HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-11, Page 10Tage lO^-Clinton M«y 11/ 1967 Hearts, Flowers and Good Food At Infprmal Engagement Party 1 /? Mess Employee Retires at CFB Clinton An employee of the Other Ranks Mess at CFB Clinton for the past 12 years, James Clark, of 209 Maple St., Goderich, was.recently presented with his re­ tirement certificate; Mr. Clark has a son presently serving with the RCAF as a Flight Engineer on Hercules Aircraft at CFB Uplands, Ontario, Shown here, . left to right, Fred Millar, Civilian Personnel Officer; Flying Officer N. D. La­ pointe, Base Food Services Officer; Mr, Clark and Group Captain K, R. Green­ away, Ease Commander ofCFB Clinton. (CFB Clinton Photo) LONDESBORO Guests From Blyth The. Women's Institute met last Wednesday evening with a good attendance. A number of Goderich and Blyth Institute members were-guests. Roll call was answered 'by “What makes a good citizen”-; Mrs. Alice Buchanan gave es­ timates for the decorating, of the basement in the hall. Mrs. Glen Carter gave a report from • .the executive meeting which planned for the District annual meeting on May 30. ' An invitation to attend the cooking school at Auburn on the evening of May 18 at 8:30 / (Continued from Page 4) gave the press, the vantage point they needed. 1. It is too bad that the bitietf visits off the more than 60 dig­ nitaries who -will visdit Ottawa this year, leave time for noth-' ing but the official functions. How much more we could learn, about the. world, and about our­ selves too, if three or four re­ porters could1 sit down for a relaxed interview with each one.Before Haiile Selassie arrived ' the press were told' he would only answer questions that had been submitted in writing three days in advance. No one was prepared then when the Em­ peror opened the press confer­ ence with a simple invitation for questions. The reporters sat in stunned silence sb Press Gal­ lery president Tom Earle read out the- questions. He was asked whether United Nations support had been sought in the border dispute be­ tween Ethiopia and Somalia. He gave a quiet “no.” If the ques­ tioner had been a little more knowledgeable of history he "* could have predicted the an­ swer. This was the man who in 1935 had appealed to the League of Nations to protect his coun­ try’s -borders. This was the man who watched the richest and strongest nations on earth sit dumbly. on their hands / while Italy’s fascist soldiers overran his country. If he has a soft spot in his heart for our country it is be­ cause Canadians were the first to provide help in the rehabili­ tation of Ethiopia after the ag­ gressors withdrew. It was aid ■in the form of people dedicated to serve. That same land of aid can win the friendship of a lot marie countries, particularly in Africa. MRS. BERT ALLEN , ' Phone 523-4570 was received. Program. consisted of a read­ ing by Mrs, Durnin, a. solo by Mrs. Ruth Vincent and a con­ test conducted by Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt. Mrs. Edwin Wood intro­ duced the speaker, Mr. Smith of the Guelph Reformatory who gave an interesting talk on has work there and the importance of good citizenship. • The Aim Well Unit of the United Church Women are hold­ ing a special Centennial meet­ ing in the church on May 15 at 8:15 pm. It was hoped that anyone who. is interested will come in Centennial dress and bring something old or of inter­ est for display. Personals Mrs. R. Fairservfice, Ann and Mr. and Mrs. David Mair of Detroit left on Thursday morn­ ing for a week of sightseeing at Expo. The sympathy of the com­ munity is extended to the fa­ mily of the late Mr. Tamblyn in Iris sudden passing. Mr. Tam­ blyn was a highly esteemed resident and will be sadly miss­ ed in his circle of friends. -----------o----------- Former Hensail11 ifci AV J F a It'sx