HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-05-04, Page 1olumn=
She said she felt people
should have known about the
clinic because notification of it
had been sent to each 'service
<Continued on Page live,
Clinton, there would be quite
a human outcry if there was
nqjt enough blood available at
the Red Cross Blood Bank- for
all those who needed it.”
THE NEW ERA — 102nd Yoar
■................. ■. i ■ ................
The Home Paper With the News CLIHWN; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY A 1W
By S, J, ft,
We have word this week that
Ontario’s most -famous l)istori-
cal pageant,. “Portraits front the
Past” is coming to ■ Seatotth
‘ District High School pn May 15,
sponsored ,by the Seafo'i'th
Women's -Institute-
' The pageant is presently
tomting Ontario under the gus-
piceis pf ihe Centennial Plmrnmg
Branch, .a division pf the Ont
ario -Department' of Tourism
and Information.
Already, the show has visited
„ major centres and is helping
raise thousands pf dollars in
support of Centennial celebra;
tiops throughout the land,'
Thirty-nine beautiful costumes:
'from, the time of early settlers
to the early 1900’s will be
modelled, including replicas of
gowns v/om by Madame- de La’
Ckampiain, Mrs. ■ John Graves
Simcoe, .Queen Victoria and
, Laura Secord,
• Models at the Seaforth show
ing, wjll be members, of Seaforth,
and'' Walton Institutes, the hos- '
pital auxiliary ?and various,
church groups. in the area.
There will be some local tailent
featured, a$ well as several
draws for prizes.
Miss Marjorie Papple is to
be Queen'of the Pageant with
Mils,; Anna Meyer and James
Swan of Wingham to be com
mentators. Overall-; convener,
, Mrs. John F.-Macljean, is be-
in^ ■ sasisted by Mrs. Lome Law-
son. Mrs. John Henderson Will
provide the music. . -
Jack, A. Brockie, director of
the Ontario Centennial Branch,
Toronto, says, “It is this exten
sive involvement by women in
scores of communities that is
one of the most valuable, assets
of the .presentation.”
This Saturday, May 6 ha^’
been set as Girl Guide Cookie
Day in Clinton. We understand
the girls will be canvassing the
town tor customers for their
tasty cookies.
Maybe this would be a good
weekend to plan fresh fruit and
(Continued on page seven)
* *
-*■wi TBl'V ‘A
•It took the 'teenagers in the
xarea to show up the adults on
Monday at the Red Cross Blood
Donor’s Clinic in the auditorium
of Central Huron Secondary
School. Of 182 students who
Will Lead Kinsmen in i 967-68 Season
, Meeting Tuesday evening in*Hotel Clinton dining room, the Kinsmen Club
of Clinton elected its new officers for the 1967-68 term which begins in Septem
ber. Front row, left to right, Larry Jones, first vice-president; Robert Mann,
president; David Beattie, past, president;-Steve Brown, second vice-president;
standing, left to right, Ted McCullough, treasurer, and Peter Irwin, secretary.
(See another picture on page 12). , (News-Record Photo)
Over 70 persons attended the
banquet of Clinton' area of On
tario Hydro at Elm Haven
.Motor Hotel last Friday even
ing. , The. banquet was given to
the Clinton/ employees who
have achieved a full year (1966)
of no time loss through injury..
The Clinton area was- pre
sented with a safety, achieve
ment award- ty xOntario Hydro.
This was made by Gordon M.Tarea Hydro employees on their
offered to give their blood, only
ten were rejected for one reason •
or another. . ‘ :
In the evening, only 62 adult
donors arrived to give their
■blood, and most of these were .
previous donors. In. ail, 214 :
pints of blood were taken.
Mrs. Marion Andrews, con- ■
v.ener of the Clinton clinic made
special mention of- the young '
people when she spoke to a ,
News-Record reporter on Tues- j
day. * ’
“We had 'hoped that Clinton ;
adults would match ptot-for- j
pint the donations of ..the school \
children,” Mrs. Andrews said. J
‘/As it was, the klids responded j
much better than our adult citi- \
zens which I think is a little i
shameful.” ‘
i • * F
“The ’teenagers, of course, 1
are our future regular donors,” |
continued. Mrs. Andrews. “They \
should 'be given a great deal of \
credit. Too often we hear only i
the bad things about our young i
people, but "they certainly did \
their bit - on 'Monday when j
others failed.” ,
Already, Mrs. Andrews is i
talking about the possibility of «
another clinic next year, 'The
last' one . was held in Clinton
on July 21, 1965.
