HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-20, Page 10M. Page ID—Clinton ,NtWS*He.S9rd,^TI«Mrf^ April 20/1967 Expo's Official Opening To Be Telecast In Colour All stations of rtihe CTV auet- . Work will telecast the official opening ceremonies of Expo ’67 / Thursday afternoon.April 27. The telecast, approximately •two hours in color, will pre­ empt, all regular CTV network .afternoon programs for the oc- 1 easi.on, . Canada’s, tnew Governor Gen- . eral, Roland Miehener; Priime Minister Lester B. Pearson;, the Commissioner Gpnei'al pf ..Expo, Pierce Dupuy; the chair­ man of the Burehu of Cornmis- sioners General, Jan Albert Goris of Paris; Mayor Jean Drapeau of Montreal; premiers: of all the provinces and com­ missioners of North West and Yukon Territories wiill be tak­ ing part. The ceremonies in­ clude the Governor General’s arrival, official opening speech^ es, Which will .be brief, the rais- ing of the flags of Canada and participating nations, gnrival of the runner with .the torch which has been across Canada 'and back, lighting bf the Expo flame, and unveiling of the monument to the Expo theme, Brotherhood Among Mien. The band of the Royal High­ landers of . Canada (Black Watch) will play 'for the Gov­ ernor General’s inspection pf the guard.of honour and flag­ raising, the 21-gun salute will be fired by men of the 4-th Regiment Royal Canadian Horse. Artillery, and sailors qf the Royal Canadian Navy will raise the flags of participating countries. The ceremonies wtill be climaxed by the raising of the Expo flag and salutes of ships’ sirens, Montreal church bells and planes of the Royal Canadian Air Force which will trahe triangles of the Expo symbol in the sky. ■ LOL Euchr* Party ■ BAYFIELD — A ieuctae party at the LOL Orange Lodge pn 14 wias well Nine tables were Pluy and tii$ "high” prizes were won by Mrs. Frank McCiinehey and Geerge Telford. ■ Holders spff $he mpst 'Ique” hands were Mrs.' g,. Menerey and Lloyd Huffman. MLpw” prizes -were won by Mrs. Wai- ter Westlake and Robert Mc- Clinehey,. i Holder of he lucky ticket William Leitch, Goderich, .. ... Clinton Memorial Shop T. FRYDE and SON CLINTON w,.. fXJim SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A.W.STEEP 482-6642 ; For Information, phone the focal tf-1-11 I CN Passenger Salea Office J ' • fl fl ____________________CANADIAN NATIONAL OFAMembers > Uphold , Huron Proposal A; iwalution from 'Qqiiboirpp Township Federation concern­ ing the advantages of a Com­ munity College for Huron County in conjunction with Centralia was presented to the Huron County Federation of Agriculture at jits monthly meeting on Wednesday. The. resolution rewmmended a pre­ sentation' from the Federation to County Council and1 Ideal members1 of parliament. The recommendiajtion from the executive re Humane Soc? .iety was endorsed by the. meet­ ing and this Will be presented to the O.F.A. members meeting on Thursday. Recommendation: We, the Huron County Federation of Agriculture recommend to the O.F.A. they investigate and study the possibility of chang­ ing the administration of power of the Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals toi a govern­ ment agency in large animal area. At the O.F.A. members’ meeting held in Toronto on Thursday the recommendation from Huron County re Humane Society was endorsed by the'1 members; Harvey Taylor repoided on’ the TV programming meeting held in Wingham. Dave Cur­ zon, farm editor of C.K.N.X. asked for ideas on insight pro­ grams. Colin Campbell, producer of Focus on the Farm said that it the federation had an idea they would like to get across, the, program, would help them. A report of the C.I.A. 'Con­ vention held recently in Ottawa was gtiven by Robert McKer- dher who announced the new president for C.I.A. is Charles Huffman of Harrow. Recent Promotion At Clinton Rase Corporal Earl Bowles, left, is congratulated oxi his promotion to the rank of Sergeant by Group Captain K. R. Greenaway, Base Commander, CFB Clinton. Well, known for his .active participation in various square dancing activities in Western On­ tario, Sgt, Bowles currently holds an executive posi­ tion with the South Western Ontario Square Danc­ ing Association in addition to being co-publisher of the “Overseas Dancer”, an internationally circulat­ ed square dancing magazine. (CFB Clinton Photo) TORONTO 5iwro Aska bout convenient departure and return times v KIPPEN / . -- > I II J I 14■i.lT 11 F OVER TOO DEALER* FROM COAET TO COAST Ebnco—the ctifrip&hy that shares its‘exp^neh6&'With you R^.pfoduots bMdon df 01 Lilly (Canada) Umitetf - ConMet your ShoMro^k Representative Cate Van Raay, RR 3. Dashwood Phone 237-3496 < Centennial Outing The United Church Women held their Centennial meeting on Tuesday evening, April .11 with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and her group in charge. ■ "About one hundred and sixty people were in attendance. Guests were present from Brucefield, Goshen, Varna and Egmondville, 'along with former members of' rtihe UCW. The. decollating committee comprised of Mrs. John Ander­ son, Mrs. Orville Workman, Mrs. Donald Stuart 'and Mrs. * Robert' Elgie had put mulch time and effort into' the artisti­ cally arranged old! tyrne decor featuring coal oil lamps with -potted ’mums. ' Displayed were many pieces of antique china, glassware, beautiful quilts and an old spinning wheel that took the eyes of many. The old-tyme Costumes of .the ladies were very colorful as were the costumes worn by the girls who served lunch later in the evening. