HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-13, Page 121 ♦ Pope- 12-—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., April 13# 1907 — — i —-----------------------* 4 . .. -------------—I, |„■, |, Three Clinton Guides Picked To Attend National Guide Camp Thro members of the Clinton Guiding community h.Ei>ve been honoured by selection to at­ tend the National Guide Heri­ tage Camp in Cornwall during July. ■ Seaforth Beavers Head Durham Three To Hone Jack McIlwain's second goal of the game was the winner as Seaforth Beavers edged Dur­ ham Huskies 4-3. to false a 3-0 lead in the best-of-seven OHA Intermediate “B” semi-finals in Durham Sunday afternoon. McIlwain scored from a scramble, in front of the Dur­ ham goal at 9:52 of i the third period. Bill McLaughlin got the other two Seaforth goals. Jim Nixon scored twice and Cowie once for Huskies who trailed 1-0 and. 3-1 first two periods. Fourth game was’ Seaforth last .night day), Fifth game if is in Durham next Sunday. The winner meets Uxbridge or Pi'cton in the finals. ' SMirs, Denyse Priestley, Cap? tain of the 2nd CFB Clinton Company, and Guides Karen Kerr and. Martha, Corrie will join some 2,000 other guides from across Canada, at the ten- clay'- camp on the" Moreisburg and Maipne Islands. Mi’s. Priestley who has been a leader in Clinton for two years and has had much pre­ vious experience in Quebec, has been appointed to the interna­ tional staff; she will super­ vise the reception and hosting of guests from 12 nations. Karen and Martha, both guides of three* years’ standing, were chosen at a pre-heritage camp held last summer. The gathering provides an op­ portunity for bn international exchange of ideas between Guiders1. A staff of three hun­ dred' will include qualified in­ structors in many activities in­ cluding rug-hooking, totem pole carving, eskimo carving and .burlap-painting. ♦ -Mr - 1 ■ ■■ __W after the played in (Wednes- necessary Public Speakers Guests at Lions Meeting Four students from Central Huron Secondary School gave their speeches in the Lions public speaking contest, at the regular meeting of Clinton Lions in St. Paul’s Parish Hall, Tuesday evening. The speeches were judged and priz­ es given by the Lions. From the left, Karen MaoLean, third place; Wayne G|or- nail, second; Linda Greenaway, first prize winner, being congratulated by J. Ross Middleton of the Lions Education Committee who MC’d the public speaking program, and, Gwen Hendrick who placed fourth. -y (News-Record Photo) LindaGreenaway Top Speaker (Continued from page One) Fred Sipman, Squadron Leader Perrier and Mayor Don and Mrs. Symons. 1 The 25 .draw prizes were won by the following ladies: Mrs. Joe Murphy, Mrs. Ted. Davies, Mrs. jtoihn La vis, Mrs, K. R. Greenaway, Mrs7 Stew­ art Middleton, Mrs. Royce Mac­ aulay, Mrs. Arthur Aiken, Mrs.’ I-Iarpld Bondy, Mrs, H. Q. Law- sqp, Mrs. Ji Ross Middleton, Mrs, R. U. MacLean, .Mrs, M. Corrie, Mrs. John Livermore, Mi’s,. Olive Ball, Mrs, E, B. Mehries, Mrs. Harvey,Johnston, Mrs, Paul Aggerholm, Mrs. William McArthur, Mrs.. Jack Scruton, Mrs. Fred Slomun, Miss G. Hendrick, Mi's. Stew­ art Taylor, Mrs. Duff Thomp­ son, Mrs. George Lavis, Mrs, Doug Miles. z pTTCQ Where Th. Action Is ’iB-sfl'«»■ r^!PS-flf N//»v Tivvln. Arntinn . The ♦ i Is . COMING EVENTS .