HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-27, Page 12Fage 12—Clihton News-Re^ord---Thurs.f April27, 19G7----------—---------------------------------------- Mixed Bowlins League Holds Awards The eigh-tcam mixed bowling league, thq oldjest in the Town of Clinton, held, its annual ban­ quet and awards presentation ceremonies at ith'e Legion Hall last Friday evening, Howard Grealis, president, was the verj’ capable master of ceremonies. ■ He was assisted in the trophy presentations by Mrs. Howard Edward's, secretary and Mrs, Harold Gibbings, treasurer. Banquet a jeplicfi of the big trophy. For playoff purposes the lea­ gue is dividedsinto *‘A” and “B” Jeagpies; the top four teams form the A league and, the bottom four teams the B lea- Winners of the Lome Brown Motors Ltd, trophy for the B league were the “Boo Boo’s” captained by Mrs. Hank West­ erhout. Other team members >1 i Jhe Hungry Trio Only Three County Councillors Want Increase for Meals (By Shirley J. KeUer) Two hungry councillors man­ aged to swing one more gaunt councillor’s vote on a. motion to increase the per diem allotment for eating purposes from $5 to $7.50, Duff Thompson, reeve of Clinton and Calvin Knauter, reeve of Brussels §aid that Since the cost of everything else was •rising,/it seemed only night that Olcissified Ads. ‘Bring Quick Results --------------— ---------------------------- - The new officers for 1967-68 are Hank Westerhout, Neale season were elected: president, Howard, Tait; vice-president, Mr. Grealis; secretary, Mrs. Edwards and treasurer, Mrs. Hank Westerhout. Jim Armstrong, a veteran bowler and former owner of Bill German’s Billiards , and Bowling zon Isaac Street (where the league bowls), presented gifts from the" league to the 1966-67 officers. The banquet was catered to by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion; a dance and social evening followed the banquet. The “Raiders”, captained by Bob Livermore, captured' the “A”. league championship and . were presented with the Milt • and Mabel Trophy by Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schreiber. Other members of the team are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pickard and Mrs. George Wonch. Each received New Community Centre Donations (Continued from page 1) 5.00 2.00 5.00 20.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 Ed. Deeves......... John Alexander . Wilfred Glazier ... Robert Elliott ... Harry Watkins ... Bob Watkins ...... William Rutledge Gerard Dumont... . H. J. S. Repair Service .. Anonymous .................... Dave Reid ...................... Mrs. John G. MacKinnon, . Hamilton ................. ■ Maude and John Tor­ rance .............. Bruce Norman ..... Joe Atkinson ......... Harry,., Cudmore .... Jack Dietrich ...?..... Kenneth Harris..... Donald Bauer ....... George Wonch ...... Clinton Guides’ Brownies ....... Anonymous .......... Frank McCullough ....... Wesley - Willis United Church Women....... 'Anonymous .................. Miss Alice Sloman, Green Bay, Wis. ....... Anonymous .-........‘.,. Dudley M. Pegg ... Sherlock-Manning Piano Co. Ltd...... ‘........... Anonymous ................. Frank Cummings ....... Bruce Walker .............. Clarence Freeman •....... Bill Mumey .................. Frank Elliott Bus Lines, Blyth ........................ C. M. Shearing .......... The Habkwks, Meaford.. Jim Patterson ............... Mrs. H. D. Cameron .... William Pickett............ Bell & Garreft Con­ tractors .................... • Harold Tyndall .............. Anonymous .................... Anonymous ............. . Anonymous .................... Anonymous .................... Harvey Carter Carl PbiweM :........... ....... '------------o-----------' A. and 25.00 . 100.00 . 25.00 .. 