HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-18, Page 7Lovely Costumes Fjr Church Service This group of 1867 beauties attended the special Centennial Week service in St. Paul’s Anglican Church Sunday evening. From the left, the Centennial dressed ladies are, Mrs. Duff Sturdy, Miss Freda Schoenhals, Mrs. R. B. Sutter and Mrs. Mervyn Batkin. ' (News-Record Photo) . i Lovelier Than The Mannequins! The sales ladies at Lee’s Ladies’ and Men’s Wear in their Centennial dress­ es, bonnets and shawls, far outshine the mannequins in the show windows dur­ ing Clinton Retail Merchants Centennial Week. The sales ladies are, left to right, Mrs. Ben Russell, Mrs. Gary Freeman and Mrs. Harvey Carter. - (News-Record Photo) s ! I B first Column (Continued from page one) change , , * although it isn’t too- nice tor foils who like two to" three <Mys to gOjhpme or on a fishing trip or a shopping spree or something just as gruelling. Np wonder society is so beat all the time. It is hard work to relax these days because nobody stays home and puts their feet up any more. READ OR heard somewhere recently that a dentist some- .wlhere in Ontario (I forgot the. location and made .a mental nojte never to go there) has found that if a tooth has a real bad cavity in it, the tooth can be pulled, thp cavity filled,^ the diseased' or infected jaw scraped and cleaned, the tooth replanted in it and the whole affair will knit and start grow­ ing again within a few days. Fantastic eh? For someone who ciosses the street to avoid passing the dentist’s door, it sounds positively horrible. But if it will work, the fellas em­ ployed making false teeth can plan on more leisure hours.* * * RECEIVED wal'd last week that external affairs Minister Paul Martin will be given an honorary doctor of laws degree and address Waterloo Lutheran University’s spring convocation on May 22. About 550 young men and women will be pre­ sented with degrees during the colorful convocation ceremony. , 4’ * i * 'IF THE Ontario Medical As­ sociation 'has anything to say about it, housewives who hire someone to look after the kids whale they go to the monthly PTA meeting will have to stay home unless they are prepared to pay fabulous sums for the service. '> In all fairness, we have to explain that the move is design­ ed to hit professional baby-sit­ ters only. They may be requir­ ed to undergo medical examina­ tions'which would include chest. X-rays and an assessment of mental health. But we all know what improvements in qualifi­ cations mean to the customers. Who knows? In a few years, mothers may have to be licenc­ ed to look after their- own kids! 4’ •!* THERE HAS been a great deal of concern expressed lately over the drug LSD and either “orbit stimulators” lake aero­ plane glue and banana scrap­ ings. Maybe it is because these things are new-type kicks that same folks are so up in arms. Joseph Connell, general sec­ retary of the Kitchener-Water­ loo YMCA said, recently that the common horror, alcohol, is more of a threat to kids than drugs. And it isn’t confined to this country alone. In the United Kingdom in 1965, of 72,980 persons con­ victed for drunk driving, 9,996 of them were ’teenagers. Parents of young persons don’t set a very goad example. In the year ending March 31, 1965, Canadians spent mare than one billion dollars on some 301,400,000 gallons1 of al­ coholic beverages — slightly more than 15 gallons for every man, woman and child in the country. Ontario drinks 29 per cent more than its share on a popu­ lation basis.. -------.—o----------- The regular meeting of Group 4 of Ontario Street UCW will be held on Monday, May 29 at 8:30 p.m. in the church parlour. of . Clinton Girls To Peterborough Mass Diane Murphy, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy will receive her Bachelor of. Household Science degree at the Univer­ sity of Guelph Convocation on May 19. She will begin teaching at Peterborough in September. CLINTON PERSONALS V Mrs. Thomas E. Hull, Willow­ dale and Mrs. Arthur E. Saun­ ders, Sarriia, daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cuninghame, spent Mather’s Day weekend with theii’ parents. Mis. Hull returned recently from New­ foundland where she accorm ied her husband, Dr. T. E. Hull, on a. university lecture tour, at­ tending Expo en route. Harry Cummings, 129 Mary St. returned home after spend­ ing the past week in Montreal. Whie there he, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cummings and spent a few days at Expo. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoy visited with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilhelm, Baden; also Virginia and Dianne Lamardh’e, Lloyd Hoy and Diane Lingard of Stratford. -----------o----------- Centennial School At Brucefield Open House May 25 Huron Centennial public school at Brueefiield which ser­ vices the municipalities of Stan­ ley and Tuckersmiith. Town­ ships 'and the villages of Bay- field and Egmondville is hold­ ing an open house on Thurs­ day, May 25 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. r- " '* " ■"............. ■' ■" Huronview Residents Paid for Work The regular meeting Ladies Auxiliary to Huronview was held on Monday afternoon, May 15 in, the Arts and Crafts room qt Hurqnvtiew. It was de­ cided fo buy ten pillow speakers foes' the new wing — more will be bought in the future as 75 will be needed. A total of $155 was paid back A Truly Centennial Staff! Irwin’s Ladies’ Wear which has been on Cinton’s main street for 57 years have gone all out and dressed the sales ladies in Centennial plaid gowns for this Centennial .Week. They are from the left, Mrs. Jack Reid, Mrs. Robert Draper, Mrs. William Grigg and Mrs. R. N. Irwin. Mr. Irwin "is also in old style dress. ' '(News-Record Photo) (Continued from page 1) Goderich Township is finding their task one of the midsit ex- citing, informative and interest­ ing event' yet. . "We know this happy fever is spreading rapidly across the township as everyone swings into action digging out old cos­ tumes, restoring, (broken har­ nesses or planning a crazy base­ ball