HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-27, Page 1I
The Home Paper With the News CLINTON, ONTARIO# THURSDAY, APRIL 37, 1967
.THE NEW ERA -- W2nd Year
. . . A Nice Red
• ■ ; - i..........
. A Natural Blonde
Clinton News-RecordI
....... *................... * -jj . ■ '
By S. J. K.
Some interesting figures
reached this desk tills week
from the office of the Registrar
General for Ontario. We learned
that in 1967 frpm' the first of
January to the end of March
jhirtos and deaths were down
and marriages were up. That
must indicate some Sort pf a
trend •. . , WbUl leave it to your
imagination. *
Ciiiicf pauses of death were
diseases of the heart, 38.7 per
cent; 'cancer, 16.1 percent; vas-
cplar lesions of the central ner
vous .system, 11 percent; accid
ents and violence, 6.5 percent,
' There were 280. deaths, in
Ontario due to motor vehicle
accidents (that’s diown from 328
for the samp period last year);
'159 deaths from falls; 15 by
drowning and submersion; 165
Suicides (up from last year);
and 264 'by. other accidents and
violence.•:)s «■ $'
In Huron Oounty,. there were
.174 births from January 1 to
March 31, 1967, That is 30 less
than last year for the same
period. There were 34 fewer,
deaths in Huron County so far
this year than last year , .. .
but 13 more, marriages.
Of course, by the end of toe
year the marriage picture , may
be about the same as for other
. years. It seems more and more
■couples are getting hitched in
the winter months in order to
■take advantage of a - perfect
opportunity to enjoy a Floridia
honeymoon . or-some brides
just enjjoy the thoughts of
wearing a bridal gown of white
velvet.. sR " * ,* ’
In his covering letter, the
Hon. Rabeffe Welch, QC, Pro-
.• vincial Secretary and Minister
of Citizenship had this to say:
“Deaths were down from 14,009
in .1966 to 13,635 in 1967. A
major reason for decline was
the two biggest killers, heart
disease and cancer, were both
clown over last year.”
We like to think that our
.. donations to toe cancer and
heart funds have something to
do Wirth the marked improve
ment in controlling these dis
eases. We- only can hope that
our Red Cross campaign . will
be as successful when it. gets
under way the first day :of May.
Mrs. Marion. Andrews called
at the office recently to present
some interesting figures of her
• own. In toe 12 months of 1966,
Mrs. Andrews has,learned that
86 pints of blood were used at
Clinton Public Hospital. Since
toe beginning of . 1967, there
- have been 45 pints of blood used
there — or over .half the total
number of pints used in all of
•' Somehow? Mrs. Andrews
points out, Clinton people are
going to have to donate more
blood in order to replenish the
supply which Clinton persons
drain from toe central blood
bank in London annually.% *
A blood donor’s clinic is sche-,
duled for May 1 from .7 to 9
p.m, at Central Huron Second
ary School auditorium. There
really isn’t much involved in
(Continued on page' 2)
(News-Record Photo)
Set at 18 Mills
(By Shiley J. Keller).
■County, taxes will be slightly
higher this year with toe -gen-
'eral rate .increased: toy one full
mi-ll, but the highway account
remains unchanged. In his re
port to County Council, Clerk
treasurer John Berry noted' that
the new County Public Library
System, the Huronviiew deben
ture issue and the increase in
cost of operations' there, 'an1 ad
dition to, county museum to the
tune of $10,000, increased costs
in other departments and toe
establishment of a disaster fund
were to blame for toe tight'bud
get. '5 ■ ' . ?
The only bright spot in Clerk.