10.00 . 15.00 . 5.00 . -20.00 2.00 . 25.00 30.11 50.00 •5.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 162.00 50.00 Trewartha, Mrs. Audrey Stan­ ley, Mrs. Carol Schmidt, Mrs. Marie Macauley. , Individual Prizes High average bowlers were Mrs. Hal Hartley with 188 and Jiim Armstrong with, 228; these trophies were donated and pre­ sented by Mr. and Mrs. Bill German of Bill’s Billiards and Bowling. High triple winners were Mrs. George Wonch who won the Wes Holland trophy; she bowl­ ed 713; high men’s triple was ’ won by Ken Taylor with 738. High single winners were Mrs. ‘Marie Macauley with. 290 and Jack Holmes, with 385; they were given engraved trays do­ nated by Labatt’s. There was two lovely troph­ ies for the persons who bowled the lowest scores. They- were won by Mrs. Mel Steep and Harvey Ashton. , ' ■ Most improved man, bowler •was Howard GreaiMs and most improved woman bowler was Mrs. Gary Freeman. The following persons, receiv­ ed gifts for perfect attendance at’the. league and playoff gam­ es: Ken Taylor,’ Mrs. Harold Gibbings, Mrs. Gus Horbanauk. Howard Tait, Howard Grealis, Mrs: Douglas Jones, Miss Carol., Steep and Mrs. Ken Taylor. Winners of the three draw prizes were: $5.00 credit from Lee's,. Howard Edwards; a prize from Milt and, Mabel's, Gary Elliott and a set of glasses, Mrs. Carol Schmidt. Winners of _ the , draws for prizes purchased by the league were Mrs. Hank Westerhout, Mrs. Harold Hartley, Howard Tait, ’Harold Gibbings; Gerald Brown, Mrs. Gary Freeman, Mrs. Harold Gibbings, Mrs. George Wonch, Mrs. Jack Hol­ mes, Mrs. Howard Edwards, Howard Grealtis, Mrs. Gus Hor- baniuk, Susan’ Bartliff, Gordon Haarkes, Harold Black, Mrs. Mel -Steep, Mrs. Neil Langille, Jack Holmes,. Ken Taylor, Mrs. Ken Taylor (drawn -by her husband), Mrs. Gerald Brown, ■Hank Westerhout, Mrs. Gordon Haarkes; Jim Armstrong, Neil Langille, Mis® ‘Carol Steep, Mel S-teep-(drawn by his daughter), Don Pickard, Mrs. Marie Mac­ auley and Gordon Jenkins. . Mixed Bowling "A" League Champions Winners of the Milt and Mabel trophy which is put up for annual compe­ tition in Clinton Mixed Bowling League were the “Raiders”. From the left, Mrs. Don Pickard, Mrs. Gerald Brown, Gerald Brown; Bob Livermore, team captain, Don Pickard, Mrs, Milton (Mabel) Schreiber, who presented the trophy and Mrs. George Wonch. , Win "B" League Mixed Bowling Trophy For winning the “B”~ league in Clinton Mixed Bowling League, the “Boo Boo’s” shown here were presented with the Lome Brown Motors Ltd. trophy. From the left, Mrs. Carol Schmidt, Mrs, Marie Macauley, Mrs. Hank Wester­ hout,. team captain; Hank Westerhout and Mrs. Audrey Stanley, Absent when photo was taken, Neale Trewartha. < 100.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 2.00 20.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 2:00 10.00 20.00 100.00 Lions Club Sells Old Arena For $7,800.00 / (Continued from page 1) • Pat Noonan, a retired banker and councillor in the town of Clinton, was a guest at the meeting; he is joining the club and has consented to act as secretary. Guest Speaker Rev. E. Donald, Stuart, a re­ tired' Canadian Forces chaplain, who is the present minister of the Brucefieid'-Kippen charge of the ' United Church, was guest speaker. Rev. Stuart gave a talk on “Hobbies” and told of his own Varied hobbies. ?rhese included music, soapstone and walrug tusk carvings, making homo­ macle jewellery and others. He defined a hobby as “something to do to keep your hands out of trouble”, He said hobbies are a form of therapy, but they Can become expensive and Sometimes dangerous, Not only maldng things 'but collecting items is another typehobby. He warned that religion hoW seems to be a hobby, “Attend­ ance kt church is how a fifth Or tenth rate hobby*', said