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Clinton News-Record, 1967-05-18, Page 11
1 1 Thursday, May 18,1967—Clinton News-Record—Page 11 a ORDERS BY TELEPHONE — Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Hotel Clinton I Of Indian Life of SUNDAYS—5 to 7 P.M. Ill J LONDESBORO bl’ Friday and Saturday Evenings Only Mrs; Mrs, were with DINNERS Treflan (trifluralin, Elanco) , !<■—ri—«Wi i ii iwibwiiwwiiimu inwinmiiMiiiniM—n MAKE YOUR WASH DAYAuburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK-—Correspondent—-Phone 526-75*5 . Weekend guests with Mirs. Arthur Grange, Jennifer and Shiley were Mr. and Mrs. Rod ' ' .Singh and Christen of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris and Monique of London .and Mrs. Charles Straughan. . t . Mr. and Mrs. James Mtch- ' eson, Seaforth, visited on Sun day with’ their daughter, Mi's. ,r. -------------, - ----------— I Flower Lovers In Auburn At 100 Year Tea AUBURN — Bouquet? •spring flowers adorned toa Au burn Oomtounity Memorial Hall "last Thursday for toe Centen nial Tea of toe Horticultural iSociety. .The guests were wel comed. by Mrs. Frank Raithby, president, and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, convener of toe tea, hoth ‘in Centennial dress. Mrs. Raithby introduced1 toe guest, Mrs. Earl Cudmore of Brussels who demonstrated flower arrangements. She made •ten arrangements suitable for hospital room, coffee tables and tor many other' occasions: using vertical and horizontal lines for her bouquets;. Mrs. Albert Mc Farlane thanked her. The antique table was arrang ed: by Mrs. Arthur Grange and was in toe charge of Charles Straughan and George Millian. There many antiques on dfeplay many articles being over 100 years old. A blazing star quilt over 90 years old was displayed by Mrs. Albert McFarlane. A' hand-worked madeira linen table cloth covered the tea table and an arrangement of different ■colored daffodils centred the table. Past presidents of toe ’Society assisted toe President to • pour from toe silver tea ser vices. Assisting Mrs. Raithby were Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Mrs. . ' Bert Craig and Mrs; Wes Bradinock. .The waitresses, some in Centennial dress, were Mrs; Arthur Grange, Mrs. Ralph D. Munro, Mrs. Bert Doran, Miss Viola ' Thompson, Mrs. Russel Brindley and Mrs. Albert Mc Farlane. Prize for the one having toe wedding anniversary nearest ■went to Mrs. George Millian-. The gift for the one 'having toe closest bintoday went to MisS Margaret Jackson. Door prizes drawn by Carol Seers and Gaibrella Schliehfing went to Mrs. Earl Cudmiore and Mrs. Wes Bradnock. Kenneth Scott, Keith, Wayne and Eric. Mrs. Gormerly Thompson, Brampton, visited, last, week with her sister; Mrs,' Bert Marsh and Mr, Manto. , ’ Lynn Youngblut, Toronto, spent toe weekend with his parchts, Mr, and Mrs. Major Youngblut an# family, Miss Jannett Doibie, Torontp4 spent the weekend wito her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Doibie and Ross. Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Arthur and family spent .Sunday with her parents, Mi', and Mrs, Elmer Keller at Dublin. Harold Asquith, Cooksville, spent the Weekend in the vil lage. Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Stereo and George visited last weekend in London with the former’s uncle, Sherry Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. Miss Lynda Andrews, Wing ham, spent toe weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. War ner Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey were guests of honour at a din ner held at Tiger Dunlop Inn for toe occasion of their 25to wedding anniversary. Guests in cluded the family, toe maternal parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph AUBURN ■— Word was,re ceived. here last weekend by relatives of toe death of John W. > Jackson in. Wetaskiwta, Sask! He was a native of this community, and died it 84 years of age. He was born in Hultett Town ship, toe son of toe late Wil liam Jackson "and Jessie Laid law. • He attended' SS \No. 9 school and went West in T9J0 to settle in Orion. i In 1913 be marked fFloy