HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-18, Page 12’I Iff 10.00 25.00 10.00 15.00 TUES.- WED. May 23-24 COINING EVENTS GRAB BOXES Only $1.00 EACH Clinton News-Record Page IZ—Thurs., May 18 COMMUNITY CENTRE DONATIONS (Continued from page 1) Jlim Enwrton .......... Harold's White Rose .... Herman Stryker .......... Delbert Cook ............ W, T, Hudie .............. Bernice C, Heapi ............ Larry Kain ................... Fbed Reid ...................... T. H, EUwodJ ............ Donald Ellwood ......... . Mrs. Irene Okahashi..... Boy Connell ...... Mrs. M. Herd .......... Gordon Hsirices ...............• G. 6, Phillips ............ J, B, Miller ............... Kurt VanRliesen ....... Mrs. A. Stamforth ..... Dick AUen .......... ......... . Mervyn. Welbb ......... ' Harold Johnsiton ......... Eldiie Gliddpn ........... '•''Miss M, Helen Stewart , John McCowan ............ Jim Comerford, Sfoek- hohri' Sweden ........ Norman Livermore ...... Waldby Burton ............... Cloud Nine Boys .......... Clinton Eagles Hockey Club ........................ Hubert Reynold^ ........ Agnes Caibert ......... Mary Carbart ............ Murray‘East................ William Kolkman......... Jack VapEgmond........ Keith Tyndall .............. Mrs. John Wopn’........ Wm. Blacker‘Sr, ......... Douglas Farquhar ...... Mirs. L,, Paisley 'Rosemary J. Carter..... Lop Ludlow'*'......... Ronald G. McCann Anonymous .......... Kinsmen Club of ton ................. Eric Switzer ........ Stewart Moodie ... Howard Edwards . Mrs. dte Boer........ Robert Jervis ....... 5, 20,00 5.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 25.00 35.00 .30,00 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 ,. 10.00 10.00 . *10.00. 2.00 5.00- 5.Q0 „ 55,00 50.00 , 10.00 , • 5,00 . 10.00 . 5.00 . 10.00 . 10,00 . 2.00 . 5.00 . 10.00 , 25.00 , 10.00 , 10.00 . 50.00 . 77.00 Clin- ...... 2500.00 ....... 10.00 ........ 5.00 ........ 20.00 ........ ' 2:00 ....... 50.00 RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 7b cents Thursday, May 18 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for. $25.00, the first letter “L” and first letter “T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $55.00 in 55 numbers., 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. tfb Friday, May 19—Cash Bingo in Legion' Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 p.m. 15 regular games for $10; 3-$25 specials; $75 jackpot to go. Sponsors, Brlanch 156 Royal Canadian Legion. 20b Friday, May 19 — Centennial Dance and Social, Huron Fish and Gaine, members and guests welcome. Wilbee’s Orchestra. 20b Sat., May. 20 School Re­ nton, S.S. No. 10 '^Stanley, 1 p.m. Former teachers, pupils and friends welcome, picnic supper 5 p.m. 15-19b, 20x - Tuesday, May 23 — BINGO, at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $57.00 in 57 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. • Wed., May 24 — South Huron LOL will meet in Varna at 8:30; all members of the Orange order welcome. Frank Falconer, County Master. 20p Monday, May 29 — An Even­ ing of Music, Wesley-Willis United Church Auditorium, at 8 p.m, by The Goderich Har- bouraires; organ music with Lorne Dotterer of Goderich at the - consol. Collection only. 19-21b Wed., May 31 L- Auction sale, lunch counter and bake booth at Holmesville United Church grounds, 7 p.m. Edward Elliott, auctioneer. * . 20b Thursday, June 8 — Chicken Bafbecue, Constance, 5:30 to 8 p.m. sponsored by CJOF, adults $1.50, cMiMren 6 to 12, 75c. Take Out Orders' 20-21b, 22x JOIN IN THE Goderich Township weekend celebrations June 16, 17, 18. A, choir is be­ ing organized for variety show, June 16 and church , service June 18. First practice, May 25, 8:30 p.m. Holmesville School. Residents or former residents are invited to participate. 