HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-11, Page 8I j *$ Pgge 8—Clinton Hews-Record~--7lti|rs., May Hr 1967 JI B"H' MlijffyjBBB!!! BB!1 I. ..,1! . 'I,1 .IffigM? » V BEAUTIFUL (BREEZY , i 8 / ' ? , By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD Scouters And Their Wives Entertained At CFB Clinton PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES # VILLAGE Correspondent: AUQREY BELLCHAMBER——Phone 565-2864, Subscriptions, Glassified. Advs. and Display Advs. • all accepted, 'by the Bayfield correspondent. HAPPENINGS Bayfield i J Celebrates Birthday Edhyard Sturgeon was pleas­ antly surprised on .Sunday when members of-his family called to congratulate him on -his 78th' birthday. .They presented him With’ »' gold block onyx signet rfog, • .* . Mr, and Mrs. David1 Baird, London, joined the family for . the buffet luncheon and birth­ day cake, Personals ’ Mr. and Mrs, William Cock- bum of Winnipeg were guests of Mr. and. Mrs. John Mao Kepzie last wpelc, Mrs. John Pearson, who had been visiting Mrs. Bert, Sher- ritt in London, returned home on . Friday with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pear-' son and Doug. Mr. and Mrs. Jim* Fisher, Sit, Agatha, were at their cottage for the weekend, Mr. and’ Mrs. P. H. DuBoulay of Montreal, are spending this week at the Albion Hotel, Mr. and Mils. George Peter, Stratford, are spending the first part of this week at their cottage. , Mr. and Mrs. R. Beischer, Flint, Michigan, were weekend guests at the Little Inn, ' Mr. and Mrs, W.-C, Parker, Charlie and Kim, London, .vitdt- cd! at the hojme of their par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Park­ er for the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. L. Poth, Mrs, Q. Hopson, and Mr, and Mrs, W, E, Parker, visited Expo ’67 Is i; ;K is Making Progress al* Bayfield Arena . This picture was taken Sunday at the Bayfield Arena where a major reno­ vation is in progress and ice-making equipment is being installed. The Bay- field Community Centre Committee, headed by L. R. Maloney, is in the process of raising $15,000 for the project. (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) t Letter to Editor . . .. . And Bayfield Councl .1* T lasit week. Mrs. B. Myers, London, visits ed her mother, Mrs. S. Bryant on Sunday.. —o------- -—, Caution Use Of Herbicides. On Alfalfa Because of the earlier turity and extra production of aftermath, Flemish types1 of alf­ alfa are being grown more and more by farmers for stands1 up to three years duration; said D, S. Pullen, Associate Agricultur­ al Representative for Huron- County this Week. ’ Special care is extremely im­ portant When using chemical weed killers i in Flemish var­ ieties of alfalfa. Flemish varieties such as Alfa, Duipuits, Gladier, Mega, and Saranac will not tolerate 2,4-D, MCPA or MCPB. It is therefore recommended that in cereal "grains underseeded to these varieties of alfalfa that I 2,4-DB at 20 oz. acid -per acre ma- BAYFIELD ™ A meeting of' the Huron District council, &oy Scouts of Canada, was held on May 3 with representatives from Ailsa C^rni'gj Bayfield, Biucefiekl, Clinton town, Cen­ tralia 'ROAF, Clinton RCAF, Credton, Dashwood, 3rd God’e^ rich and 4th Goderich present. ! During flhe business meeting, ’ routine reports were received. The president, Stuart Taylor, stressed the importance of “well trained loaders and galled on committee members to do all within their power to assist. The District Commissioner, Jack Gallant, outlined plans for the 1967 summer season, includ­ ing camping for boys and Lead­ er Training, He also Said • that 72 Scouts and 6 leaders Will go to Expo from Huron District, also1 district Cubs will visit a Pioneer,Village near Kitchener. All groups were ashed to sup­ port the Centennial Drumhead .Service to be held in. Goderich on July 1. Scouter Daryl Mcllmoyl‘was awarded a certificate showing that he had completed Part I Wood Badge training. While the meeting was in progress, wive? of Scooters and council 'members gathered1 in the Orbit Room of CFB Clinton for a millinery demonstration by Mrs, E. B. Robinson. In her introduction, the hostess, Mrs.’ Stuart Taylor said that, Mrs. Robinson was, until 1963, the president afT^ddi.^S1' Auxiliaries in The Blue Water Region, and had ftlsp been a night school teacher of millinery in Strat­ ford, She now owns and oper­ ates the Albion Hotel in Bay- field. Mrs. Robinson in her demon­ stration made the millinery craft deceptively easy and pre­ sented hats to three of the ladies. After the twoi meetings were oveL members and wives enjoy­ ed a social hour during which wines and cheeses were served. --„ —O - Did you know that Canada had the first hospital in North America? That’s right! In 1639, three Sisters of,Sf, Augustine from Dieppe, France establish­ ed the Hotel Dieu at Quebec City, maiding it the first hos­ pital on this North American Continent. Classified Ads. Bring Quick v, ATTENTION FARMERS! I Get your supply of * ■ TREFLAN ■ now our special reduced rate of $8.90 per qt. H WE ALSO CARRY EPTAM ■ GEORGE WRAITH & CP. I Highway 8, 2 miles south of Goderich ■ Phone 524-6511 19-21b M ;......" ... .....'■ - ....- L • J. 7 * ■ . . . ' '■ . * It's Spring Clean-up Time With our Laundry Service we can do your Bedspreads, Blankets, Curtains arid Linens. M^N'S SHIRTS A SPECIALTY Phone 482-9491 HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET — CLINTON, ONT. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY z / / ‘ Town Council, Village of Bayfield, . Bayfield, Ontario. v Attention: Reeve Frank Mc- Faddlen, Honourable Gentlemen: * t They say “change is inevit­ able,” but I have just come home from hay first visit to Bayfield this season, and1 I see too many changes to make me happy. My husband and.'I have spent our/summers in Bayfield'since 1939, so we know how Bayfield used to be. I think perhaps some of you 1 are not aware of the changes. The roads of Bayfield were a joy to walk before they were paved and widened. The islands of 1 grass at each intersection were interesting. I guess the blacktop is an improvement — even for feet, but you must admit that it is also an en­ couragement to faster driving. When my own children were small I never worried about their wandering anywhere in Bayfield because the traffic went slowly, but small children are not safe on the streets of Bayfield any more. The one thing that has spoil­ ed Bayfield the most/ I believe, is the mowing of roadsides and /""" ■" " ■"........ i I fields. There used to be a con­ stant procession of wildflowers — buttercups, wild geraniums, butter-an-eggs, Queen Ann’s Lace, Black-eyed Susans, lup­ ine, and many others — whiich made a walk in Bayfield a thing of beauty. Mowing ail vacant fields and the edges of the ftoads for several years has made these all disappear. Sterne people ‘ think this eliminates trouble for people with aller- .gties, but I am allergic to pollen and I don’t think the mowing makes any difference wiith that problem — only . spoils the beauty of Bayfield. ‘ Bayfield the last few yearts has been quite “littered.” I am siire that a lot of it comes from the summer visitors, but I can’t (help, but mention that if each store owner took pride find kept the front of his own elsltab-' lishment in order there1 would be quite‘an improvement. Please don’t take offense be­ cause I am only a summer visitor, arid a “foreigner” at that. Those of us who have been ccitnmg to Bayfield year after year do so BECAUSE WE LOVE IT THE WAY IT IS (or was!) If we wanted fast 'traf­ fic, wide roads, and everything .mowed, WE MIGHT AS WELL STAY HOME. Please leave Bayfield’ a little bit “wild.” 1. ? Sincerely, ■ \ LOIS LANCE. Mrs. Donald Lance, 3179 Rochester Road, Troy, Michigan. May 2, 1967. ■ Summer Address: “Merrielodge”, Howard Street. y— .m H ■ ■■■■„ l .. .....