Littlepage. In 1925, he moved to Millet, Alta. Besides his wife, he is sur vived by two sons, Clifford), Edmonton and John of Sunny- brook, Alfa; three daughters, Mrs. W. '(Jessie) Rato and Mi's; Wilfred (Irene) Sopher, both of Edmonton, and Mrs. A., Jos ephine) ’ Bilozer, Calmer,- Alta; one brother, James, and one. sister, Miss Margaret R. Jack- son, in Auburn. Mr. Jackson was a member of toe Auburn C.O.F. where last year he received his 60 year jewel. Valad, • Walkerton; Mr. Ken, Valad, Walkerton, brother of Mrs, Hickey and Miss Jean Feeley, Noya Scotia, now m Clinton, cousin of Mr, Hickey, -----——o~—i------ St. Mark's Guild Centennial Affair The Aimwell unfit of toe <■ United Church Women met on Monday evening with many of toid' members in gowns of by gone diays, Mrs. Neville Forbes and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart judged toe cos tumes. Mrs. Murray Lyon won first p®ace, Mirs. Jack Lee, sec ond, and' Mrs. Watkins, third. Mrs. first Mrs. Robbie Burns, honourable mention. The Londesiboro ladies trio' delighted toe audience with several old time songs. Mrs. Wood gave a monologue and Mrs. Ida Durum contributed two humorous readings.. Mrs. Ross Lovett was auc-‘ ftaneer for a very successful , auction basket. A table' of an tiques were duly admired and a tasty lunch of home made • bread and biscuits with jams and jellies was enjoyed. UCW Meets The meeting of toe UCW held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Tschanz was well attend ed. A "toankyou” Tetter1 was read from the Indian Reserve in Parry Sound acknowledging a bale of quilts and clothing. Ah invitation was received from toe Belgrave ladies to at- Jay Bali of Clinton won in the second group and ' AUBURN — The Ladies’ Guild of St, Mark’s Anglican Church, met in the church last week for toeir May meeting wito Mrs. John Daer in charge, Tire scripture lesson was read by .Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and prayers, were taken by Mrs. Fordyce Clark. Th© missionary .topic from the Living Message was read by Mrs. George Schneider. She told about toe missionary work done at Fort York among toe' Cree Indians and Eskimos. ' “The Philosophy of a Christ ian Wife” was read by Mrs. Schneider. Mrs. Daer welcomed all the guests to the meeting and a reading was given by Mrs'.Laum Phillips. Rev. G. E. Pakenham gave the topic on the missionary. Rev. Charlies Locke at Fort George, He told abO'Ut the great need among the Indians to- teach them how to live, especi ally toe children. He passed around1 the Lord’s Prayer writ ten in toe Cree language. The Members of toe Guild had Sold carvings, necklaces and souven irs made by these northern people and a report was given on these articles. Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor told about their trip to Brantford to hear a former rector, Rev. Murray Wyatt. After thanking all who had taken, part in her meeting, Mrs. John Daer handed toe meeting over’ to the- president, Mrs. Orval McPhee. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, The roll call was answered by naming a mother menttohed in the Bible. The travelling apron received a penny for each letter- in Ascension Day. ■ Auburn WHS Hears Life Story Of St. Peter AUBURN — The Women’s Missionary Society, of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday school room of toe church Wito the president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson in charge. The devotional period was in toe charge of Mrs. Major YoUngblut. She gave an in spiring paper on the life of St. Peter. Mrs; Donald Haines gave Some of toe highlights out of toe Glad Tidings and toe roll call was answered by a Bible verse beginning with toe letter “T". ■The mission study about toe Indians in Canada was given by Miss Minnie Wagner. School Teacher obi Parade Teachers at Clinton Public School g ot right into the swing of things dur-'' ing Clinton’s Centennial week; All in old style dress they paraded downtown at noon hour on Monday. Shown above. are, left to right, Willard Wasson, manager of (Stedmans, watching teachars Mrs, Dorothy Williams, Ron Jewitt, Mrs. Dorothy