(Continued from page one) is the belief of the men who took part in the greatest single battle that . our. country has ever fought.” • ' Tom, who ’was-with the 58th Canadian Infantry Battalion “somewhere in France”, noted that-the‘morning’s heavy snow­ fall was of some help to. the soldiers at Vimy Ridge. Have in h?md our copy of the Red' and Blue Review from the press at Central Huron' -Second­ ary School where it is" publish­ ed. . ■ • Cover bears a striking sketch Off the lovely Miss Gloria Brest who was chosen school queen earlier this. year. , . . We were impressed, too, with the content of the paper, mostly because other high school publi­ cations we’ve noticed are pages and pages of jokes and sly digs at' the teaching staff. Not so with, the Red and Blue Review. It contains a variety of thought ' provoking articles, mostly writ­ ten by the • students, including some mighty fine poetry of a kind that we particularly ap­ preciate. . One caught our eye by Tim Gavin which ’ started, “There are two letters of the alphabet . that follow one another; They are the initials of a lad taken from'his mother.” .... and ends, “The. end is coming, the date is near, though it's ob­ vious to see; That this young . man does not belong in • jail, but should be free.” ■‘ And this one by Karen Mac- Lean; 12 B: . WE , SHALL NOT KILL If in hope there is peace Then in peace, lies hope To make man forget To make him cope With that which' sends, mind, and yet— Turmoil reigns not least. ' II HR F v. Friday evening, April 14, the Student’s Council is featuring a dance. The music is supplied by “The Volcanoes'1 from Samia. They are juM about the top band around -and yeu should not miss this dance. The time is from 8:30 to 11:4^ o'clock, Dress is tie fol’ boyS and dress for girls. Every­ one tome on out, even if you can’t dance. You shouldn’t miss this band- * IP * The Students' Council has taken over the job of canvass- •ing for the -Cancer Society as the community project ' for CHSS. . ’ There will be an assembly concerning the canvassing Qin Friday, April 14. The rural areas will be canvassed on the weekend, whiffle the town Will be done on Monday evening, April 17. .< They need all the canvassers they can get, Think about it carefully, and help this Society reach its goal of $19,000 for (By Twylft Al'nston Plante Mcl^inley) County, ♦ ' * ■ * ‘ Central Hunm Secondary School presents “186? And Ah' That” May 5 and 6, 1967 im CHSS Auditorium» Clinton at , S p.m, When you're ready to name the day , . . see the beautiful RAINBOW WEDDING LINE INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 56 Albert Street RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75. cents Thursday. April 13 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5,00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter . "L” and first, letter ”T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-tthe-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those' 3 games $57.00 in 57 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. ' u tfb • /Friday, April 14—Cash Bingo in Legion Hah, Seaforth, 8:15 p.m.. 15 regular games for $10; 3-$25 specials; —$75 jackpot to go. Sponsors, Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion. 15b .Friday, April 14 — Euchre party,. Summerhill Hah, 9 p.m. Ladies bring lundh, Sponsors Summehhill Hah Board. Every­ one welcome. _ 15p Friday, April 14 —- Spring Dance. Huron Fish and Game Club, members; guests welcome, lunch, Scott’s Orchestra. Ad­ mission $1.00 per person. Re­ stricted • 21. yrs. of age and over.' 15p Saturday, April 15 — Bake Sale, Clinton Council Chambers, 2:30 .p.m. Sponsors Order of Eastern Star. ‘ 11, 14, 15b Sat.. AprU 15 — Centennial Tea and Bake Slalie, Community Centre, Adastral Park, 2-4pm.,' admission 35c, sponsors WA, CFB Clinton. . 14-15'b Sat., April 15 — Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Murray (Butch) Tyndall (nee Mary McVeigh), Clinton Legion Hall. Music by Sans Souci Combo. (Lunch provided). 14p-15x Sat.. April 15—Variety Night, Auburn Community Hiah, 8:30 ^p.m., 2 1-act plays, Wialkerton and Clinton Junior Farmers, Seaforth girls’ trio. Dancing to follow. Everyone welcome. Ad­ mission $1.00; 14-15b . Monday, April 17 — Huron Historical Society meeting, Cen-. trai Huron" Secondary School cafeteria, 8 p.m. Speaker, Rev. Harold Snell, London. Display of antiques by Clinton Women’s Institute, Auld' Tyme Fiddlers in attendance. Lunch. 