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Clinton News-Record, 1967-05-11, Page 6
f Page 6—-Clinton News-Record—Thurs., May 11 < 1967 FARMERS! FOR SALEFOR SALE ARTICLES FOR HOUSN FOR RENT at 52 Princess SQ 2 bedrooms,”available May 15. Reasonable rent, phone 482-3209. ' • ■ 18-9p CLASSIFIED ADV, RATES (REVISED Wsy 1, 196«) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion.' REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BETTER JOBS A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display, * 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death • Notices FREE. DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED 3 bedroom house or, apartment in Clinton or vicinity, White Box 193, Clinton News-Record. 19b ARTICLES FOR SALE V I . I II! . ■■■ I! . HI,/ ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT t ONE 2 BEDROOM unfurnished upstairs apartment. Phone 482- 6694. t '______ 40tfb 3 BEDROOM house, rent based on income, available June 1. Apply to Clinton Housing Auth ority, phone 482-9545. IStfb 6 ROOM APARTMENT, hydro and water free. $45 a month. Apply 55 Albert St. Phone 482- 7302. 19b ONE BEDROOM furnished, ' heated apartment, self-contain ed. Central location. 46 Prin cess St. West. Phone 482-9005. 19p DAVENPORT jand chair,-ideal •for cottage or rec room, $25.. Phono 482-9227. IStfb PHILCO' FRIG, 8% cu,ft. full freezer, ..perfect condition. Hap’s Esso, Clinton, 482-933L 18-19b 2 HAND LAWN mowers — one with rubber tires; treddle sewing machine; girl’s COM bicycle. Phone 482-9467: 19p HIGH WALL ’PENT, 9x12 with four windows, sewn-in floor, 'New, Apply,, H. Johnston, 169 James St. Clinton... 19b FINDLAY combination electric and Woocl-buming range, in good condition. Phone 482-9604/ 19b SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vailable at T, A, Dutton Appli ances, Brucefield. Open even- >ngs. ' 38tfb EARLY. IRISH COBBLER seed potatoes grown from certified seed, $3.00 for 75 lbs., also table potatoes. Phope 482-7578. 14tfb WE HAVE lawn and garden fertilizer available tor your spring requirements. Clinton Feed Mill, 482-3485. 17-19b COMPLETELY renovated and newly decorated (one bedroom apartment, bright living room, central. See this one — phone 482-9644. 13tfb APARTMENT, ground floor, one bedroom, self-contafiined, heated. Roy Tyndall, 39 Ratten- bury- Street, East, phone 482- 7865. . . ' IStfb 2 BEDROOM housekeeping cot tages, inside plumbing, pieced $300 and $350 for season, start ing May 15 to October 1. Phone 565-2813. 18, 19b BRICK FARM house on paved highway, 8 miles from CFB Clinton, 4 bedrooms, all modern conveniences. Phone Ron Taylor 482-3251. ‘ . 18tfb EXPO — House trailer on lot near Expo, all conveniences, sleeps 4, 3 day minimum, June to October., evenings phone 237- 3654 or write Gerald Martene, Box 3, Dashwood. IStfb CENTENNIAL costumes to i-erit by day or weiek, also made to order, S'. Brown, phone 482- 3322, L. McAndrew,"phone 482- 7200, CFB Clinton. 18-19b G.E. 24-INCH push-button electric range, suitable for cot tage, in good condition, best offer accepted. Plhone 482- 7031... 19b CURTAINS - Draperies - Win- dow BlindsVenetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drap ery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. x 5tfib SELF CONTAINED duplex in farm house, south of Bayfield on highway 21, 2 bedrooms, bath, large living room, oil heated:.- Apply to Melvin Greer, RR 3, Bayfield. . 16tfb MODERN 2 bedroom apart ment, large living room, dining area, modem kitchen with electric stove, oil furnace, air conditioner, drapes. Excellent condition, available now. Phone 482-9644. \ _________8tfb LARGE DUPLEX, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, 3 pieice bath- up, powder room down. Hot water heating, close to Central Huron Secondary School. Apply to Box' 191, Clinton 'News- Record. 19tfb WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator; rolled top walnut desk;, grama- phone; 3 drawer dresser; Champion single shot gun; wooden bike stand; boy’s bike. Phone 527-0458. . 