Ball, Charlene Turner a . id Sharon Norman walking along Albert Street. ' fNews-Becord Photo) Eight Children Baptized At Auburn ’ AUBURN — Special Mothers' Day services were held in all four churches last Sunday. A Family Day Service was held in Knox United ■- Church by Rev, M. Roberts. A Mothers’ Choir* undter toe direction, of organist, Mrs. Brian Hallam, sang an anthem. Assisting in iihe service were Nancy Lapp, Klaske Ko,opmans and Deryk Ball. The sacrament of Holy Bap tism was administered to toe following: Glenyce Marie Me- Clinchey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClinchey; Anna- Maxie-'Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young; Rodger Thomas Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom; Cunning ham; Jamie- Ross Daer, son of Mr. and Mrs; Ross Daer; Shawn Frederick Beers, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Seers; Vicki Lee Turner and Richard Alan Tur; ner,' ’ oh’ildren of Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Turner; and James William Bere, son of Mrs, Or land Bere and toe late Mr- Bere. will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. NO WIRE FENCING, OLD CONCRETE or CAR BODIES PERMITTED James I. McIntosh Clerk. ,15tfb (News-Record Photo) Get your supply of- TREFLAJN now at our special reduced rate of $8.90 per qt WE ALSO CARRY EPTAM GEORGE WRAITH & CO Highway 8, 2 miles south of Goderich Phone 524-6511 Featuring "CLOUD T Room We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions Phone 482-3421 for Reservations LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY MEN'S SHIRTS OUR SPECIALTY Phone 482-9491 LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET — CLINTON, ONT. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY you can t see a weed for the beans "Excellent control of both grasses and broad- leafs," That's the comment of many large, successful growers of soybean and fieldbean crops. Treflan stops weeds before they start to grow by ki 11 ing the weed seed as it germinates. The result, you get greater yielding crops be cause there's more nutrients, moisture and light for your crops; Jess time-consuming harvesting stoppages caused by weeds; and more efficient use of fertilizer, For dependable weed control that helps you make more profit contact Shamrock Chemicals Limited, London, Ontario, your exclusive Elanco distributor. Elanco—the company that shares its experience with you Banco Product* Division of Ell Lilly and Company (Canada) Limited SaarbnmMal*. OataHnContact your Shamrock Representative Case Van Raay. RR 3, Dashwood Phone 237-3496 CINCI This scirrirner, enjoy Carling Cihci Ldger Beet It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot rhorel MRS. BERT ALLEN / Phone 523-4570 ' tend a Centennial craft carni val to be held afternoon and evening of Friday, May 19 at 2 to 5 o’clock and 7 to’ 9:30 o’clock and toe afternoon of May 20 from 2 to 5. The general meeting will con vene on May 30. An interesting feature of the program was’ a recording of to'e voice of Mass Vera Lyon telling of her work among toe African people. A social cup of tea was enjoyed at toe close. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jones moved to toeir new home in the village recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williard of Buffalo spent Saturday even ing wito Mr. ahd Mm. Bert Shobbrook. Mr. ahd! Mrs. Shuttleworth of Chatham have been visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark for the 'past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook spent Sunday in Woodstock with their daughter and family, also attending toe baptism of their young grandson, Darren Ross Millson. Norman Radford and son Ross of Port Colborne spent Friday 'evening with Mr. and Mirs. Shobbrook. satisfied HULLETT TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD I Applications will be received by the Hulfett Townsnip Public School Area Board for the posi tion of Teacher th the Central School in Lon- ' desboro. Applicants will apply in writing stating Qualifications, Experience, Telephone Number ohd Name of Present School Inspector. W CARLING