“I don’t know how we are
going to shake more donors
out,” -mused Mrs. Andrews, “-but
We are going to try. If there
was ever- a real emergency an
A ;
This week the Clinton
District Community 1
Centennial Fund went
thie, $20,000 mark. ’This is- still
a’long way from the anticipated
$100,000. But there is still a
Shortage of canvassers; anyone
! ’willing to canvass should get in
touch with Mail Edgar or Ted
'McCullough. \ 1
Total- now stands at $20,548.-
, '53, with $2,327.25 coming in the
'past week.
Percy Brown ..................
Ronald G. .McCann .......
Roy A. Cullen .......... .
Roy Oantelon..................
Donald Cooper ..............
• Eli Galachuck ...3...........
M. Define and family ....
Harry Thompson ..........
Gerry Haaksman ..........
Murray Tyndall ...........
Francis Powell ..............
Mrs. Stella Connell .......
Clinton News-Record, A.
Laurie Colquhoun
(Continued on Page Seven)
.$ 20.00
. 50.00
. 100.00
, 50.00
. 10.00
One of 172 Blood Donors at CHSS
Steve Harris, a CHSS student from RR 3 Clin
ton, appears quite content while giving his pint of
blood at CHSS on .Monday. The Red Cross atten
dant with Steve is Mrs. John Bowman, a registered
nurses aid. > •' (News-Record Photo)
-------------------- ,1rT .....— :i......................................................................................................-L
1,300 days without a work loss
through injury. ‘
The accident prevention of
ficer of Western' Region, Avery
Spencer presented safety/ award
stickers to 22 Clinton' hydro
men. These stickers will be
worn on the hard hats the work
men wear. ' The stickers bear
the words “worked safely’’.(a
number) years’’. .
Seventeen Clinton, mien re^
ceiyedY stickers which ’ < racoi^}
that' they worked safMy‘ eight
years. This is the length.'of
time that the safety stickers
have been given out by Ontario'
Hydro. ■ ’. . ' ' , „
Assisted by. area foreman
Graham, the region’s- accident
prevention ' officer,/ presented
stickers to: ,
For eight yearsL-Fred. Arm
strong, Len Arnistpn, Art Bates,
Len Fawcett, Jim' (Graham, Joe
Hart, . Russ Hoffmeyer, Jack
Irwin, Bud Kuehl, Al May, Doug
Morgan, Bob McDonald, Pat
McMahon, Jim Patterson, Carl
Powell, Bob Pritchard and Fred
For seven years — Bill Beck,
Larry Jones and Don Symons;
for six years—Bob Cook; and
for five years to Jack Lopping-
• McHenry, manager of' Hydro’s
1 Western Regfton at Londbn and
- .was accepted on behalf of the
' Clinton area by James Graham,
- area foreman.
Mr. McHenry, who said that
. Clinton was always a very hosp
itable place to visit, congrat
ulated the area on its splendid
safety record, not ju’st in 1966
but for the many past years.
... The region manager said
^“Dinfibrs''’'lilfe ‘'th$s'' alsiO' help-
staff cooperation.”
Area foromian Graham replied
to the region manager’s, talk
and said that in hlis thirteen
and one-half years in CliptoiY
there had! been very, little .time
loss through injury.
Clinton area manager Arthur
M. itnight was master of cere
monies. He introduced the vis
iters ■''from Western Regibn of
fice ini London arid their wives.
Wives and husbands of all
but t$fo of the entire Clinton
area- staff attended the ban
quet. Entertainment was pro
vided by Jim and Ken Scott
with Mrs. Don Symons at the piano. . '
Ward' Stiles, operations- en
gineer of Western Region, Lon
don, also congratulated the local
Funds Drive For $15,000 /
JI - <. i ■
?. BAYFIELD —- At their regu-
Aar’' ^meeting. Bayfieldt. COurx^R
voted to support a resolution of
Huron County Council asking
for the provision of alternative
electric power transmission
.lines so that large portions of
this locality are not wtltihout_
power for long, periods, as was
the case recently, '
Council discussed a situation
arising from the sale qf lots in
■a subdivision which has not
yet been approved. They ex
pressed concern that some peo
ple may be planning to erect
homes and cottages on lots
which have no access and for
which no roads are planned.