19b WESTINGHOUSE automatic washer $60; one drawer desk' $10; single bed, 2 yrs. old $30; low side dresser $10; 4 drawer dresser $20; hall tree $5; 2 yr. old Sunbeam mix-master $25. ’ Phone 482-9372 after 8 pm. 19p WOOD FOR SALE, hardwood slab wood, 7 cords for $28. or 5 eQrds for $20; Elm or soft maple, 7 cordis for $17.50 or 5 cords for $12.50. Above prices .delivered to your yard. Craig's' Sawmill, Auburn. Phonev 526- 7220. 19-21b Certified SEED POTATOES’ iQhoice selection of garden, seeds- in bulk or package. Full line of lawn and ' garden re quirements. See your' Purina 'and Farm Supply Store on Isaac St., Clinton. Phone M. W. Durst, 482-9333. 16tfb ORDER.YOUR Serve a Variety Of Our by Smiles 'n Chuckles, Olin Brown, Moir's —z *_ ■. — _ lj€AO|;; Cakes, Cookies and Pastry Gift Chocolates Bartliffs Bakery LIMITED BAKERY and RESTAURANT 482-9727 Clinton V J CHOICE Quarters of Beef. Phone 482-3221, . , Wb VACUUM CLEANERS ’ Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags fop all make? of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK. Varna Phone Hensail 262-5350 ....................... GOLDEN FALCON travel trail ers, Tag-A-Long tent trailers, Aluminum oartap boats, Chrys ler outboards, Tents and camp ing supplies on display, We rent and sell for less. We 'are now renting truck Campiers and % ton trucks. Camp-Out, Strata ford, 393-5938 open till 9 p.m. 15eow LAWN FERTILIZERS Fertilizers for flowers and vegetables, peat moss, bone •meail, sheep manure and quality lawin seed, available art H. F. Wettlaufer Feed Mill Phone 482-9792 STEWART ALUMINUM SALES 101 Victoria N. — Goderich ALCAN Aluminum Siding Storm Windows ~ Awnings . Free estimates given , without obligation RAY HOGGARTH 382 Huron Road, Goderich Phone 524-7624 16tfb ARTICLES WANTED CHILD'S wooden wagon, must be in good condition. Phone 482-3349._____________ 19b 9 PIECE dining room suite wanted, must be in good con dition. Apply to ‘Box 192, Clin- ton News-Record,_________19p AUTOS FOR SALE 1963 PLYMOUTH 4 door, one owner, .8 cylinder automatic. Reasonably" priced.' Phone 482- 7701._________. 19b 1957. FORD sedian, good run-, ning order, good tires, also* a Gibson Fairbanks fridge, like new with large freezer. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after five. ■ 19p 1957 FORD four door, dark green, new paint and seat cov ers,'’ one owner, 1967 licence, insured and guaranteed. Ross Love, 38 Ontario St., Clinton, phone 482-7252, 19b 1961 PONTIAC STATION WAGON V8 automatic Sacrifice $500 Phone 482-7601 CUSTOM WORK FOR YOUR antenna sales and service. contact Harry Land, RR 2, Goderich. Phone 524-6488. tfb BRICK and BLOCK work. Call for estimates. Ted' Johnston, 32 Cambria Rd., Goderich, phone 524-7095.______________18-20b JACK’S FURNITURE RE PAIR: Furniture repaired and refinished at REAR of 84 Al bert Street. John Plum-tree, Phone 482-9695. lOtfib WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction.' Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County’s Oldest Esta blished Jewellery Store. tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty.” Phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb FOR ALL your home remodel ling, painting and decorating, call 482-7109, Steve- Kember Construction, RR 2, Seaforth. Also roofing, bam cement work and. spray painting. a 19tfb SEPTIC TA^KS CLEANED Modem equipment used. Al! work guaranteed. LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brussels Phone 442W6," Brussels ' ' 16-35p ORTHOPEDIC' and general Shoe Repair. - Our Clinton De pot ds at 55 Albert Street at Amsings.^Store. Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode- rich.__ _______ t 38tfb BRICKWORK — Chimneys re- paired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; plaster repairs, water leaks stopped. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, phone .527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. . •* 7tfb CALL REG. SMITH SIGNS for truck lettering, farm signs, sale banners, highway bulletins, plastic signs, gold leaf. All work guaranteed. Comer East and High, Clinton* Phone 482-^ 9793. * 42tfb HAVE VOUR , Gardens Ploughed OR CULTIVATED Call George McGee at Clinton Cab 482-7011 • tfb REAL ESTATE RUTH VAN DER MEER Montreal St. 524-7875 Goderich >■ ] CUSTOM WORK - —1T_, —rn.ir_ ... I We Specialize Jn „ ,, / Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Instailotions Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 employment WANTED Boy, 15, wants lawn cutting or odd jobs. Have now power mower, phone 482-7389- 19b I WILL CUT lawns with my power lawn mower. ’Phone 482- 9647. 