15b Tuesday, April 18 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $57.00 in 57 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Wed., April 19 — Euchre Party, Orange Hah, Clinton, 8:30 p.m. lunch and prizes pro-’ vided; Everyone welcome. Spon­ sored by LOBA. 15b Sat., Brlay 20 — School Re­ man, S.S. No. 10 Stanley, 1 p.m. Former teachers, pupffls and friends welcome, picnic supper 5 p.m. 15-19b, 20x Saturday, June 10 — School Reunion in S.S. 4 Tuckersmith, 2 p.m. Please notify classmates and teachers. 15b /—...... ■■■'■■ 1 ■ ......... Books on Canadiana (Continued from Page One) Mr. Edgar gave a pro­ gress report to council on the building and financing to date. He said the construction seems to be meeting With ap­ proval from the public; the ice-making equipment is1 on the site but not installed' yet; in fact nearly all building material is on-hand', he said. Mr. Edgar said if the same co-operation between contrac­ tor, biiilding committee and . council continues, the arena should be ready by' spring show day on June 3. As shown in another col­ umn, the total contributed to ■the Clinton and Dishict Com­ munity | Centre Centennial . fund' is just under $15,000. The committee turned over $13,000 to council last week. The finance committee has tad approximately $500 ex­ penses for receipts, postage has- not not ' But man’s mind will break, For in God there reigns' What Will save my land From death ev’n pain Nott Fate, not Faith;. ' might of hand—But Love. >1: ■ Sp sis . . Such a nice treat’early, Fri­ day morning . . . salt down at tfie' typewriter .... turned1 to glance out the window at the familiar sights. .... and found a. newly painted storefront there to greet tired eyes. Apparently Gingerich's had spruced up little in tame for their VIP sale last weekend, but that doesn’t matter. The fresh paint add's a bit of zip to Clinton’s main street, and for that we can all be happy. Like a good neighbour, the boss himself, Gerald Gingerich, crossed the street and invited the entire News-Rgcotd staff for • donuts and coffee* Warm gesture we thought,oh a cool, snowy, wet day. Murray E. Tyndall., ‘ 66, Brucefield, died Saturday, April 8 'in Seaforth Community Hos­ pital. • Born and educated in Tucker­ smith Township, he was the son of the late Henry Tynda'll, and Agnes Murray. He Was a grad­ uate of Seaforth Collegiate, In­ stitute. ‘ In his early life Mr. Tyndall was a carpenter and a- fariner/ He became well known as;-a propagational gladiolus ;hoirti- culturlist. . ' . ' ’ ' In 1934 he married Margaret Bfown, who survives, him. Al­ so surviving -are one sister, Mrs/ Clifford- (Violet) Broad­ foot, Seaforth; and two bro­ thers, Robert W., Tuckersmith Township, and.- Neil E., Sud­ bury. Mr. Tyndall was a member of Brucefield * United Church and of the Seaforth Highland­ ers’ Band. , Funeral was held Tuesday, April 11 from the R. S. Box funeral home, Seaforth, with Rev. E. D. Stuart of Bruce­ field United Church officiating. Burial was’ in Baird’s. Ceme­ tery, Stanley Township. > The co-ordinator is at his ~ and promotion supplies, office Huron Co-operative Medical Services- every' Monday and Thursday even­ ing from 7 to 9 o’clock to answer canvass inquiries.. ■ After Mr. Edgar’s report to council, Mayor Don Sy- ^mons said, ’“Personally I am .quite happy on the progress of our'major Centennial pro­ ject.” He wa.s quite compli- , mentary of Mr.” Edgar’s un­ tiring ■ efforts. Mr. Edgar is also the chairman of the ■ funds campaign canvass of the Huron County Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society during the month of April. “Godericih Township per­ sons have contributed- excep­ tionally well,” said finance chairman Edgar. He hoped 'thiat more clubs and •groups were contemplat­ ing events to raise money for the new arena. Mr. Edgar said hiis commit­ tee is in dire need of can­ vassal’s; less than half the ■town ' has ' been canvassed. Any person, who would like a feu-' names to canvass should get in touch with. Mr. Edgar (482-3892) or Ted Mc­ Cullough, 'the canvass co-or­ dinator at 482-9751 daytime or-<482-7318 evenings. •'• ■ Pioneer Days in Upper Canada Incredible War of 1812........ Rideau Waterway ........... ...... Bruce Beckons ........................... Life and Times of Confederation paper bound .... ............. $1.95 $2.50 $1.95 $2.25 PROCLAMATION TOWN <OF CLINTON $2.95 Records STEREO RECORDS — by Al Hirt. Ed Kenney, Eddie Fisher. Special Price .................... ...... Rusty Warren Records ............... Westerns, Folk Songs* Hit Songs, Polkas, etc. 'M $2.49 $5.29 $ 1.98 M cE wan’s Foi’ the fiiinsit time in ap­ proximately seven years, telei- com munication training for .air­ women has .been re-introduced at No. 1 Radar & Communica­ tions School, Canadian Forces Base Clinton. Following the announcement madia, last fall, from Canadian Forces Headquarters that the recruiting of women personnel into the Canadian (Continued from page one) Gqrald Cantelon .......... C? J. Livermore ......... . Q/C K. R. Greenaway .... ■.Lome Brown Motors Ltd......................... .......... Brownie’s Drive-In Ltd... Mrs. Melba Whetham .... Karl S'kov ........ /Harold Gibbings .......... Mbs. D. McKibbon ...... Bert Clifford ............ Anonymous ..............,...... Paul Grunewald .....;/... Robert Grunewald ....... Harold Crittenden ........ John Wise .................... Mrs. Thelma Garrow Ontario St. Church Shuf­ fleboard Club .............. Hank Westerhout ........ .Robert Glen ................... Amsii'ng Variety Store Kingswell. Welding .......- 1.00 50.00 30.00 In accordance With a re­ solution adopted by Clinton Town CoUpci! and the usual custom;,, I hereby proclaim that: DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Will be in effect at 2 a.m ■ Cancer is the name given to an uncontrolled growth of body calls. Cancer can be beaten; ft' should not be feared, Often the' growth can be completely '^top­ ped but it must be discovered early. Help to beat cancer by guarding your health and send­ ing a cheque to the Canadian Cancer Society. Wm/lDHiling Next yearls television pro­ grams on the three American and two Canadian networks have been selected and whether they live or die will depend upon you. Here’s a partial list and de­ scription of some of the shows you will be viewing: “Cowboy in Africa” —■ Chuck Connors stars as a World Champion modern-day cowboy who takes on <a role similar in adventure to that of his wild West predecessors. He rides herd on a new frontier, “Kenya”, but his livestock are the animals of Africa, rather ■than the beef Of the panhandle. “Garrison’s Gorillas” — a different kind of soldier fights a "different kind of war. Ron Harper stars as Lt. Craig Gar­ rison, leader of the boldest yet most undisciplined guerilla force <in the army. “N.Y.P.D." — The Nelw York City Police Force — acknow­ ledged to have the toughest law enforcement job in the world— becomes the basis for this real­ istic series starring Jack War­ den, Frank Converse and Rob-, ert Hooks. “The Flying Nun” — Sister Bertrille is the most versatile young nun at Convent Tanco in San. Juan. She can fix cars, give haircuts, organize fiestas — even play gin to attract souls to Sunday Mass. She also flies. Sally Fields, who brought a special warmth to television conveying the fun and foibles of a teenager'- named “Gidget” in 1965, ' now brings that same warmth to the character of this marvelous free-flying nun.. BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 7:30 First Show’at 8:00 GALA REOPENING FRIDAY, APRIL 