HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-20, Page 12Page 12—Clinton New»-Record--~Thur$.,Apri|20, 1967 William J^ogersdp, RiR 3. Sea­ forth was elected president of Clinton Men’s: Bowling League at a banquet in Hotel Clinton dining. room Sunday evening He succeeds Edwin “Joe" Cooper, who was master of ceromcnies for the trophy Prc_ sentations. Len Arnston retains, the secretary-treasurer position . Percy Livermore was ro-ap- ■pointed league statiistician. The four team league played a 12-game schedule at Bill German’s Bowling and Billiards. Len Arnston was captain of the leiague champion “.Boozers"; other members of the champion­ ship team were Alex Riley, Ken Taylor, Gordon Jenkins, Eric Schellenberger, Howard Tait. The other three teams captains are: Squirts, Fred MacDonald, captain; Old Tim­ ers, Jim Armstrong; Gamblers,. Hai’old Black. - z Arnston’s team was presented With the Hotel .Clinton Cloud 9 trophy; each team member received a set of glasses. The individual high scorers Wop cash prizes: high single, Murray” Johnston; high average, Jim, Armstrong. At. the end of, the dinner,. draws ware held for the cash Iqft after .the season’s expense®. Winners were Fred MacDonald, Len Arnston, Bob Livermore, Hank Westerhouit, Bill Jenldns, Ken Taylor and Percy Liver­ more. Gary Black's "Colts" Win Title . In Clinton Junior Bowling League - Seven, years ago the late Mbl "Ct'ich, former reeve of Clinton’ put up a trophy for a junior bowling league; The season’s winner? was a teiam captained . toy Gary Black. Blacky “Colts” finished the regular schedule on top of the- Community Centre Dedicated; Corner . Stone is Unveiled (Continued from page 1) actually tee the new building going up. The mayor had' been a strong supporter of a ndw. arena for the past two years. S'hantz & Hides', the1 general contractors, were represented1 by Mr. Shantz. Before and after Hie official speeches the. .persons present inspected the new building. Encased in the cornerstone is. a list of the 1966-67 council, of . the.town of Clinton, the names of members of Clinton Recrea­ tion Committee and one set of 1967 coins. The coins were plac­ ed there by the Huron. County Numismatic Society which was founded in Clinton in 1961 and now .has- over 40 members from all over Huron County. Jack Diietrioh is the president. The numismatic society also enclos­ ed with the above coins a bronze dub medal and a nickel club medal. , ------------------------ four-team league; they elimin­ ated John Cooper’s T-Shirts two games to one in the semi­ finals, then put out Brad Dutot’s Alcoholics on Sunday, April 9 in the finals three games to two. The Alcoholics had put out Don Freeman’s Headptas in semi-finals" Individual winners of high scores were, high single, Ron Livermore, 362; high average, Bruce Cooper, 217 and high double, John Cooper, 608, Members of Black’s.. cham­ pionship team were Dale. Wil­ liams,. Pat Langiille.. Bruce Cooper, Robert Miller and Phil Burns. The championships and indi­ vidual high score winners all received trophies. Final League. Standing Clinton' Men's Bowling League Champs Councillor* Jim’'•*Armstrong,*Jeft, is shown here presenting the Hotel Clin­ ton trophy to Len Arnston,. second from right, at a banquet in tile hotel .dining ' room Sunday evening, Aniston’s “Boozers” team had won the championship in the Clinton Men’s Bowling League. Other team members ape - Gordon Jen­ kins and Alex Riley anchon the’ right, Ken Taylor. Absent whan photo was’taken . was Howard Tait and Eric Schellenberger. Coun.- Armstrong was the high aver­ age bowlerin the league. t->.----------■» Colts ........ Headpins . T-Shirts ... Alcoholics GP W L TP . 58 41 17 17 . 58 28 30 15 . 58 27 31 14 . 58 20 38 12 (News-Record Photo) Two New 4-H Clubs For Huron Juniors This year,.two- new 4-H Clubs Will be offered in the south half of Huron: a 4-H Forage dub and a 4-H White ,Bean Club. The Forage Club Will be set up to demonstrate the value of using -recommended forage ■ mixtures and also to improve the quality and yield of hay, pasture , and forage seed pro­ duction. The White Bean Club will be set up to demonstrate the value' of good1 seed, goodz. cultural practices, and disease control <as well as a study of production casts and methods of market­ ing. An organization meeting will be held for these two clubs on April 26 at 8:30 p.m. in Zurich To^ Hall. Farm boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 20, . who are interested in this type of project, are urged/to attend this organization meeting. —--------O——.