HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-04-13, Page 51 IFrom My Window . • J ....................................... My Ideal No Matter What By SHIRLEY KELLER I just can't, believe that it finely caught him; The American draft board such a long time has sought-Shim. They've pinned my man d'own to a definite day, The last Fiaday in April they’ll ship him away To a strange, lonesome outpost, we know,not just where, In plain simple khaki he’ll waste himself there. I know I've a husband, and that I’m a wlife But Caissius Clay’s the ptoer man ip my life. I’ve tried not to ishow lit,' I've bidden ft well; . . The first time I heard him, I faltered and fell.. He spoke of a kingdom iijtat soon would fee- has, ‘h Then fought his way to it and a lifetime of bliss. , Each time toy Mohemmed prepares, for a match He’s tougher and stronger and harder to catch. Skime pay he’s a 'braggart, all mouth and no fist;. I wish they’d explain why he’s tops on the list <Df fighters, the world over, who’ye fought ’him and. lost him. £>h( what a stint to toe army will cost him. Opponents', like fight ’fans, are hard to convince There’s none finer than Cassius, before him or since. He’S handsome, it’s true; he’s accused of sheer madness: But hiis ability to fight turns dismay, into, gladness. He’s smooth and he’s agile; he moves like a cat — There’s no higher tribute to a boxer than that. I suppose toere'u be those who will question and doubt His. reason expressed for scheduling a bout , With hard-headed Patterson this month in Nevada; Though he says it’s a toowdown and not ’cause he hadda Fair Ali is just, he desires honest title — . If anything proves at, this one final fight will. Now Patterson's ready, he’s said so himself.... His sore back is gone and he’s down from the shelf. He’s beaten McMurray;'he’s ready for Clay; It’s a nroment of reckoning he hopes for that day. ' Though Ali has beat him, and will do so again Folks want Ali to prove -that he's willing and sane. I know he’s not crazy; I’m sure he’s all there, But because he acts different, people point and they stare. It isn’t a fight champ in a ring that they want.... But a patsy, a pushover, a patriot to 4aunt. Iri a country where men are supposed to fee free Clay’s, ridiculous because he’s unlike you and me. He'll answer his draft aall and do as he's bid, Clay’s not the first who wouldn’t and did. ' He’ll train and hie,’ll march if that’s what it takes . To make an American; to be apart from toe fakes. In robes, or. iri fight trunks,' or in army fatigues — ‘ He’s toe one, (he's the'only, toe star in my league. Thurs., April 13x 1967—Clinton News-Record—Page 5 'S Huron Centennial Youth Choir Practises Every Sunday formance in Clinton is at Wesley-Willis Church on Sunday evening, April 23.at 7:30 o’clock. .The choir has ordered Maple' Leaf tartan blazers and are ap­ pealing to Huron County residents to turn out to their performances to help pay for the blazers. (News-Record Photo) This photo was taken Sunday afternoon in Wesley-Wiliis United Church while director George Cull was practising the Huron Centennial Youth Choir. Although the choir has 60 voices now, direct tor Cull could use ,a few more. The choir’s next per- , UCW Convenes The April meeting of the United Church Women Was held last -Thursday evening with an attendance of 28, President Mrs. Mervyn Hay- ter opened the meeting and Group One had charge of de- . votions with Mrs. Tom Consitt ' leading, assisted'by Mrs.’ Ernest McClincihey, Mrs. Wm. Taylor : and Mrs. Louis Taylor. Mrs. Robert Taylor read a poem. • Mrs. Wm. McAsh took toe study book, “The Church grows : in" Canada”. An interesting letter was read . from Rev. Howard Gibson of the • United Church mission, Portage La Prairie'; thanking toe society, for clothing sent to the’missioh. Two life membership pins; and certificates were presented to Mrs. Ed Foster and Mrs, Louis Taylor. Mrs;. Lee McConnell read toe. address and Mrs. Wm. Clarke mdde the presentation io Mrs. Foster. Mrs." Chas. Ridid read the address and Mrs. Wm. Taylor made., the presentation to Mrs. Taylor. ' During the past month the ladies have redecorated the basement of toe church, held a plastic-ware party, and con­ ducted a booth at Lee McCon-. nellk sale! They also made 55 palls to sick and ishutJins. loirs’. Tom Consitt closed the. rnepljng’wlfh ppa^gr an.d Grpup' ^ly^d lunch. The sixth meeting of the Foreign femmes took'place last Tuesday at’ the febrile pPMri. Allan “IJsW? n Nine members were piresent and answered toe rpll call >vith “one thing J alt^ady ‘ knov^ about Scandinavia 'pF’Etnlhrid’-’. The discussion' ’"wais based on Northern Europe1 arid ^anadiari made, cheese. Marjo^Te’ Hayter demons|.nat- ed how aio malte cabbage5 rolls and Joyce Dptyspn and Darlene Hayter made’rfetife'arb soup.