Berry's report was a reduction
of $35,000 made ■ this year in
monies payable to the Hospital
Reserve Fund in an effort to
offset toe additional debenture
Lions Sell Old Arena
For $7,800 to J. S. Parker
The Weather
High Low
AprH 19 \52
High Low
. Black and Gray
And They All Work at Clinton Feed Mill
. . The' Ace of Spades
issue. ' '
. The 1967 budget calls for
$612,391.52 to'be raised tor gen
eral ' purposes on a -rate of nine
mills and $632,804.57 to be rais
ed for highway purposes' on a
rate of 9.3 mills; or a total
of 18'mills for county purposes.
Fund Set Up .'
Considerable' discussion was
heard on the establishment , of a
disaster fund .to assist Huron
County farmers who werie vic
tims of toe tornado which rip
ped through sections of the
county on April 17. Clerk Berry
recalled, that in June, 1.953, $68,-
148 was* raised through federal
and provincial 'Sources, 'by pub
lic subscription -and) through
Huron County Council for the
relief of storm victims in toe
Blyth area,
Blyth Reeve Borden Cook
said that Huron County work
(Continued on' page 12)
1967 Spring Fair
To Be Different,
Recruitment of Farm Labour
Through Local Manpower Centre
Again this year, The Canada
Manpower Centre at Goderich
is making plans, to assist in the
recruitment of farm labour in
Huron County..
During the month, of March,,
a letter with questionnaire was
mailed to over 100 farmers in,
the county in toe hope of ob
taining advanced 'information on
the labour requirements for the
coming season.
As in the past few years, ar
rangements have been made to
bring to Ontario a number of
workers for (employment in ag
riculture from Eastern Ganada,
if the help required is not a-
vailable locally.
In an effort to meet seasonal
requirements more adequately,
some workers' were brought in
last year to supplement the
farm labour force in Huron.
Over toe past few years, many
local employers engaged in ag
riculture have come to rely on
labour from the Maritime pro
vinces, made available through
the Canada Manpower. Centre;
Already the movement of
seasonal - workers; for employ
ment on mixed and dairy farms
in Ontario has commenced.
These workers are now assist
ing with spring seeding.
As ' the season progresses,
usually the demand increases
and it becomes more difficult
to recruit sufficient help par
ticularly during thp harvest
C. M. Jutras, manager of The
Canada Manpower Centre at
Godbrich, stated that in order
to assist his office in its all-out
j=ffcrt to meet the needs of area
farmers, it is most important-
that employers engaged in agri
culture list their manpower re
quirements now with The Can
ada Manpower Centre at 35
East Street, Goderich or phone
524-8342.Rain: .45”Rain: .65"
Kinette Club Picks New Executive
At 0. meeting at the home of Mrs. CariW’Oh Addison or Tuesday evening,
the Kihette Club bf dtinfhh picked a new slate of off fears for the 1967*68
term. -They are, front row, left to right, Mrs. Robert VanRiesen, the 1966-67
president; Mrs. David Beattie, the new president; Mrs. Larry Jones, Vfee-
president; Mrs. Bert Clifford^ recording secretary;’*back row, left to right, Mrs.
Ted McCullough, registrar,; Mfs. Mervyh Webb, Corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Douglas Norman, bulletin editor; Mrs. Cameron Addison, assistant bulletin
Mrs, Robert Mann, treasureT.
Final plans, for toe Clinton
/Spring Fair on Saturday, June
3 were completed at a meeting
of Huron Central, Agadcultiiral
Boaiety in the board, room, of
th? * agricultural office Monday
Evening. .■ Du ■..;
Much discussion was held re
garding a possible agricultural
grant to the new Community
Centre, now Under construction.
