HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-04, Page 5TROUSSEAU TEA FAVOURITE BRIDE'S CAKE Diamonds, Blossoms, Weddings And Delicious Bride’s Cake ‘Tn, spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts . pf love ,. , * ’ It’s that time of year again When diamonds blossom, like tulips on third fingers of left hands, when tha mail brings wedding invitations and When bridal talk .is the prime topic of the day. It’s th© time for* shower­ giving and tropS'seau teas, the time for pink candles and lace, cloths and dainty sandwiches and. pretty cakes, This recipe for Bridle’s Cake is a wonderful recipe for this time Of year and time of mind. It is, basically, a .light fruit cake, pineapple-flavoured and dressed up in wedding finery of sultana raisins, coconut and marachino cherries. It is a great topper for a trousseau tea menu, of a bridal sihower and we guarantee the Bride to whom it's served will come opt of her rozy haze and agree that you can’t live on '.•q k ’ > '•| > - > ' * * d 1 ' 1 L -• B I CHSS Students Give 172 Pints Blood Thursday, Moy A ■ # Teenagers Donate 172 Pints At Clinton Blood Donors' Clinic One Lb. Meat Plus Stuffing Makes Dinner ’S'ausages are the “star” of this hearty supper casserole. In . the “supporting cast” serve mild cooldng onions, .lappies and coarse, day-old bread crumbs propared as you would for stuf­ fing . a fowl The resulting flavour meld is most appealing and the recipe is an economical way to stretch one -pound of sausage into a meaLin-a-dish for family of four. Here’s how to do it: Peel and thinly. slice two large Spanish onions (or other mild cooking onions). ^Peel and core three large cooking apples. Slice thinly and sprinkle with two teaspoons lemon; juice. Prepare three cups coarse day-old crumbs to the size you would use for stuffing a fowl. Now layer a greased foiur-cup . casserole in the following way: place a layer , of onions at the bottom of the dish. Sprinkle with salt and! dlab with butter. Next, place a layer of bread crumbs, sprinkle with, salt and pepper and dab with butter. Third, place a layer of apples which have been sprinkled with the lemon juice. Dab’with but­ ter. Repeat, layers until all in­ gredients have been used!, Arrange one pound of un­ cooked sausages on top of cas­ serole and prick each? sausage with a fork. Brush sausages with one teaspoon prepared mustard. Sprinkle with salt and . 'pepper and <^aib with 'butter. (Use about two tablespoons of ' butter in all). Bake in preheated moderately hot oven (375 dbg. F.) uncover­ ed for 50 to 60 minutes or until sausages are cooked When test­ ed. ( _• ADASTRALPARK Social Notes love alone! BRIDE’S CAKE Yield -r- 1, ,9-inch round cake 1 iy2 3 1 2% 2 *4 1 % 2 1 1% cup margarine or butter­ cups sugar eggs teaspoon vanilla cups once-sifted'all-purpose flour teaspoons baiting powder teaspoon salt teaspoon nutmeg < / cup pineapple juice Cups sultana raisins cup dedicated coconut cups crushed pineapple, well drained cup nwachino cherries, well drained and halved Preheat oven to slow 325° F, Grease a 9-inch spring form pan. Line bottom and sides with three .layers, of wax paper and greasp again. Cream butter and sugar, Add eggs one at a time, beating we'jl after each ad­ dition. Beat in vanilla.Sift together flour, baking^ powder, salt 'and nutmeg. Add to egg mixture alternately with pineapple juice. Blend well, ,: Stir in raisins, coconut, pine­ apple and cherbies, Pour into prepared pan. ■ Bake, for 1% hour’s or until cake tester inserted in ‘ centre of cake comes out clean, , Cool on wire rack for 5-10 minutes, Remove from pan and allow - to cool completely. NOTE: This cake keeps well for av couple of weeks. y Editor: Mrs. Sandra Sinker Phone 482-9179 . Personals t Cpd. and Mrs. Harold Dillon from Ottawa were recent visit­ ors of Sgt,’ and Mrs. George Sinker. Mrs. Donna Champion and Mrs. ■ Jean Biggin are patients in Clinton Public Hospital. Also in the hospital at Clinton are Mrs. Irene Nelischer aand Miss Pat Burns. • Mrs. Betty De Long is a pa­ tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Use