev. George Goth, D.D- of London, Ontario, ’ Special Music, (Continued .from Page One) ernment legiislartfon equid not. j We .feel samefdhing. the same has happened in Clinton. Fqr people who took the time and effort to participate in the fes­ tivities, whether in costume or out,- they must have noticed a new land of atmosphere... a peculiar, magnetic kind of < a bond which drew everyone into an invisible ring circled all round by the rest of the world. They must have felt, as we did (even though we are what could be dtacribed as a “two- day-a-weedc-resident”) that Clinton was home and those people we met on the' street were our friends. .That warm glow you just often hear about, was very much in evidence last' Week as Clintoniians stopped to ■talk fo each other, raised hands to wave, paused long enough to .smile and say “Hi”. It was weeklong party ■■^Wiitl'i everyone feeling happy and gay. It did something for Clinton, more perhaps than most people would have thought possible. • * * Ms Speaking of Centennial spirit, only three on staff at the News- Record came through with cos­ tumes for the, Clinton event. Mrs/ Bob Hartman, our front desk gal Friday ■ 'and Arthur Currie, bookkeeper and proof­ reader, donned authentic Cen­ tennial costumes and joined the London Grad Patricia Anne Harland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Harland, Clinton, graduated from Victoria Hos­ pital School of Nursing at ceremonies at Alumni Hall, University of-Western Ont­ ario last Friday evening. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer N*» . •<»- bctMIM' HAIODW WEDDING LINE ncviTATioira am» ▲mnouwcwxwt* CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 56 Albert Street Graduate hlilrse Gaye Elliott, graduated dii ITriday, May 19 from Victoria Hospital School of Nursing ih Alumni Hall, University of Londbh at the Ceremonies at Western Ontario. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S, Elliott, Brucefield, fun all up and down the mam drag. Your truly borrowed a lovely dress made by a friend “dbwn Dashwood way”, Getting to and from work was something of an experience, not only for me but the startled construction work­ ers along Highway 4 between Exeter and'Kippen. On Friday morning, I wore my little green bonnet 'and fancy knit shawl all the way to work. Some of the worlqnen along the way bowed low, others rubbed their ayes in dis-, belief . . . but most just laugh­ ed and laughed. In fact, as I glanced in the rear view mirror, several of them 'were staring ■after me and pointing fingers, all the while holding their Sides lest they split from laughing. And you thought you ed humiliation?* We have had some tulips in the office this lovely spring thanks to the generosity of Tom Leppington who always remem­ bers us in the nicest ways. ‘Tom told the girls' that some­ thing is nibbling at his flower beds this year, so I didn’t feel so badly that most of my flow­ ers had fallen prey to the munching jaws of some animal or another with an eye for fresh green shoots.* -4i Had a card the other day from Wilma D. (Dinnin) Jack­ man who with her husband is touring Europe these days. The note was postmarked “Spain” . . and is probably as dose as I’ll ever come to that ro­ mantic spot.* We goofed again . as usual, somebody has check­ ed us up. We wish to report (correctly this time we hope) that. the IOOF and Rebekah lodge mem­ bers will be burning the mort­ gage on their building on Prin­ cess Street at a service to be held in the IOOF Lodge Hall on Saturday evening, May 27 at 7:45 o’clock. The public is reminded that? lunch will • be ■Served following the meeting. A. M. Knight Feted at Banquet (Continued from Page One) After his thank-you’s to 'the gathering, the retiring Hydro manager reminisced of his 37 years in Clinton. A. M. Knight came to Clinton in 1930 as rural superintendent of the new office here; he was 28 yearn old at the time. He told! the audience that it was “the help and co-operaitiion of the good people of Huron County that has made my work so pleasant.” He was apprecia­ tive of the assistance and co­ operation of all levels of gov­ ernment, PUC’s, road superin­ tendents and engineers. There Were 570 Hydro cus­ tomers th the area when he came here; how there are over 3,300. ' ‘ Mr, Knight said it was a real education for him to have put Hydro into Sky Harbour airport, Port Albert RAF train­ ing station and the Clinton RCAF Station in the ‘ early 1940's. He thought he was pos­ sibly the first man around here to see the radiar training equip­ ment when it. was installed at the original RAF radar school dt Clinton ill 1941. “I hope I have made some ! contribution to this community,” Mr, Knight concluded, Entertainment for the ap­ preciation banquet was provided by Billy Meek, Toronto, a State tish entertainer and iOalton Walpole, pianist from • Strath* toy* •* . , and Monday, May 29 8:00 p.m—"AN EVENING OF MUSIC" Featuring: THE HARBOURAIRES (of Goderich) Trios — soloists ORGAN MUSIC with LORNIE DOTTERER of Goderich at the Console Retiring Hydra Manager Receives Painting Arthur