the minister. _ Rev< Stuart Wfe introduced anmiy. councillors should receive an increased eating allowance while travelling on county bus­ iness. Exeter Reeve Derry Boyle in­ timated that anyone who couldn’t get enough to' eat on $5 per day should carry ‘a lunch. Tuckersmith reeve Elgin Thompson agreed, and noted that in his area persons could get a banquet for $2, Whan the matter .came to a vote, Frank McFadden, reeve of the village of Bayfield com­ pleted the trip m favour of the expense. Mid-way through the after­ noon proceedings, Krauter and Duff Thompson were called to the1 front ’ of the chamber and each was presented with a candy bar. “Ju^t to nibble on,’’ warned Warden Don McKenzie. DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Bqx Office Opens at 7:30 First Show at 8:00 ALWAYS A QOLOR CARTQON County Mill Rafe To Raise 1% Million Dollars (Continued from page one) crews moved bulldozers, chain­ saws and trucks into the dis­ aster district at that time to help dean -up the debris. Tuckersmith Reeve Elgin Thompson assured councillors that sufficient workmen had been promised but reported that a Huron-Perth Disaster Fund had been set up. He suggested that any money Huron County Council would offer would be matched dollar for dollar by the provincial government. The Warden’s and Personnel Committee with Chairman ’Ken Stewart, McKillop, has been delegated to a'dmlinister any Huron County funds to stricken Huron farmers. Most council­ lors felt that farmers with wind insurance should receive the1 same ■consideration as .those farmers not protected by insur­ ance, and concurred that a building clause suggested by Warden Don McKenzie should be included that farmers plan­ ning to rebuild any destroyed buildings should ibe given special attention. Other committee members appointed to 'aidminister county disaster funds are County asses­ sor A. A. Alexander and. Doug Miles, 'Clinton, Huron County' Agricultural representative. Grant Sitirlfog, Goderich Township reeve, complained that increased pressure should' be put on Provincial and Feder­ al governments to raise their ante to tornado victims, and at least one member of council, Clifford R. Dunbar indicated that some farmers covered by ample insurance might be quite happy to “stand on their own feet”. SHOWS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY DADDY?" (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN AT 9:45 ONLY James Coburn and Dick Shawn In Colour —and — "AMBUSH BAY" SHOWN AT 8:00 ONLY Hugh O-Brien^ James Mitchum I n‘Colour SAT, APRIL 29 ONLY — DOUBLE FEATURE — "PARADISE HAWAIIAN STYLE ■% Top Mixed League Bowlers The individual trophy winners in Clinton Mixed Bowling League- are from the left, jack Holmes, high single; Ken Taylor, high triple; Mrs. Hal Hartley, high average; Mrs. George Wonch, high triple; Jim Armstrong, high average and Mrs. Marie Macauley, high single. (News-Record Photos) ✓read / AND REAP... I (RESULTS!) RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, April 27 —. BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 sihare- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter “L” and first letter “T” applies ,on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $55.00 in 55 numbers. ,2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. tfb Saturday, April 29 — Bake Sale, commencing at 2 p.m. in former Red and White Store at main comer, Clinton. Sponsors, Starlight Circle, Wesltey-Willis UCW. 13 & 17b Saturday, April 29 — Euchre Party, Varna Town Hall, prizes, draw for 3 cash prizes, ladies bring sandwiches, sponsored by Varna Ball Club. 17b Saturday, April 29 — Musical Program featuring Henry Pul- sifer, students and guest artists, Holmesville- School, 8:30 p.m. Proceeds for school Centennial project. 