Classified Ads. /■ This is part of the lineup of 182 students at CHSS who gave blood at the first blood donors clinic held in Clinton in the past two years. At right is Mrs. Douglas (Marion) Andrews, local co-ordinator of the clinic and funds drive in Clinton. (News-Record Photo) MIDDLETON Commencing on Sunday, May and continuing throughout.7 the summer months, the service of morning prayer will be held in St. James’ Qhurdh, Middle­ ton at 9:30 o’clock. v --------;-----_£)---------------- Ellwood Epps Guest Speaker At Scout Dinner Over two hundred cubs, scouts, and tihdir fathers attends .cd the CFB Clinton annual Father and Son banquet on Sunday, April 30th. This highlight of the Cubs and Scouts year wais1 held in 'the OR Miess under the chair­ manship of Flying Officer S. Taylor and his Group Commit­ tee. Invited guests included Cubs and. Scouts and their fath­ ers from C&B Centralia. Flight Lieutenant D. ,J. Dris­ coll 'introduced the guest speak­ er, Ellwood Epps, prominent sporting enthusiast and sports t store owner of Clinton. Mr. 'Epps held his audience spell- bound with his talk on the his­ tory of firearms, from.the leiarly matchlocks, to the present day repeating rifles, and supported his remarks with many examp­ les brought with him for illus­ tration. ■ A number of Scouting and Cub awards Were presented, .at, the conclusion of the banquet dinner. Sgt. G. A. Ebel present­ ed1 Fire Brigade Badge certifi­ cates to 18 members of the Clinton Troup .and Flying Offii-Giving Talk on Firearms Ellwood Epps, Clinton sports store owner, gave cer Taylor presented the Wood □ I, n- 4. n . 4. _i r-i 4. 4.-1- i Badge trophy to Flight Serg-a talk on firearms to Scouts and Cubs at the annual -eant R Milton and Cpl. D. father and son banquet at i CFB Clinton. At the ’ Mellmoyl who have recently right is Flight Lieutenant D. J. Driscoll. '* completed a course in adult (CFB Clinton Photo) laader traimng- The Clinton Women’s Insti­ tute met fn the board rooms of the 'agricultural office on April 26. Mrs. W. Coldough presided for the meeting. The annual reports . of the standing committees, were giv­ en. ' 1 . The' officers for ’ the coming vear are: past president, Mrs. C. Nelson; president, Mrs. W. Colclough; first vice-president,’ Mrs. L. Holland; second vice- president, Mrs. C. Lockhart; secretary, Mrs. A. Groves; trea­ surer, Mrs; M, Batkin. District ‘director, Mrs. C. Nel­ son; alternate district director, Mi;s. N.' Tyndall; public re­ lations officer, Mrs. M. Gibson. Flower conveners, 'Mrs, F. Cummings, Mrs; R. Connell; social conveners, Mrs. M. Gib­ son, Miss L. Langford1, Mrs. E. Trick; curator, Mrs. M. Batkin. The WI is planning a cen­ tennial tea in the former Red and White store for May 18. The 4-H girls are having their achievement day in CHSS1 oh May 27 and it- is to be' hoped aS many of the Institute members as possible will be able to at­ tend. When the meeting dosed the members went .to the Presby­ terian Church where the base­ ment was decorated’ with the Institute colors. A sumptuous turkey banquet was enjoyed by all. The Sunkhine' Sisters were disclosed by pinning on cor­ sages.- r* v CASH BINGO in Legion Hall, Seaforth 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10.00 3 — $25.00 SPECIALS $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO R. A. Tucker To Address Local' Lions Ronald,A. Tucter, represent­ ative from Hoechst Pharma­ ceuticals, London, Ontario .will spe&k to the Clinton Lions Club on Tuesday, May .--9, • orn “Rho- dedia.” Mr. Tucker' lived in Rhodesia fof* 10 years before coming to Canada. (Continued from page. 1) club, and church in Clinton, posters were put UP throughout .the bWllnefiK section and ads, Red Cross toppers and a story on the clinic had appealed in the local paper: “We bad enough publicity,” ■siaW Mrs, Andrews, <li don’t know what else we could have done.* Mcybe nekt time it would help to make a door-to-door canvass in town .tor names of pecplo who would be willing to donate their blood; One out of every 25 adults isn’t good enough even though there are many' persons who cannot give for,some reason.” Cards are always sent prior to clinic date to all regular Red .