HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-20, Page 11,4
Jr, Farmers' Nite
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Thurs., April 20, 1967-—Clinton News-Record—-Fage 11--- —— —-——— --------■ --------- ---------- ■
Auburn and District
MRS. WES 9RAPN<H3K^CorreHM>ti<l»>|trr-Phon« 526-7595
Mrs-. Gordon R. Taylor and
.Mr., and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell,
Michael and Janice of Biymt-
f prid visited with Mr. RatbweB's
parents, MT aipd Mrs. Lionel
Rathwell at Pont ..Elgin last
AUBURN —- A l’aa’ge erewd
attended the Junior • Fanner
.pilays. presented by tee prize
winners of Huron and Bruce
County in tee Auburn Com
munity Memorial Hall last Sat
urday evening. •»
The master of ceremonies
wtas John Rodgers of the Clin
ton Junior Farmers and piano
music was played by Mrs1. Don
ald Young before the program
■began. ' ‘
.’Ofeta'ed and Pressed" was
'produced by tee following local
young people: Bill M^W, Rob
Hickey, Alice Allen, Delia Allien
and Barbara Watkins, The dh
rebtors- were Jamieson R'ibey
and John Bldck/ • ‘ .
The Bruce County play from
Walkerton was , also given. , '
----- —o--------—- -
Maitland Con. &
16th Goderich
Surprise Celebration
A, surprise dinner was held in
tee’‘dihah'g rbbm oif teb Ztifich
Hotel on Sunday,; April 16. in!
honour of Mr. arid Mbs. Donald
Harris, Porters liiili, on tee oc-
. casipn of their 25th wedding
anniversary. Twenty-'five rela
tives attended.
FoUowing the meal, all ;were
invited to the home of Mr; and
Mrs. Ross Feagan, Maitland
>v- Concession iwfierie oiperi house
* Was held for 175 friends land
neighbours from Porter’s- Hill,
Clinton,,;London, Teeswater and
Goderich. ' . ,
•The dining room was tasite'-
fully decorated with pink and
white streamers and the table
centred with a three-tieTed
wedding cake, flanked by silver
candelabra with 5pink 'and White
candles furnishing’the1 light at
tee table.
Pouring tea were five aunts
of the bride and groom of 25
years: Mrs. Geo. • Beiadom, MrS.
Noble Young arid Milss Maude
Beacom; of Goderich; Mrs. Will
Mairs of London; and Mrs. Will
Yeo of Hbimesville.
Serving the guests were Miss
Peggy AnmBettles, Miss Brenda
Talbot, Miss Jape Harris, Miss
Reta Yeo arid Mrs. Alvin Wise.
Helping in the tea room were
Mrs. Douglas Feagan, Niagara
Falls, Mrs. Harold Tyndall and
- Mrs. Harold Wettlaufer, Clin
ton, and Mrs. Alma Lobb.
Welcoming the gudste were
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris,
Dennis and Jane;’ Mr.* and MTs.
James: puffrih, 'London, Sister of
the, tiride, arid Mr. arid Mbs.
Ross Feagan. ;
.Community Club
Mirs. Jack Merrill'was hostess
to the SS No. 4 Community
Club oh Wednesday, 'April 5.
■ The vice-president, * Mrs.
Robin Thompson led the mem
bers'. Thex treasurer’s report
showed a balance of $128.52.
Thirteen members and two
visitors answered roll call with
“The earliest flower- you will
plant this' spiirig”.
Clothing for a' bale is to be
brought to ,tee Mdy meeting
which will be held at tee home
of Mrs. Harby Oakes on May 3.
Roll call will be plaint slips.
It was1 decided to donate $5
to- Cancer Society and $5 to'
Easter Seals..
Lunch was served with Mrs.
Rodim Thompson arid MrS. Ger
man Tebbutt as^stimg-ted.bdsb
ess. _ ■. ,
Mi', and Mrs. Douglas Feagriri
and Miss Jeteri sperit ,ted week
end ' wite Mr. Srid Mris. Ross
Feagan. .. „ 1A Sunday visitorRvith .te$ R.
Feagans wM Mris. Mary t,. Cke
of Windsor.
Mr. ancl Afe. Sydney Plow
right of Lucknow visited last
;Sunday with Miss Dauria Phil-
lips, '
; Wo are sorry to report that
‘John Houston is a pjat'ieinit in
’ Clinton Fhiblic! Hospital. H|s
many. friends wish him a speedy
1 Miss Lynda. Andrews of
Auburn WMS
Hears History
Of Canada
second viceMribsi-
dent, Mrs. G, Van .Aaken; third
v|re-pre$depf, 3$$,. m. St.
Marie; oorresixjnding secretary,
Mrs. L, Chisholm; treasurer,
Mrs, Joe Franken.