14 Open Fri. and Sat. Only ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON AND ALL THAT! z EXTRA U SEED? I! MAKE IT HAUGH BROS. Brucefield 527-0927 DON LOBB RR 2, Clinton 482-7167 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY K AT ■ CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED Life Insurance to $2,000 — Current Dividend 5% ON, SAVINGS No Service Charges — Free Cheques ON DEPOSIT (Chequing) ACCOUNTS 70 Ontario Street — 482-3467 Armed Forces would be stepped up cwsiderably, CFB Clinton was seileoted to provide a basic course of training for airwomen accepted as Teletype Operators on .entering the service. . The hew course commenced last' week with the arrival of 16 airwomen from CFB Corn­ wallis where they received their basic training. Their training schedule will consist- of 12 weeks of inten­ sive training during which time they will be taught how to op­ erate several variations of tele­ type equipment used through­ out the Canadian Armed Forces. On graduation, members of the course will be 'posted to the wnibus component squadrons of the new Canadian Armed Forces Communications System. Course d'irector for the new Teletype Operator Course is Flying Officer M R. Kromrey, a member of thie Applied Training Staff at No. 1 Rader & Communications Flight Lieutenant L. S. Bene- vides, who is an Training Man­ agement Staff at R&CS, is1 the Base. Administration Officer .for Women Personhel at the Clin­ ton base.- -----------o----------- Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results v, /■ ACADEMY AWARDS 250.00 250.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 50.00 5.00 10.00 10:00 5.00 25.00 < 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 200.00 4 School. f at LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED You too can win an Oscar. Buy one oFthese top product vehicles. You'll have the best in perform­ ance. Your award will be the most for the money, at the best possible price. ROUCHnTOUCH FRIDAY, APRIL 14 ONLY — DOUBLE FEATURE — DR. GOLDFOOT & BIKINI MACHINE Vincent Price, Frankie Avalon Dwayne Hickman COLOR' SHOWN AT 9:45 ONLY PLUS FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD Nick Adams SHOWN AT 8:00 P.M. ONLY -ully Equipped. These nave had one local owner.) COMF. SEE OUR LARGEST SELECTION OF Work Boots \ and Work Oxfords New—Styles and Patterns . “Upper Leathers —Sole Materials —Comfort and And revert to Standard Time at 2 a.m. on Sunday, October 29; And call upon all citizens to observe this proclama­ tion. Safety Boots Too Hicuts for every job in a wide. range choose from. Made By Greb Sismari Kaufman Hydro Gorilla to SAT., APRIL 15 ONLY — DOUBLE FEATURE — CAR RACING ACTION REDLINE 7000 James Caan, Gall Hire SHOWN AT 9:45 ONLY COLOR (Adult Entertainment) PLUS THE U.N.C.L.E. MEN IN "SPY WITH MY FACE" Robert Vaughn, David Mc­ Callum, Senta Berger COLOR (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN AT 8:00 P.M. ONLY 1 63 Pontiac Parisienne 4-Dr. H.T. 8 cyl., Automatic, Power Steering, Rower Brakes, Radio. 64 Chev. Impala Convertible Fully equipped for fun in the sun. 63 Ford Fairlane Sedan 6 cyl. with Std. Trans. Lovely family car. 62 Chev. Bel Air Sedan Very good condition. 62 Pontiac Sedan Guaranteed to satisfy. 65 Chevy II Station Wagon An ideal vehicle for summer pleasure. 61 Xorvair 2 Door Priced to go! And of course we've several others. Come in and look aiound* 4 - GOOD USED PICKUPS - 4 BUY TODAY I I DON SYMONS, Mayor, Town af Clinton.4 AIKEN’S FOOTWEAR -— CLOTHING 482-9352 COMING NEXT FRIDAY "WHEN THE BOYS MEET THE GIRLS" Connie Francl# . "SON OF A GUNFIGHTER" Top selection of New Cars and Pickups in the Chevrolet line. Try u« today for a Birthday buy. Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealer 482-9321 CLINTON Open each evening until 9 for you# convenience