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Clinton News-Record, 1967-05-04, Page 12
Page 12—-Clinton News-Re<;ord-~-Thur»<lqy/ May A 1967 kETTER TO THE EDITOR Highway Resident Concerned About Child Safety To Th$ Eklitor,* Clinton' News-Record. Deal’ .Sir: • It lias been drawn to my at tention by .taxpayers, the near tragedies created at the corner of East and Ontario Sitoeiets, when school gets out and the children pour across this speed;, way. The time of 4.00 p.ip- seems. to stand ouf tremendous ly- Jt seems. ^t this hour then© is no police1 patrol ait this cor ner, .nor school safety patrol (school pupil) and-hasn’t been for some time. During this hour even With the change of police z 200 Persons At Htironview Centennial Tea Over 200 persons registered at the Huronview Ladies Aux iliary Centennial- Tea and Ba zaar at. the home last Wednes day afternoon, April 26. There was an excellent response to . the items offered, at the bazaar. Four residents of HuroriViiew who have or will reach their 100th birthdays in'this Centen nial year, were presented with engraved silver dollars. The 100 year old celebrants, their foamer homes and their birthdays are as follows: Dun can Stewart, Hens'all, who was. born January'14, 1867;’ John Mitchell. Hensall, February 7. 1867; Mrs. Maria Philips, Ash field Township, October 26,1867, and Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, Clinton, November 1, 1867. Guests to the Centennial tea were welcomed 'by Mrs. Nor man Clairmont, Goderich, presi dent of Huronview Ladiies Aux iliary and Mrs. Harvey John- , ston, wife of the manager of Huronvigw. They were dressed "in Centennial costumes. Pouring tea during the after noon were .Mrs. Louis Forest, Mrs. L. M. Lublow, Mrs. F. G. Thompson and Mbs. .Carman. Moon. Mrs. Norman Radford, Blyth,, Won the draw on a quilt. shifts, surely either the officer: going off duty at 4 p.m; or the officer’ coming on duty at this, hour could be there. to help rectify this situation for these few minuies. If there is a big problem offered on this, I don't see any problem myself, nor neither do a lot of other peo ple. If an officer or, patrol, were th^re from just1 before school is out to 4.30, it would, relieve the problem tremend ously. Also ■ at noon horn’s I think the policeman or patrol should be" at fhjs corner before 12 noon, before school gets out, ready.to direct traffic and the safety of the children at 12 noon or shortly after w^ew half pf fha school is out and Mid's have got across the road ~^we hope — safely. The school pat rol (if we have1 one) can be there also beforehand in case the policeman is late. Another hem that has been brought up time and time again is. large, white or yellow painti ed school crosswalks on the pavement to help slow down the heavy trucks, transports' -and cars that insist on. using this stretch of the road as a speed way. Some don’t see the small Over 50 friends and relatives - helped1 Mr, and Mrs; /Eric Swit zer celebrate their silver wed ding anniversary at their home on Rattenbury Street last week end. ' A dinner /tor 22 guests at Ho- - tel Clinton preceded, the open house at their home. Gifts were presented to the 25 years married couple by Karl - Reichert and Bill Mc Lachlan with ( Mr. McLachlan reading the congratulatory mes sage. ’ , s ' After an evening of cardsand games, a buffet-style lunch was served. • Guests were present from Zurich, London, Seaforth, Hap pen, Kitchener, Clinton and the .surrounding area. school signs at the side of the road because of the speed they are going, and without the police's radar being used, a lot more than it has been on thjs street, there is nothing to slow down traffic during these cruc- igl hours-—after supper or any hours, for that matter. No radar in use, or police man, or school patrol, or school 'crosswalks constantly in use, it is a hud situation. We would like to see this situation cor rected and if it can't he, there is