HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-25, Page 2I Chosen Lee Gulliver arblyn HibbertShirley Ann Dukes Clinton News-Record Page i Ad astral Park Teen Queen Alice Sparks Popularity, poise, talent and knowledge Kof make-up ««. these were the qualities judged in a. ,clos,e contest ter this year’s Teen Town Queen at Adastra'l Parl$. < Winner' Alice Sparks was i crowned by outgoing Queen, Mfes Caro] *Marceil, at a dance in the CFB Recreation Hall, May 20. Miss Sparks and th® other pharming contestants, . Shteley Ann Dukes, Lee Gulliver And Carolyn Hibbert, received gifts presented by the Mayor of Ad- • astral Park,,by the President of the Women's Auxiliary and, by Teen • Town members." Cars Collide Causing $1,050 Damage A car driven by a Clinton man and another operated by. a Goderich ' resident' pqllideid op County Road 27 in' front of Brindley Transport last Sun- da y, May 21. Ontario Provincial Police Constable Wayne Moulton, Goderich, found teat there was 1 $450 damage done fo the vphjjicle owned by Norman Shep­ herd, . 56 Huron Street, Clinton and $600 damage to the car operated by Everett Harris, 263 Camercn .Street, Goderich. ' The Goderich OPP detach­ ment issued ten warnings and laid 34 charges under the High­ way Traffic Act tjuring the last’ week. They made five Liquor Control. Act investigatfone and charged seven, persons for liquor infractions during the samp period, . ‘ ■ . TV |r Health Nurses Wear Old Costumes At May Well Baby Clinic In, -O’ ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp­ son accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Won. Hamilton of Moore­ field motored to Thombury on Monday /to attend a Centennial School Reunion. Mrs. Myrtle Fairservice and Miss Ann attended a luncheon, art and antique show 'hold at Mayoaurt, London, last, Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips of Auburn visited with friends in the village on Sunday. Recent visitor^ with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Livingstone were Mr. and Mrs. Ohan Livingstone and fdmily of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livingstone ■and family of London. Mr. and Mirs. Roy Hunter erf Dorchester also visited , on Saturday with the Livtingstones. ■ . Miss Dorothy Little of Tor­ onto accompanied, by her aunt, Mbs. Bentham of Oshawa spent the weekend With her .mother. Mrs. Bentham will spend a ■ couple of weeks with her sister, . Mrs. Townsend. Mr. and' Mbs. Harry Lear and sons are settled in their new home on Con. 10 West of Lon- desboro. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Beth and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton attended the nurses’ SMRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 Graduiattiion Ceremony held in the Stratford Festival Theatre on Saturday at .3 p.m. at which Miss Linda Thompson, having completed her three-year nurs­ ing course received her diploma. The same evening about 30 guests met to extend congratu­ lations and enjoy a ta'sty sup­ per with a social evening fol­ lowing. Linda was the recipient of many lovely gifts. We wish Linda every success in her nurs­ ing career. , ' Mrs. Harve Hunking visited' with Harve on Sunday. There is still no word when he’ll 'be home, but he is maiding pro­ gress w^, are pleased to hear. held Mrs. who Mrs. B. M. Nott Dies, Age 88 At Huronview Funeral service was Friday, May 19 for Blanch M. Nott, Clinton, parsed away at Huronview on Wednesday, May 17 in her 89th year. Rev. Grant Mills, Clanton 'of Ontairfo Street United Church officiated with inter­ ment /in Clinton Cemetery. . Pallbearers were -.Milton Schreiber, Archie Montgomery, Glen Layton, Elmer Lebeau, Carmon Rowctliiffe and Law­ rence Falconer. Flower-bearers were Charles Reevds and1 Kelith Layton. Mrs. Nott was. the former Missionary Work St. Andrew's Topic • Mrs. Ed, Farquhar opened thg St. Andrew’s Missionary meeting with prayer and the study book on the .early minis­ ters of the Western provinces. She told of the hardships through which they carried on their work and the miles they travelled .under many difficul­ ties. ' Two of the pioneers mention­ ed were Lucy Baker and James Robertson, Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Scott. Roll. call was an­ swered hymn. Mrs. of the her guest, Hensall who demonstrated the knack of doing r up cards and Sunday School papers to be sent to missionaries who are so glad to receive them. ’ An invitation was read from Barbara Kirkman society in Seaforth to attend their Spring Thankoffering meeting with Mrs. Hugh i'ack of Hamilton as guest speaker. Lunch, was served by the hos­ tess i. of the meeting, Mrs. Makins. Wins Award Ann McCowan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. Frank Mc­ Cowan, Clipton, was awarded the .highest honors for pro­ ficiency in'nursing theory and practise (junior, year) at graduation ceremonies ' in Stratford on Saturday. Miss McCowan is a 'graduate of Stratford General Hospital stehool of nursing. John Whats one of the mystery guests pn