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot acted as organist throughout the even­ ing. Mrs. Elmer Keyes, Exeter, played the accordion and with her sister, Mrs; Fred Parsons; rendered' duets. The offering was (taken by Mrs. John Anderson, Mirs. W. J. F, Bell, Miss 'N. Dickert and Mrs. O. Workman. Mass Debbie Anderson re­ counted some, early history of Kippen. 'there were musical numbers by Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. John McEwan of Hen­ sail. - Mrs. Emerson Kyle asked for a moment of silence in memory of departed UCW members of Kippen. ____MRS, NORMAN LON& Phone 262-5180 Mrs. Edgar McBride 'intro­ duced the 'guest 'speaker, Mrs. Mac Hodgart, who gave an in­ teresting talk while showing her slides of the trip she had to the Holy Land. Mrs. Emer­ son Anderson gave the courtesy remarks. The hostesses were Mrs. Or­ ville Workman and Mrs, John Anderson. s Personals Mr. and Mrs; .Robert Stakes >of London vislit&d on Sunday with Robert Thomson and Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Thomson. Sunday visitors with W. R. Cooper were a sister, Mrs Margaret Johnston,' Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Don Cooper and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cooper, all of Exeter. Visitors' 'during the week with Mr. and Mfs. N, Long in­ cluded Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, Staffa; Mrs. George Hess, Hensah.; Mrs. ■ Florence Joynt, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson and son, Luck­ now; Mrs, Herb Curfan, Luck­ now; and Mfs. Jim Anderson and Son, Lucknow. Patios, Privacy Fences, Carports J/M CORRULUX Corrugated, Patio Green FIBER GLASS PANELS AVAILABLE IN 26” x 8’ x x GARAGE DOORS BERRY One-Piece Steel Storall GARDEN STORAGE HOUSE 10' 12’ 26” 26” SALE PRICE 32e FT 8' WIDE - T HIGH WITH LIGHTS $64.95$59-95 SPECIAL! 6' x 5' SALE PRICE I I Municipalities will 'be able to provide capital funds at a fa­ vourable fate, for public lib­ raries and associations for re­ tarded children under legis­ lation introduced to the Legis­ lature by Hon. C. S. MacNaugh- ton, provincial treasurer, and Huron MLA.. An amendment to the Ontario Education Capital Aid Corpor­ ation Act empowers that body to purchase municipal deben­ tures issued far the purpose of making grants' for libraries and retarded children’s facilities Within the municipality. This is an extension of the program by which the province lends capital funds ‘ for school construction at 5% pendent. This year’s budget estimates that municipalities saved. $1.7 million in 1966 alone because of the low rate of interest. Aver­ age interest rate bn municipal debentures last year was 6% percent. Another amendment intro­ duced by Treasurer MacNaugh- ton enables the province to pfo- vude funds for colleges and ap­ plied arts and technology at the same 5% percent rate that nolw applies to univetrsatiels. Use Classified Ads. For Quicl$ Res,tilts Herici- Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open unf-il further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 to 12 "SViti. , NO WIRB IFiSNdlN^ OLb CONCRETE or CAR BODIES PERMITTED James I. Mdntosh . CIM. WB you cant see a weed for the beans (trifluralin/Elanco) "Excellent control of both grasses and broad leafs." That’s the comment of many large, successful growers of soybean and fieldbpan crops. Treflan stops weeds before they start to growby killing the weed seed as it germinates. The result, you get greater yielding crops be* cause there's more nutrients, moisture and Jigq,t for your crops: less1 time-copsuminfl “ (harve$ting Stoppages.caused by weeds; and mofe efficient use of fertilizer. For dependable Weed control that helps youmake more profit— contact Shamrock Chemicals Limited, Lohdon, Ontario, your exclusive-Elanco distributor, LADDERS Twice as Strong- Half the Weight 28' EXTENSION SALE $AQ & PRICE Av 20' PUSH-UP SALE PRICE 95 .95 EXCLUSIVE! BIG ‘A’ VALUE PAINT White Exterior by Sherwin-Williams SALE PRICE PER GAL. W Transparent Green 50' LENGTH SALE PRICE Aqua Queen Oscillating LAWN SPRINKLERS SALE PRICE $4-25 TROUGHING Now is the time to do homes & garages SALE 4 A PRICE 10' luQ PLASTIC COATED Town & Country PANELLING Handsome for dens, rec room, living room or hail: Sturdy, Easy to Handle, General Purpose WHEEL 42" width—50' rolls $15-45 4 ALUMINUM Self Storing combination DOORS V/<" thick­ standard Sizes SALE PRICE FREE COFFEE WILL BE SERVED DAILY At GODERICH MANUFACTURING (SALES) LIMITED DURING THIS GREAT SALES EVENT gADIVISlOH ^GODERICH MANUFACTURING (SALES) LIMITED CAMBRIAN ANGLESEA eODERiGH.ONT.