- Red Cross Upcoming The 'annual meeting of toe Varna Red Cross Society will be (held ife tfee Prarige'jlall oh Monda^. April] 17* dt 8 p.m. There has 'bben JiittTb interest taken -in thia society for the past 'spVerhT ybarg ' so if this community’ Wis|ie& to continiief tHe Orange ° Hail oh k’iiriii 17* dt ‘ 8 p.m. I _______FRED McCLYMONT Phone 482-3214 the residents should come this meeting. Churches Crowded Large congregations 'at Varna and Goshen United Churches were present last Sund'ay morn­ ing when the Kairos Group of London Conference1 had full charge of thie- -services. This group has been holding services throughout the Londbn Confer­ ence during tine' past year. Bob Herrington of St. Thom--. as led toe service. Miss Mary Henderson of Windsor was toe organist and Miss Douglas, Stratford was song leader. The dramatized sermon “How Many Roads’’ was led 'by Ken Scott of Blyth with 'all members taking part. It was' very im­ pressive and was appreciated by members of toe congregation. President, Miss Karen Quance of Woodstock, thanked toe con­ gregation for toe invitation to came to Varna and Goshen. After toe services, the ladies of Goshen and Varna served dinner to about ,30 members of the group. . ’ Personals The sacrament of toe Lord’s .Supper and a (baptismal service will be held next' Sunday morn­ ing in the United Church. Lee McConnell held a suc­ cessful auction sale last week. —----------(j------------ Kinette |)an£e n . ton a’*, **•■ .■ w to The Clinton Kinette Club mgt,6at toe ’home of Mrs. Doug j^opman' ’ ° jn' ’ Holmesville oft ^ttCjsday, April 11 < An invitatto-ij was extended’to Attend the May lsl 61004' ‘^Onpr riliinic at Cen- tral Huron Secondary School. Platts were 'made to enter­ tain ■t'fefe Kip^mbn at the hom| of Mr. 'and’'Jifrs. Larry Jones on Batur4ay,? April 29. Enter­ tainment Js* t6 ’be provided by W.^anJ Mrs' 'Earl 'Bowles and thfeirteam! of' stjuaro ’ dancing instructors, « ’ meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. .Cam Addison on April M. ' 1 Use Classified Ads. GINGERICH SALES and SERVICE THANKS EVERYONE ATTENDING THEIR V.I.P. SALE WINNERS OF POLE LAMPS WERE: Mrs, Russel Beritley, Clinton and Mrs. Murray Adams, RR 1, Londesboro. GINGERICH SALES and SERVICE 57 ALBERT ST. RHONE 482-9634 - ■ -------- ----------- -------—------------ - ■■■b Finishes fourth Quilt of Year The home of Mrs. Rbito Miller was toe meeting place of toe ' St. James (Middleton) Women’s Auxiliaiy for toeit Thankoffering meeting on April 5. The rector, Rev. E, J- B. Har­ rison, two guests and fl mem­ ber? were present and mem­ bers answered toe roll call with the flower of their birth month. In fitting conjunction with this Mrs. John Gri'gg rea,d an ‘inter­ esting poem on toe flower and jewel of each month. The ladies spent the early part of toe afternoon quilting toe fourth and final lovely junior bed quilt, a project, of the .Dorcas committee for the year. The president expressed a sincere thanks to the volunteer workers and .all members who helped in any way at the recent successful card party held in Easter week: In the absence of the social service ' secretary, Mrs. J. Storey, the. president, recorded the hospital, shut-in, and neigh­ bourly visits made during the month. She also, reported that there had been a delay in re­ ceiving the names of pen pal patients from Ontario Hospital, Goderich, as Mrs. Redmond, toe lady in charge of 'this had been ill in hospital but would be at­ tending to this task soon. An 'invitation to the Holmes­ ville UCW Thankoiffeiring was' received and accepted. Notice was given of the • Eightieth Annual Meeting Hur­ on ' Diocesan Board Women's Auxiliary ,to be held April-25 and 26 in St, Paul’s Oathedirial, London. After some discussion it was