— . Community Centre Donations Listed (Continued from page 1) 150.00 50.00 .50 35.00 25.00 1.00 25.00 The next general meeting of the Clinton Home and School Association will be held in the auditorium of the public school on Thursday April 27 at 8:30 p.m. This will be thiei last gen­ eral meeting of the year and a slate of new officers Will be presented for the next season. A coloured film entitled “The Million Club" on the, subject of cancer will be shown by John. Penner. Parents will have the opportunity during the evening of hearing, three finalists of the Legion Public Speaking contest. Paronts are reminded that the honour banner will be a- warded to the classroom which has the most parents’ in attend­ ance at. this meeting. -----------o_--------- Ladles Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion .... . Reg Ball ........................ Virginia Lamarche ....... Sgt., John Jordan ...... Art Bates ...................... ■Del Holland, Blyth ....... T. G. Scribbins ........... C 1-i n 16 n Community' Credit Union Ltd. .. Maison's Brewery . (Ont.) Ltd. .......... ........................ . 1867-1967 CUPS and SAUCERS PINS COFFEE SPOONS PLATES BASKETS MUGS 250.00 250.00 t Junior Bowling Champions After a 58-game schedule and playoffs, the Colts emerged as champions of the four team Clinton Junior Bowling League. The champs are, front row, left to right, Gary Black, captain, holding the Mel Crich trophy, and Dale Williams; back row, left to' right, Pat Langille, Bruce Cooper, Robert Miller and Phil Burns. ' .(News-Record Photo) Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon * Oun- inghame have returned from Sarnia after a pleasant two Week visit, in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur E. Saunders of Winton Road. Connie Hoy and Viola Collins spent the weekend in Oakville visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Livingston; ’ k. Mr. and Mrs. Len Schtoeter attended , the wedding Slaturday in St’. Paul’s Angliilcari Church, Wingham, of Miss Patsy Ann Hall, daughter of Willis Hall to David Mark Wilkinson, son ‘Of Mf. and Mrs,. J, Wilkinson, Goderich. 1 ----- -------o----------- Classified Ads. I Bring Quick Results YEAR SOUVENIRS CHARMS MAPLE LEAF PINS BRACELETS GLASSES i ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. CLINTON - WALKERTON - SEAFORTH ........... — - — -j i Prov. Government Offers To Match Local Funds For Tornado Damage (Continued frpm page pne) bulldozers to haul trucks to downed high tensipn lines south­ east of Seaforth, The following is a statement issued by Ontario Hydro: > “We recognize that the Gode­ rich-Clinton district needed an alternate supply of power and have started to build a -230,000 volt powe^ line ftom Kitchener through Stratford to Seaforth. At the moment, we- arc negoti­ ating with property owners for the right of way for this new line which will, proiviiide greater security to Perth 'and Huron Counties,” This is the the excerpts from the statement by the Hon, W. A. Stewart, Minister of Agri­ culture and Food, to the Ont­ ario Legislature on Tuesday: “I am sure that all the mem’1 hers pf the Honse will join with me in lexpressing our sym­ pathy to those farmers and townspeople who suffered se­ vere damage as a result of the tornad'o that swept across Southwestern Ontario Monday, It is particularly regretful that one life was lost following the coRapse o>£ a barn. “I can assure the House that officials' of dhe Department of Agriculture, and Food in the •stricken areas are bending evenr effort to assist those un­ fortunate enough to have suf­ fered damage “Material damage is expected to be heavy With barns and silos reported to have been de­ molished. “I therefore, wish. to an­ nounce tihiat. the Ontario govern­ ment, through the Ontario De­ parmen t of Agriculture and Food, is offering to match — dollar for dollar — every dollar raised locally for the purposes Of rehabilitating the damaged properties, At the same time representation is'being made te the Federal Government to'par­ ticipate as was the case in 1944 and 1953 when tornadoes swept through that section of the Province. ■ While I regrot that at the present reports are fragmen­ tary, I can assure the House that all the resources, of the Department will be at the dis­ posal Of those who have suffer­ ed loss. BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office? Opens at 7:30 First Show at 8:00 ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON SHOWS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY FRIDAY, APRIL 21 Only — DOUBLE FEATURE =- Showing at 9;45 Only "WHEN THE BOYS MEET THE GIRLS" Connie Francis - Harve Presnell1 In Color Showing at 8:00 Only "Son of a Gunfighter" Starring Russ Tamblyn — Color SATURDAY, APRIL 22 Only r— DOUBLE FEATURE — Showing at 9:45 Only "THE VENETIAN When you'ro ready to name the day . . . see the beautiful RAINBOW WEDDING LINE INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Robert Vaughn - Elke Sommer Color Showing at 8:00 Only "Thai* Tennessee Beat’ Minnie Pearl - Merle Travis COMING NEXT FRIDAY ‘ “WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE WAR, DADDY” plug “AMBUSH BAY” COMING EVENTS CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 56 Albert Street Use Classified Ads. Huron MLA For Centralia (Continued from Page One) uring and warehousing; • Indbstniial, expansion area, south of the.