•Cross blood donors, but there is no way to be. certain that others are advised unless some committee makes a personal visit or call on every citizen. Lots Of Workers In addition to a hard working staff of Red Cross nurses and a technician, many Clinton ladies volunteered their services as assistants. In the afternoon, t the group included Mrs. Garnet Harland, Alex Mrs. Ben- Mrs. Har- blood ‘and inspired M least bh^ other person to become a donor. Principal Robert, Hbrnuth was in charge of pvtlLXlicxLty and spe­ cial arrangements at CHSS. All this week, Red Cross can­ vassers will be collecting money from Qjintonians. Mrs. Andrews has been responsible for the campaign and has tried riot to overtook anyone, However, if citizens dp not have a volunteer canvasser call or are put when the visit is made, they may leave their. donations at the Bank of Montreal er send them • directly to Mrs, Marion An­ drews, Local, Red Cross Chair­ man. Clinton. Ontario. -------------i_o---------------- St, Andrew's Aux, Meeting Tuesday The May meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrews’ Presbyterian Church will be held in the dhurich Sun­ day School rooms on Tuesday, May 9 at 8:15 p.m. r —:--------r—O—--------------- Classified Ads. - Bring Quick Results • $ Mrs. Ted Davies, Mrs. Haddy, Mrs. Bill Cook,. Bill Managhan, Mrs. Ken nett, Mrs. Ken Picket;- Aub Langdbh, Miss Pat land and Mrs. Andrews., In the evening, Mrs1. Andrews was assisted by Mrs. Ron Mc­ Cann, Mrs. Carl Powell, Mrs. Gordon Herman, Mrs. George Wench, -Mrs. Bob Burke, Mrs. Alex Haddy and Mrs. Bob Campbell.' Two Grade 12 Commercial students from CHSS acted as stenographers for the day. Be­ fore leaving for the day, Jean Scott and Joan Copper, both Clinton girls donated their It's Spring Clean-up Time With our Laundry Service we can do your Bedspreads, Blankets, Curtains and Linens. MEN'S SHIRTS A SPECIALTY Phone 482-9491 HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET — CLINTON, ONT. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Great Ontario Adventure Vacations Garrison members . at historic Fort Henry CENTENNIAL YEAR 1867-1967 SOUVENIRS CUPS and SAUCERS PINS COFFEE SPOONS CHARMS PLATES BASKETS MUGS MAPLE LEAF PINS BRACELETS GLASSES i PROCEEDS FOR HURON PERTH TORNADO FUND. - *Sponsors: Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion . V, CLINTON - WALKERTON SEAFORTH Ask how much your loan will cost . and HFC will tell you—before you borrow I AMOUNT MONTHLY payment plans . OF 48 38 30 30 12LOANrnonthtmonthimonthsmonthsmonthsmonths $ 100 $........5.........$....$6.12 $9.46 300 18.35 28.37 S50 23.73 32.86 51.24 1000 • T H * * Y ........t.......41.45 58.11 91.56 1000 • 8 til ff 57.72 * • ••i MY T t , - ft - . 2S0O • t t • * *73.35 90.18 ttrit 3000 * r » • »88.02 108.22 A# • tt r - - -1 4000 101.01 117 31 144.30 > + '<r MM 126.26 146.71 180.37 ..................... 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Thrill to the awesome cataract of turbulent Niagara Falls. A Heritage Highways Adventure Vacation invests your family with new awareness and well- founded pride. Would you like to have more information? Just mail the coupon, today. r Province of Ontario, I Department of Tourism & Information, j Parliament Buildings, Room. xon 1 Toronto 2. -■ \ Please send me full details about a | HeritagcHighways Adventure Vacation, j GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above I he Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours Address Name Ontario Department of Tourism & Information BEATTIE FURNITURE CLINTON ARE CELEBRATING THEIR 33rd HUGE SAVINGS On All Lines Of BRAND NAME FURNITURE f s M ■■DiNETTE and CHROME SUITES % 7 HARDING CARPETS “wool Armstrong Corton and Vinyl Asbestos Flooring FREE DRAW WITH EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE ON, A BEVERLEY QUILTRESS MATTRESS VALUE $79.50 MATTRESS and BOX SPRING SALE Continentals - Bunk Beds - Baby Furniture ....-....-..—.:...:..■ ■ —...—....—..