HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-20, Page 9Bayfield Bowling League Championship Team HOLMESVILLE ') MRS LLOYD BOND Phon« 4S«-3?1Q 'Thww April M t At a recent banquet the championship trophies were handed out^in the Bayfield Mixed Bowling ■ League, The championship team are shown here. left to right, Fred Telford, Roy Telford, Joanne Tel­ ford, Linda Talbot, Gary Talbot, Lois Armstrong and Les Armstrong. ' ‘ ' (Photo by Mrs Audrey Betlchamber) Top Bowlers In Bayfield Mixed League Holmesville $CW ; The Holmesville' United Church Women held the Spring ThAPkoffering meeting on Wed­ nesday,' April J.2 with guests present from Of. Jiaina.es, Mid” dleton, and Wps'leyAVaillis and Ontario' Street UCW’s, Clinton. ..Mrs. Edward Grigg, presided rfoi' the service which opened With a. prpjud'e by the jfeM Mrs. Jim Lobb and the call to Worship.Mrs. Muriel Grigg read the, sex-ipture lesson, and Mrs. Canpan Tebbutit gave the p^ediiteti'on on “Discipleship”,. A suitable poem- w.as regd by Mrs, G. Ginn, •. . “ ■' A. vocal duet was sung by Mrs, Wm,. Normfan and1 Mrs, E. Grigg. The thankoffering was received by zMrs. B, Whitely and Mrs. S. Farquhar. A skit entitled, “The prpken Motto” was well presented by Mm, H. Williams, Mrs. D. Glid- don, Mrs. Wm. Norman, Mrs, L. Jeryis, Mrs. N. Heard, Mrs, H, Cudmore, Mrs. E. Potter, and Mrs. B.'Walter A paper telling of tpo e®riy settlers and pioneer life ip Hol­ mesville was given by Mrs,. Lloyd Bond, A social hour followed the meeting. Hostesses for. the afternoon were Mrs. H. Yeo, Mrs. Ray Potter, Mrs. H. Mc­ Cullough, Mrs. J. Yeo, Mrs. D. Gliddon, Mrs W. Norman and Mrs. 'E, Grigg. Personals Mr. and . Mrs. Dave Williams and children of St. Marys were Sunday visitors with the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo. .' Miss Sandra Williams, Burr ling ton and Mr. uuid .Barrie Pipe and family, London, spent the weekends with Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tre-r wartiha and family, London, visited relatives in toe area over the weekend. Couple Feted After 25 Years AUBURN — Farmer” Auburn residents, Mr,. and Mrs. William Reed, now of Goderich, were honoured recently ait the Parish haill, Lucknow, . ’When over 50 relatives and friends gathered to honour them on the occasion of their 25th iwedding anniver­ sary, Mr. and Mhs. Reed were mar-, ried in Goderich on April 8,1942 by the Rev, D. J, Lane and had fanned near Auburn until last November when they sold their farm and moved to Goderich. They have two daughters, patsy and Linda. « Mrs, Reed was .the former Florence Lawlor, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Sianford Lawlor, Mr. Reed 'is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G/Reed of Lucknow. The couple were presented with gifts from family 'and friends. Guests were present from London, Sarnia.; Detroit, Toronto, Goderich, Wingham and Auburn, -----------,0----------- Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results .................. FARM SERVICE CENTRE - CUNTON LIQUIDATION SALE I Up to 40% OFF on all our 4-Wheel and 2- Wheel > These are the individual trophy winners in the Bayfield Mixed Bowling League, from the left, Bar- bara Telford^ Madeline McIlwain, Joanne Telford, George Telford, Ron Scotchmer and Yoe Koene. (Photo by Mrs Audrey Bellchamber)FERTILIZER LONDESBORO 4-H Cooks At the sixth mieieitiing of the Cho w Mein Chicks, cabbage rolls and rhubarb soup were demon­ strated by Donna Riley, Connie Howatt and Mrs. Ray Snell. A discussion was held on Can­ adian-made cheese and 'Cheese toon? Northern Europe. > Miss Carroll the Homie Econ­ omist was present to help the girls place for -Achievement Day in Seaforth. Personals Harold Livingstone, ( MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 the past- few weeks with , her sister in ■■ Qshawa, ’ returned .home on Saturday. Next Sunday morning Local Toe Alpha .members will be in charge of the service at the United Church. . -----------o----------- From The Gallery (Continued from page 4) day wrote pages on the fabrics, wall paper,. silverware, ,etc. All-2 Manure Spreaders 7-Ton Running Gears —* Bale Bunchers ALL OUR STOCK MUST BE SOLD ___________i_ r- ......