The secretary wall be in con--
tact with Floyd. A. Lashley,
'Toronto,' regarding tins 'grant
. The ..president, Jack VanEg-
mond and secretary-treasurer,
William Riehl' were named to
meet with toe necessary local
bodies regarding the proposed
grants. * . . A
Mr. Lashley will also offici
ally ’open the Spring Fair on
Saturday, June 3. Several
changes in locations . for. show
ing various classes of livestock
will be necessary -this yeaf, due
to the location of the new
arena. Members of the park
board were present art this
meeting and discussed this mat
ter with toe board. -The arena
building committee, under chair
man David Beattie has approv
ed ‘ the exhibiting of poultry,
commercial rabbits, and. the pet
classes' in the mew -arena. The
baby show will also be held in
the arena rather than the swim-
’ming pool .building. The secre
tary-treasurer will (possibly be
located in the arena office this
year as well for registering ex
A film was shown to the
board by Walt Williams of toe
Trans-Canada Hell Drivers.
This is a different auto thrill
show than toose held5 in former
years. Many daring feats make
up the thrills of thite show such.
as motorcycle jobs, high ski
actSj etc. A contract was sighed
by 'the fair board to ‘hold tote
event in Clinton Community
Park on Friday, August 11 with
an alternate date of Satorday,
Augtxsit 12. .The .admission
charge at this event will be
lower than these, of former
years, with, a much’better and
longer show promised/
Still Collecting
Cancer Funds
According/ to Mdiirt Edgar,
funds campaign chairman' of
Huron Unit of the Ontario Cah-
cef Society, the canvass. ,over
the weekend of' April 14-17 .was
reasonably successful. Full te-
turns from the five branches of
to? Huron Unit will be publish
ed later, ,<■'..■* " ,
in Clinton you can Mitill don
ate to the fluids campaign by
itaving your donation at the
local branch of ‘the. Bank of
MoritfOal, wihefe taanagef Ken
Flett is teeasuter of the Huron
Unit. Or, your donation mby be
left ,at the Htirbii County Can
cer Society office oil King
Stteteti- Mm. M; Wx iDutot, tho
Secretary is at the office oh
Tuesdays ahd Fridays from 2 to
5- p.WL
. - Another $1,784:11 was,
af ed to the Clinton and District
Community Centre Centennial
Ftlnd this past, week. The total
nOw stands at $18,221,28.
’/The total objective of the
fund is $100,000 which includes
donations, grants, profits from
fund-raising events and refund
from, winter works program
under which the new $2’25,000
community centre is being con
Last week’s donors’ wefe:
Jack Irwin....$100.00
Douglas Howse ............ 25.00
Anonymous *.....................:‘r 15.00
Rev. R. W. Wenham .... 50.00
J. D. Finck, Port Albemi,
, ' 25;00'
The tender of John S, Parker
for 87,800, for the buildings and
property known as Clinton
Lions Arena, was*'accepted, at
Tuesday evening’s meeting of
Clinton. Linns Club. There was
one other tender, for $7,000’
from Gerald Blake.
The old arena hadi been'ad
vertised .in a district daily paper
and the looal'weekly paper. The
tenders were opened by Presi
dent Ken Flett at the general
meeting tin St. Paul's Parish
Hall. - ’
Mr. Parker, a member of the
Lions Club, also owns the ad
joining property on Mary Street,
formerly the Clinton Knitting
Mill. ,
The Lions Club has owned
and operated -the arena tor
many years. During the past
season the -arena'has. been op
erated by Clinton Recreation
Committee with Douglas -An
drews as manager.
The motion to (accept the-
highest bid wais mlade'by vice-
president Don C. Colquhbun and
John Livermore,
At a special meeting ‘of- the
Lions Club- on March 21, the
Lions pledged a donation of
$5,000 to the .Clinton and Dis
trict . Community Centre Cen-
fennial Fund to be pMd over a
two-year period',
New Officers
Past President Stewart Tay
lor who wais head of a nomin
ating committee, read the com
mittee's suggested list of offi
cers tor the, 1967-68 term which
begins in? September. Further
nominations and election will
be held at a meeting in May.
The suggested list is as follows:
President, Maynard Corrie;
first vice-president, Don C. Col-
quhoun; second vice-president,
Ted Davies;1 third vice-presi
dent, Paul Aggerholm; secre
tary Pat Noonan; treasurer,
Orville Engeistad; two-year di-
rectors, Ron Wenham and A,
Laurie (Mquhoun; one-year di
rectors, Douglas Males and A.
