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Clinton News-Record, 1967-05-18, Page 8
Page NewsrHecord-r-i-Thurs,, May 18, 1967 f* BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , . , " Jmt -Jw JBf At , , , By BELLCHAMBER pjersqnal ihms e hews < activities e villacs happenings Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER ~ Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs, arid Pisplqy Advs, q|l accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. We’re Sorry! “To err is human’’! Omitted from the. list of Bayfield Vol unteer Firemen in last week’s report, ware members,. An|old Makins and Jack Marner. ’ Personals Air, and Mrs, doe Beechie and qhildren, London, were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Beechie have just returned from a three', week visit to France. Mr. and Mm,' R, C, Moore have taken up residence at “Fairlawn'’ their summer home on Main Street. Gujesits at the Albion Hotel during .last week were, H, F. Stoieh and son of . Kitchener and Mrs, Jim Atkinson and two daughters, Stratford. Mr; and Mrs; Tom Penhale and family were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wes.. Rader in Exeter on Sunday. Mary, Shirley and Kathy Mc Fadden are spending this week with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Pen- hale, -while Reeve and Mrs; McFadden are attending a con-- vention at Font William'. On Monday evening, May 8, ’members of the United Church Women visited” the Ontario Hospital, Godeiiieh, aand enter tained the patients at the May birthday party, Those attending were, Mrs, Lindsay Smith, Mrs. Robert MacVcan, Mrs. Bert Gwr, Mrs.. John Scotchmen, Mrs. Arnold Makins, Mrs. Bill McIlwain, Mrs. Donald. Beck, Mrs. Robert Blair and Mrs, Ted Dunn, Mr, and Mrs. J, Sturgeon Sr. and Mr, .and Mrs. Bernard Stur geon and Jeffrey, spent Sunday in Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs., Riobert .Parker, BRUCEFIELD Ask Let's Raise Our Temperature! The thermometer an Bay- field Clan Gregor Square, shows just over $1,000 to the t Bayfield Community Centre' Fund. The objective is $15,000 for the, renovation of the arena and artificial ice in stallation, Donations will. be published every week in this paper. Donations tsfhce this photo was taken have brought the total to $2,325. (Beillehamiber Photo) MRS. H. F. BERRY Phone 482-7572 Unit 3 Convenes Unit Three of Brucefield United Church held its May meeting at the home of Mrs. Bob Dalrymple with a large at tendance. The Worship and Study was taken by Mrs. Fred McGregor, Mrs. Stewart Broadfoot, and Mrs. Bob Theme -was jeots”. . Mrs. Joan foresting hat demonstration, Mrs. Mary De Jong gave an' informative talk on tire art of_ bread making and answered all questions. Mrs. Ann Broadfoot of Clin ton showed some rugs and dem onstrated how she makes them. Mrs; Betty Hulley- of Londes- boro gave a demonstration on making flowers out of ribbon. Mrs. June Johns showed her oil paintings. Mrs, Kay Brooks showed samples of her soap carving hobby. The group’s annual picnic will be held at Scott's cottage July 12. Visitors day is on June 6. Some slides on Expo wwll shown at the next meeting Jupe. An auction sale of plants was held with Mrs. Carol Ward as auctioneer. A delicious lunch was served, by Mrs. Anna Aid winkle and her assistants.* * * Tuckersmitli Unit Tuckersmith United Church Women of Brucefaeld United Church met at the home of Mrs. Ervin Sillery on Mon day, May 8 wiiitah an attend ance of 19, Mrs. Norris Sliiliery and Mrs. Walters Were in charge of the meeting. . Mrs. Sillery opened the meet ing by reading the scripture. Mrs, Walters conducted a con test, “Mothers of the Bible.” Mrs. Henderson took the chair for the business. Mrs. Ervin Sillery read tire secre tary’s report. The roll call was answered by a “Molli er’.’ Correspondence from Mrs.’ George Mrs. Berry and Souter. Donations of children's and adult clothes for the bale are to be in by the. last week of May. Visitors,’ day will be on June 6 at 2 p.m. Margaret Beeerafit is the guest speaker and Eg- mondville, Wesley^Wdllis and Varna ladies are to be guests. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her committee. -----------o_--------- Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results Allan gave an in- on be in verse on was read Henderson, Mrs. 'Jas. / Control Wireworms, Seed Maggots and Diseases on Corn, Soybeans, Beans and Cereal Grains f ... ■* Give your Prbp a good Start in1967, Mix Green Cross Drillbox Seed Treatments directly with the seed in the planter box and t&Cre’s no contamination of farm equipment. *, lid left-over treated seed, Easy to mix, too. seed-treater is needed, Simply stir With a stick or pdddte for uniform, affective seed coverage you can see! 4 / 1 J .Pant, Jack and Payiid of Bor* Chester, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, E. Parker. Mrs- Myrtle barker is a pa tient in Clinton Public Hospital, Mrs. Keith Pruss and child ren, Londlon, were at their cottage, for the weekend. Mr.’