something wrong-someplace. We are building a beautiful ‘new community centre -and ar ena, ..tor the young people and everyone, tor that matter,; so let’s all help keep them alive to enjoy jit this Centennial year, and every year. , Respectfully yours, GEORGE-A. WONOH Clinton, Ontario, May 2, 1967. - --------:—o----------- Bayfield Renovating Community Arena (Continued from page one) Delivery, Bayfield. The committee have expres sed the hope that those who plan to contribute will do so at ..the earliest possible opportun ity because construction has al ready started. The committee has planned a dance to be held in Bayfield Pavilion 'on Friday, May 12 at which a free buffet will ’ be served. Music of. the 1938-46 era will be played by Doug McCann and his band from Clinton. First Donations Each week the Clinton News- Record will publish a Ifct of donors to the arena fund. The following- persons are among the early donors: Merton Memer '850, Mrs., Jeanne Lindsay $20, Mirs. Doris Hunter $5, May D. Wiillete $150, Harry Baker $25, Bayfield Bar ber Shop $50, Dr. L. P. Waldbn- $50, W. Bellchamber $25, An onymous $10, Mrs. Lorna' Mer rier $10,. OPP Constable Lloyd Westlake $10, Keith Miller $20, New Officials of Clinton Kinsmen These officers were elected at the Tuesday evening meeting of Clinton Kins men for the 196.7-68 season. Seated, left to right,. Doug Norman, Robert Van Riesen, and Ron Jewitt,"directors; standing, Gary Jexyitt, registrar and Cam eron Addison, bulletin editor. { . (News-Record Photo) Rev. J. C. Boyne Nominated As Huron NDP Candidate A 31-year old PresbyteriJan minister from Exeter, Hensall and Cromarty churches has ac cepted' the- responsibility to carry to the Neiw Democratic party banner into the provdhcila.1 election battle in Httron when ever it is waged. Rev. John C. Boyne was nam ed officially as Huron’s NDP candlidiate at the parity’s nom ination meeting in Clinton Mon day .evening... . >- Since coming to ^fhlis area from British ■ Columbia only five years ago, Rw. Boyne, has become well-known in' South Huron as an outspoken young man and a controversial figure, bis weekly column in the Ex eter Times-Advocate was en titled, “One Main’s Opinion” and dealt with every hot issue from church and community affairs to political matters. , Rev. Boyne’s entry 'into the political world comes after a five-year association with the Huron County NDP’s and fol lowing a ten-year belief 'in the Special donation by J. R. Chap-i-party platform. Rev. Boyne has man, L. R. Maloney $100.secured the permission of his three congregations to seek election in either the provincial or federal political arena. Speaking in Clinton to a gathering of enthusiastic NDP supporters, Rev. Boyne said, “I ■am utterly fed up with the,. bombast and arrogance and smooth public relations which < IF Hort. Meeting Clinton Citizens’ Horticultur al Society will hold -an otpen meeting in Council chamber on Friday, May 12 at 8 p,m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson will show vivid colored slides, “Canada, East and West,” and some local pictures. Miss Luel'la Johnston,, presi dent of the society will give a few gardening tips. Everyone is 'invited to attend., the admission is a slip or. plant, tuber, glad etc. (anything that will growl). A specdail invitation is issued to all the. new mem bers (and all from Bayfield) to attend this spedial meeting. ....................... i ..mi s. Ibrownies I DRIVE-IN THEATRE -r. CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 FRIDAY MAY 5 ONLY - DOUBLE FEATURE — Dead Meat On A Merry Go Round" (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN' AT 10:30 ONLY James Coburn, Aldo Ray Color COINING EVENTS RATE? Four oents > word; Minimum 75 ceptf ALVAREZ KELLY” (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN AT'>8:30 ONLY William Holden, 'Richard Widr^arjc ’ Color Cartoon SAT. — MAY 6 OHLY — DOUBLE FEATURE •— CAR RACINGS THRILLS IN SHOWN AT 10:00.’ONLY Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello, Fabian Color Arena Floor Now Being Poured This' picture was taken last weekend 'before the concrete floor was poured at Clinton’s new community centre in Community Park. Workmen 'began pour ing the floor yesterday (Wednesday). The miles of black plastic pipe forsarti ficial ice making are shown above being wired in place. The contractors are keeping up |o schedule on the $225,000 structure. (News-Record Photo) ------ --------.............. .......................