to) Phi and sentimental ” custom to have an engagement, patty, An informal party to in­ troduce the newly>-engaged couple to. the family and friends lets everybody share the hap­ piness, Occasions such as this make memories to diyam on, 7 Unlike this shower given by friends, the family, off the bride- to-be gives .this party, The par­ ents are the hosts and assume the expense. There pre no fixed rules, tut by tradition, the father makes the’announcement and proposes a toast. An engagement can be cele­ brated with a' dinner or a lun­ cheon, but most often it is an afternoon ten dr an evening reception held, at home. Even a large crowd can be entertained % 2 1 go, set om set Nq NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TAKE NOTICE that a by-law for raising $200,OQO.OQ* under the provisions of THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT, will be taken jntp consideration by the Council of thg Township of Tackersmith at the Town of Seaforth on the s6th day of June, 1967 at the hour of 9;30 o'clock in th(e evening. MOCHA-FILLED ANGEL CAKE 1 large (14 oz.) angel food calm 2 packages qbacUaite whipped instant dessert, mix ' • 2 tablespoons sugap 2 tablespoons instant coffee 1 cup cold milk 1 cup cold water” Invert cake on serving plate. Use a fork to carefully remove center portion of cake, leaving only a 1-inch outside shell and a 1-inch layer on bottom. Tear cake removed from center into, l-inch cubes, Use some of these cubes to. fill tube hole in the cake shell; set remaining cubes aside. •* Combine dessert mix, sugar,, and coffee; then prepare with the milk and, water as directed on package. If necessary, chill until frnxture will mound —- about 10 minutes. Fold remain­ ing cake pubes (all but very fine crumbs) into prepared des- sort mix. Spoon intqcake shell. Chill 4 hours or more, or freeze overnight. Garnish with mint leaves, chopped nuts or as de­ sired. a t home if guests come and andif the refreshments are out buffet-style. This is an easion tor a pretty table with flowers and candles, peed for elaborate food, offer tiny sandwiches, a special des­ sert and a choice of coffee or cold punch. Often close friends are asked to help serve .so that the hostess can spend time with her guests. A - spectacular dessert need not be time-consuming. All of our suggestions are make- aheadS. The Angel Cake is fill­ ed and1 frosted with a delicious cream, Cheese Pile has the flavour of sweet chocolate plus’ neSs of cheesecake, such as theise make difficult. Why not set table with both. And maybe try the delicious frqlit punch, It’s so good. FROZEN CHOCOLATE CHEESE PIE package (4 oz.) sweet cook­ ing chocolate tablespoons milk package (4 oz.) • cream cheese cup, sqgar tablespoons milk, envelope whipping topping mix % teaspoon salt Dash of cinnamon % teaspoon vanilla 1> baked 8-dnch graham crack­ er-crumb crust, cooled Place chocolate and 2 table­ spoons milk over hot (pot boil­ ing) water; stir until chocolate is partially melted. Remove, from hot water and stir until smooth. Soften cheese with a fork. Stir in sugar, Blend in 2 table­ spoons milk until, mixture is smooth. Prepare topping mix as directed on package, beating only 1< minute after soft peaks form. Blend in cheese mixture. Fold in chocolate, salt, , cinna­mon, and vanilla. Spoion into crumb crust. Freeze until firm. BRIDE'S PUNCH \ cans (6' oz. each) frozen concentrated orange juice, can (6 oz.) frozen concen­ trated lemonade' cups cold water cups chilled ginger ale cup mixed fresh fruit such as diced banana, orange sections, and strawberries Mix concentrated orange juice, concentrated lemonade, and water. Chill. To serve, pour orange juice mixture into punch bowl. Add ginger ale and mix. Float fruit and Frozen Fruit Rang. Makes about 3 quarts;' or 24 four-ounce servings. (Use chilled ingredients for best fla­ vour in punch.)