- Also Liquidating Our Stock of 9X8 — 11 X8 —13X8 —18X8 ■<*4-WAY HARROWS Now Is The Time To Let Us Demonstrate This Equipment f Get your requirements of bagged or bulk fertilizer at Harriston Fertilizers Limited FARM SERVICE CENTRE FOB COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES • INSTALLATION * SERVICE CLINTON PHONE 482-9133 CUSTOM MIXING OUR SPECIALTY 16-7b 17Rattenbury — CLINTON SAFETY l standard s COR5 < Choice of 2 rear unloaders. ♦ Up-front clutch and speed control. Ruggedly built for mile-after- mile of big load hauling" arid 'handling. Gehl Boxes are tin-, matched for safety, Speed and capacity, See us today! Ask about the Gehl Forage Boxes ... toughest boxes ever built, and the Safest yotir money can btiyl Financing available. ’OptionalGehl Self-Uhtoading. Forage Boxes are built to give yoti continuous year ’round safe crop hauling and handling. And, with Gehl, safety is standard equipment; Look for the “quick-action” safety bar. Touch it and you stop unload­ ing motion— instantly! You can alto stop unloading action •with the side lever. H. LOBB & SONS, EQUIPMENT Bayfield Road — CUNTON — PIiom 482-9431 with every Gehl box Quick-action safety bar. • 7'inside width. Roller Skating at Bayfield With the spring season, Bayfield arena has now ■become a roller skating arena. Shown here are Ell- . wood Mitchell, who -last Friday joined Bayfield Lions Club, and Linda Maloney, trying the roller skating surface. (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) , under the Doctor’s orders, its confined to his bed tor a complete rest. We hope he Will soon 'be im­ proved.- Heather Fothergill' will be in hospital for <a few days' yet as her leg is not completely. heal­ ed. / Mr. and -Mrs. John Stevens and' family were recent visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd Pape. Mrs. Harvey Hanking and Gerald visited on Sunday with Mr. Hunking who has been a patient in Westminster Hos­ pital for the past three weeks. They -found him slightly im­ proved. Mr.- and Mrs. Don Neal of London were weekend visitors with Mrs. Laura Lyon. ‘ . Mrs. Townsend, who spent this writer can say is that it- was ■elegant without being unduly luxurious and there were just enough antiques to make it dig­ nified without being uncomfor­ table. There were none of (those fragile pieces a 200-pound six- footer is afraid to slit on. The need for the house was dictated by the crush of state visitors .expected for Centennial Year, but will continue as the nation’s VfP visitor residence for "years to come. Royal visit­ ors will be welcomed1 at Govern­ ment. House tas usual, but the vast array of premiers, presi­ dents, field marshals, generals and assorted dignitaries who have been invited to Canada this year will have the . place well broken in by the time Centennial Year vanishes into 1968. 7 a a d •fDa Ie.1— jfJt Make us Prove it with a Demonstration! WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC PHONE: 482-3851 54 KING STREET — CLINTON as an . authorized dealer Homefite, with its worldwide reputation for quality products and expert service, chooses its dealers with care and h proud to recommend our newest repre­ sentative to the chain saw buying public. Most soils are loaded with weed seed. They’re ready and waiting to fight for plant nutrients and moisture. Stop weed growth when weed seeds germinate. Save cultivation time and labor expense. Use Eptam selective herbicide. In dry and snap beans, Eptam controls annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds such as pigweed, hairy nightshade, common chickweed, deadnettle, lambs* quarters and others. It also controls quackgrass, and nutgrass (nutsedge). Used at a reduced application rate, Eptam gives excellent control of annual gram in corn. Eptam is applied to the soil and immediately mixed in (incorporated) with a disc before you plant your crept Eptam leaves no soil residue to damage cover crept or interfere with crop rotation. Ask your deafer for details. Stauffer Chemical Company of Canada, LftU Montreal. DfofrifartW Sy CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED; HMnflteMf Onturta READ THE LABEL, HEED THE LABEL AHO •HOW WITH STAUPPBR CHeMIOALO