19b FOR SALE OR RENT DALE’S Sunoco, Exeter — Tent trailers, hard or soft top. Sales -— Rentals. Open evenings and weekends also. Phone 235-1710, - . 19tfb HELP WANTED HELP WANTED to run Paul • Bunyan Camp and camp store, Bayfield. Couple preferred. Ap ply Sunday or Monday at camp site, Highway 21 south of Bay- field. 18tfb MEN OR LADIES, full or part- time — Fuller Brush territories now open in Huilett, Goderich and CoAborne Townships; also Blyth. Phone 271-3410 or write ” Fuller Brush Co. Ltd;, 51 Me-: Donald Sit.,' Stratford. 18-19p BE A BEAUTY consultant and demonstrate HOLIDAY MAGIC COSMETICS full or part-time. Complete training in basic, cre ative and corrective make-up by Hollywood’s Earn Westmore method. Apply to Box 180, Clin ton News-Record. . 18, 19p ST. JAMES Separate School, Seaforth, requires for Sept. 67 2 teachers for grades 6-7; 1 Kindergarten teacher; minimum salary, level 1 — 4400; anntflail increment 200. Applicants please submit qualifications, etc. to Leon Bannon, Sec., Box 218, Seaforth, Phone 527-0374. 19b HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL or lady with driver's' licence to do light housekeep ing in Goderich. Apply to Box 19.0, Clinton News-Record. 19-20b HELP WANTED MALE NEAT AND dependable man to assist in automotive supply; steady employment, experience preferred. Apply Harold Bondy, McKerlie Automotive. 19b MAN TO SELL and install farm Equipment. Basic salary plus commission. Vehicle sup plied. Previous experience 'pre ferred. Apply to Box 181, Clin- ton News^Record. 18, 19b EARN UP to $50 a week or mare full or part time selling Rawleigh Products. Good op portunity for retired men. Write Rawleigh Dept. E-169-6,’ 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 19b BREAD - SALESMAN Must be neat and reliable. Five day week. Apply in person to. Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., • 19b LOST AND FOUND LOST — Collie dog, black and White with bob tail. Phone 482-, 7423. ,19p MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea sonable rates. McGEE’S, Gode rich. Phone 524-8391. ’ 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rihgs and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don’t take chancels. Expert work done reasonably, to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re stringing. W. N. Counter. tfb PET STOCK 9 BEAGLE PUPS for Sale, over 8 weeks old. Apply to Charles East, phone 482-7578. 18-19b 28 PLATE Mas^ey-Harrii? trao tor disc. Phone 482>-3353- 19b BALE BUNCHER; W-4 Inter- nutional tractor, live power take-off, hydraulic. Phone 565- 5369._________________ 19b 150 DEKALB white Leghorns, second lay, will, sell' §m|aller quantity, John Wubs, phone 482-7279. . ' 19b SURGE MILKER, 3 units com plete wtith line for 25 cows. John Jansen, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 527-1677. >. 19p WE' HAVE A good supply of grass seed and Pfister corn, George Wraith and Co,, High- way 8, 1% miles south of God erich. Phone 524-6511. 18tfb 300 BALES choice hay, Murray East, RR 1, Clinton, phone 482-. 7413. ‘ 19p A QUANTITY of baled wheat straw. Elgin Penfound, 482h‘ 3216, 19p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 55 PJONEER chain saws, Good used Sabre saw Glen Saws, ton. and CANADIEN parts and repair, saws, Oregon and chain. Call Robt. Ph. 482-9292 Clin- / ll-19p 2 YOUNG Holstein cows, due soon, John Jansen, RR 2, Sea forth, phone 527-1677, 19p 2 YEAR OLD Lacombe boar, Robert Lawson, RR 5, Clinton, phone 482-9947, 19p 10 WHITE faced stocker cattle, 7 steers and' 3 heifers, approxi mately 600 lbs. James Lands- borough, RR" 3, Seaforth 527- 1826,______ 19b SERVICES SEED BEANS, cleaned and bagged, Sanilac, first gener ation certified and commercial; also Seaway certified and com mercial, • treated if desired. Phone 262-5192. or 262-5300. 19-21'b FARMWAY bam cleaners — have your barn measured now for spring installation. Hallman Silos - plaice order early. For the best silo unloaders and bulk feeders, see Van Dale. Versatile swafhers and grain augers. Geo rge Wraith and Co., Highway 8, 1% miles'south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. IStfb OVER 30 YEARS dependable service at low’' cost. John Bach, Seaforth, Phone. 