-x y GO 9 •mA ■ ft 9 GIFT SUGGESTIONS Centennial Rose — Cup & Saucer, Coffee 'Mug, Salt 4 Pepper ........................ Teapot or Coffee Pet ......, Flower Arrangements Leather Clutch Purse and French Purse .... $6.00 to $11.00 Wall Plaques ..... ,....... $3.00 each and up Cups and Saucers ...... $L19 to $5.00 I $2.75 & $3.75 $11.95 $2.95 & $3.25 McEwan’s pass tor leadership, in this pro vince. I refer specifically to the red herrings which are being raised again apd again by our present membei’ .(provincial treasurer C. S. MacNaughton, ■also of Exeter).’’ He added that Mr, Mac- Naughton “has called those of us in the NDP, Communist- Red?’ Rev. Boyne attacked federal and provincial governments for lack of economic planning in closing the Centralia Canadian Forces Base, and said' the Ont- 'ario government “appears to be fighting a tiger with a tooth pick” with its new HOME plan.* Fall Election? Donald' C. MacDonald1, pro vincial NDP leader, noted that a fall election is now more likely than a June mandate Which was predicted earlier. “They are postponing , the election until fall in the hope that tire voters’ indignation will cool off,” he said. “Premier Robarts is caught in a. whole host of political cross-currents, and the party as a whole is edgy with concern over the sud den collapse of their well-laid plans.” ~ Mr. MacDonald listed the s More and More People are . READING . and USING NEWS-RECORD Classified ACTION ADS Buying, Selling, Renting, Hiring Is Never a Problem With These Little Marvels TO PLACE YOUR AD Phone 482-3443 ' Open 9 ajm. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday J BANQUET TUESDAY, MAY U at 6:30 p.m. CLINTON LEGION HAU k CRESTS TO BE AWARDED TO: 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 Dodgers, Town League Ball Champs WOAA "B" Champs -r~ Pee Wee All-Stars Cougars, Pee Wee Town League Hockey Champs .■ Flyers, Squfrt Tewn League Hockey Champs All-Star Pee We& Hockey Team Open fo all boys who participated ih this year’s heckey program and the Dodger and AlUStar ball clubs. COST: $1.25 PfeR BOY Tickets can be> purchased from - RON JEWITT, Clinton Public School CAM ADDISON, Holmesville Public School BERT CUFFORD, 308 Townsend Street Note To Parents: Please have your boys purchase their tickete as soon as possible in order to establish number of meals to prepdre, .» FATHERS AKfc WELCOME $100 v 18-9b * J dismissal of Dr. Morton Shul man, Toronto’s chief coroner, as the biggest reason the election is now expected to be delayed. The leader said, “The crisis on the municipal front today is greater than any time since the depression when many munici palities were facing bankruptcy. The' Provincial treasurer has been trying to make a hero of himself with the claim that there‘are no “provincial tax in creases. But the refusal of Queen’s Dark to .move in re lieving the municipalities of burdens far' beyond their ca pacity to carry, has forced local council and boards of education to unprecedented tax increases. r- 'Nightmare In The Sun* (Adult Entertainment) ' SHOWN AT 8:30 ONLY Sammy Davis Jr., Ursula Andress ' Color Cartoon OPENING THURS., MAY 11 NIGHTLY Coming Next--THURS., & FRI. MAY 11-12 “AROUND THE WORLD UNDER'THE SEA’’ plus "HOLD ON” Herman Hermits ......... / JOIN YOUR CREDIT UNION TODAY! Consolidate Those Payments Nove / LOANS - Life Insured - 1% per month on unpaid balance - may be paid off at any time - interest charged only for the money you borrbw while you have it. Compare costs and service at CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT Si z. Thursday, May 4 BIJ^GO- at Clinton Legion Jtall, 15 reg* ulqr games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25,00, the firet letter * L? and first letter °T" applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3’ share-the-wealtih games, jack pot applies pn those 3 games' '■$56.0(1 in 56 numbers. 