HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-20, Page 2t MR. AND MRS. JAMES W. HOY i FIGHT CANCER Clinton New»-Record—-Thurs./ April 20< 1967 ’ — ----L_—--------, ,— ---1 R, D. Daynard, graduating in the 1967 class of the school of Engineering ,at toe Ontario .Ag-, yipuHuMI. CtoWb has beep pointed. AgtoWM Engineer­ ing Specialist for the of and with headquarters .at Hamilton/ H£ fs* .a native of Perth County and worked for the Branch as a Suunner Assist;int Engineer last year. Dept of Agr. Lists Transfers ' iJ'T'............ Russ C, Bradford, dairy spe-- ciaiist, Huron County, lw be£n transferred to Glengarry' Coun­ ty as Assomate Agricultural Representative effective dune 1. A graduate of Macdonald College in Animal Science,, he has several years experience in industry and the Pufry Branch Through .4 daiity farm bucl^ gfoundj; in Quebec; he liqis a working knowledge <• the French W. A-' Wiiigvyg, Fruit anti Vegetable Extension Specialist, Vingland, tran$fe*nred to Fruit, and Vegetable ExtQri^on Gpft- pialist, Petrolia, will seu'Ve the Counties of Lambton, Middle­ sex, Huron, He has served as a Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist at Vineland for the past two years.s it SHAMPOO and SET . SPECIAL $1.50 (Reg. $1.75) Tues., Apr, 25 to Sat, Apt 29 inclusive at PATTI'S BEAUTY SALON 2 miles north of Varna Phone 482-7230, Pat Taylor, Proprietor. I WHAT ELSE gives you so mucl" for so little? Town Of Clinton ■ / Auditors Report Far news, for views; for wide and varied entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And oil for just 12c per week when purchased at a newsstand; 1 OR Subscribe By The Year $5.001 / Clinton News-Record “The Home Paper With The News” The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: A beautiful wedding was sol­ emnized at. Nile United Chu,roh( by Rev. Wright of Dungannon on April 8 when Barbara Agnes Pollock, eldest daughter of Mr- and Mrs, Gordon Pollock, RR 3 Auburn was united, !in marriage to James William Hoy, young­ est son of Mr. and jfe. Gordon Hoy, 106 King Street, Clinton. Music at ‘the doubie^ing ceremony was provUded ' by Karen McKenzie of Port Albert. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a grace­ ful gown 'Of wthispy nylon sheer over net and rayon satin, with long, sheer lily-point sleeves’* lined with nylon tulle. Gul'.pure- type lace appliques accented the bodice. Unpressed pleats in the skint were Caught at the back in a ilarge sheer bow at 5 the waistline an'd a double taffeta bow ioed with crystals held her dduble-tier scallop-edged nylon veil. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Maid of honor' Miss June Kelly, Clinton and bridesmaid Miss Joan Kelly, Clinton were gowned alike in blue Chantilly lace over taffeta empire-waiSt- ed bodices and georgetta over taffetta skirts. Two loose lace back panels hung from the shoulders to the hemilines. Single blue roses with shoulder- length veils and bouquets of white ’mums compLeted the en­ sembles. Junior bridesmaid Diane La- inarche, niece of the groom, and flaWergM Brenda Pollock, sis­ ter of the bride, wore pink georgetta over taffeta dresses featuring bell sleeves edged j with whjte lacs, (Bow? high­ lighted the waiistlines ait the back and their headpieces wcrie pink forget-me-noits edged With net, They carried bouquets of white ’mitms, Groomsman Was Lloyd Hoy, brother of the groom. Bobby Pollock, brother of the bride arid Robert Miller, cousin of the groom ushered the guests. Roses and lily-of-the-valley decorated the tables at the re­ ception in the basement of the church, The bride’s mother wore a 'navy blue suit with White trimming, white acces- roses. The groom's mother wore pink and sand figured Sabrina terylene Batiste, white acces­ sories cthd a corsage of white roses. For travelling to Niagara Fallis, the bride wore a tweedied wool suit of orange ice. The , young couple will reside in Cliritdri. Relatives and friends attend­ ed the wedding, from Oshawa, Zurich, Stratford, Port Albert, Guelph, Godefidh, CFB Clinton and Clinton. The foridie was feted at show­ ers-at Nile United Church and the home of Mrs. Albert Ohias- con. Clinton.,. Relatives and friends of the young couple held a reception for them at the Park House in Goderich. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Mi _. M u „ Mrirph 17, 1967, TW Mayor, Members of Pouncil and Ratepayers, ftte Corporation 'of the Town of Clinton, " ' f " Clinton, Ontario. .« 4 DeaT Sirs’V , - I have audited the accounts and ' records of the Town of Clinton for the year ended December 31, 1966 arid have pre­ pared therdfrpm the statements listed’1 id the index accompany­ ing this report. / OPERATIONS k The operations of the general account for the year ended December/ 31,. 1966 resulted in a deficit of $1,156.01 compared With a surplus of $5,997,83. for toe year ended December 31, (Presented herewith is a condensed comparative states ment M revenue and expenditure for the three years ended December 31, 1966, 1965-and 1964. s Revenue Year ended December 31 < 1966 I • -■ • ■■■ . ■ Taxation .................................. Debenture debt charges recoverable ........................... Grants, Province of Ontario .. Grants, Dominion of Canada Licenses and permits .............; 'Interest and tax penalties .... Rents, concessions,' franchises Fines and service charges .... County of HUrion — road and either rebates ....................... Miscellaneous ........!................ Surplus from prior years used to reduce levy ..................... Expenditure General Government .............. Pix>tection to persons arid property .............................. Public works ........................... Sanitation & waste removal ,. Conservation of health ......... Social welfare ......................... Education ............................. Recreation and Community Service ................ ............... ■ Debt Charges ................. ......... 1965 1964 Sewage debt charges paid opt of taxation Taxes written off .by Court Of Revision ................. Capital expenditure out of current revenue ............... County rates............................ Miscellaneous ......... ................. 7,022.50 1,871,37 143,213.23 47,919.79 512.26 6,031.25 319.13 7,571.25 882.81 555,687.31 42.268,67 817.73 36,976.93 350.31 258,046.14 63,668.16 164,963.95 3,651.00 2,737.00 2.408.72 834.61 2,577.06 12,072.06 2.409.72 5,997.83 224,061.85 219,649.28 63,746.95 584,655.15 1,208.00 2,937.66 1,991.65 679.70 2,650.77 10,852.70 556.41 6,291.39 * 64.590.48 37.141.48 1,145.00 3,798.37 1,422.45 105.00 1,950.82 9,571.85 1,994.34 1,938.93 519,366.25 899,632.23 343,308.00 22,890.18 43,671.25 36,673.11 13,705.84 24.14 3,925.53 109,972.11 101,215.62 104,632.45 15,574.55 13,079.27 73,546.40 69,585.72 21,041.75 18,198.96 34,955.76 29,130.67 42,033.64 49,512.94 4,485.64 4,134.87 22.29 26.20 2,120.62 1,459.86 CAPITAL AND 11,169.10 73,000.18 LOAN December In CLINTON— BARTLlFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE i to BAYFIELD CLIFF UTTER'S STORE LONDESBORO— . THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE BRUCEFIELD— PATERSON'S STORE HOLMESVILLE— 0. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE In VARNA- W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At CFB CLINTON C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH- BLUE'S ^FElRMARkiEr FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAtGIE'S POOL ROOM : ’ e,< <1 In SEAFORTH^- . kiATtud’s bftU3 $WE HI ncriaAkKR"* WiLSdiH’S DiiUd ftOkE In KIPPEN— KIFFIN STGRE to AUMHBIr G. R. TAYLOR'S STOHI Im. JUjjjjjk' 'gAA t I Rambling With Lucy (LUCY R. WOODS) There’ve beein changes at “The Hut”! The big willow trfee With tlie fat Catkins came a cropper to' a chain