On Sunday morning next,
council intends to tour the vil
lage for the purpose of inspect
ing road qonditibns so that im
mediate needs may be assessed.
Clinton Hydro Area Has Perfect Record
Gordon M. McHenry, left, London, manager,'
Western Region Ontario Hydro, is shown here pre
senting James Graham, area foreman, Ontario
Hydro, Clinton area; with a safety, achievement
award. The award was presented to Clinton area in
recognition of an outstanding performance in the
prevention of accidents in 1966. The certificate
was signed by -George E. Gathercole, chairman of ,
Ontario Hydro and Mr. McHenry. Hinton area
. had no lost time through injury in 1966.
BAYFIELD—Under- the aus
pices of its recreation. commit
tee, chaired by Menton Merner,
Bayfield plans to improve ■ its
arena by adding washrooms,
dressing rooms, and a large
committee .room complete with
stage; increase the skating area
and even 'have a modest kitchen
to provide for community
A heated area behind
will provide spectators'
much needed comfort during,
winter events.
Roller Skating
In recent months the roll
arena committee has been most
active and has provided over
100 pairs of roller skates from
size 1 to 11, and a refreshment
booth. It has also purchased a
record player\to provide music.
A hearty and happy crowd
turns out to enjoy the new
Sport of roller skating at the
arena each Weekend/
In addition to the facilities
planned, the recreational dom-
mittieo is puridhasihg a nhiw tee-
making machine and '1st is hoped
that bynext Winter natural ice
will no' longer be needed here.
Funds Drive
It is proposed to raise $15,000
solely by public subscription, to
defray the entire cost, includ
ing purchase of the “icenmak-.
er.” Volunteer labour by men
of all trades and an anticipated
grant will contribute greatly in
keeping costs down to a level
which would otherwise appear
impossibly high/
All contributions for the pro
ject will be tax. deductible for
personal income tax returns; of-
. facial receipts will be. issued in
with" every instance as soon as the
registered number '’idf the pro
ject is received from the De
partment of National Revenue,
Ottawa. ' i .
The, fund, raising' campaign
is under way and the objective
is expected to be reached at an
early , date.
A’ large “thermometer” will
be erected in Clan Gregor
Square to keep everyone in
formed as the fund swells. It
is1 also intended that ah arch
itect's sketch of the completed
arena shall be prominently dis
played on Main Street.
All donations should be made
payable to Bayfield Community
Centre Committee and address
ed % L. R. Maloney, General
(Continued on page 12)
Clinton Foreman Receives Award .
■ A. M. Knight, left, manager of Clinton area
Ontario Hydro, presented one of his fdfhhidh, Jack
Irwin, with an Ontario Hydro Suggestion Plan cer
tificate at the area’s safety awards banquet at Elm
Haven Motor Hotel last Friday^ Mr. Irwin also
' received a cheque when his suggestion was put to
ftc-A hv Ontario Hvdro. (News-Record Photos)
The Weather
... 1^6
High L6W
High Low
: St
•' 44
. 28
Community Centre
Executive For
Bayfield Arena
.Bayfield Community Centre
Committee lexecutive are as fol
lows: chairman, E. W. Oddieii-
Son; municipal representative,
Reeve Frank McFadden; Agri
cultural Society representative,
Orval McQiinchey; Bayfield
Liens Club representative,
Lloyd Makins; members, RPbert
MacVean, Merton Merner, R. L.
•Maloney and Adam Flowers.
Purchasing cdmimliittee, Rob
ert- MacVean, chairman; Joe
Mayman. Building committee,
Merton Merrier, chairman; Alf
Scotohimer, Arnold Makins,
Huss- R&riy Joo Koene.
Ways arid Means committee,
Adam Flowers, chairman; Ken
Brandon, Harry Baker, Eric
Eari, George Whittle, Mrs. L.