The new president took the
chair and thanked the retiring
president Mrs. C. Boyle for her
Work. Pjans ’
albout “....................
Knights of Columbus Corn-
munion Breakfast on April 30,
RJI'J. .J in,'.I
Auburn Lady
St. Augustine CWL
• AUBURN -r- Mrs. G^, Red
mond, J^R 2, Auburn was
chosen president of the .Sit-
Augusthte Ocutdiolic Women’s
League th® meeting hgid, lasf
week in the Parish Hall,
Th'.e president, Mrs., Cyril
Boyle thanked all member? for
thefir co-operatlop during the
pa&t two years, with special
mention of the spiritual con
vener, Mrs. Joe Hickey, and
the membership convener, Mrs;
Kinahap for their fine efforts,
Twenty-seven members be
long to the League, "the highest
membership yet 'Obtained. The
treasurer reported that $647
had been given to the’Panish
Fund during the past yepr. The
Auditors, Mrs. L. Chisholm and
Mrs. R. Boyle gave their
Nominations for the new
ecutive, completed earlier
the,’nominations committee Mrs.
T. Redmond, Mrs, M. St.. Marie
and Mrs. G. Devereaux, were
voted' upon Those elected were:
President, Mrs. Gus Red
mond; first Vice-president, Mrs.
..................................... ■■■ '
Wingham spent _ the weekend
20 at 8 o’clock, when Rev.
fjaypid Snell of London will be
the guest speaker. .
- Mri. and Mrs. George Millian
spent the weekend with friends
at Sarnia.
Knpx United. Church Sunday
school held a successful pan
cake • sppper last Wednesday
with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs.
Warner Andrews.
Ratepayers and parents are
looking forward to the Opening
of the new Hullett Township
Central School at Londesiborc
this Thursday' ,evening, April
evening with many' guests at
tending from Blyth, Belegrave,
Dungannon, Godefidh, Clinton
and other .points ah 'the district.
Mrs.' Eliner Keller of Dublin
visited one day last week with,
her daughter, Mrs. Harry
Arthur. . '■
We are ihappy to report that
Fred Toll who was 'a patient ip
Clinton hospital has returned
Missionary SOpiefy.
i Presbyterian Church met for
its April meeting at .the home
of Mrs. Frank Ratifhby. The
meeting was in teb dr'ang'e of
the " president, Mrs, Wilfred
Sanderson. ’
The devotional period was 'in
Charge of Mrs. Frank Raithby.
Mrs. Robert J. Phllilips played
a piano solo of old time'’Gospel
hytajis. The rd! call was an-.
swered by each member quot
ing a verse beginhiinig with the
letter “N”, - , f
■ The mission 'Study, '"The
Church grows in Canada”, was
taken by Mfs, John' Hallam. ■:
She told of the early .days in
Western Canada' and -how the
different denominations set up
their teurdtes in 1822. The of
fering was ' received by Mrs;
Raiteby and dedicated with,
prayer. The meeting was closed
with a s Centennial hymn. .
The Ladies Aid of Knox
Presbyterian Church held its
meeting with the president
Mrs. Major Youngblut in
dharge. The minutes were ac
cepted as read by the secretary,
Mrs. Roy Daer. Letters oif ap
preciation for. flowers1 were read
and several business . matters
were discussed. A dainty lunch
was served by Mrs. Frank
Mrs. R. Gibb
Feted; Leaving
For Vancouver
Oil TU'e'sday eVenirig, April
11, twenty members of ‘ the
Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of Sit.
Andrews’ Presbyterian Church
assembled at the 'home, of Mrs.
R. Gibb, 15 Regina Rd., Adas-
tral Park, for their April meet
Miss Beatrice Gibson read the-
■ Scripture lesson and Mrs.
Howard Cowan led in prayer.
Mrs. Wm. Cook teen.' read the
devotional lesson entitled
“'Christians as a Citizen”.
Thank-you cards Were read
by- the secretary and the report
given by the treasurer showed
the rummage sale had been
very successful. Ah invitation
was extended to tee ladies to
attend the CGIT Hawaiian Ted
and Bake Sale in tee church
on .Saturday, April 22 at 2:30
p.m. It Was agreed by the mem
bers that the auxiliary would
hold the usual noonday lunch
eon at the church 'in July.
On bteailf of .tee auxiliary
Mrs. R.-B. Rudd .presented Mrs.
Gibb with, a gtilft. At the end' of
next month, Mrs. Gibb with her
fariiiiy as moving oiit to Van
couver. The community as a<
whole will 'be sorry to see the
Gibb famity leave Clinton but
tee MJadMeiirie . Lape Awdlipry
are losing .one of its. nipfct
valued members. Mrs. Gibb fit
tingly thanked the group. for
the gift and teen she read a
pbem which she had composed
Expressing her feedings on how
Ehe would milsis tee group Of
After tee meeting some amus
ing games arranged' by the
lidstesls were played.