saw one night last week. Lucy did hate to sed go, but looking over, the scene oil Sunday, she didn’t miss it as much as she’d imagined. Probably the birds will ri>iss it rhore. Its branched had spread over too many drihdr trees, it’s difficult to Judge distances when planting small trees. On# forgets to iohk forward to the growth pf twenty years. .Th# /tops of height h^drliig fruit .trees vrnifch uie. riabbits had gWdlbdL. Mad to ibe( cut badk to a stump’ 16” high last week. That, hurt ffloito than idsirig the willow tree. - Then "tyiri.” erodted a pole with, an arm on which to hang the suet feeder. Lucy Wouldn't seel it from her chair at the dining iWrri table, se if Was transplanted aerdsfe the drivesway tri full view. Sandi the cat wla& a great help with thd digging, arid getting dbwn into the hole to measure the depth. The bird's seem to like its ne^V location — instead.- of hanging from a branch ■ of the willow*. Already Lucy hais spotted Downie and Hairy woodpeckers, red and! white breialst- ed Nuthatohes, a Brown Creeper, to say nothing ’of chickadees and sparrows! And by the way, a pair of Chickadees perched ih the cedars within, three feet of Carl and scolded him royally tor the loss of the willow, the day after if was taken away. tlespiie the drop in temperature to the ’teens last week, fne waim’daySmbrtweehhdive brought the flowers on quickly. The early daftodils are^almost over; the early tulips were out; toe hytoiHthfe shbwitig cdldUri; the yellow bell just about to piirist dp’eii; thd. old stolid, Of Sciila, Siberica, piitsade LUcy’fe wihdovy in full bloom, while those "Mr.” planted last autumn on toe ibOulCvaiu arie twinkling blue,in too grass; arid1 Opposite Mrs. Charles BeU’is, white violets dbt the fewand. t dairil 'Hriought. toe first baiiqUet of purple violets in to Lupy 6ri Saturday. Arid on Sunday, Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby called to leave a banquet of daffodils from.a spot which was once toe garden surrounding her gp^dfather’s home ‘‘Stanley Villa”. Dr. Miiiari M. Woods, ■ piqiieer physician, farhier arid ardent iidhticultoralist, laid out that gtavden over a hundred! years ago. . ; . The flowers brought childhood memories back to Lucy — happy care free days when with her sister Jean they were privileged to visit her father’s cousin, Wm. H. Woods. And his , mpiie@. tod; Rhbyi Niari &hd Isabel, played and picked flowers .to jimt- siyeet old-’tosifeidh^d gdrden. Or they; sought the firisit torivbrs ili tlie ptodd's, picked wild! strawWeririies, olindtod ■ to tob top.plE toe bid cherry .tree to compete with the* birids'; bf thUhted bWtoriiiiits in tob Fall. Arid toe bbst time i>f . < .to tftoy.vpris ®efri A Sutoptoods"’meal when ‘’Cousin tWliii” , told toibs^pf toe Eerily ttays ahd “Cousin Bella” played and stag#-t)(f topm, .. . , • '. . 1 . It waS fricfih,tois gafaWn tohf Lucy, later*, got her first fUbl With daftodiis£ white naricissi biilbs £trid pdoiny roots, df riiach were brought from her garden dri Main Street, to ‘*8$ Hto*’ to iwi. , • Wto. id.. Wbods, tod “Old rtoctori’S” older j^ri; died in 1915. Since .toesh the property hfe dhangep, hands, torietf tori$s.'The bitodiirigs have long since, 'been demplashed, but to toe. spring pt toe year* the spot of a once gi^acious stoill marked by myriads of fkwers. ’ . Ycfti/ve ofteri heard' the expriPssion: "Clothes mdlre the ’ fiito”. Evidently, Sand! the cat.Hafe observed that, fold. Arid he Is frilghteried oif men. to business shits. Every tiriiid lie Has sbeh Oiri iri other than Mis (work clothes-, he iruris for too barn. . i3andi> “the yeilOw she-cat” has tunicd Out to be a he-cat! it WfiS a feriO&t surprise, t “Why dipn‘t toe big orange and gtfey Tdto baits wM, 'Vito toim?b askfed Lucy. . ■ *, tiO is a; young- cdt,’1 replied Garl. “And do young male cats sit out on too duivevvay arid filrt OyOri their shoulders with the old Toms?” Lucy asltod She S0w §totoi give a couple the “oome-hithdr” look, M too thought, arid then playfully chase: toe old boys put trt SigsfrE '■ Oft, well, if Sandi is ais hard-working when older* as he fe now, and keeps-the rabbits arid mice away froin ffowers arid, triced, LUcy .fovffl put up with too tinidniight cat-a~wawling! Of course Saridi has never seen Lucy In her wheel chair. Perhaps he’ll keOp orr running when ho glimpses heri! ASSETS General Fixed (^s per Schedule 18) ...........................