527-0120. Your IH dealer. 32 tfb ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned, Gordon Grigg, Phone 482-9411. 39tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling ' all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield, Phone •482-3384. 7tfb GOOD SEED CORN for itself, so this yearpays why not get the BEST THERE IS? I still have a small supply of extra Pioneer. Call or see me now. Malcolnrt Davidson x RR 1, Brucefield Phone 262-5291 . . 19-20b WANTED ATTENTION EGG PRODUC ERS —free washing, compare our grading. Top prices paid for A’s and. under grades. To gej. your eggs picked up, call “Mitch”, Parkhill Creamery, 294-6265. . 12/14, 16, 18b Cucumber Growers WANTED BICKS OF CANADA WOULD LIKE MORE ACREAGE FREE PICK UP AT GATE If interested Write or Phone Bicks Of Canada PHONE 30-r-3 DUBLIN X 17-20b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem Equkpm ant Work Guaranteed Write or phone Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone 527-1406 ........... ......... 24tfb 100 acre farm, close to high way 4, brick house, bam $21,000. ‘100 acres on paved road, dose to Auburn, barn, frame house— $23,000, 150 acres, Dungannon dis trict, bam, pig pein, implement died, frame house —• $20,000. Apple farm, 900 trees, frame house, cold storage bam, equip- ment, 120 acres, Bayfield dis trict. Agent For Wilfred MclNTEE & CO. LTD*. Realtor Walkerton < 17-19b HOG AND CAGE LAYER CONTRACTS — advisory ser vice, complete line of feeds. En joy the benefits of the research proven product: Call your Purina and fatm supply dealer now. M. W. Durst, 482-9333. 19tfb DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. Will pay %c per lb. on 500 lbs. and over for dead or disabled cows and horses. ♦ Please phone promptly Phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390C65 7tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 82-C-67 FOR RENT 7tfb PASTURE for rent. M. Wubs, phone 482-9104. 19b 50 ACRES grassland, well fenced, lots of water; 100 acres grass farm, well fenced, plenty of water, or cattle to grass for the season in Clinton 'area. 350W7, Brussels. 18,19p LARGE LOT for sale, soyverage, good resident^ district. Phone 482-9.624. 19-20b OLpER HOUSE, suitable for growing family or would con vert easily for income property- Write P.O. Box 67 Clinton, 19p HOUSE FOR SALE — 2 blocks from, main street, .tinree bed rooms, ml furnace, garage- Available by June 1, Terms could be arranged with a good d,pwn payment. Reasonably priced, 'Apply to Box 194, Clin ton News-Record. 19-20b 2 FOR ONE PRICE 3 bedroom cottage with living room, kitchen, drilled wieii, 2 piece bath, lakefront, PLUS 2 bedroom cottage with living room, kitchen, 2 piece bath and a sauna bath. Situated in Bay- field village, both cottages on one lot. Both pottages toy the price of $9300. 3 BEDROOM cottage, 3 piece bath, drilled water system, close to lake, $6500 with $1500 down. LAKEFRONT Lots from $3250 up. Urgently needed —- listings tor resort property of all kinds, Lauekner Beal Estate, Adam Flowers, Bayfield, phone 565- 2813. 19b SERVICES EXTRA garbage and junk pick up service. Phone evenings' 482- 7318 or 482-9134. 19tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18tfb BOOKKEEPING service,. $1.75 per hour, experienced in all phases; qualified, reliable. Prompt pickup and delivery. No job too small. Phone 524-7544. 16-19b LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED REEL? and ROTARY SNIPS, SHEARS, SAWS, ETC. E. R. DOUCETTE 168 Queen Street, Clinton 1 Block East of Hospital tfb Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding Phone 524-8573 GODERICH, ONTARIO 9tfb TRANSPORTATION WANTED TRANSPORTATION wanted by two ladies- from Bayfield' to Clinton starting July 1, 5 day week, to be in Clinton by 8:45 am, and returning to Bayfield at 4:45 or later. Phone 482- 3443 days or 482-9244 evenings. 