G. Grigg; Dion tamer, Harpld
Bondy;* tail twister, Antoine
Garon and assistant tail twist
er, E. B. Menzies. .
(Continued on Page 12)
CN Ticket Agent
At Kitchener
Anonymous ...................
Btoron Laundry ......
Tohf Daiil'ifugs°:.:;.
P. D, Flagg ....:............
Murray Miller ..............
Robert Miller ...............
Hartley ./Managhan .....
Mrs. Alta Linde Rodges.
Garnet Wright .C.........
Brian Lightfoot
■Robert Stirling .....
Wayne"Stirl)ing .........
Joe Postill ......... ...
Elmer Trick ........ .........
•Alvin Wise ■...................
Gary Merner ...............
Ray Potter & Sons ......
Donald Colclough*..,....
William Batkin ........
Mac Elliott...............:....
(Continued on page 12)
Royce Macaulay
Named Director
Royce S. Macaulay, a. partner
in Ball-Macaulay Ltd., Clinton
was elected a director of the
Ontario Retail Lumber Dealers
Association at the annual meet
ing. o-f toe Association held in
Toronto recently.
Members of toe Board of Di
rectors of this 50 year old in
dustry association serve, for a
period of two years. Th/ Ont
ario Retail Lumber- Dealers Ast-,
sociation was founded, in To®/
onto in 1917 by a group of lesjs
than 40 retail lumbermen. To/
day it represents approximately
four .times this number of lum
ber and building materials re
tailers all over the province.
■ Robert H. Manag-
han, a native of Clinton, has
been recently named as toe
- Canadian National Railway’s
ticket agent at Kitchener.
Bob is the son of Mr. and
Mrs.- Hartley Managhan, Vic
toria Street, Clinton. A gradu-
■ pate of Clinton' -high school,
he spent nine years oh thd.
staff pf Clinton Post Office
prior to joining the CN& ip
I960. Mr. and Mrs. Managhan
and their daughter reside at
111 Dixon Street in Kitchen
er. .
! Former Mayor.
G: W. Nott
Funeral Today
G. Wesley Nott, .88, a former’
’ Clinton mayor, died Tuesday in
. Clinton Public -Hospital, Prior
to* his stay in hospital five
“weeks ago* he had been in ex
cellent health.
Bpm in Tuckersmito . Town
ship, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. George Nott, he was a
well-known cattle drover in this
area for about 45 years,
When he moved to Clinton
23 years ago he became active
in municipal affairs and served
the town as councillor; reeve,
and later as mayor from 1951
to 1953.
A member of the Wesley-
Willis United Church, be was
also a member of the IOOF
Lodge No. 83, and an active
lawn bowler. Mr. Nott was also
an active promoter of sports,
and attended hockey and base
ball games' in the district up
until quite recently.
' Surviving are his wife, the
former Alice L. Dale; three
daughters, Mrs. - Bert (Iva)
Boyes, Clinton,’ Mrs. Albert
(Evelyn) Garrioch, Windsor;
Miss Leola, Detroit; six gland
A funeral service will be held
todlay, Thursday,, at 2:00' p.m.
at the Ball Funeral Home.,
Burial will be in Clinton Ceme
tery, Rev. R. IT.' MaCLean of St.
Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Will officiate, assisted by Rev,
Grant Mills of toe Ontario
Street United Church. A lodge
service was held at the funeral
home last night.
At its .regular meeting Mon
day • evening, dinton Branch
140 of .toe Royal Canadian
Legion initiated three new
members —■ Harry Brown, J. R.
Babineau and, M. Lapensee.
• Legion Centennial badges
were also presented to four
members .who have sponsored
new members into the Legion
in this Centennial year. They
were Robert Burke, Gordon
Ebel, Gordon Dalgliesh and C.