-sewage treatment plant on the /east side where the .track' and ball diamond now.stand; • The existing residential area of. 135 acres whiich con­ tains .363 family dwelling units and the J.‘A. D. McCurdy Pub- Jib School. .The consultants say the first major occupant of the complex should >be a large and attractive firm which would, serve as a lead company to set the tone and draw other desirable ten­ ants; • The base.at Centralia, the re­ port noted, offers the major facilities for development of in­ dustry, including housing, wafer and ''sewage systems, rail and road transportation, The consultants stressed that the Centralia park could pro­ vide a growth• centre for the- area, which would assist in re­ gional development in the most practical way possible. Tens of thousands of Western Ontario residents became fam­ iliar with the former RCAF Station Cefltralia wheh \t held spectacular air force day dem­ onstrations fcr the pubjic. /^0s «As KJ $1 to Zo / TOWN OF CLINTON DUMP will be Open on Saturday? April 22 arid Wed., April 26 For.The Convenience of the Citizens of Clinton Top Junior Bowlers Clinton Junior Bowling League which plays at Bill German’s Bowling and. Billiards, gave out the top award trophies on. Saturday morning. They are, left to right, Ron Livermore, high single 362; Bruce Cooper, high average 217; John Cooper, high double 608. (News-Record Photo) RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday. April 20 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25.00; the first letter “L” and first letter “T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealtih games, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $58.00 in 58 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for. $1.00. tfb - Friday, April 21 — Huron County Trapper’s Association Spring Meeting, Agricultural Board Rooms, Clinton, 8:30 p.m., speakers, prizes and pick­ up of pelts. 16b Friday, April 21—Cash Bingo in Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 p,m. 15 regular games for $10; 3-$25 specials; —$75'jackpot to' go. Sponsors, Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion. 16b Saturday, April 22 — Bazaar1 2 p.m. Christian Reformed Church, Clinton. 18b Sunday, April 23 — Joint Ontario Street and Wesley- Willis UCW Thankoffering ser­ vice in Wesley-Willis Church at 7:30 p.m. Speaker, Rev. Gordon Wiinch, Padte to the Pubs. Music by Centennial Youth Choir. 16 b Tuesday, April 25 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $58.00 in 58 numbers. Six door phizes. 8:30 p.m. Wed., April 26 — Variety Concert, local talent, in the new Blyth School, 8:30 p.m. spon­ sors, Blyth Agricultural Soc­ iety. 10b Saturday, April 29 — Varna Hi C Paper Drive. Tied or in boxes; Phone- 482-3332, 482- 7497 or 262-5351 for pickup. 16b May 1-6 — Community Con­ cert membership Campaign. 16b Saturday, May 6—-WANTED, war veterans to attend Clinton Legion’s annual VE-Day ban­ quet in the Legion Hall, Sat., May-6; comradeship begins at 6 pan., dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets $2.00. Phone 482-9526 before May 1 'and reserve your ticket. 16-17b Wednesday, May 10 — Hos­ pital Auxiliary Confederation Tea, Nurses Residence, 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. 10, 16b, 18x Sat., May 20 — School Re­ nton, S.S. No. 10 Stanley, 1 p.m. (Former teachers, pupils and friends welcome, picnic supper 5 pjn. 15-19b, 20xJ. 11 r I to, i?i A CLINTON LEGION HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 28 All Proceeds for Clinton Community Centre Centennial Fund GAMES — CARDS — RAFFLES — DRAWS FREE LUNCH DOOR PRIZE r TICKETS: $2.00 from Members of Clinton Kinsmen Club 16-7b ?5t PLAQUES COPPER PLAQUE Oval Shape' in Deer, Ship and Dog Designs . .. $5.95 pr. BRASS PLAQUES In 12" x 16". ANGEL PLAQUES In Gold and Black ........ $7.50 FOR THFJU JU JUmmI Wc^jja i K |g W jl i M |>.r $4.95 to $12.95 UNICORN PLAQUES Antique White cm Walnut Base .... $16*75 DECORATIVE' WALL MIRRORS $14.75 & $15.75 CLOCKS — Battery operated in Wdlriut.....; . ......$57.50 pr. PA ea. ea. McEwan’s ■AiMak if..Mi ' Your splendid suppbrt is making our 20th anniversary a success. The response has been terrific in- both hew and used car sales. We still heed more to meet hur birthday quota. > Your loyalty over the past twenty years has helped us stay in business. We'd like to show our appreciation by offering you the best deal Rossi bld on either a new or used car. We’ve got fop. quality stock. We are in a selling mood! BUY AND SAVE IN OUR BIRTHDAY SELLEBRAT10N Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile & Envoy Dealer. Ontario Sftaet — CUNTON — Phono 482-9321 ; Open each evening until 9 for your Convenience.