$202,787.17 Due from School Ratepayers (for Debentures) Public and Continuation ......................$275,200.00 Collegiate and High ............................ 92,265.88 ■r?.' ..... • 1 -k Due from Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises (for Debentures) Electric Light and Power System .....$ 28,000.00 Housing ................. 2,693.40 Debentures Assumed by Other Municipalities (Schedule 2) .................................................................... dash on Hand Cash in Bank 367,465.88 30,693,40 272,234.12 REVENUE ASSETS .........................$ 958.19 .............................U, 751.40---------------$ Investments ......................................................... Accounts Receivable Sundry .............................................................. Province of Ontario ...................................... Other Municipalities ....................................... Public Utilities Commission .— Sewerage .. Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) ...................... Other Assets — Deferred Charges ................ Total Assets 520,522.26 893,634.40 337,046.53 Surplus (deficit) for year .. The operations of the other Boards and Commissions for 1966, were as follows: Public Ultjlitiess Commission Water Supply System ,...............................surplus $ 2,867.88 Hydro ...... surplus . Sewerage .............................................. .....deficit PuMic Library Hoard ...................... deficit Clinton Recreation Committee ................deficit Cliriton District Collegiate Institute Board surplus Ciimpn Public School Board ........... ...surplus Clinton Separate School Board .....................surplus Clinton Cemetery Board ..................... deficit (1,156.01) 5,997.83 6,261.47 18,889.72 1,466.85 52.47 3,350.80 23,395.76 13,852.25 805.92 788.98 GENERAL Section 302 of the Municipal Act has riot been complied with in respect to the investment of surplus funds received from the Public Utilities — Water Supply System. No fidelity bond was examined for the Seoretary-Treasur/- er of Clinton Separate School Board and it is assumed that he is not bonded as required by section 34 (7) of the Schools Administration. Act, The co-operation of Mr. John Livermore and the Other employees. of the Town of Clinton during the course of my audit has been most appreciated. AUDITOR’S OPINION Subject to the foregoing, I hereby report that in my Opinion (1) The financial transactions which have come under my (2) notice have been within the powers of the Municipality. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the in- , structions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Municipality as at December 31, 1966 arid the results of its operations for the year ended on that . date. (Signed) A. M. HARPER. License number 3244. I Date of Filing March 23, 1967. FUND BALANCE SHEET 31, 1966 LIABILITIES Debenture Debit Issued and Unmatured General Highways Sewers ... ) I ....$147,478.95 .... 7,300.00 $154,778.95 Schools Public and Continuation ...............$275,200.00 Collegiate and High ......................... 364,500.00 ---------------- 639,700.00 Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises Electric Light and Power ............ $ 28,000.00 Housing ................................................. 