team with such equally funny umpires known as Gladi­ olus Stocks and Crab Apple Laithwaite! "The sub committee of the variety show has been meeting regularly, chalking up a bag out-of-door extravaganza for Friday night, June 16, featur­ ing some Goderich Township singers, musicians and actors. ‘ ‘Please note: the fashion show group are looking for old Wed* ding gowns of Goderich Town­ ship brides before 1945. Pllease contact Mrs. -Bin Lobb by May 25 if you know of any; Also Mrs. Bill Cox extends a Warm invitation to all former and present Goderich Township adult residents who would en-i joy singing tome old familiar tunes in a large choir planned for the variety night and the church service on June 18. The ftost practice will be at Hol* mcsville School Auditorium, May 25 at 8:30 p.m< ''June 16, 17 and 18th are spe­ cial days set aside to celebrate I Canada’s birthday in Goderich Township. The odd saying "you just get what you pay for" doesn’t apply here for eveiy- thing is “an the house” except the Saturday, night chicken barbecue for which tickets are being sold. These tickets are available from Centennial com­ mittee members. 1 ..■ ............................. Goderich Township Council and' Centennial Com­ mittee extends a hearty invi- taition to all past and present residents and their guests to come to Holmesville, June 16,17 and 18 and join in the fun and games or look,art old photo al­ bums and reminisce with, old friends.” D. A. Kay & Son BARGAIN DAYS On WALLPAPER and PAINTS are continuing during Clinton Centennial Week Celebrations I ROLL Non-Pasted Wallpaper at Regular Price — Plus I ROLL FREE. / Sign Youlr Ticket* Here for Draw Prizes I—,;............................................................................................................................................................................................................... D. A. Kay & Son 33 HUteM STREIT — CLINTON — 482-9542 Vi * Thursday, Mfty IS, to reslidente tor the -wiark dkme .tor the ba?afctr, A- .PPW” ing TOdh'hto to $00$ todter ri very much needed ppd anyone having ,pne could donate it to, Huronview. A lunch was ^wsrved at the close of tjie i;iieet'ing- which 18 members' attended. Centennial Service Realizes $39.31 A Centennial church service ait St. Paul’s Anglican Church with Rev. Ron Wonham and Rev. A. J. Mowatt in charge realized $39.31 for the Centen- mail Arena, fund. Margaret Glidden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Glidden, graduated May 12 from St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing in Lon­ don, She wdl be nursing in Peterborough next year. & Service Spring Graduate Barry Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Elliott graduated in Business Ad- ministration from Ontario Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology. He has accepted a position With Firestone Ltd; in Hamilton. -----------o----------- Graduates In Toronto Robert A. Addison,' son af Dr. and Mrs, J. A. Addison, Clinton, has graduated from the Ryerson Polyteohnical Insti­ tute, school af business admin­ istration. The graduation exer­ cises were on May 4. THE SETTLEMENT OF HURON COUNTY Author James Scott a history of the County of Huron Excellent Graduation Gift or Gift for Centennial Year PRICE t ) HOW TO SAVE MONEY Ask for your f F66 k. I* •Reprinted In th* public Interest by the Royal Bank from MOTOR TREND MAGAZINE. ■haaihMlMi Ji LAVORIS 2 For J Special,.,, 45c Size Free with $1,25 Size DESERT FLOWER CREAM DEODORANT Reg. $1.50 ........................ Sale 2 for $1,50 HUMAN HAIR EYE LASHES—Self Adhesive ..........$3.95 YARDLEY SOAPS — Reg 3 for $1.95 .... Sale 3 for $1.45 iTVTiTI PRESCRIPTIONS ; Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario z CENTENNIAL WEEK SALE ENDS SATURDAY We still have some % Price Coats & Suits ALSO KITCHEN PRINTS - ».uo * Sale Special 75c yd. Be sure you have tickets in on the Special Draw Prizes to be drawn Saturday. Ladies1 Wear and Dry Goods CLINTON HENSALL z Attend Your Church NOTE—ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, May 21 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Church Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A. R. C. T. Sunday, May 21 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 -a.m.—Morning Worship TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH 2:00 p.m.—Church Service 3:00 p.m.—Sunday School Available at office of County Clerk-Treasurer, Court House, Goderich, and local book stores. 20-1 b —^olntesinlle (Hlptrcfyea. REV.. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D, DU, Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, May 21 9:45 am.—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Divine Worship "The Tenth Commandment — The Conquest of Greed” HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Miss Catharine Potter, Organist Sunday, May 21 — Trinity Sunday 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion BA.C. Breakfast followed by film. 9t45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 am.—Morning Prayer Thurs.* May 18 ~ Chancel Guild at home of Miss Luelia Johnston, .8:15 p.m.__ ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH; The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mr*. M. J. Agnew* Organist and Choir Director Sunday, May 21 9:45 am.—Sunday School I 10:45 am.—Public Worship ! Everyone Welcome I I r < f CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH ■ REV. ft. J. HEERSINK, Minister Sunday, May 21 ! 10:00 am—Morning Worship ; ! 11:00 ajn.—Sunday School < 1 2:30 p.m.—Worship Service <! ’ Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO. St. fttomaa, I ^IListen to "Backto God Hour”. EVERYONE WELCOME i MAPLE ST. GO8PEL HALL Sunday. May 21 9:45 ana.—Worship Service 11:to am.—Swntoy School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Speaker, John Martin, Hawkes- ville _ _ Tues., 8:00 p,m. — Prayer and Bible Study Pentecostal Church Victoria Street ft. F. Bott, Minister Sunday. May 21 9:45 wm.-*-«kxnday School 11:00 aiTL—Wonrap Service , 7:30 p.m.-~-Everrfn< Service Friday, 8 p.m.—YPIJ Meeting