HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-27, Page 11I MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 t Auburn and District Miss Laura Wagner of Syra­ cuse, New York, spent the •weekend with her sisters, Misses Minnie and Elia Wagner -and other merhbers of her faipnly. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Robert- tsipn of Copper Cliff spent the AUBURN — Bouquets of ■dark blue hyacinths -and golden daffodils arid tiny arrangements of the same flowers decorated the Auburn Community Mem­ orial Hall for the -annual Sun­ shine Sisters banquet. President, Mbs, Donald Ha'ines was in charge of'the 'banquet and the program and welcomed the six^- ^■ty gUgsts with their friends. The bountiful smorgasbord .was prepared1 by Mrs," Thomas Haggitt, Mrs, Robert Turner, Mrs, Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. Charles Scott and Mrs. W. J, Craig. Mrs. Fordyce Clark introduc­ ed Mrs, Walter Rathburn of Goderich who was the guest speaker of the'afternoon. She ■ outlined her interesting work of secretary for the 'Goderich and district Centennial com­ mittee and told of coming events in the area. Mrs. Leon­ ard Archambault thanked Mrs. , Rathburn and on behalf of the Branch presented her with a gift. Mrs. William J. Craig intro­ duced’ her guest, Mrs. Maitland Driver of Goderich- who gave several old 'time tunes on her violin accompanied by Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Craig thanked her and presented her with a gift. Mrs. James Jackson played, a piano solo. Prizes were presented by the committee. The member with the eldest mother present was Mrs. OliverAnderson. Mrs Fordyce Clark^'presented Mrs. Anderson with a gift and her mother Mrs. Edgar Lawson was presented with a corsage. Mrs. Robert J. Plullips received _ a, gift from Mrs? Thomas Haggitt for having the smallest purse Which was over 100 years old. The elimination contest held by Mrs. Roy Easom was won by Mrs. Walter Schlichtling. Mbs. Frank Raithiby intro­ duced Mrs. Wilfred Colclough of Clinton, West Huron district president. She brought greet­ ings from the District 'and in- , stalled the officers of the Auburn Branch. Mrs. W. J.- Craig thanked Mrs. Colclough and on behalf of the Brandi presented her with a gift as this .wias her official visit. The collection .was taken by Mrs. Norman McDowell and Mrs. Arnold Craig. The roll call taken by Mrs. Gordon Chamney was answered -by 'introducing guests and revealing the name of Sunshine sisters and pre­ senting her With a gift. It was decided to not have a Sunshine Sister during the coming year. Mrs. Haines conducted a short business session and stat­ ed -that the cooking school with Mrs. "S” would be held on May ” 18. The table with home baking would be >in charge of Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. Robert Turner. The WI will catei’ to the County Assessors and officers on May 24 and the committee in Charge will be Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mirs. Bert Craiig, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. William J. Craiig, Mfs. Robert. J. Phillips, Mrs. Arnold Craig dnid Mrs. W. Bradnock, • ■ . Mrs. Gordon Chamney an­ nounced that she 'is stiilTTeceiv- ing labels for the coffee maker for -the hall. Mirs. Andrew Kirkconneill reported the cards sent and read the thank-yoU.. notes which were received. / Mrs. Bert Craig read a thank- you letter from the War Mem­ orial Children’s hospital for a quilt and blanket which had been sent. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be on horticulture. Many members wore colorful Centennial dresses and dresses worn over a hundred years ago by their ancestors. This will go down in history as the Women’s Institute Centennial .Sunshine Saster banquet. I weekend with, her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wdliatn Straughan and Ms father, J. J. Robertson. Mrs. George Hamilton spent the weekend wifth her grand­ daughter, Mrs. Dickson, Mr. Dickson and family ait; Port Al­ bert. Major Youhgblut is a patient in Goderich, Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey And­ rews visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, The Librarian of the Auburn Public Library has announced that the summer hours for the library will be 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9:30 p m. beginning next Saturday, April 29. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ed Davies was taken by ambulance* to Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday morning. AUBURN — Over 60 friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Craig to honour them on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. W. Bradnook was master of ceremonies and welcomed all. < A sing-song was led by Mrs. Willirim J, Craig, with harp ac­ companiment by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. A reading was given by Mrs. Arthur Grange and a Centennial contest was given by Mrs. Oliver Anderson. The win­ ner was Mrs. Sidney Lansing. An elimination contest was conducted by Mrs. Kenneth Mc­ Dougall. The winner- was Mrs. Oscar .Ament. , Mrs. George Millian present­ ed' Mrs. W. L, Craig with a corsage and Mrs. Albert Mc­ Farlane read an address of con­ gratulations to the" bride and groom of 25 years. A gift of money was presented by John Daer. Both Mr. and Mrs. Craig thanked their friends for the gift and the party. % ' Lunch was served'by friends Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Mrs. Al­ bert McFarlane, Mrs. Arthur Grange and Mins.'W. Bradnock. On Saturday evening, mem­ bers of their family honoured- them at the Commercial Hotel When a family' dinner was en­ joyed and gifts were presented. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William L, Craig and their sons, Allen and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig, Mrs. James Craig, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Craig and family of Bluevale and Miss Jane Doran of Kit­ chener. Her m«ny friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mys. Frank Raithby, presi­ dent of the .Auburn Horbicultur- al Society attended the annual meeting of District 8 at Chesley last Satitrday, ---------—q—_—,—- Auburn CGIT - Plan Banquet Bowling Meet AUBURN — Brend^ Ball, president of the Auburn-' CGIT group presided for’ the'meeting held in tire Sunday school room of Knox Presbyterian Ghurair. Miss Laura Phillips Jed in a discussion on the bale which is being sent tp Africa to Mrs. Stewart Toll to be used at the centre for ’teenage girls. It was decided’ to set May 16 as the deadline -and that jewellery, sweaters and other articles that ’teenagers love with brightly colored materials and baby clothes -will be sent, . Plans1 were made to have a bowling party on May 2 and the roll call was 'answered by each giving suggestions for tire mother and daughter banquet which, was set for May 29, Shel­ ley Grange and Betty Moss were named a committee to’ look after the program and plans are underway to -have a special speaker, Nan Lapp received the offer­ ing and a Bible study on the Woman of Samaria’ was con­ tinued with discussions follow­ ing. Floral and soap contests were db.ne by tire girls. , -----------o----------- Huron Kairos Hear Auburn Pastor AUBURN — A meeting of the Huron Presbytery Kairos was held on April 22 in. the Auburn United Church with Gary McAsh, Varna, vice-presi­ dent, in charge. The. worship service was con­ ducted by Miss Gloria Rumiball, Clinton. _ Miss Gwen McDowell, Auburn, introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Roberts of Aubum United Church who showed slides illustrating his work with the Methodist Mission in Argen-. tin-a,. Gary McAsh expressed thanks to Rev. Roberts and conducted a business session. Future meetings will be held, in Clinton. I Guide Receives All Round Cord Ranger Susan Russell of the 1st Clinton Ranger Flight is presented with the All Round Cord by Ranger Lt. Mrs. Verna Paulin. The award is in recognition of excellence