HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-27, Page 7I TENDERS WANTED TENDERS : FOR PAINTING CUNTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Tenders will be received, by the undersigned until 5 pm-, May 9, 1967 for painting principal’s Office, 3 Classrooms and part of exterior of school. The low­ est or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. H. 0. LAWSON, Secretary^Treasurer. .......17-8b BIRTHS ■CHAPMAN — Joe. anfl Ann Chapman, Bayfield • wish to announce the arrival of their chosen son, Brian Robert, a brother for Joanne. MARKERS — In Clinton Rub-' lie Hospital on Wednesday. April 26, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hakkers, RR 3, Auburn, twins, a. daughter (■stillborn) and. a son. LOBB —-In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, April 24; 1967, to Mr. ap'd Mrs. Fred Lobb, Clinton, a daughter. DEATHS j> ".»i ’A" V BERNARD — At HuronView on Saturday, April 22, 1967, Mrs. William Bernard, Brussels, in- her 96th year. Funeral ser­ vice from D, A. Rann Funeral Home, Brussels, on Monday, „ April 24, with interment in Brussels Cemetery. • ■.. NOTT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, April 25, 1967, Wesley Nott, in his 89th year. (Funeral service will be held on Thursday, April 27 at 2 p.m. from Bali Funeral Home. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. OTTEN -r- In St- Joseph's Hos­ pital, London, on Thursday, April 20, 1967, Adolph Otten, RR 2, Seaforth,- in his 41st . year. Funeral service from Christian Reformed Church, 'Clinton, on Monday, April 24 with interment 'in Clinton. Cemetery. SHARPE — Suddenly, in Green Acres Nursing Home,- New-: market, on .April 14, 1967,' Agnets Elizabeth Ferguson (formerly of Bayfield) widow of Egbert Sharpe, Toronto, in her 91st year. Funeral service was held in Toronto on Mon­ day, April 17, 1967» Kinettes Give to Arena Fund Mrs, Robert (Joyce) Van Riesen, the 1966-67 president of the Kinette Club of Clinton is shown here presenting a cheque for $225 to Mait Edgar, finance chairman of the Clinton and District Com­ munity Centre Centennial Fund. The Kinettes de­ cided to make the donation at their annual election meeting Tuesday evening and called in Mr. Edgar to receive the money, • fKews-.Record Photo) BY DOROTHY BARKER IN MEMORIAM -HOUSTON — In lowing memory of a dear husband and father, Carl Houston, who passed 'away five years' ago, April 25, 1962. ‘Happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has a loneliness, t The world can never fill.” —“Always remembered and Sad­ ly missed' by his wife, family and grtandchildren. ■ 17p / TALBOT — In loving mem­ ory of a dear wife, mother 'and grandmother, Mrs. Veva M. Talbot, who passed away April 26, 1962. J,We cannot bring the old days back, < Her hands we cannot touch, > But we will never lose the memory Of the one we loved so much." —Ever remembered by husband and family. 17b AUCTION SALE ' Of School and .Contents on Saturday, April 29 * at 1 p.m. in the Township of Tuckersmith. Parcel No. 1 will be offered for sale at 1 o’clock. School House No. 7 Tuckersmith Town­ ship, situated on % acre of land, 1% miles west of Eg- mondville on 2nd Concession Huron Road Survey. Furnace, toilets, pressure system, wall mats, pupdls’ desks, radio, cot, chairs, benches, lawn mower and a school bell. Parcel No. 2 will be offered by auction at 2:30 p.m. Damag­ ed schoolhouse, SS No. 1 Tuck- ersmith Township on % acre of land. 1% mfles east of Hensall. Clare Hecla_ oil furnace, pres­ sure system and a school bell. Terms: Cash For further information con­ tact Vern Alderdice, RR 2, Kip­ pen, chairman of the Huron County School Area No. 1, phone' Hensail 262-5494. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, Clerk ’ 16-17b It -could be open for argue- ment, but I sincerely believe there are types born with a nose for hews, Or there is an­ other theory ‘once a news hound always a news hound'. To -prove ■either statement, last summer this once-upoma-time news­ paper editor thought she was onto a hot story. Casual remarks ''are usually the germ of a scoop. For dn- Sance, I ovextheard this scrap of conversation “Seaweed Will be a farming crop along the province’s coast” . . . without waiting for the 'conclusion of the conversation I dashed to the nearest phone. I was about to pull all the strings I could to. have an interview with Con­ stance MacFarlane of the Nova Scotia Research Foundation who, I was told, is more1 fa- miliar -with seaweed ,jhan all the ‘denizens’bf:the deep. Miss MacFarlane... was away on holidays at the time. My conversation with an assistant in charge was one of mixed subject. I sat on a “ high stool, talking about Irish moss one moment and discussing life in a kibbutz the next. One thing that came through very clearly was the fact there is a ‘possibility’ that seaweed Will be a farming crop along Nova • Scotia’s coast line in, a relatively few years. This didn’t dislocate my news nose, it only made me even more interested in the subject. Chiefly because, after thous­ ands of years when marine countries Considered seaweed a nuisance, it has become not only a marketable commodity, but a necessary ingredient of many items that make modern living a much more carefree existence... For the modern housewife at least. Irish moss especially, which is relatively .easy to _harvest, offers hundreds of fishermen a secondary income during the months' of May to September, when certain* types of commer­ cial fishing are in a decline. f of. Over 37,000,000 pounds seaweed were harvested in .1965. This was the most recent figure available at the time" of my visit to the Foundation last summer. Of' this amount,, ovex’ twenty-two million pounds was' Irish moss. By this time many readers of this column '■across Oanad'a are beginning to, wonder what the flurry is all about regarding Irish moss. I am assuming that there are those as ignorant as I, about the many items we consume daily in which one of the ingredients is Irish moss. Just to be on the safe side I will quote from an article pre­ pared by Constance MacFax-lane for the Nova Scotia Newsletter: “The operation of Marine Colloids Limited is to arrange for the gathering of Irish moss along the Northumberland Strait area of the province. The dxiied moss is baled and shipped to the company’s processing plant at Rockland, Maine, where the extract carrageenin is claimed. The company’s re­ search laboratory is constantly discovex4ng new 'uses for this .... ........................... . .... »■ ■■ LETTERS ' Former Clinton People Donate To Arena Fund Thh following are notes opived by the- pppwqnity ebhtye fund, along vgith donations from former- Clinton j^isadents,.: Clinton and District Community Ceufee. Gentlemen: ’ Wishing you a lot of success and regards, to all Cjmtoni'ans. Although the Mason family are gone, w parents; , tvere Mr, sand Mrs. Thos, Mason. Occasionally !• get back, It 4S'ha lung time Since I appeared in the old “Town Hall”. W. ELGIN MASON. 411 •■Museum Dr., Highland 'Park, Los Angeles 6, California, April‘25, 1967. ,’K Mi’i Malt Edgar, Chairman, Clinton and District Community Centre, Centenial Fund, Dear Sir : .' Enclosed herewith is my don­ ation to the Community Fund, as a native of Clinton. I look forward each week to the coming of the,News-Recoxtl, refer’ to if as “my letter from borne”. Am keenly interested in the new -Community Centre and wish you every success in your fund-raising and the wonderful contribution .this Centre will be to the town and entire district. Sincerely, ALLIE .SLOMAN. 925 .S. Jackson Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54301, April 18, 1967. ■1< * - >;: * ’ Mait Edgar, Chairman, Centennial Fund. Dear Mr-. Edgar: Am enclosing a cheque for $25 for the Community Centre Building. Fund. Having enjoyed many happy years in the old arena, as did members of my family (Hawkins), am only too happy to make a' small contri­ bution. I do wish you all well in this special effort for the Clin­ ton area. With evei’y good wish, MADELEINE F. MacKINNON (MRS. JOHN G. MacKlNNON) Apt. 101, 293 Upper Wentworth, Hamilton, Ontario. April 22, 1967; r 1 cuss ’(Bv Twvla Arnston and " fhurs.,, April Clinfott He^l-kecord-’-Page 7 /I UICT I' I (jl'll .............. extract for valuable use in the food, dairy, pharmaceutical, bakery and other industries. “Fishermen in the Northum­ berland Strait area realized over $100,000 last year'Karvest- ing Irish moss for Marine Col­ loids. . “In Yarmouth, the Bonda Meal and Oil Limited gathers several types of rockweed and Irish moss . . Its market lies mostly in the agricultural field. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Ef­ fects, John Street, Seaforth, on Saturday;'May 6 at > 1:00 p.m. 3 piece chesterfield suite; 2 an­ tique sofas; 3 matching chairs; library table; rocking chairs; wicker chairs; antique cane back rocking chair; small tables; electric lamps, cai'd table; buffet and 6 chairs; 2 chests of drawers; hall seat and mirror; umbrella stand; 17 inch television; folding screen; pic­ tures; Singer sewing machine; book shelf; 4 beds, springs, mattresses; dressers; wash stands; 3 toilet sets; quilt box; bedding; pillows; trunks; brie brae; Quebec heater; Quebec cook . stove; kitchen chairs; radio} Frigidaire 4 burner electric stove; vacuum cleaner; China; crystal, silverware; kiit- chen utensils; 2 step ladders; washing machine; garden tools; fruit jars; electric iron; coal- oil lamp. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash MISS MABEL THOMPSON, Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON, . Auctioneer. MEL GRAHAM, Clerk. 17-8b]V, COMMUNITY CONCERT MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN WEEK MAY 1 TO MAY 6 For membership and information please phone MISS LLYA WILTSE AT 482-9709 ar MM. TED DAVIES AT 482-7092 (By Twyla Arnston and ” Diane McKinley) — 1867 And All 7W. It will be held two nights, May 5 and 6, pad tickets tyre $1.00 adults and $ ,50 for children, Ontario Police At New York For Canada Week Ontario' Motorcycle ‘The Golden Helmets’, V Provincial Precision 3, The Golden Helmets damonstrate daily, ' their in pi-ecision motorcycle in tiie Mall arba of New Cadets go flying! Nine of our fine outstanding cadets, Scott Macaulay, Jim Maloney, Pau] Gcrnaill, Gary MacKay,' Ken McVittie, Brad ' Kempston, Robert Campbell, Norrnan Bell, ■and Ken Slade, along with 54 others , from Western Ontario, travelled to Ottawa on Friday, ApRl 21 in an Armed Forces .aircraft. They visited the National War Museum, National Museum of Canada, and then after lunch went to the Parliament Build­ ings and National Aviation Museum, Because of plane 'fail­ ure they stayed at the Ottawa barracks until Saturday morn­ ing, On Thursday, April 27, the action ‘is at CHSS, when there will ba a junior badimintpn tournament. Of course,, the up­ coming track meet on May 2, at the school creates much ac­ tivity making the final prer parations. ” . • A CHS'S first! A blood don­ or’s clinic will be 'held in the school Monday, May 1. All stu­ dents over 17 -(with parents'. Consent), may participate on a voluntary basis in donating blood. It will also be open for adults on that evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. It's that time of year again! When Central Huron Secondary School presents its spring show ’TO* Police Team, have been given the honour of participating in the ‘Canada Week’ celebrations at New York City”, Commissioner' E. H. Silk, Q.C. announced today, .Commencing April 29 through May will skill rides York’s ^Central Park. Formed in 1963, the Ontario Provincial Police 17-rnan motor­ cycle team is comprised of ex­ perienced highway patrolmen from various O.P.P,’ Detach­ ments across .the Province, Each man is specially selected from volunteers, who with his team- mates is subject to special train­ ing sessions in order to main­ tain the high degree of per­ fection necessary to their per­ formance. WHAT ELSE gives you so mucli SLIM MINT GUM METRECAL — POWDER .......... 2 Lbs. LIQUID ......... 4 Tins WAFERS TABLE SWEET f TABLE SWEETENER ) $1.98 $4.69 $1.43 $1.19 4-oz...... 16-oz. .... .99 $2.69 g;V-^>§“’.jF>RESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 “Clinton, Ontario For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And all for just 12c per week when purchased at a newsstand; x OR Subscribe By The Year $5.00x Clinton News-Record “The Home Paper With The News” The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: Attend Your Church This Sunday NOfE—ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME In JACK SELLERS Aricaster/. Proprietor Phone 648-6169 BOB HENRY, Auctioneer Immediate Possession FIRST'BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, April 30 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School .11:15 am.