2 dpor prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. : . tfb Friday, May 5 Cash .Bingo ip Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 ■p.m, sponsors, Branch 156 Royal Canadian legion. Proceeds to Tomadb Fund. 18x Saturday, May 6—Girl Guide .Cookie Pay =— Support the Guides When they call at your door. „ 18b Saturday, May C—Rummage. Sale, Anglican Church Hall, Clinton, opens at 10 am. Spon sored by Go-Getters. IQ, 17, 18b Tuesday, May 9 — Holmes ville Local 219 of Ontario Far mer’s Union will meet in Town ship Hall at 8:30 p,m. 18b Tuesday, May 9 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers. Six door prizes, 8:30 p,m. ■ Wed., May 10-— Confeder ation Tea, Nurses 'Residence, 2:30 to 5 pm. sponsored by -Hospital Auxiliary, Centennial 4dress encouraged. 18x The Friendship Circle of the First Presbyterian Church, Sea forth have revived an old play, “Here Comes Charlie”, This 3- act comedy is being staged in the Seaforth Public School auditorium on Thurs,, May 11 and FrL, May 12 at'8 pm. Ad mission $1.00. Reserved seats may be obtained at Kling’s Store, Seaforth. t 18b Friday, May 12 — Council Chamber, Clinton, 8 pm. Open ' meeting Horticultural Society. Mr. and .Mrs. -Charles Neilson will show" colored slides “Can ada, East and West”, also some local slides. -Miss Luella John ston will give “Some Gardening Tips”, Draws on plants, bulbs, etq. Admission “Bring some thing that will grow”. Every- ' one welcome. 18-9b Monday, May 15 — “Por traits from the Past” Fashion Show and program of local talent, Seaforth District Hugh School, 8:15 pm. sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute, tickets from members, $1.00 ad mission. Mrs. Anna Meyer, CKNX Winghiam, commenta tor. 18b Tuesday, May 16 — Annual meeting of Huron County His torical' Society, Wingham Town Hall, 8 pm. Guest speaker, John Strong. Lunch served by Wing ham WI. ' 18-19b Friday, May 19 — Centen nial Bake Sale and Coffee Break, Council. Chamber, Clin ton, 2 pm. sponsored by WA of First Baptist Church. 18-19b Sat., May 20 — School Re- nion, S.S. No. 10 Stanley, 1 p.m. Former teachers, pupils and friends welcome, picnic supper 5 pm. 15-19b, 20x Wed., June 21 — Family Fun Night — Grandma's Memory Album — Viariety Show, 8 pm, Clinton Public School. Spon sors UCW • 'Wesley - Willis Church. ' 18b iit § hj: $ i g ;■? I $ g Is $§>- -J I1 OK i< In Cl1®.! |J I s'ti $ &% 1 ?S: >;'j It Takes All Kinds! — Shopping for a "Better Used Car" is serious business. — If its a family car, all memBers must be satisfied. -* if its for mother la second car) it must be practical. — If its for the younger set, its just got to have get up ahd go plus appearance. WE'VE GOT THEM! FAMILY CARS » —Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, Pontiac. Ford,z Meteor. (Station Wagons too) \ - —Second in name only. Chevy II Nava 6, 9 "400" series/ Automatic. '65 Chevy II Station Wagon. #62 Cehv II Station Wagon. '63 Corvair. Plus others. ^65 ChOv Super Sport* Impala. Fully equipped. '64 Chev Convertible.' Its sharp. '63 Pontiac Parisienne 4 Door Hardtop. 36 GOOD VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM. LOOK US OVtR. TRUCKS ;A ■%. •Five good used Pickups. If 0 late Spring has put you back, get ahead with a truck! Special GMAC terms for Farmers on both cars and trucks Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Your Frtaidty Chevrolet, Oldsmobile It Envoy boater. Ontario Street — CUNTON — Phone 482-9321 z Open each evening until 9 for your convenience.