* and Mrs, Hanold Weston were in Detroiit from FiW until Tuesday, visiting their family and friends. Mt, and Mis, Charles Parker, Toronto, spent the Weekend in the village, Mrs. E. Bllwood, Clinton, and gu,est, Mrs. Aaie Jenks, form* erty Miss Azie Nott, Bozeman, Montanna, were callers at “The Hut”' one day last week. Carl Diehl and Mrs. Jenks had not met since their schooldays at BS 1 Stanley (Baird). They re* called in'eidients both amusing and tragic in the neighborhood in those days. Mbs. H, B. Scudamore is visit ing at the home of Mrs, R, H, K Guirdner this week* UCW Meeting- The May meeting pf Upjt II of UCW of St, Andrew’s ULTited Church. Bayfield, was held .at the' -home of Mrs, Raymond Scotchmen on Wednesday, May ’'10. Mrs. D. Reck led, the wor ship, opening with the singing of .a hymn, followed by Scrip ture reading and meditation. There were 15 ladies present, Tea and birthday money was given, with the gift of the month being won by Mrs. John Siertsema, .The unit will have za shower for Sharon Cleave on May 24 and for Marilyn Rothwell on I June 10, Mrs. Wilfred Casitle invited the group to hold the June meeting at her home in Clinton. A salad plate luncheon will be served in 'the church basement on July 12 at noon. Letter To The Editor Dalrymple. The “Centennial Pro- News-Record, The Editor, Clinton, Ontario. Dear Sir: I note that the open season for lambasting council has opened. It appears to me un fortunate that, such complaints are first hired in the press in stead of being forwarded through recognized channels. Last year the Bayfield Rate payers Association sent a letter to council expressing the views of a number of their members. Their complaints and-suggest ions received prompt, and' cour teous attention. We who live here 'the year round know that the views of those who stay for a few weeks in the summer frequently differ from those of the rest, Who need to be able to get to work in the winter. Our need for good wide streets and the wish to see tidy road allovvances rather than acres of weeds may be distressing, to some but council must feel that they can never hope to please more than a few. To please us ah, even a little, council would quickly find themselves, in need of much more money. I rather fancy a large increase in th© mill rate Would1 be unpopular among- summer and full time residents alike. Surely council are" to be congratulated on doing so much with so little. Recently a by-law has been passed to ensure that indliseriim- inate building or conversion of existing buildings for undesir able purposes, does not occur. This is just one example of time consuming effort to ensure that our property value remains as- r sured. Let’s congratulate coun cil, and the planning commit tee. too. A drainage plan -is under way to prevent valuable land being eroded by spring rains and to keep our wells clean and un polluted. Another feather in council's caps. Let anyone who flunks that hie is entitled to grouch go to a' council meeting -first and see for himself the amount of bus iness handled; let him first acquaint council by letter of his complaint; if action resulting seems unfair or inadequate let him find his neighbours'’ views and, if all agree, council will receive a delegation. If, on the other hand, the problem seems to need develop ing, the Ratepayers' Associa tion will be glad to help and to formulate suggestions if - a sufficient number of members agree. Even so it would be fa?, flier nice if the Association,, could see the good which our present council is doting instead of spending all its' time in composing a long list of. griev ances. Let’s face it, Bayfield was a going concern at the turn of the century, 'by all accounts, and degenerated .quite a bit be tween the wars. Now we have an energetic council again so let’s encourage them to do ail they can. The more they delay the more we shall pay! If we must express our views in the- press let us Credit where W. E. GEORGE Bayfield, Ontario. May 16, .1967. be f air and give it is due! BELLCHAMBER. / V vv Helicopter Cr^w Stops for Coffee Bayfield’s <(Tanl< & Tummy” coffee shop .had an unusual group of custom^ ers drop m” for coffee this week when an Ontario Hydro crew put their heh- copter down w front of the shop and casually .came in for coffee. ■ , ________ ________■_______(Photo by Aud/rey Bellchamber) The theimometer .in Clan Gregor Square in Bayfield now reads $2,325 thanks to the ef forts of generous Bayfield people and their friends. Last weelds total was $815 but with the addition of more, recent gifts, and the.proceeds from the very successful ball held last Friday evening, the red indi cator has shot nearer to the goal. Further contributions to the Bayfield Community Committee: J. E. Mayman .........., “Rollarena” ...’.............. Ellen McEwen .......... Beryl K. Hughes ....... John M. Atkinson .... .Janet M. Simons ........ Helen Cobb ................ Anonymous ................. '‘Rollarenia” ................ F/S Dumayne .........., Leroy Path ........' Ethel Path ................. Gordon Grigg ......,..... —......—■■■■■........... Goderich Kinsmen Glob. Gardiners Dairy .......... Mitchells Grocery ...... A. (Red) Garon .......... J, A, Beeehic .............. 25.00 25,00 50.00 20.00 100.00 Centre ....$ 50.00 .... 100.00 .... 10.00 10.00 ... 10.00 ... 25.00 ... 25.00 ... 100.00 ... 200.00 ... 10.00 ... 50.00 ... 50.00 ... 100.00 Use Classified Ads. Bayfield Ball Earns $550 For Arena BAYFIELD — Seldom M hundred years can Bayfield'' hav^ enjo-yed a bigger and i>et- t©r party fium on FH$ay last, By 9:30 pm. Bayfield Pavilion was humming with conversation as the early comers enjoyed .a, sociql hour' over glass of punch, Music of the 1938-46 era played by Doug McCann and his band was- pnjoyed by well over two hundred peopl©' who d'anced? ’till the wee hours of the xnwninig and also enjoyed an ample and varied buffet supper, The Bayfield Community Centre Committee who organ ized the dance report that a profit of over $550 was re^ alized. The lunch committee1 headed by Mrs, Robert Turner, consisted of Mrs. Walter Turn er, Mrs. John Lindsay, Mrs. Warner Payne, Mrs. Jack Mer- ner, Mrs. Arnold Makins, Mrs, Tom Penhale and Mrs. Percy Renner, Province of Ontario Requires V. /- mo The finance committee chair man pointed out that people may find it convenient ’to send post dated cheques. He also said that it is hoped that people will not refrain from donating pending official' receipts, as the progress of the project depends upon the early receipt of don ations. -o- SCENE OF WORLD SAILING TOURNEY The World Lightning Sailing Championship set for Aug. 14- 19 on the open waters of Lake Ontario' has 15 entries each from Europe and South Africa, 16 from the U.S1., two each from Canada and Australia, and Japan and Siam each with one; ........................... .......... CONCRETE SILOS Thirty years of experience, 1 can build a silo to suit your needs — 12”, 13*, 14* up to 55 feet. A few vacancies yet to fill, place your order soon — by contacting ARNOLD HUGILL and SON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich —* Phone 524-9437 20,21b I Dairy Herd Improvement Supervisor For North Huron County Association The duties of the, position include the collecting and testing of milk samples, also the keeping of production and cost study records. Qualifications —Grade 10 education, with a good knowledge of dairy farming. Salary $4,400.00 per year rising to $5,250.00 per yeat. Apply in Writing to Personnel Director, Ontario Department of Agriculture & Food, Queen's Pork, Toronto. Closing Date: Friday, May 26th, 1967. z t V, FARMERS Haye your Electric Fencer checked and battery replaced now — Repairs to All Makes of Fencers. NEW SHUR SHOCK BATTERY FENCERS .I' $16.50 NEW IMPROVED HYDRO FENCERS with I year warranty.... FENCER BATTERIES $20.95 PHONE 482-7021 ........ ...............^ FBSD IS A BARGAIN HERE! WEEKEND SPECIALS 2-ib. Poly Bag .... DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT /■ . * ■ At the River in Bayfield and Highway 21 Write or Contact BAYFIELD BOAT CLUB BOX 51 — BAYFIELD, ONT GRADE "A" FRESH TURKEY BROILERS 37c lb. OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE SUPREME BRAND 12-oz. Tins . j J 24-oz. BOTTLE REALEMON JUICE 2 for 77c F2Sfc>J ■ •*** A** • »»ILl»W mmmu DRILLBOX DCL (contains Diazinon, Capfan, Lindane) for teed maggots, wireworms and diseases on beaus, soybeans, born and peas* DRILLBOX WIREWORM KILLER for cereal grains already treated With fungicide. Controls Wireworms and certain other Soil insects. ORIlllOX gSSC'fflSb ft Rr, ? Hi DRILLBOX MERLANE for cerealgrains; to control wire* Worms and seed* and sdil-bornc diseases. f »WllNONwL7NP*»rt) MO MO ROOT MAhOOn AMbWWWORMS . *» eoflKfOYMAM,hA$wmtAm H'b1UtLDO*| «aRB>| ¥ HlttiW ’W*. USE Gli££N CROSS DRILLBOX SEED TREAT* MENTSTO GIVE YOUR CROPS A GOOD START ’ IN 1 deft ALL GREEN CROSS SEED TREATMENTS . ARE GUARANT LED AS PER LABEL. DRILLBOX Diazinon-Lindane for seed maggots and wireworms oil corn, beans, soy- | beans and peas ; (for seed already i treated with a ’ fungicide). i driiiboxsAn for Cereal grains, to Control seed* and soil-bomo ■ diseases* DRILLBOX LINDASAN Fof -tutnip seed, beets, tape and kale. The seed x grows better when treated .With Drillbox Lindasan. .....fegipsg PRODUCTS & Division of THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Co. ttE CANADA LTO. Mohtreal» Woodstock, N.B, * Torontd Winn»bea » Calgary w Edmonton * Vancouver PREMIUM — J/2’s SOCKEYE SALMON - York BEANS WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE — 19-oz. Tins 5 for $1.00 55c 10 for $1.00 49cASSORTED FRESHIES 10 for 79c SMOKED No. 1 SUNKIST 15-oz. TINS ZIP DOG FOOD ROUND STEAK or 24-oz. — 10c OFF FACk IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT............ MRS. LUKE'S JAMS — 24-oz. RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY (added pectin) -— 1-ib. Bag a MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE CLUB HOUSE -* 4-oz. CARTON BLACK PEPPER ........... 16*02. GLIDE SPRAY STARCH