CBC’s Front Page Challenge last week, defended television’s overall programming, discussed pollution, and briefly talked about the disappearance of his well-known Sunday evening show from the CBS schedule next season. . Hp felt the popular pane] show was leaving because of age, plus the fact that networks are scheduling more sixty-min­ ute, ninety-minute two-hour programs, half-hour slots. « $ Charles Daly, the My Line hos t who was Front Page Chai1 enge "We just ftpiigiht of it last night/’ M'te- Vera Tudor, Huron County public health nurse told •the News-Re card last Friday at the Well Raby Clinic, "but we thought thgt. we should really join ip the fun this Cen­ tennial Week So it was working at Clinic in the by naming a favorite Blacker was in1 charge business and had as Mrs. Schwalm' of Popular Couple Have 35fh Anniversary Si? .and' even instead of rl< in Clinton.” that the purses the Well Baby ......... ... ,t„, mxnsesf residence- were attlireid Jn Centenniarnurs- ting attire, complete with long .skiribs and Bowing headdress. While the mothers enjoyed the change,' babies found the visit just as “penetrating” as' ever, Dr. G. P. A: Evans, medical officer of health for Huron County took the opportunity to remind mothers of the impor- The CBS Hill- This weed? let's take a look at the comparative network schedule for Wednesdays this fall. .At 7:30 ABC will run Cus­ ter; CBS will play Lost' in Space; NBC will go with The Virginian; CTV will -run The Invaders, while CBC will play Mother-In-Law. At ,8:30 ABC wiill play Second Hundred Years; will go with the Beverly billies; CTV wil run Hockey, or a motion picture, and CBC will play Mission: Impassible. At 9:00 ABC will run a mo­ vie; CBS will have Green Acres, and NiBC will play Kraft Mu­ sic Hall. At 10:00 o’clock ABC will still be playing their movie; CBS Will have a News Hour, and NBC will play Run For Your Life. CBC will run Fes­ tival starting at 9:30, and CTV will go with The Sports Seat at 10:30. --------:—o----------- z KIPPEN MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262-5180 Mr,, and Mifs. Vivan Cooper attended the graduation of • their niece, Mass Elizabeth Reid of Parkhill, from St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital School of Nurs­ ing, London. The graduation' took place -at the University of Western Ontario and later a reception followed 'in her hon­ our at Alisa Craig town hall with friends and relatives at­ tending. ' f>V' J. R: I r, $ $ tajicg of pxxrfecting their young children against whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, small pox and under one year of age red measles. There w^ill he one more regm Jar clinic this spring on June 16. While the county health unit is not planning any mass in- noculation clinic for red meas­ les, all children under one year of age will receive measles vac­ cine along with “shots". Beginning late early next year, and Grade One receive protection against meas­ les as they enter school. fhw regular this year or kindergarten students will NOTICE Advance Registration Livestock For Clinton Fair The secretary, W. G. Riehl, 24 Nortip St., Clinton,' will .take registrations at his home, Wednesday evening, May 31, 7 to 10 p.m. for all livestock including pets. All local exhibitors are urged to take advantage of this advance registration. Hot Z ----------------- --------------——.........—I Blanch Craig, born May 5, 1879 to Robert and Mary Craig, Hal­ lett Township. On Miay 23, 1900 sthe married Fred Nott who pre­ deceased .her. A , member of the Ontario Street United Church, Mrs. Nott lived all her teamed life in this municipality, moving to Huronview about .18 months ago. She is survived by one .son, James of Clinton; one daughter. Mrs. Norman (Elva) Manning, RR 4, Goderich; one brother, RusseJ Craig. Ender by, B.C.; one sister, Mrs. Margaret Jack- son, Blyth; three grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. She was predeceased by another son, Wilbur in 1954. Graduates Linda Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Londes- boo?o, graduated from Sltrait- ford General Hospital school of nursing laist Saturday, May 20. The ceremony was held in the Shakespearean Festival building on the Avon River. -----------o----------- Something From The Garden Cucumber In Sour Cream ■ clove garlic . teaspoon salt ; cups sour' cream tablespoons vinegar' lemon juice , teaspoon pepper cucumbers sliced (part skin may be left on). Combine all ingredients ex­ cept cucumber. — Add to cucumber, and toss lightly. Chill. — Serve on lettuce leaf. ' or: — Serve ertiisp cucumber slices in sour cream to cover .... % % iy2 2 % 2 ' '' Paid on 3, 4, 5 year debentures or 6% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures or of I i Help Wanted will at 2 Clintonian Club Meeting June 1 The Clintoniiian Club meet on Thursday, June 1 p:m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Carter, James St. Lunch com­ mittee will be Mrs. Fred Mul­ holland, Mrs. E. Pearson, Mrs. 