R. Maloney, Mrs, Ken Brandon,
Mrs. R. MacVieati, Mrs. T. Lo
gan and Mrs. R, Snell. Finance
'committee, L. R. Maloney,
Chaiiman; Dave Battye.
They made' it dear that they"
intend ..to rep^; ,where^n^ceis-
sary, to apply calcium at pre
sent and to make major appli
cations of gravel to the fall. •
During, a discussion concern
ing the erection of posts 'around
the park, councillor Jack Stur
geon pointed out that they would
only keep out cars and that 'the
'Picnicking area would still be.
traversed by ponies 'and motor
cycles. It was generally agreed
that the best way of determin
ing the feeling of the residents
would be to start digging holes
and erecting poles. The poles
Which are already on hand are
to be cut into six-foot lengths
and the “oar-\fence” Will then
be started.
Councilor. Menton Merner
asked council to consider what
accrue to all since it would im
prove existing drainage. He ex
pressed the views that a con
siderable advantage would
corue to all since it would im
prove septic tank efficiency by
getting rid of s.urface water 'and
Would also reduce the danger
of pollution of shallow welis.
Hospital Day
. On Wednesday
The public is cordially In
vited to* attend Hospital Day
at Clinton public Hospital on
Wednesday, May 10. Tours will
be conducted from 2 to 4 p.m.,
With Oof fee served in the nurses'
residence from 2:30 to 5, o'clock,
■-This is your opportunity to
learn first hand what your hos
pital offers to this commuhlty.
"1867 & All That
Centennial Title
For CHSS Revue
"1867 & AU That," fc the
appropriate title of the revue
being put on Friday and Sat-
today OVenitigs in CHSS aud-
. itorium by an all-star cast;.
Of CHSS students,. <' •
The Oentennialdheme show
starts at eight o’clock each ■
cvehirig; there arc still tic
kets available, from students
at $1.00 each.'
"He cited Main Street as1 need
ing deep draining and catch
basins and suggested that 'it
would be advisable to get ex-
pert advice. Action wasr de
A prolonged discussion of the
project already started to pn>
vide artificial ice tor the arena
took place.
Reeve. Frank .McFadden, in
answer to questions, assured
Councillor Sturgeon that the
project would proceed only as
money became available. This
Community Centre Arena is to
be assumed Wholly by Rayfield
at the request of Stanley Town-
Ship Who 'at present hold the
deed., A nominal fee only will
be paid to legalize the trans-
' action. As soota. as the arena
becomes a Bay® eld response-
■ bi'lity, council Will appoint a
Bayfield Community Centre
Board to control it. The board
L will consist. of at least three
. and not more than seven vil-
■ I age ratepayers. It was resolved
: “that the Bayfield Community
• Centre Committee be formed
, and that it function under the
Bayfield Recreation Committee
for. the purpose -of-' canvassing
and receiving'funds for the' de
frayment of costs incurred ' in
building an addition, to the
arena tor approximately
$15,000.” '
Councillor Merner, • Chairman
of the Recreation Committee,
said that deficit financing would
not be considered; hie reported
that although. the official fund-
raising campaign has not yet
been started, over $800 has al
ready been received. He said
that, as a result, footings tor.
the addition to the arena have
already been poured and block-
lay tog will commence , on Wed- .
nesday, May 3.
“As soon as the nelw addition
has1 a roof and ground floor it
will be possible to move to the
ice equipment,” said Merner
and added that the entire pro
ject will proceed to stages as
and when funds are available.
Reeve McFadden said that
since the arena addition Will
also serve as a civic auditorium
it will qualify for departmental
Clinton CN Sectionman Honoured on Retirement
Mr. and-Mrs, Thomas Oliver, Clinton, seated, were the recipients of gifts
at a retiremerit party for four Canadian National Railways sectionmen at Hur
on Fish arid Game Club last Friday evening. Mr, Oliver recently retired after
42 years a sectionman. The other retired men honoured were from Goderich,
Forest and Stratford. Standing, left to r ight, are Stewart Taylor, the CN section
foreman at Clinton Who Was master of ceremonies for the party; William G.
Riehly of Clinton ON station staffs who read the address to Mr. Oliver arid
• Wilf ted Jervis, who presented the gifts, Overisopersons attendedthe retire-
ment party. ' (News-Record Photo)