Rev/’’E‘. Donald Stuart, CD,x
MA/BD, minister Of the Bruce-
field-Ktppen charge of the Unit
ed Church,' has been secured as
speaker for the branch’s annual
VE Day banquet ori Saturday,
May 6. *
Legion "'President William
Chambers was appointed the
local branch representative to
attend the Ontario Legion con
vention in Sarnia from June 4-
8. . ' -
President Chambers present
ed Fast President Ed Porter
With an appreciation gift from
the Legion. Tire appreciation
night which, the Legion''holds
for the ladies auxiliary will be
held oh'June 16 in the form of
a social evening, to which.only
Legion and Auxiliary members
and their Wive? and husbands
Pre invited.
The Legion 'feted -$5.00 dph-
atibns to’'the local campaign for
ifed' Cross fund's and ’ to the
Clinton branch of ‘ 'toe- Cancer
Society. The Legion Will also
purchase hat badges for the'
pipe band. /*
A Legion fcam won in the
District "C” dart tournament
at Galt and will go to the pro
vincial tourney in Newmarket
oh June 10, ’,
On Sunday, May / Clinton’
ttegioh holding its annual
Spring golf tournament at Oak
wood Course dt Grand Bend.
tYfeners bl the monthly draw'
prizes were: - $30,'. Murray
Holmes; $15,- Bill Rdd.and $5>
■ feutssbli Holmes, ■
Volunteers to complete the
canvass of the town of Clinton
are urgently - needed by the
Clinton and District Community
Centre Centennial Fund. So
scarce are canvassers that one-
third of the households in Clin
ton are not yet in the hands
■of canvassers. According to
Malt Edgar only about half the
totyn has been canvassed for
funcis tor the new arena well
under construction an Clinton
Community Park. f
If you read over the don
ations in another column of
this page you will notice the
shortage of Clinton dbnohs.
Mr. Edgar, chairman of the
finance committee' of the new
3225,000 community centre, is
quite pleased with the response
from residents of Goderich
Township. This week there are
a few donors from Stanley
Any person who can, find
time to. canvass should get in
touch with Mr. Edgar (482-
3892) after-'school hours, or call
Ted McCullough at 482-9751
daytime, or 482-7318 evenings.
Mr. McCullough.is co-ordinator
of the canvass and is at his.
office, Huron Co-operative
Medical Services, every Thurs
day and Monday evenings until
9 o'clock.
The fund now stands at. only
$18,221.28, which is a long way
from the objective of $100,000.
The tentative date for the of
ficial opening of the new com
munity centre has been set for
Saturday, June 24, according to
Bert Clifford, chiairman of the
Publicity committee.
First Winners in Kinsmen Draw __
. * . Still a $500 Prize for Final Score
Sergeant C. C. Moody, Ief\ and Hubert Reynolds, right, are shown here
receiving $100 cheques from Larry Jones, chairman ‘ of-the Kinsman Club of
• Clinton’s Stanley Cup draw., Both men held tickets bearing the exact times
when the winning goals were scored iri the National Hockey League Stanley
i Clip semi-final games. Sgt. Moddy’s ticket was for the 28th second of the sixth
•mihute in the first period when Montreal Canadiens-'defeated.New York Rang
ers in four straight games. The fitistf period ticket, was good as the game went
info overtime. ML Reynolds held a third period ticket in the fourth 'minute at
47 seconds to the final game between. Toronto Maple Leafs and Chicago Black
Hawks. The holder of the ticket bearing We exact time at which the winning
goal is scm’Cd in the Stanley Clip final now? bqing placed between Toronto and
Montreal .will receive a prize bf $500. All prof its from this year’s Kinsmen Stan
ley Clip draw will gd towards the new community centre There are Mill ; '
tickets amiable from Kinsmen and at many business places in Clinton.
A (^eW^Rect>ra Photd}
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