'Russell Colclough* Mrs. Maymo Glazier and Mrs. Isabel Ed­ wards. Mrs. Frank Cummings and Mrs. S. Moodie will be in charge of the auction.i . Steady Position with Public Works Dept. Applications in writing, marked as such, must be in the hands of the undersigned by 5 p-m. June 5, 1967. , John Livermore, Clerk, Town of Clinton. I/" > V We’re Moving 11 Yes — we are going to transfer our stock and shop to our premises at the corner of Princess West and Orange streets, which has formerly been used for storage. We have built an addition to our ware­ house there and it will house our office, showroom and shop- ■ The whole idea is to provide a more compact operation to serve Clinton and district with Quality Building Materials more efficiently than we have’ for the past 18 years. As we prepare to move we find we have a number of items which we would prefer you to move at Terrific!! Savings. Hallucination? No... But Wait! Don't Look Twice No — you are. not seeing •things — if you have seen a station Wagon with a large red dome' light arid the O.P.P in­ signia painted on the door. It is not an ambulance, paddy * Wagon, or a traffic Safety vehicle. It is the new type of vehicle being Used by the Iden­ tification Unit of the Ontario Provincial Police.- At the ' present time the O.P.P. have many types df vehicles at tijeir* disposal such aS the standard patrol car, motorcycles, jeeps, aircraft, snowmobiles and how the sta­ tion wagon. The Identification Unit iStone Of the specialized units oif the Fotce and is located at each of ■the 17 District Headquarters and General Headquarters .in Toronto. Its specialized assist­ ance is also available to munici­ pal police forces. The officers assigned to the Identification Unit . are highly trained fors their work. The Identification Unit us called to all major motor vehicle accidents, break* eiitetr and theft, murders, suicides, etc. iri the district for the purpose of fingerprinting, photography and the gathering and process­ ing of evidence. The next time you are driv­ ing and see or think you see an Q.KK station wagon, it could havd beM So foV safety Sake, don’t Wte d second look. _ 'W ,A: V;, w- (News-Record Photo) mr. and Mrs: Milton Schreiber Owners of Milt and Mabel’s Restaurant, RR 5‘ Clinton* Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber invited over 500 persons to a dinner and dance on their 35th wed­ ding anniversary in Clinton Legion Hall Monday evening* May 22. Guests included neighbours, friends and customers, The. popular couple received many gifts. After dinner, dancing and a social evening was enjoyed.' I I I I I I I I I I I L Yes. I am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures, Please tell nie more about this system of saving, Mr./Mrs./Miss........................................ Address......... ............................................................. Complete and mail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Or call: 432-4158 CLINTON <! r jfi fl V OPENING SOON '• • • / 2 Experienced Operators to serve you ■,• * k MRS. MILDRED CARROLL, formerly hair sty­ list at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, for 9 years. And . 'A MRS. FVtLYH WILLIAM^ (Soderkh. LORILYN BEAUTY SALON 72 ALBERT STREET CLINTON /L Spring Fair CLINTON Community park Afternoon and Evening Programs SATURDAY, JUNE 3 Judging of <'f I Heavy Horses Light; Horses - Ponies ; Market Cattle - Dairy < Cattle - Eteef Cattle Sheep - Swine Poultry Rabbits - 4-H Classes Evening Horse 1:(fo 2ibd 2:30 ;2:3b .»' 20 sq* of White Locfast 180 lb. shingles for $120 There are odds and ends of 3 in 1 shingles too — a few* bundles of this and a few bundles of that at $2.00 per bundle (1/3 sq.). ' THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,060 capital & Reserve $9,000,000 MEMBER: ONTARIO DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Many useful items for cottage, porch, garage, barn, • as much as 50% Off Some Post Formed Vanities at $4.00 per I. ft ROOF BARGAINS CAlfDCTC is too heavy to move away across the street.' aAluiCIE Won't you pick it up for 25% Off. 90 Ik Sand $*|*45 ’astead of $1.95- are too numerous to move and we are sacrificing these at prices reduced as much as 40%. e.g. 1 QUART SUPER KEM Down From $3.35 To $2.00. Somebody loaded us with 2x10 Spruce 20 ft. long last year. I think we can find 70 or 80 pieces you Can have for 18c l.ft, as Well as some 2x6—-16' at 10c l.ft. and other odds and ends of weathered stock that look bad beside our new stock, far $100 per M bd. ft- p.m.—PARADE, Legion Hall tb Park; Bands, Floats. •OFFICIAL OPEN­ ING by Floyd A. Lashley. p.m.—BABYSHOW In New Arena. p.m.—PARADE OF / LIVESTOCK In front of Grand* stand. p.lm.- ?! Watch for MORE BARGAINS when we are finally moved . . . We'll have some attractive prices to attract you to inspect our new set-up. ABOVE ARE CASH AND CARRY PRICES. We will deliver for a reasonable charge.. M Show at 7:00 O'clock Junior Farmers Square Dance Competition 21-2b 4a J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLY - CLINTON - 482-9612 z