20b Legion Bridge Club Champions Clinton Legion Bridge Club ended its first season with bridge games and a social evening at the Legion, Friday evening, Dave*Hackwell, left, Molsons Brewery representative in .this area, was present to present trophies to the top players on the season’s play. Mayor Don Symons was men’s runner-up; Mrs. Gordon.'Seribbins was, ladies’ champion; Mrs. R, J. Dixon yzas ladies’ runner- up and Mr, pixon, who is treasurer of the Legion, won the men’s champion­ ship. Many other [prizes were given out, ‘ (News-Record Photo) Well Known Sportsman at Kin Banquet Dr. Paul P. Mauch, centre, .a London radiologist, whose interest in ama­ teur and Olympic swimming is known all over the world, was guest speaker at Clinton Kinsmen Club’s annual minor sports night, Tuesday. He is being con­ gratulated on his .talk by Bert Clifford, right, minor sports chairman, andon the left, Kin president-elect Robert Marin. Many of the/Kinsmen were in old style costumes in keeping with Clinton Retail Merchants Centennial Week. Kinsmen Peewees Display Their Trophies It was trophy presentation night at the Clinton Kinsmen’s annual minor sports banquet in the Legion Hall, Tuesday. Seated are, left to right, Brian Edgar, captain of the Dodgers who won the title in the Kinsmen Peewee base­ ball' last summer, with the Clinton News-Record trophy; Randy Blake, captain of the championship team in the Kinsmen Peewee hockey league last winter, and the Pickett & Campbell Ltd. trophy. Standing, left to right, Brian Lang- ille, holding a Robin Hood trophy, when he was judged as the most valuable player in last winter’s peewee hodkey league; Bill Cantelon, with the Kinsmen trophy for most points in the Kinsmen peewee hockey league; Barry Edgar, who was picked as the most valuable player in the peewee series against Clin­ ton, New York, on minor hockey day in February, and Raymond Bums hold­ ing the Robin Hood trophy as the most valuable squirt-age player last winter; in front of Bums is the Hotel Clinton trophy which his team, the Flyers won Jn the Kin squirt hockey league. (News-Record Photo) Use Classified Ads FIREWORKS ; b ' . FOR MAY 22nd SPACE AGE DISPLAY $9.95 FAMILY SIZE DISPLAYS ... JUNIOR FAMILY DISPLAYS $1.29»$1.98 - $3.98 ASSORTED FIREWORKS FIRECRACKERS . . .. 5c-JJkXLJSc-nka. MaiHandCon. & 16th Goderich The May .meeting of the SS 4 Commurilty Club met at the home ,pf Harry Oakes .on May 2 with nine members pre­ sent. ' . , The president, Mrs,. Don Lobb opened the • meeting with the Creed and the Lord's Prayer. The inmates of the April meet­ ing were read by secretary Mrs. Bill Lobb, ' Mrs. Jim Lobb, assistant trea­ surer, gave the treasurer’s re- point. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Carman Tebbutt, Wednesday, June 7. Further discussion was held on the' awards to be-presented fo students at Holmesville Public School. Mrs. R. E. Thompson gave a reading on the history of the Community Club. It wlas de­ ctided to donate the dorthfing to the Salvation Army, The meet­ ing was .closed with the Mizpah Benediction and lunch Was served* Witti Mrs. Carman Teb­ butt assisting Mrs. Oakes. SoftballClinic At CFB Clinton The Western Ontario Athletic Association in co-operation with other sports associations planned a series of clinics softball officials, First clinic is'x scheduled CFB Clinton in'the School of Food Services Classroom, on Tuesday, May 23 and’TterSd^y, May 25 from 8 to 10:30 p.m, The other clinics are at New Hamburg, May 28; Durham, June 4 and Allanford, June 18, • These clinics are. open to managers, coaches, umpires and players, Anyohe planning to attend the Clinton clinic should con­ tact Daniel J. Davis, 11 Regina Road, Adastral Park, <CFB Clin­ ton, or phone 482-7742, The Clinton cliniic is split into two evenings and will include approximately three hours in- sitruetdons, a half-hour film and an hour examination, followed by a discussion period. -----------o-----------z Centennial Sports Event Planned By Corporals' Club The Corporals’ Club of CFB Clinton is planning to hold a Centennial sports event July 1st and 2nd. A number of events •are scheduled including a 'soft- ball tournament, as well as luorseshoes, shiufflefooard and dart competitions. Area’ Legions and Fish and Game Clubs are reminded that they are to advise the chair­ man. of the Corporals’ Club Cen­ tesimal Sports Program of their intention to enter prior to the end of May. Deadline for the submission of entry fees is June 15th, County Worker Killed In Road Accident A Huron County road worker was Icillcci