19tfb TENDERS WANTED $3,j5OQ, - 3 bedroom Ph© •storey frame house, close to town, 3 apres, suitable for VLA. Possession June 1st. $13,500.00 — 3 bedroom frame, 6 yrs. old, full base- nient with oompiefe den or rec reation loom, CMHC mtge. 7500.00 with monthly P.I.T, payments .of 7J.00. Possession 30 days. Near public school. $8,500.00 7 room V/s Storey 3 bedrooms, new gas furnace; 10 acres of land, small ' barn, pear school, payed, road. Avail able now. $10,000.00 — 1% storey, 3 bedrooms, close to Main St. House has been recently reno vated. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Early possession. $8,500.00 one storey, close to Post Office, 3 bedroom, new oil furnace, -aluminum siding, Possession July 1st. Mortgage possible. 3 bedroom — one storey, 4 yrs. old, Rec. room in basement. H/W gas furnace, car port. $8,250.00 — Solid brick, one storey, 3 bedroom, sun porch, new gas furnace, full basement, new roof, aluminum windows. 60 day possession. Lot, 82,5 x 132 on paved Street in Clinton. Sewerage and water’ on this street. $11,750.00 — split level, 4 bedrooms, 5 yrs. old, this house in excellent condition. Owner employed out of town. Posses sion July 1st. $12,000.00 — 3 bedroom, one- floor. car port and garage. 4 years old. Low taxes, large lot. 30 day possession. Mortgage ar ranged. $11,500.00 — 4 bedroom1, 7 years old, double garage, large lot. Present mortgage approxi mately 7,000. Monthly pay ments of 73.00 P.I.T. $11,250.00 — 2 storey solid brick, 4 bedrooms. 1 car garage. Large lot, 2 blocks from main street. $8,000,00 — duplex, new gas . furnace, aluminum windows, 2 baths. Could be occupied as duplex or 4 bedroom home. $10,000.00 — solid brick du plex, 2 furnaces, 2 Separate 3 pee. baths. One 3 bedroom apt. and one 2 bedroom apt. Good income property, both apart ments now rented. Solid brick 1% storey 3' bed room home in good residential district. Now rented. House can be/ seen on. appointment. $7,500.00 — 8 room, 4 bed room,, 2 blocks from lights/' ’66 x 132 lot. 30 day possession. LOT in Winter Court. Owner moving, must be sold this sum mer. K. W. Colquhoun INSURANCE—REAL ESTATE Office: 14 Isaac St, Clinton Phones Business —482-9747 Residence — 482-7804 19b Tenders for installation of an automatic heating system with forced air in St. And rew's United Church, Bay- field, Ontario. The installation to be completed by Sept. 1, 1967. Tenders will be received by the undersigned by 12 noon, June 15, 1967. Low est of any tender not neces sarily accepted. For partic ulars please call the under signed. J, Siertsema, Secretary, Board of Stewards. Phone 565-2479. 19-20-21 b Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF Mar garet Almira Lucinda Wheatley, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow deceased. All persons .having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 1st day of April A.D. 1967, are re quired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of May, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be distribut ed having regard only to the claims of which the undersign ed shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3bh day of May, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 19-21b r SWING la Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING at 7:30 p.m Government Inspected Scale* Cattle Sold by Weight ‘ TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager X BAG AND BULK Check your wardrobe now and replace those worn items with this season's new sharp, colourful styles. We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 leow SPRING! 4 BY USING HIGH ANALYSIS AGRICO CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AGRICO DEALER OR Robert Taylor, Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton — Phone 482-9144 SOIL SAMPLING SERVICE DELIVERY — SPREADER RENTAL (5 ton cap.) INSECTICIDES FOR BEAN BEETLE CONTROL Either 10% Granular or Mixed With Fertilizer BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna — Phone 482-7435 For the best value in nitrogen for corn use ANHYDROUS AMMONIA < Contact Haugh Bros., Brucefield, Phone 527-0927 - (Either custom applied or applicator rental) ' . . 17eow r • SUITS • SPORT COATS • SLACKS • SPORT SHIRTS • JACKETS • WASH PANTS • T-SHIRTS • SWEATSHIRTS ALL WEATHER COATS Pickett & Campbell LMed Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario^ Phone 482-9732