2,693.40 - 30,693.40 $825,172.35 . 48,008.22 Total Investment in Capital Assets ............... $873,180.57 FUND December 12,709.59 2,000.00 2,268.82 71,866.62 92.20 3,500.00 29,737.48 507.33 ......$122,682.04 s ----------------- BALANCE SHEET 31, 1966 $ 74,500.00 2,763.47 ....$ 5,600.00 .... 2,440.25 LIABILITIES Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) ........... Accounts Payable ................................ Debentures and Coupons Dues Principal ........................................... Interest ............................................. Public Utilities Commission—'Hydro ....$ 6,192.86 Public Utilities Commission—Waterworks ,1,363.21 Public Utilities Commission—Sewerage 55.17 Reserve for Water Supply System—Surplus ..... Surplus (Form C) ..................................................... Total Liabilities and Surplus STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year Ended December 31, 1966 REVENUE ■ ! Actual Budget 8,040.25 7,611.24 4,981.96 24,785.12 ....,.,.$122,682.04 December 31, 1966 EXPENDITURE Actual Budget Total Revenue from TaXatioH (SOhfediile 3) ....................................... Ldhg-Terlni Debt Charges Recoverable ' (Schedule 12) ........................... .......... Contributions, Grants and SubsidiOs Governments: Canada ...................................................... Ontario— WOlfare Assistance .w..$ 3,001.42 10,733.70 1,683.56 276.42 1,1^5.^ ld,7^1.^0 135,41W 2,478.60 Highway Improvement ’■ lift lieu of municipal taxes ....... Police arid JFnte ...... Share Of Liquor License Unconditional Per Capita Granik ......................... . Special Highway Con­ struction ..................... Recreation ....................... $258,046.14 $255,334.33 » if , .’ 63,668.16 58,82i.7O 3,051.00 '3,100.00 i Other Municipalities .............. Licenses arid Permits^ (include d0£ tax) Interest; Tax Penalties, etc.................... Othefl Reveriues-^ iRehtS, CdnCessiOhs arid , iUjS, * Friahdhises ...... ..$ $34.61 Fines ............. ....... . O-Og ServicO. Chaises ............. t 1<950.OO Miscellaneous Recoveries of taxes x. . written off ............................1,173.89 Sundriy ............ Rental Housing ......e............ 353.17 Adjustment to deferred 4 .revenue C..X............. 857.74 Gross Total Revenue ......... Surplus from Prior Years used to deduce levy ................................... Deficit fori the Year 12,< $0 w 2,408.72 ✓ 500.00 .$513,368.42 $362,894.08 . 5,997.83 5,997.83 $019,36*6.25 $368,891.91. i;i56.01 $520,522.26 $368,891.91 General Government (Executive and Legislative $ 3,096.80 Administrative ................... 12,608.78 Other ................................... 7,184.60. . ... --------------$ 22,890.18 $ 22,250.00 Protection to Persons arid Property Fire ..............’......................,.$ 7,000.11 Police ................................... 24,252.45 Street Lighting ................. 11,150.33 Sigridl light, <itic. ................ 768.36 Highways dhd ^dhitatlbii' hrid ........... Health ....... .............. ^tjcial AssisUhce .. Edifcatidn; indlUdihg debt chdriges ...........................ui'r—-..........' Rriefbatio® arid Cbriinitiriity S^rvicfe^ ..Debt .Chai^eES*s Lciftgdiiertii <Wt ......a (ScHWlOl) .......>^1<09 debt iii^rg^............... bi/fedie ......... ■ " - $ 68»3^6.03 .Shdrt-ni^rrii iittefeSt Stid ; MHW bWW ....... 5450.37 iublibWWi Capital ..m^iiditoriM out Of Revenue , ,{^H§dta« is) .................................... Jhint W Special ExpehUitUfeS Cduhty RatedMiSceitobfebtiri -- Schbdi fbri'- 'teiirtii&d CHudteH ......... ...... ................. ................ Gross ’Ijoiai Expenditure Surplus for the' Year Total Expenditure Section 43;6ii.20 ?;M1I 3,925.53 100^2.11 16,574.55 70,546.40 1,871.37 7,022.50 Wios 33,700.00 2,006.00 109,608,63 14,280.00 72.31W 500.00 47,391.93 MOO $368,506.03 385.88 .$520,522.26 $368,891.91