* * * FROZEN FRUIT RING Strawberries (sliced, if de­ sired) Pineapple cubes Orange sections Mint Leaves Water Arrange fruit and mint in 1% -quart ring mould or in 3 small ring moulds. Carefully add water and, chill until solidly frozen. Unmould and float in JAMES I, MclNTO$H, Clerk. 18-19r20b while the Chocolate the rich- Desserts selection a dessert Best V, C-51 Sprayer Featuring field!GREAT BUY IN HOMEUTE CHAIN SAWS! .. TWo Canadian’plowing cham­ pions flew to New Zealand to compete in the 14th World Plowing Contest at Christ Church,. N.Z. • The World competition, which Will be held May 12 and 13, will sete a total of 32 competi­ tors from 18 countries vie for the world championship. Among the contestants will be Dr. Carl B. Willis,* Charlottetown, the 1966 Canadian Champion, and Tom Hickman, Cultus Dake, B.C. Alex McKinney, Brampton, Ont., coach and manager of the Canadian, team, says they have a good chance of bringing home the coveted Esso Golden Plow trophy which is awarded to the top individual plowman in the competitions. In previous con­ tests, Canadian -competitors have twice won the world crown. Following the contest, they will tour agricultural points of interest down under before re­ turning home. Dr. Willis, who is a resereh scientist With the Canada De­ partment of Agriculture, spe­ cializing in forage crops, also Will tour -research’ stations' and hold talks with his counter­ parts in New Zealand, a world leader^ in forage research. He annually takes his vacations to coincide with the dates of im­ portant plowing matches. Mr. Hickman, a Fraser Val­ ley Farmer, is ‘almost perennial plowing champion of British Columbia, 5 Year Guarantee JAnother Nielsen rating for two-week period in April in the U.S. reached our desk and of the .top 15 shows, five Were specials and three, of those headed the list. They were “Academy Awards’’, “Charlie Browns All-Stars” and "Dick Van Dyke". J Red Skelton was number 4, with Andy Griffith 5th, Bon­ anza number 6 and The Danny Thomas Special in 7th position'. Family Affair was 8th with Bewitched in number 9 and Dupy 10th. The Sid Caesar Special was 11th,v with I Spy, Green. Acres, .Lawrence Wdk and Dean:. Mar­ tin completing the. list of 15. * * * Let’s take a look at- the com­ parative network schedule for Mondays this coming fall: At 7:30 ABC Will run .Cowboy in Africa; .CBS will play Gun­ smoke; NBC will go with the Monkdes and Man From UNCLE;” CTV will play Lucy and Bewitched, and CBC will have Don Messer and Show of the .Week.. At 8:30 ABC will play Rat Patrol.; CBS will .run Lucy; CTV will run Family Affair. At 9:00 Felony Squad will be on ABC; CBS will play” Andy Griffith; NBC will go with Danny Thomas; CTV will have the Music Hall and CBC will run Front’ Page ..Challenge. At 9:30 ABC will run Peyton Place; CBS will play Family Affair; 'CTV Will go with I Spy and CBC Will play Dundee and iCulhahe. At 10:00 ABC will run Big Valley; CBS will have Carol Burnett; NBC will play I Spy. We’ll look ‘at Tuesday's sche­ dule next'week. HENSALL — Frederick Roy Brock of Sundridge, formerly of HensaJI, passed away in the Red Cross Hospital, Burks Falls, Sunday, April 23, in his 77th year. Surviving ’are nephews Roy Brock, Hensall; Lloyd Brock, Sarnia; nieices,' Grace, Brock, London; Byran Kyle, Hensall; Allan Townsend, Mitchell; Mass Mary Broick, Barrie. Attending the funeral on April 25 were Mr. and Mrs; Roy Brock, Mr. and Mrs. By ran Kyle, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Townsend, Mitchell and Miss Mary Brock, Barrie. ........................... . 