M. Knight, right, manager, Clinton area, Ontario Hydro, who is retiring later this summer, was presented with an oil painting at an apprecia­ tion night banquet in Clinton Legion Hall last Friday evening. Mr. Knight has been Clinton area manager for 37 of his 42 years with Hydro. Others in the picture are, left to right, Harry Ball, who assisted in the presentation; James Graham, Clinton area foreman of Ontario Hydro, who organized the apprecia­ tion night and, acted' as chairman, and Ephriam Snell who also assisted at the presentation. <(News-Record Photo) r" i: Attend Your Church Mrs. Jean Kyle of Albert Street, has taken up residence at the Blue Water "Rest Home, Zurich. Miss Frances Wade of Fort William is visiting her cousins,. Misses Hattie and Sybil Cour­ tice, Joseph Street. Weekend guests with Mrs. Sadie Grealis, Maple Street, were Mr. and Mrs. David John­ ston, Kitchener; Mir. and Mi’s. Gary Be'aner, Brantford; and Miss S. M. Steep, London. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Managhan, Victoria Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Hal­ ton Baines of Keswick; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Managhan and Pamela of Kitchener. ATTENTION BEAN GROWERS Place your order now for Insecticides for BEAN BEETLE CONTROL to be mixed with HIGH ANALYSIS AGRICO This wdek only. ■ CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AGRICO DEALER OR/ Robert Taylor, Sales Representative RR 3t Clinton — Phone 482-9144Phone 482-9144 SOIL SAMPLING SERVICE — BAG AND BULK DELIVERY — SPREADER RENTAL (5 ton cap.) BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna — Phone 482-7435 For the best value ’in nitrogen for corn use ANHYDROUS AMMONIA V ■x. Contact Haugh Bros.. Brucefield, Phone 527-0927 (Either Custom applied or applicator rental) 21b SHORTY’S B A STATION i - s DESOTO, 4 door sedan/ fully equipped, one owner car. 2—2 WHEEL TRAILERS, 4x8 brand new tires, both have springs. 1965 DODGE, 4 door secidn, auto- ,malic, fully equipped. 1964 FALCObt, 2 door hardtop, auto- rnbfic, fully equipped,' original mileage 15,000. 1962 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL, 4 door sedan, fully equipped. 1958 LINCOLN, 2 door hardtop, em­ aculate condition, fully equip­ ped. 1958 BUICK, 2 door hardtdp. 1957 1953 FORD, 4 door sedan' with radio, . . FORD, 4 door sedan, new motor only 9,000 miles.' 1 -TON DODGE, cab and chassis, hew tires and motor ........ $295 2 LAWN MOWERS, less than 1 year old. SHORTY’SiB O1*> VirTADIA ,CiTi»FFY212 VICTORIA STREET 1—1957 bUICK RACING MOTOR; highlift cams, complete with cqtbUretof> generator1, Chid star­ ter, overhauled* ...... $195 Mil STATION PHONE 482-7661 f . FIRST. BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, May 28 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Church Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street-United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor:, REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A. R. C. T. Sunday, May 28 9:45 am.—Sunday School f 11:00 a.m.—Confirmation and Communion TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH 2:00 p.m.—Communion Service 3:00 p.m.—Sunday School ^nlmesixiUe REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., DJD., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, May 28 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School WESLEY-WILLIS 66th ANNIVERSARY 11:00 a.m.—Rev. Dr. George W. Goith, guest speaker Sermon Topic: “The Church — Dead or Alive” 7:30 p.m.—'Evening, Service with Panel Discussion “The Church” Monday, 8 p.m.—“An Evening of Music” /HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 am.—‘Sunday School ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Miss Catharine Potter, Organist Sunday, May 28 — Trinity 2 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer The 25th Anniversary Service of Friendship Guild Special Preacher, Mrs. Madeleine McKinnon, Hamilton. Following service — Rectory Mortgage Burning Ceremony in Parish Hall. Thurs., May 18—Chancel Guild at home of Miss Lueila Johnston, 8:15/Pto- J ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the Rev. R. U. Mac Lean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Chair Director Sunday, May 28 9:45 Sunday School 10:45 a.m.—Spring Thanksgiving Service Everyone Welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH / / REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minlstdr / ISiinday, May 28 , / issct <: s . 10:00 ajm.-—Morning Worship - [ 11:00 a.m.-—Sunday School ]; • ' 2:30 p.m.-—Service in Dutch ;> . Every Subday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. ThouMui, / ^listen to “Back to God Hour”, / EVERYONE WELCOME / maple st. gospel Hall Sunday, May 28. 9:45 a.m.-—Worship Service 11:00 am.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Speaker, John Martin, Hawkes- ville Tues., 8:00 p.m. — Prayer and Binle Study Pentecostal Church , Victoria Street R. F. Bott, Minister Sunday, May 28 9:45 am.—Sunday Schdol 11:00 am.—Worship Service 7:30 pm.—Evening Service Friday, 8 p.m.—YPU Meeting;