—„ ‘ 2,4-DB at 20 o?. acid per acre I be used as the safest chemical for control of many broad1 leaf- J ed weeds. . x ' Standard types of alfalfa such as Vernal and Namagan- sett also have a very low tol­ erance to 2,4-D (2 oz. per acre), MCPA s (4 oz. per acre) and no tolerance to MCPB. Al­ though 20 oz. per. acre of 2,4-DB (butyric form) is more costly, it will not 'harm the alfalfa and will give good ‘control of many broadleafed weeds. For cereal grain fields not und'erseeded with legumes, standard 2,4-D products are very effective and are consid­ ered as low cost weed killers. Weed spray operators Should always remember that it is not good enough when moving from a field1 not underseeded to one seeded with alfalfa to '“simply cut the rate of 2,4-D in half and hope for the best.” .. More.,, complete infpraation about 'weed control ’ in Various crops is outlined’ in Publication 75 entitled1 “1967 Guide to Chemical Weed Control”, avail­ able from your closest office of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. . Above all, herbicides should be applied at recommended rates' following manufacturers’ labelled directions at the pre­ scribed application time. ------------o------------ Wihen breakfast is skipped, the body has gone without food for as long as 15 hours, im­ pairing to some degree muscu­ lar ability, perception and a- bility to- stand up under weary- • ing kinds of work activity. ' ....—I.—-— — I Clinton Memorial Shop V *s FARM SEEDS —Most of the prominent cereal grain varieties; —Everything in grass and legiime seeds. —Garry, York and Selkirk. Cereal Mix. —Some Barley varieties. —Locally grown Canada No. I Timothy. —Canada No. I Birdsfoot Trefoil. WE GROW, BUY, CLEAN AND SELL FARM SEEDS LONDESBORO 482-7475 I ✓ V . I PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES '*• issued 1 to 5-year term. i • earn the above indicated interest payable half-yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. \ THE 7\STERLING TRUSTS/ y CORPORATION _______ / J Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 372 Bay St Toronto 35 Dunlop St., Barrie 73 Mississaga E., Orillia /■ i£uj T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-7211 ( J COOKED HAM BEEF AND PORK SAUSAGE INCREASE YOUR CORN PROFITS BY APPLYING 20% AQUA AMMONIA 'Wq LOSS OF MATERIAL ECONOMICAL PRE-PLANT OR SIDE DRESS NO WORRIES WE WILL APPLY IT FOR YOU DON’T HESITATE TO BOOK YOUR NAME NOW. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OP PHONE HENSALL 262-2608 * A" . v 1 Yi ■ ||-,r l|l^lfahllito I , ........ M FRESH SIDE PORK LOIN OR BUTT PORK CHOPS Big Gehl Chop-King with 6-foot Hay Pick-up breezes through toughest wind rowed crops • The brawny, Gehl Chop-King is the only chopper built to make full use of today’s big-tractor horsepower, Short­ chops more forage per hour than other choppers . . . even in haylage. BIG IN FEATURES TOO: • New,110,000 RPM Portable Knife Sharpener!* (See illustra­ tion) gives minute-per-knife sharp cutting edge to flywheel mounted knives. Use right on the machine in the field — ' rst* *3"F r* 1^ i ri » /"*<-*«-• z*x»» Rugged 8 knife flywheel. Knives chrome-edged. Tungsten carbide faced knives also available. Select-A-Cut Transmission changes forage lengths with push of a lever. . Big 127 sq. in. throat area. Floating heads adjust to field contours. ’ or at the machine shed. Gas or electric models. • r I f STOP IN SOON. See all the features of the biggest, brawniest PTO chopper you’ve ever handled . . . the Gehl -Chop-King. (♦Optional equipment) F4W«Z Tri*a//ton Make us Prove It with a Demonstration! H. LOBB & SONS, EQUIPMENT CLINTON — Phone 482-9431Bayfield Road WEEKEND SPECIALS . PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 11, 12, 13, 1967 W ti'i 99c lb. 49c lb % 59c lb. 59c lb. ,1 1 No. 1 PUERTO RICAN PINEAPPLE PRODUCE 3 for $1.0015’s Good Size CAMPFIRE — H/z-oz- Pkg: MARSHMALLOWS MOIR’S SELECTION — 14-oz: Box CHOCOLATES Allen’s FRUIT DRINKS ORANGE, PINEAPPLE-ORANGE, PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT 48-oz. — 3 for 89c Betty Crocker ANGELFOOD CAKE MIXES WHITE, RASPBERRY, CONFETTI 16-0,7* pkg. — 55c YORK — 14^oz, Tin RASPBERRIES HEREFORD — 12-bz: Tin CORNED BEEF GREEN GIANT — 12-oz; Tin CORN NIBLETS 2 for 43c BLUB BONNET 3-Ib. Economy Pkg. MARGARINE ................................... Rose Brand PICKLES SWEET-MIX^D, BREAb-N-BUTTER, SWEET-WAFER I.6-OZ. — 3 for $L00 20-oz. BOTtLE Home Brand CATSUP 2 for 59c 24-oz. LOAF , Super Save BREAD.....................2 for 39c 2 for 49c 88c 59c 99c 35c lb. PORK OR BEEF LIVER ROUND OR SIRLOIN 37c HENSALL- ONTARIO MlGHLlfclER FISH (HADDOCK) 24-02: ..