■ AsMsting Mrs. Gibb with the
idtich were Mrs. ’R. B. Rudd
and Mrs. Allan Graham.
Centennial Topic
At Brucefield ,
UC W Meeting
Unit 3 of Brucefieild United
Church Wbmen held their April
meeting in the church base^
ment on Wednesday evening,
April 12 with 24 ladies present.
Thg topic was on a Centen
nial theme and many of the
members were’ in Centennial
Meeting opened with a pot
luck supper, Tuckersmith mem
bers catering to Stanley mem
bers.- 'Mrs. Dorothy McGregor,
president, took the business
part of tee meeting.
A visit to Seaforth Manor is
.set for 'May 15 and Nov. 4 is
set 'aside .for a bazaar with
articles to be handed in each
month. An 'auction of ftower-
sliilps will be held at tee May
Mrs. Joyce Wilson,’ Mrs.
Helen Burdge. and Mrs. Olive
Broadfoot were fin charge of
Study and Worship. A most in-
'terestiing talk on pioneer days
Was given by Mrs. Joyce Wil
Mrs. Anne Walters had the
-entertainment. Mystery prize,
was won by Mrs. Marion Hili.
The May meeting will be held
at tee home of Mrs. (Bessie Lep-
Serve Dinner
Food in Canada was the theme
of the 4-H Centennial dinner
held by the Auburn Expos in
the Auburn Community Hall
last week. Over 60 mothers,
Women’s Institute members and
.visitors were entertained to a
smorgasbord, dlinner served by
the leaders, Mrs. Wes Brad
nock and Mrs. Frank, Raiteby
and the 23 '4~H members.
The table wafe decorated with
a large flower arrangement Of
daffodils and’ a globe Of the
world. Each smaller table was
centred with a tiny 'floral ar
rangement. Various dishes from
countries around tee world
were available’ and everyone
was free to try, .them all.
Mrs. Gordon. R. Taylor spoke
a few words of .thartks on be
half of tee guests and WI itiielni-,
bears, for,the .invitation to attend,
this dinner.
Words of welcome were given
by the president of the Auburh
Expos, Jill Bennett and each
4-H member introduced iter
mother arid guest. MrS. ijonald
Haines, president of the Women’S
Institute thanked the 4-H Club
for their invitation and stressed
. Tenders will be recdlv^ci by the Township of
HulroWrof the cdhSttdctioh of d Municipal Drainage
Works known as:
The Work consists of the construction of 4,671
llneol feet of covered droin, three catch basins, and
- one junction box,
Tenders must be received not laf^t tFfah Salute
day, April 29, 1967> at 6:00 o'clock p,m.
All fehders hnust be carefully marked as to
Cohfents and accompanied by a certified cheque
for 10% of the tender Lowest dt briy (tedder
nof necessarily accepted. The plans ana specifica-'
tions may be seen at the clerk's office.
• .■WiSi'iy.F* TebbiiW,
Clerk Treasurer,
' ILK 1/Lohdesboroi OntaHq,
i ' For Ontario's Expo Restaurants
, . Apprentice ehefs for the Ontario Pavilion at Expo watch the Hon. Dalton
; Bales, Ontario -Minister of. Labour, cut Centennial Cake marking the completion
; of ^heir 18-week training course at the Provincial Institute of Trades, Toronto.
, The. apprentices were recruited by the Department last fall, and left Toronto last
Sunday for Expo, where they will prepare a wide range of unusual and exotic
tarp in the seven restaurants at the Ontario Pavilion. From left to right they
are: Mike Coates, Listowel; Brad Griffin, 20 Greencrest Circuit, Scarborough;
Douglas Church, Glen Orchard, Muskoka;' and Wayne Stubbs, PR 1, Bolton.
• They iviil be joined t>y three other Ontario apprentices at a later date.
• /■ ■■■■' ’• ”■ * ;/■ ■ < \
Ada&ral Park
Sdcial Notes
Editor: Mrs. Sandra Sinker Phone 482-9179
Miss -Gail Garnett,, daughter
jf S/L arid Mrs. M. Garnett. 8
Victoria Blvd., bas- returned
home from Guelph' where, she
was attending University.
' Miss Dian'e ,Jones .celebrated
her sixth birthday on Sunday
with a .party; 14 guests enjoyed
games and birthday cake.