decided to have toe usual an­ nual plant sale at toe May f •• K ■■ •• • •J 1 meeting. A. short but informative arti­ cle was; read about the many wonderful and different ways the United Thanlcpfferirig Fund is used, Following .this the per­ sonal thankoffering of each pne present was received. This will be sent as a joint thankoffering from St, James' WA and offer­ ed at the Annual Diocesan meeting in London. Attention .was drawn to the fact that the ehuroh■ interior was being'"redecorated at pre­ sent and that when it is com­ pleted all ladies who 'are able and willing may assist this month's custodian, - Mrs. Jack Smith, in housecleaning the church. The leader of the worship service was Mrs. A. Dptot as­ sisted by Mrs. Jack Cole with everyone joining in a'wm and inspiring missionary litany end­ ing with ••the Primates -Prayer for Anglican World Mission. Rev. E. J. B. Harrison closed the meeting with prayers. Tea (hostesses Mrs. J. and Mrs. E.1 Wise served cables. f Use Classified Ads AND THE ONTARIO LOAN AMD DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $9,000,000 "Secret Agent Fireball" RICHARD HARRISON Color Miclescope Gorgeous Gals — Nerve and Lethal Weapons Thunder Alley" Color Panavision ANNETTE FUNICELLO FABIAN Their God is Speed . . . , Their Pleasure An “Anytime” Gal . . . The April meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Royal Can­ adian Legion was held on April 10 with Mrs. Don McLean pre­ siding. A donation of $ 150 was made to Clinton' Community Centre fund; $100 was transferred to the Legion treasury and $5 was donated to Canadian Red Cross. 'Plans were mad'e to enter a float in the Huron Central Ag­ ricultural Society Spring Fair on June 3. < A penny sale Will be held at the May meeting. Mirs. A. Hog­ gart won the attendance draw of. $5. It was decided to raise the rent of the kitchen to $15 with the use of the dishes. An appropriate poem "Spring Cleaning” read by Mrs. Arthur Groves opened the April meet­ ing of Unit' 2 Ontario Street UCW. The theme of the devotions was' “The Field in the World” and was taken by Mrs. H. Managhan and Mrs; G. Glazier. Mrs. Brock Olde gave a very informative report on the meet­ ings of the London Conference held in Woodstock, A film “There was a Bear in toe Road” which describes early life in Canada and toe bringing of the gospel to the country was shown. Miss Barbara Symons entertained ’with a piano selection. During the social time Mrs R. Connell, Mrs. J. B. Lavis, Mrs. E. Snell and Miss H. Cour­ tice served lunch. ——;----_<>k----------. Huronview Auxiliary The Huronvievv Ladies Aux­ iliary will ’ meet' on Monday, April 17 at 2:30 p.m. in toe Arts arid ^af|s'< Robm. —‘..T: ol—------- , , Classified Ads. RHftsr 9yif|c Results ..- ‘ - 1 . .......' ......- - Hinton The Mover Ltd. London -•* Windsor UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Affiliated with Neeley's of r V— t V. V Clinton Every Town Represented in Centennial Choir Huron Centennial Youth Choir has drawn singers from every town in the county. Shown above are; seated, left to right, Kathy Cann, Exeter; Becky Howse, Clinton and Peg Fry, Seaforth; standing, left to right, Robbie Kay, Clinton; Bruce Lamb, Goderich; May Sills, Seaforth; Pete Callan, Wingham; Lyn Argyle, -Goderich and George Jardine, Wingham. (News-Record, Photo) The annual meeting of St. Joseph’s Council, Catholic Wo­ men’s League, was opened by the president, Mrs. C. A. Trott, Mrs. Art Rasmuson gave the secretary’s report and Mrs.- Dave Middleton presented the financial report for the past year. The following conveners gave their reports: Mrs. Pat Mjc- One Day Session Qf Counly Council The April Session of Huron Couhty Council will be held on Thursday, April ?0tjh with the main topic on the agenda being the budget tea* 1967. lt is an­ ticipated' there will be a Might increase in”the County' mill rate this year.” pther item? on the aggneja Will include ym^iqus . ^mjriitjee reports^ ‘and in, the afternofpn there' will 'be' an address by Kirs. J.’ If; McHale,‘'Gorisultaht on Aging, speaking'bft 'Com­ munity' Health’' Services for the elderly. ■A •s Agents for United Van Lines 58 MARY ST. — CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone 482-9779 ■?’ Branch Manager: Al Harvie iV l' ' III J I i'i IT I I li'l ■■■ SUNSET Drive-In Theatre THURS. - FRI. - SAT. APRIL 13-14-15 adult Entertainment w Mary and Martha UCW To Meet The Mary and kfartha Unit of Wesley-Wiilliis United Church UCW will meet on Tuesday, April 18 at 8 p.m. ait the home of Mrs. Benson Sutter, 172 Princess St. E. Roll call, a Bible verse with the word “Dominion”; topic, “How the Church came to East­ ern Canada” and slides of Can­ ada will be shown. Mesdames Nelson, Dales, Huggill and Wilson will be in charge of the program. Paid on 3, 4, 5 year debentures or 6% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures :l Mahon, spiritual; Mrs. George Carbert, education; Mrs. Arnold Dale, ’citizenship; Mrs. Clem Reynolds, social action; Mrs. Dave Kay, representative..to' the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary arid Mrs. Oscar Priestap, press con­ vener. Mrs. Joe Flynn reported 119 visits had been made in the past year and Miss Lucy Levy stent out 56 cards. Volunteers were obtained to canvass • for trie Ried Cross in May. A motion jy'as’passed to purchase two gym mats far St. Joseph's School at a total’ cost of $112. u’ a '■ Mrs. C. A., Trott urged the parents to come to the Parish Hall an April 12 at 8 p.m.to hear Sister Elaine. She is the religioufs^''coOil^int''’’for" the Director Father Kelly thank­ ed1 Mrs? C. A. Trott arid her'ex­ ecutive for their successful ef- forts and hard work in the past year. After an informative talk by the Director, toe meeting was adjourned and lunch was served by Mrs. Art Rasmuson and Mrs. Dave Middleton. -------------------o-----------------— 7 Next to accidents, cancer is toe greatest cause of dpath a- mong school cjiildren The re­ search work made possible by contributions to toe Aprtl Cam­ paign of the Canadian Cancer Society is unebyeririg toe faqfs about cancer. Every donation is vital. " ’ -— —o----------- The “cowboy" at the wheel loses money every time he painis stops or jack-rabbit starts^ The Canadian Highway Safety Council estimates those caper.-: chop from 5(P cents ’to '$1'50 worth of rubber off his tires. DUMP ^1 be open on until further notice* By-law No. 14,1960 controls the obstructing, encumber­ ing, injuring or fouling Of highways /and or bridges within the Tbwfisihip of Goderich. Section 2 of thiis bV-law reads ids follows i “The -throwing,’placing or depositing of dipt, filth, glass, handbills, paper, or other rubbish or refuse or the carcass of any animal On any highway or bridge is hereby prohibited.” Bylaw NO. 8, 1964 controls the packaging arid disposal of waste paper Section 1 of this by-law reads as follows: “All waste paper and or paper products dumped or disposed of on the land maintained within the municipality as lan area •for dumping or disposing of (garbage, refuse, domestic or in­ dustrial waste Of any kind Shall ibe securely packaged, Wrap­ ped and tied in such a manner ids ito prevent the bioWing of the aforesaid papeb and or paper products about the aforesaid area and the abutting or adjoining lands.” Thbs'e two by-laws Will be enforced and anyone Caught violating either or both will be prosecuted. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerks ✓ u I I I I I I I U r Yes. I am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. Please tell me more abopt this system of saving. Mr./Mrs./Miss............................................................................................................. Address................................................................................................ Complete and mail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOiAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Or call: 432-4158 Settling C.I.L. FERTILIZERS—the quality fertilizer ' at competitive prices. SEED GRAIN — supplied from Alex M. Stewarts. HAY & PASTURE MIXTURES — supplier, Jones & MacNaughton Seeds ’'Ltd|. f SEED CORN e MASTER 4^0 SWIFT S FEEDS • GRAINS, MILL FEEDS, SOYA BEAN, OIL CAKE • REGISTERED FEEDS MANUFACTURED DAILY IN OUR OWN MILL • VETERINARY SUPPLIES • FENCING MATERIALS • CUSTOM CHOPPING, ROLLING and MIXING WE DELIVER — BAGS OR BULK H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL •' r »»• 35 MAftY STI15ET—^LINTON—1PH0N6 453-9792 .1’ i ....... I II ' II. 'I........- I . ■■ ,1.1 u I', Il I, II I T, i I I /