1 « i i HAVE A LOOK ... at our stock of LAWN BOY POWER MOWERS— ©ARDEN TILLERS & RIDING MOWERS Some 1400 hospitals serve Canadians, throughout the na­ tion. Canada’s first hospital — the Hotel Dileiu — was built at Quebec City in 1639. r *. Hew Deluxe Farm Corrosion-proof Fibre-Glass Tank 200 Imp. Gal. Capacity 2- 1 6 2% i Here's your chance to get a superior quality Homelite Chain Saw at lowest price ever! Never has there been a better, opportunity to get a top quality Homelite Chain Saw at a better price! This Homelite C-51 has the quality and features of much higher priced saws. No other tool you can buy does so much, yet costs so little. You can cut fiirewood, clear woodlots, cut lumber, prune and trim fruit trees. Come in and see the Homelite C-51 now. It’s worth money to you. JACK W. PECK WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC 54 King Street, Clinton Phone 482- 3851 SPRAYS & SPRAYERS The Calsa line of sprayers and farm chemicals has,been proven "Best in the Field". Calsa pioneered the in-tank mechanical agitation for complete and continuous mixing of all spraying materials. Wide range of piston pumps and adjustable booms and tank capacities from 100 to 500 gallons... allows ypu to choose the sprayer that's right for the job. Your Calsa dealer also has a complete line of Calsa herbicides and insecticides for control of weeds, insects and fungus. See them now at your Calsa dealer. H. LOBB & SONS EQUIPMENT BAYFIELD ROAD CLINTON, ONT. JOHN BEANE. Jr. BRUCEFIELD ONTARIO CALSA Agricultural Chemicals and Sprayers divlson of Miss Mrs. Mrs. Garden Tillers and Chain Saws for Rent ... ..................................... ■ ■ . \ ■. JACK W. PECK-Wells Auto Electric King Street — CLINTON Phone 482.3851 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT service centres I .... . ' ■' ' Hinton The Mover Ltd. Clinton — London — Windsor 58 MARY ST. — CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone 482-9779 Branch Manager: Al Harvie /SJSBh PFIZER COMPANY LTD. Montreal • Toronto •Sarnia* Calgary J V, “radeMarkRaa'a. ,.s . , •FaitomnlaaraolataracItnidBnwirkofCTba □ apply Ifnmediatefy after planting beans (1%" to 2" deep). □ spray entire field of band to reduce cost by 2/3. □ micronlzed for easy mixing* trouble-free spraying. No soil Incorporation needed, C] enters woods through roots—gives 6 to 8 weeks control. " Ask your Green Cross Dealer for PATORAN 50 v field-tested Across Canada for four years DMsloriof........... ___ THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. OF CANADA LTD. PRODUCTS Monfraal * Woodstock, N.B.« Toronto * Winnfpoa * Caloary * Edmorrton • Vancouver 1 -----------o---------- - • There are more men tn nurs­ ing today than ever ibefore. Since ’1963 there1 has bfeen a 40 per cent increase in the number of men enrolled in nursling courses. A total of 44 nursing schools offer programs for men interested in nursing as a car­ eer. ------------o------ ---- Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results Tuckersmith Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. NO WIRE FENCING, OLD CONCRETE ar CAR BODIES PERMITTED James I. McIntosh Clark. iStfb Grow beans without weeds 50 W PRE-EMERGENCE WEED KILLER Kills broadleaf and grassy weeds in soybeans, white, dry or . field beans, snap or bush beans Get easy, effective weed control with PA TORAN More thah 100 good reasons to call C-l-L and the C-l-L dealer network for the fastest, most complete fertilizer service C-l-L has more thah 100 service centres in Southern Ontario. And 5 C-l-L plants, . including our hew Lambton Works at Courtright back them up with a constant supply of high-grade fertilizers. There's a service centre near your farm. It's stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a broad range of recommended analyses. And Supplies of direct application materials . such aS Aminonium Phosphate, Ammonium Nitrate^ Urea and Muriate of Potash. There are nurse tanks, Nitrogen applicators and bulk spreaders. If you're ready for Instant service we’re ready to supply it Anywhere In Ontario. \ in Ontario. GROW AND PROFIT WITH A FERTILIZERS