Monday when a county grader backed over him near Auburn. Dead is Jack Creighton, 65, of Blyth, a flagman 'for a work crew rebuilding a road at The Nile, two miles south of Dungannon, Operating tfte grader was Gordon Miller, of Auburn. Mr. Creighton was dead on arrival at Alexandra Marine and' General HospW, Gode­ rich. His body was later re­ moved' to Stratford General Hospital for an autopsy, County Engineer J, W, Brit- nell, Goderich, said the acci­ dent occurred as Mr. Creigh­ ton, flagging traffic on the road construction site, stepped back Crop Report D. S, Pullen, Assiriaite Agri­ cultural Repix^ntatiye for Huron County says .seeding of cereal grains in Huron is .in full swing with more Uian 50% of the crop planted, Cbrn plant­ ing is progressing but is ap­ proximately ten. days later than usual. ’ . Warmer weather is req'u'ired to\premoite growth of all crops. Fertilizing of hays and pas­ tures has been completed on mo®t farms. BROWNIE’S —o- KIPPEN now Kippen UCW meeting was held May .9 wiitih .Mrs. Lloyd Cooper’s group in charge. Hos­ tesses were Mrs. Wayne Mc­ Bride and Mrs. Ray Consitt. Mrs. 'Gerald Moffatt was in charge of the worship, her theme being, “What Is the Church’’. The president, Mrs. Emerson Kyle, read a poem, “A Mother’s Heart”. The different reports were ' given; Mrs. Norman. Dickert, Sunshine report .and visitor’s report 'by Mirs. William Consitt Mrs? Keith Love gave a . read­ ing on stewardship and re­ cruiting. The topic, “The Church is where the Action is” was given by Mrs. Ken McKay. Mrs. Laird Finlayson gave the cour­ tesy remarks. A 'bale of good used clothing will be packed the end of May/ all contribu­ tions will be appreciated. The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served. Offer Still Good 4 X We are in Centennial garb, we are in the spirit with - the rest of Clinton* Si He,re you'll find 40 different makes and models to choose from. We'll give you the top dollar for your trade-in. Try us today for a Centennial deal. r into the path of the grader. Just a few years’ ago, fire de­ stroyed a service station in Blyth which Mr. Creaghton had operated for many years. He,'is survived by his wife, Dorothy, a son Harold, Swift Current, Sask., brother William, London; and sister, Mrs, Herb­ ert Giousher, of Auburn. The Tasker funeral home, Blyth, is in charge of the funeral. THEATRE w CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:0t THU RS.- FRL May 18'19 — DOUBLE FEATURE r-r "FRANKIE and JOHNNIE" SHOWN AT 10:15 ONLY ELVIS PRESLEY and Donpa Douglas Color "NAMU THE KILLER WHALE" SHOWN AT 8:45 ONLY Robert Lansing Color Cartoon? SPENTENNIAL Included in our Grab Boxes are: y/atches, Jewellery, Crystal, China. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. ' PHONE 482-9525 SAT - MON, ' MAY 20-22 —- DOUBLE FEATURE "STAGE COACH" (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN AT 10:15 ONLY Bing Crosby, Ann Margret,. Bob Cummings Color "WEEKEND AT DUNKIRK" War Drama (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN AT 8:45 ONLY Jean Paul Belmondo Color Cartoon; SUNDAY MIDNIGHT May 21 — DOUBLE FEATURE — THE GIRLS VS THE BEAST "BIKINI BEACH Frankie Avalon, !Annette Funicello, John Ashley ■ Color "KONGA" Cartoon?Dolor FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX" James Stewart,' Richard Attenborough, Peter Finch Color Cartoon? Coming Next —- Thurs., Fri., May 25-Sfi “NASHVILLE REBEL” and “THUNDER IN CAROLINA’’ . ........... . Y Clinton and District Community Centre Centennial Fund Finance Committee Request Your Support In Their f FINAL BLITZ FOR FUNDS 18 TONIGHT Every Home which hos not yet been canvassed will be called on tonight. Please decide how much you would like to give and have your donation ready when the Canvasser Calk. This will save tiftie and. Will Unable us to successfully Complete this huge campaign before the deadline. ■< We urgently solicit the Uid of anyone who would like to help With this project by canvassing tonight This is U one-night-only blitz and your support is a necessity. Interested persons should report to the office at 82 Albert Street any time after 6:30 0.HL Anyone Who Has Not Been Canvassed After Tonight’s Rhi-r _