Protestant Chapel Guild
' The monthly meeting of-tee
Protestant Chapel Guild was
held in the Chapel Annex on
'April 10. The film “A Visit to
Vellore” was viewed by the
members. It ,complimented the
first hand interesting and in
spiring account presented to the
congregation by Lt. Col. J. Al
derson the previous Friday
Mrs. Millie jM^arland stated
that she had received' rriariy
orders for the Centennial'
spoons. It was decided to order
a set With the provincial crests1
for display purposes. The pro
ceeds from tee sale of these
spoons goes to “Operation Vol
Further plans were made for
the .strawberry social on June
28. Mrs. ’Joyed Gale is the con-
AUBURN — The Walkerburn
Club Beld its, monthly- meeting
at the home of Mrs. Guy Cun
ningham , with a good attend
ance. The president,- Mrs.. Ted
Hunking. was id charge of' the
meeting. Mris. 'Jabk JlaMahrW
jn prayer. ,A •
The roll call . was answered
by each payings25c for 'the
Crippled Children’s’1 Fund., The
draw prize was donated bT Mrs.
Walter Cunningham.r Thiis gift
was won by Mrs. Worthy
Plans were made tor the next
meeting Which is' to be held at
the home of Mrs. Henry flunk
ing with the program to be in
charge of Mrs. Garth McClin-
chey and Mrs. William Hunk
ing. The lunch, committee is to
be Mrs. Leonard Archambault,
Mrs. v Lloyd Penfound, Mrs.
Stanley Ball, and 'MTs. • Walter
Ounningham. The roll call is
to be answered by paying a
cent for every inch of heights .
The financial statement was
given by the treasurer, Mrs..
Walter Cunningham. The Cen
tennial quilt blocks were all
handed in to Mrs. Ted' Hunking'
to assemble; together.
The program of the after
noon was in the, charge of Mrs-
Elliott Lapp arid 'Mrs; Jack
Hallam. Mrs. Lapp gave an in
spiring Easter message and
contests were repducted by
both ladies. A
was served by
Sisied by Mrs. GebTge Schiiei-
der, Mrs. Stewart Ament, Mrs.’*
Joe Verwey and Mbs. Worthy
vener -and She will be assisted
by. Mrs. Hi'ldh Hibbert, child
ren’s. table; Mrs, Joanne, John
son and Mirs. Kay Taylor, fish
pond;. Mrs. Denise Priestley,
Mrs. Kathy Johnston, and Mrs.
Jean McKenzie, downs and bal
loons; Mrs. Cathy Cook and
Mrs. Haz'el ^Greenaway, ...Coffee
and pop;' Mrs, Betty DeLong
and Mrs. Mary Cummings,
white elephant; Mrs. Millie Mc
Farland, hake table.
It was noted that there would
be a Confirmation in the Chapel
on May 7 at 7 p.m. Mrs; Mary
Cummings’ group will, look
after the reception following
the seiwice.
It teas^decided^that the-Guild
Would have a- pot-luck supper
for the dosing meeting in June.
Refreshments were; iserved by
Jean McKenzie’s group. The
next executive meeting will 'be
held on April 24, at 8:15 p.m. at
the hpme, of Hilda Hibbert.
Classified Ads.
1 Bring Quick
delicious lunch
the hostess as-
the importance of this early
training in home economics
which will assist them during
their lives. Mrs. Haines invited
the mothers to join tee WI and
take part in teese Worthwhile
projects to ’ assist With self-
education for 'better home life
and health in this' world wide
Mrs., Bradnock 'gave a short
summary of tee 4-H project for
this year and a collection was
taken (by Made Plunkett. 5
Follovring the tshoH program
a go-go dance was held with
Joyce Leather land as master of
ceremonies. Wendy Schneider,
Brenda Ball and Brenda Ar
chambault,, were in .charge of
tee recordhop. '
—All the prominent dereal grain varieties
—Everything in gr«lss and legume seeds.
—Sorirte liriusual seeds available.
•^Locilly §rown Cert. Vernal Alfalfa.
^Ld^^lly grown Cart. Clirriak Timothy.
—Canada No. I Birdsfoot Trefoil.
R. N. Alexander
LONDESBORO ' 482-7475
... /.... .............,.„v:,... .....
At Huron Centennial School
to be done as required by either a reel or
rotary type mower.
Tender to be clearly marked and to state
size of mower and price per hour.
Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary
treasurer by noon 'Friday, A|pri| 28.
Huron County School Area No. 1,
J. E. Caldwell, Sec-Treas.,
Hensail, Ontario.
Brick Residence on Dinsley St., Blyth
at 2:00 p.m.
Two four room apartments each complete with
3-piece bath and kitchen cupboards; 2-car
garage; lot 66 X 165 ft.; taxes $170.00
Low Down Payment—Will Take Mortage on Balance
Subject to Low Reserve Bid I mrned iate Possession,
Ancaster, Proprietor
Phone 648-6169