in Guide activities and demonstrated proficiency in many Rangering crafts and skills. (CFB Clinton Photo) Tuckersmith Municipal Dump W'ill be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. NO WIRE FENCING, OLD CONCRETE or CAR BODIES PERMITTED ,......Jdiwfri. I. Mdllhfdsk I \ Dress For Centennial Tea and Bake Sale . * ' Some of the ladies attending the Centennial Tea and Bake Sale of the Adastral Park Women’s Auxiliary are shown, standing, left to right, Miss Gloria Prest, Mrs. Kathy Cooky Mrs. Carmen Lawson, Miss Sharon Griffin; kneeling, deft to right, Misses Diane Delcellier, Kathy Brown and Melodie. Bullough, Adastral Holds Centem r The . Women’s Auxiliary of Adastral Park marked the beginning of the Centennial functions with tneir own Cen­ tennial Tea and Bake Sale, on Saturday, April 15. For the occasion the Com­ munity Centre was decorated with .art work depleting the styles in fashion over the past hundred years-. Under the convenership of Mrs. Rene Kelly and Mrs. Kathy Cook, President Mrs. Carmen Lawson, wearing Centennial costume, greeted guests at the entrance. Red carnations and white ’mum centre pieces, with Cen­ tennial flags and candles, dec­ orated the tea and bake tables. Pourers were Mrs. Hazel Greenaway, Mrs. Betty DeLong, Mrs, Harvey John­ ston. Mrs. Doris McConnell, past president 6f the WA, * Mrs. Marie Rocheleau, presi­ dent of the Catholic Women’s League, Mrs. Kay Taylor, president of _the Protestant Chapel, Guild, Mrs: Heather * Delcellier, chairman of the Leaders’ Association and Mi’s. in Rene Kelly, vice-president of the WA. Also assisting* were several young ladies attired in old- tyme dresses and bonnets. . . Treasured items for a dis­ play of early Canadian arti­ cles were provided by Mrs. Peggy Russell, Mrs. Louise Mullaney,, Mrs. Ila Walters and Mrs. Jean McFarlane. Many generous offerings of time, services and suggest­ ions, contributed to a success­ ful afternoon. Thm-, AHI 11 ,1. , |iiii!|iiiijii^ Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A, W, STEEP — 482-6642 ... ............................. ORDER NOW - AVOID SPRING RUSH Get your requirements of bagged or bulk fertilizer at Limited CLINTON PHONE 482-9133 CUSTOM MIXING OUR SPECIALTY 14-17b . ........ ■ ■ ■ ■....................................-.............. J ~ FARMERS FIELD DAY at the JAMES NOTT FARM East Side of Highway Ho. 4 y2 MILE SOUTH OF CFB CLINTON TUESDAY, MAY 9 at 1:30 P.M. See DEMONSTRATIONS of LIQUID MANURE SPREADERS and 4-WAY CHAIN HARROWS Demonstrated by Your BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Ratten bury Street East, Clinton Phone 482-9561 17-8b ... ..in. i-m. . .. imi.Z STOCKER FEEDER SALE HENSALL SALES ARENA SATURDAY, MAY 6-1:00 p.m. .. -600HEAD- Consisting of Calvos, Heifers and Steers For Consignment Contact The Management VICTOR HARGREAVES JACK MORRISSEY 482-7511 234-6200 Auctioneer: HECTOR-McNEIL 17-8b Grow beans without weeds PATORAN sow ‘ PRE-EMERGENCE WEED KILLER Kills broadleaf and grassy weeds In soybeans, white, dry or field beans, snap or bush beans Get easy, effective weed control with PATORAN □ apply immediately after planting beans (1%" to 2" deep), d spray entire field or band to red Ute cost by 2/3. □ rnicronized for easy mixing, trouble-free spraying. No soil incorporation needed^ d enters weeds through roots—-g/Ves 6 to 8 weeks control. Ask your Green Cross Dealer forPATORAN50W... field-tested across Canada for four years tiMsforibfa. 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ONTARIO’S GROWTH RECORD Ontario schools have nearly 70,000 dedicated teachers busy giving almost 2 million students a better than ever education. This year the Ontario Student Awards Program will total $13,750,000. Ontario’s high school system is so versatile that a student can take a technical,vocational or academic course and still qualify for Uni­ versity entrance. ONTARIO ® GOVERNMENT TRADE CRUSADE Department of Economics and Development When shopping for price and quality, Shop Canadian