17pTuesday, May 2 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $59.00 in .59 numbers; Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. , Friday, May 5 — Annual Spring S'emi-Formal Dance, Legion Hall, Clinton, Ian Wal- 'bee’s Orchestra, smorgasbord, $5. per couple. Limited number of tickets available at admitting office, Clinton Public Hospital- 17b Friday, May 5 — Cash Bingo in Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 p.m. sponsors, Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion. Proceeds to Tornado Fund. 17b Saturday, May 6—Rummage Sale, Anglican 'Church Hall, Clinton, opens at 10 a.m. Spon­ sored by Go-Getters. 10, 17, 18b Saturday, May 6—WANTED, War veterans to attend Clinton Legion’s annual VE-Day "ban­ quet in the Legion Hall, Sait., May 6; comradeship begins at 6 pan., dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets $2.00. Phone 482-9526 before May 1 and reserve your ticket. 16-17b Sat., May 20 — School Re- n’fon, S.S. No. 10 Stanley, 1 p.m. Former' teachers, pupils and friends welcome, picnic supper 5 p.m. 15-19b, 20x Friday, Sept. 29 — Dance to Lionel Thornton’s Orchestra in CHSS Auditorium', sponsor­ ed by OES. 17b SHOWN AT 9:45 ONLY Elvis Presley & Suzanna Leigh In Colour — and — "Apache Uprising" SHOWN AT 8:00 ONLY Rory Calhoun — In Colour Coming Next Friday: “DEAD HEAT ON A MERRY GO ROUND” and“ALVAREZ KELLY” (Adult Entertainment) Thinking of a- "Better" Used Car or Truck? Come in and look these They are priced to over, sell. 8 i s ~ Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac Meteor 8 ENGINEERED IN CANADA 3 3 * Canadian^ WITH NEWS-RECORD CLASSIFIED ADS Your choice includes standard or deluxe models, standard or automatic. Hardtops, station wagons, convertible. FOR CANADIAN CONDITIONS 8 atf e/«Cdnf6dfe<aV°-. CHATHAM , COLOR TV ’66, ’65, ’64 and ’61 Ready for the spring work, load. Buy today! 1 • I For Sharper, Clearer Pictures And Longer Set Life. ELECTROHOME 20 Yearsxa Top Bowler? Howard Grealis, right, president of-.Clinton Mixed Bowling League, who was MC at the eight­ team league’s banquet and trophy presentation night in Clinton Legion Hall. last Friday evening, was presented with a gift for 20 years of continu­ ous competition, in the league. James Armstrong, another veteran of the league, made the surprise presentation. (News-Record Photo)♦ ’ JOIN YOUR CREDIT UNION TODAY! Consolidate Those Payments Now i LOANS - Life Insured - 1 % per month on unpaid balance - may be paid off at any time - interest charged only foi* the money you borrow While you have if. Compare costs and service at CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED Cen+ehnial Cups & Saucers 1.75 & 2.50 Centennial Plates .............................2.95 Centennial Ash Trays .......... 1.25 & 1.50 Centennial Bridge Decks ...... 3.25 Centennial Aluminum Trays 7.95 & 10.96 Centennial Flags . cotton and nylon 15cto1L25 Cetennlal Rose Flower Arrangements.............. 5.76 Centennial Rose Dinnerware .. ,2*75 ,& tip McEwan’s New Low Prices on Color TV NUVISTOR TUNER FOR BETTER FRINGE AREA RECEPTION 295 Square Inch Rectangular Color Screen. Automatic Demagnetizing, even when set is moved. WALNUT or MAHOGANY FINISHES. > 34%" wide — 27%" high —' 19%" deep. GALBRAITH TELEVISION Chevrolet Oldsmobile Corvair Pontiac Meteor Ford -“62s ■ Chevrolet Chevy II "Tontiac 9-Older Models-9 Various makes. Low low prices. 20-New Units-20 * Chevy II, Chevelle, Camaro, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile > TRY US TODAY FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE DEAL! LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Your Friendly Chevrolet/ Oldsmobile Dealer. ONTARIO ST., CLINTON PHONE 482-9321 Open each evening until 9