—Church Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE CLINTON— BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexoll DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE AUCTION SALE 1 Brick Residence on Dinsley St.« Blytli SATURDAY, APRIL 29 , at 2:00 p.m. _ Two four.room apartments each complete with 3-piece bath and kitchen cupboards; 2-car garage; lot 66 X 165 ft.; taxes $170.00 Low Down Payment—Will Take Mortage on Balance Subject to Low Reserve Bid Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A. R. C. T. Sunday, April 30 9:45 am.—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Morning Worship TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH. 2:00, p.m.—Worship Service 3:00 p.m.—Sunday School In In In LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE BRUCEFIELD— PATERSON'S STORE Rex Duckworth 263 Huron Road, Goderich DONI MISS OUR RED HOT DEALS NOW NEW MERCURYS - METEORS - COMETS - FALCONS ANGLIA - CORTINA and TRUCKS READY NOW GOOD USED CARS r 1966 1965 1964 1964 1964 1963 1963 1960 I ONE OWNER ONE OWNER ^olmrstnUe REV. A, J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., DJD., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, April 30 9:45 am—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Church Service, Subject: “What is Right with the Church Guest Preacher — Rev/ Edgar Roulston HOLMESVILLE 1:00 p.m.—Worship Service 2:00 pm.—Sunday School ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th^ Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop. FRCO. ARCM, Organist Sunday, April 30 •— Easter V 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion, BAC Breakfast, Film and discussion 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Tues., May 2—Ladies Guild at home of Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Pinner, 65 Princess St., W. 2:45 p.m. In HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At CFB CLINTON C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH— BLUE'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP . CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE Mercury Tudor H.T»> V8, pow­ er brakes, radio, like new. Mercury Fordor, -V8, aut, power brakes, power steering, power back window, real clean Studebaker Fordor, V8, stan­ dard, radio. ' Studebaker Wagon, V8, stan­ dard, overdrive, ideal for summer trip. PontiUc, 6 Aut., radio. Corvair Monza, 6, fbur on the floor, radib, Cher. Fordor H.T., V8, aut., radio, one owner, Dodge, 6, Standard. / 1966 Rambler Ambassador, V8, Aut., power brakes, power steering, radio, Iik6 new. 1964 Ford Custom 500 Fordor, V8, Aut.; radio. Good clean car. 1963 Ford Fairlaine,. 6, standard, like new. Two— 1962 Ford Galaxies 1962 Pontiac, 6, standard. 1962 Rambler, 6, standard, radio. 1961 Ford, V8, standards 1960 Studebaker, 6, standard, real buy. I960 International Dump, V8. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. Mao Lean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, April 30 9:45 am.—Sunday School 10:45 a.m.—Public Worship Everyone Welcome In HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE In KIPPEN— KIPPEN STORE In AUBURN— G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE George Culler — Clinton Representative Phone: Res. — 482-9782 Business — 524-6271 , .................... . i , . ■ .............................................. ............. - , I Christian reformed church I REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister Sunday, April 30 10:00 am.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 2:30 p.m.-—(Worship Service in Dutch Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Tbomai, listen to “Back to God Hour”, I EVERYONE WELCOME vr#*##»*MM>*»G*»*»****a*###**<*»**>**#*#*'*#*********e*#***r< MAPLfe ST. GOSPEL HALL Sunday, .April 30 9:45 ajn.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Speaker, John Rea, London Tues., 8:00 p.m. Brayet and Bible Study « V Pfenfecosfdl Church Victoria 8treet R. F. Bott, Minister Sunday, April 30, 9:45 am.—-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.~-Worship Service 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Friday, 8 pm.—YPU Meeting f Hi Cl V J